LOL: Well that didn't last long over at U-Tube, aka the Digital Memory Hole.
But not to worry, you can watch the video here at Off Guardian (which if you had wondered is NOT sponsored by that formerly somewhat left-wing newspaper, but now odious globalist rag the Guardian.
But not to worry, you can watch the video here at Off Guardian (which if you had wondered is NOT sponsored by that formerly somewhat left-wing newspaper, but now odious globalist rag the Guardian.
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Source: The Spectator |
Epoch Times:
China Had COVID-Like Patients Months Before Official TimelinePaul Joseph Watson"
Lockdowns killing more people than
C.J. Hopkins:
Sci Am.
Lab-Made ‘Miniproteins’ Could Block the Coronavirus from Infecting CellsZero Hedge:
WHO Flip-Flops: Urges World Leaders To Stop Using Lockdowns To Fight COVID ContagionMises Inst:
The Second Act Will Be Worse Than the First: Lockdowns Are Not the AnswerBMJ:
Effect of school closures on mortality from coronavirus disease 2019: old and new predictionsAt 1.05 million deaths over the past nine or ten months, the coronavirus appears to be a problem along the lines of, for example, traffic accidents, which cause 1.35 million deaths per year, or tuberculosis, which results in 1.5 million deaths annually |
Daily Mail:
University Students Returning to School Across Britain Rev Up Covid Infections MassivelyHow Young Brits Do Social Distancing and Here
UnHerd:WHO (Accidentally) Confirms Covid is No More Dangerous Than Flu
Coronavirus lockdowns 'may kill MORE than herd immunity strategy does': Strict restrictions and school closures could increase deaths as Covid bounces back, major study findsRegulator Watch:
German Official Leaks Report Denouncing Corona as ‘A Global False Alarm’Off Guardian:
ANOTHER 10 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus PanicZero Hedge:
COVID-19 Is 'Unrestricted Bioweapon': Whistleblower Releases Second Paper Alleging 'Large-Scale, Organized Scientific Fraud'
You may be interested to look at this:
Another indication of what's going on I can relate from personal experience: bottlenecks in supply chains.
I used to donate blood to the blood bank as often as I could. Finally, I became anemic and had to stop for awhile. After I came back, I was disenchanted because the blood I donated didn't go to patients, it went to a study of the Zika virus. (In the current situation, this is remarkable, don't you think? It was partially because of the Zika hype I had already built up an immunity to virus hype when Covid hype flared up.) I didn't understand why or how the decision was made to participate in the Zika study and felt that if my blood could be spared for such a study maybe I wasn't participating in an activity vitally necessary to the people of Alaska. Finally, whistle blowers within the blood bank tried to sound the alarm that Alaskan blood was being sold to the highest bidder, often out of state, whether Alaskan blood supply was sufficient or not. I watched as carefully as I could (and this, in our present state of opacity, is nearly always dissatisfying) and concluded the management was indeed party to dirty deeds. I stopped donating altogether. This was several years ago.
I heard nothing from the blood bank for years. I stopped by one time late last winter to see how things were going and possibly to donate on a walk-in basis. I found out that due to the pandemic they weren't accepting walk-in donations any more. They were also practicing social distancing which meant every other chair had to be vacant. Both of these I knew would result in a reduction of donated blood.
Now in the last week or two I have received telephone calls from the blood bank, both from the local office and the headquarters in Anchorage, telling of acute blood shortages. They request I come in to donate. I probably will.
(People die from blood loss.These may be preventable deaths.)
Anyway, I hope the personal anecdotes don't bore you. For my part, I love hearing from others. Sharing such anecdotes, I believe, is the only way we'll get an accurate picture of our predicament. And yeah, I call what's been done a crime against humanity...It's murderous.
The pristine form of the great Barrington declaration has returned to the top of the Google search, but this appears to have been due to changes someone has made in the last five hours. (10:57 a.m AKST, one hour behind PST). Directly beneath it is the type of contaminated form of the declaration mentioned in the Zero Hedge link.
ReplyDeleteI'm more and more convinced I was right-- Google is a tool of the U.S. intelligence community.
I'm also growing a little more convinced I am right about Bill Gates and the others being fronts or puppets, pampered puppets, run by the same intelligence community.
I admire the lawyer. I don't mean to be negative, but the elites are crossing the Rubicon and that means they are going to have to go full out from now on or die. Get ripped limb from limb, which is precisely the fate I predict for Bill Gates should this scheme fail. (What kind of total moron allows his face to be the one publicly attached to such business and bad news?)
ReplyDeleteIt depends where they are in the Rubicon at this moment. This encouraging rising voice of dissent and dissatisfaction can be stomped out in an instant without any accountability or counteraction or general understanding of what happened and why. I mean, it comes down to whether the elites are as intelligent as Adolph Hitler was when he reached this point in his own Rubicon crossing. He took out everyone and anyone who might effectively oppose him so swiftly it was blinding. The brutality of it, at this point of the crossing, is beside the point. Of course it was brutal. But it was also absolutely necessary if Hitler and his Nazis were not to be victims of the same brutality.
This isn't an endorsement of Hitler, Nazis, or brutality. It's an honest and earnest speculation about what's going to happen next. Either dissent gets crushed so thoroughly and so horribly, or indeed the tides will turn. I really think so.
someone over on is arguing for a nationwide mask rule, "enforced with heavy punishment." I guess they mean like North Korea: everyone in public without a mask to be shot on the spot.
DeleteStill that would mean shooting and aweful lot of kids.
R nought in Britain was down to something 1.5 or less in late summer. However, the return to school has driven that number way, way up.
Students returning to university, knowing that Covid won’t affect them worse than a bad cold, are doing what students always do at the beginning of the academic year, socializing in crowded pubs and meeting the opposite (mostly) sex as much as possible.
The result, a massive Covid outbreak. Thus, in Fallowfield, the student quarter of the city of Manchester — home to UMIST, Europe’s largest university — the Covid infection rate last week was 5%. Yep, one in twenty of the entire population, not just students, had not Covid antibodies, but a current disease infection.
Result: herd immunity coming soon to the university town near you. Vive la jeunesse de la nation.
Yeah thank god for them. I have felt a dreadful pang of anguish when I think of what has happened to their lives for no good reason. I always thought the idea was to leave a better world for the ones following. We knights of the round table must fight for that.
ReplyDeleteThere's no way they can simply admit they were wrong: "Oops!" They can't walk it back, either. It is too big. I don't understand the WHO reversal linked above. There are some countries already shooting people for not wearing masks...It is not outlandish to believe this treatment could spread. If I was them I wouldn't worry about the students, who are largely apolitical and powerless in their present level of apathy and disorganization. I would, if I was them, move to squelch anyone with the power to influence active resistance and a reversal of policy. I'd do whatever it took.
ReplyDeleteJust as we've never been able to completely dismiss the idea there's nothing going on at but Ron Unz being a crackpot, I can't completely dismiss the idea Bill Gates is a bungling boober who has stumbled into global kingship in much the same way Peter Sellers' character gained national stature in the movie Being There.
ReplyDeleteWe all stood by, observing, as if in a dream, while he bobbled to the very top. And now, at the very top, he may bobble all the way back down again, spectacularly, to the bottom of the ocean.
I just cannot for the life of me believe that, though. What's more, even if this were all by accident, there would be many, many wolves in the woods, circling and readying to take advantage of this situation that has been set up for the ones big and bad enough to take it over. Look at the stakes here. I've seen the knives drawn for what is compared to this mere peanuts or even peanut shell dust.
What do you think?
This is all really happening. We're not in a dream. We did get shut down FOR MORE THAN SIX MONTHS and our civil liberties severely damaged if not destroyed in the process. "This can't be happening"-- oh yes it can. It did.
Yes, its a possibility not to be ignored that the globalists are mostly incompetent fantasists. Prince Charles, surely, for one.
DeleteStill Gates is important, if only as a source of massive funding for anti-democratic dirty work, e.g., the foundation he created of which the Jeffry Epstein was the beneficiary. Was Gates paying blackmail, or was he enabling Epstein to fund criminal academics engaged in developing technologies for social control?
In general the globalist leaders are an odd and unattractive bunch. Is that why they are intent on tyranny, as payback for the world's natural revulsion toward them?
We can't tell who is running who. Epstein is out of the picture now. Maybe that means Gates was running Epstein, maybe not. If I was in Gates's shoes, I'd be looking to find out how I could do an Adolph..That's the only card left in the deck still to play.
DeleteThere's no way people follow the likes of Bezos, Gates, and Zuckerberg.
What they doodoo is this,
“The one leading thinker who understood and explained this critical fact was David Hume writing on the First Principles of Government in one of the first modern works of political theory over 250 years ago. His formulation was so clear and pertinent I’ll simply quote it. Hume found “[n]othing more surprising than to see the easiness with which the many are governed by the few and to observe the implicit submission with which men resigned their own sentiments and passions to those of their rulers. When we inquire by what means this wonder is brought about we shall find that as force is always on the side of the governed the governors have nothing to support them but opinion. It is therefore an opinion only that government is founded and this maxim extends to the most despotic and most military governments as well as to the most free and the most popular.”
from Noam Chomsky's deposition or whatever it was, in the extradition "trial" of Julian Assange, god bless Chomsky and Assange's souls. Taken from the Craig Murray link Unknown suggested a bit back.
“[n]othing more surprising than to see the easiness with which the many are governed by the few and to observe the implicit submission with which men resigned their own sentiments and passions to those of their rulers. When we inquire by what means this wonder is brought about we shall find that as force is always on the side of the governed the governors have nothing to support them but opinion."
DeleteBut I think if Hume were alive today, he would acknowledge that the guvernors have done a good job in reducing the opinions of the governed to their will. Hence, the multitude who in general share the Fascistic view of the Astute Observor [sic] over at
As for Epstein, presumably we will not seem him again, at least under his original identity. But surely with so many friends in high places (he was once an employee of the father of US Attorney General William Barr), his death was surely greatly exaggerated. More likely, don't you think, he was given a paralyzing drug then wheeled out of jail on a gurney, to be sent on his way to a safe haven pending plastic surgery and a return to work under another identity. Meantime Gislaine Maxwell, whose father recruited Epstein for the Mossad, was presumably taking care of Epstein's business as best she could until, for reasons unknown, she was detained by the US Government.
DeleteSorry if I comment too often.
ReplyDeleteBill Gates came to Fairbanks about sixteen or seventeen years ago. He wanted to go dog mushing, apparently.
There was a woman living here named Susan Butcher. You may have heard of her-- she became very famous. She wasn't the first woman to win the Iditarod sled dog race, the most famous dog race in the world, but she did win it.
She was also the daughter of a wealthy industrialist, so probably she and her family probably ran in some of the same circles as Bill Gates.
I intersected with her in that her daughter and mine attended the same charter school here in Fairbanks and are approximately the same age.
Anyway, it was kinda nice to see Bill would have sought such an experience. There's no way he is a monster, exactly.
The other thing was-- later Susan Butcher became very ill. She required medical treatment not available in Alaska and went to Seattle's hospital system which is superior. While in Seattle, she stayed with the Gates family and they cared for her. She ended up dying there. Their care for her remains very touching and moving for me.
"The result, a massive Covid outbreak. Thus, in Fallowfield, the student quarter of the city of Manchester — home to UMIST, Europe’s largest university — the Covid infection rate last week was 5%. Yep, one in twenty of the entire population, not just students, had not Covid antibodies, but a current disease infection."
ReplyDeleteThe problem, CS, is I don't know how to take this. First, we know these tests are very poorly suited to detecting the specific virus, even if they are properly administered, which they likely are not. Second, we don't know for sure herd immunity wasn't achieved a while back, or, as you've mentioned more than once, T-cell immunity didn't even have to be achieved anyway because it was already there. This corona virus isn't that different from other corona viruses exposed to the population in the past.
The students aren't scared because the students are sane, sound of mind and body. It will be terrific if this alone, through example, will be enough to lead the rest of the population back to sanity as well. It really is all it takes. (Thank goodness because the students are not informed, politically engaged, or meaning to lead a resistance.)
If you want to see some people arguing for strict enforcement of mask rules and so on, check out the comments section of the NY Times. There are people out there completely convinced people who don't wear masks are murderers and deserve punishment as such.
ReplyDeleteAlso, in terms of a big "Oops" or walking it back, not only would the "leaders" of the world have to find major embarrassment and shame acceptable, all these minions,rabid-at-the-mouth in sheer hatred of covid dissenters, would need to admit they'd been fooled. They'll never willingly do any such thing. They'd probably willingly go to forced labor camps before they'd do that.
Yes, I think that is correct. The blunders that have been made, assuming they are merely blunders, have been too great to admit. The destructive farce must continue.
DeleteAnd there is the financial angle. Actually, many financial angles. Covid has been the excuse for governments to debauch the currency, spend money like water without oversight (The Canadian Government blew a couple of hundred million setting up someone in Quebec just to make to make face masks), and to create the opportunity for billions in profits for vaccine makers.
Bill Gates, whatever his virtues, is surely still intent on mainlining nucleic acids into everyone on the face of the planet.