Friday, December 30, 2011

What won't happen in 2012, let's hope

By CanSpeccy

This is the time of year when some otherwise sensible people offer a prediction as to how the World's economy will unfold during the forthcoming year. Such forecasts are perfectly harmless and perfectly useless because the evolution of the economy depends on events that cannot be predicted with the requisite accuracy. 

Image source
For example, the Atlantic Island of La Palma, just off the northwest coast of Africa, periodically sheds a few trillion tons of congealed lava into the ocean setting off a tsunami of such destructiveness as to make the 2011 Japan tsunami look like a ripple on the surface of a puddle.

Such a wave, according to a BBC report  would be
...far bigger than anything ever witnessed in modern times. It will surge across the entire Atlantic in a matter of hours, engulfing the whole US east coast, sweeping away everything in its path up to 20km inland. Boston would be hit first, followed by New York, then all the way down the coast to Miami and the Caribbean.
So there go your New York mega banks and with them the global financial system.

Area of the US under ash after an eruption of the
Yellowstone mega-volcano.
And that's not all that Americans have to worry about.

There's Yellowstone, the World's largest volcano. If that blows, it's basically all over for the US economy -- half the country would be buried in ash. And that would mean collapse of the Chinese since they'd have no one to print the money to buy all their stuff.

China itself could be the source of economic disturbance no less catastrophic. A place where people and pigs, fish and poultry live in close proximity and in huge numbers, China is where a hitherto insignificant virus may at this moment be switching hosts to cause a global pandemic that rivals the black death in global reach, lethality and economic impact.

Plague victims, Martigues, France.
China, though, may not represent the greatest threat as a source of the next pandemic. Dutch scientists have just reverse engineered bird flu to make it spread through the air. Let loose it could wipe out most of the World's population, which would certainly mean a hit to global GDP.

"It only took a small number of mutations to change the avian flu virus," said one of the scientists concerned. 
We have discovered that this is indeed possible, and more easily than previously thought. In the laboratory, it was possible to change H5N1 into an aerosol-transmissible virus that can easily be rapidly spread through the air.
Oh, well done, chaps. The planet may be rid of this pesky creature Homo sapiens sooner than the most radical ecopolyptic environmentalist could hope.

But the chances of any of the above happening in 2012 is probably less than even, although a small to medium-sized nuclear war, starting in the Middle East seems far from improbable.  More likely, though, we'll get through with nothing much worse than the complete bankruptcy of half a dozen countries and the disappearance of most if not all of your pension and mine.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cool Climate Links

Steve McIntyre: How U. East Anglia handles a Freedom of Information Request

Roger Tattersall: Climate realism: Tallbloke style

R. Neukom et al.: The Southern Hemisphere medieval warm period
... mean summer temperatures between 900 and 1350 are mostly above the 1901–1995 climatology. After 1350, we reconstruct a sharp transition to colder conditions, which last until approximately 1700. The summers in the eighteenth century are relatively warm with a subsequent cold relapse peaking around 1850. In the twentieth century, summer temperatures reach conditions similar to earlier warm periods. The winter temperatures in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were mostly below the twentieth century average.
Tony Brown: The long, slow thaw?
A warming trend can be observed from 1659, the start date of Central England Temperature  (CET)- the oldest instrumental record in the world- to today.  It would be a notable coincidence if the warming started at the exact point that this record began. The purpose of this paper is to reconstruct CET from its current start point, through the use of diverse historical records, to 1538, in order to see if the commencement of this centuries long warming trend can be identified from within this time frame.

Figure 1 CET from 1659-in the style of Hadley 1772

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How the Liberal-Left Are Destroying Britain's National Identity

'The English are potentially very
aggressive, very violent" - Jack Straw

So this is what they've been doing for the past twelve years
".....replacing traditional pride with inherited guilt: all of this could be facilitated by a large influx of migrants whose presence in the population would require the wholesale deconstruction of the country's sense of its own identity."

"New Labour tide brought with it in the beginning: the contempt for history and the Year Zero arrogance with which they set about "modernising" the nation's institutions."

"But the subtext was always self-examination and personal guilt: the indigenous Briton must be trained (literally, by the education system) always to question the acceptability of his own attitudes, to cast doubt on his own motives, to condemn his own national identity and history, to accept the blame even for the misbehaviour of new migrants – whose conduct could only be a reflection of the unfortunate way they were treated by the host population."
- Green Arrow

Hidden agenda
When the Labour control freaks came to power twelve years ago they had a secret agenda to destroy British identity and national pride, with Englishness as public enemy number one.

At the time of their election victory, anyone who suggested that Labour were setting out on a deliberate campaign of nation-wrecking would have been regarded as a loony conspiracy theorist. But recently overwhelming evidence has emerged showing that this was their intention all along.

Politically motivated attempt to radically change the country
The first revelation of their hidden agenda came from Andrew Neather, a former government adviser
"The huge increases in migrants over the last decade were partly due to a politically motivated attempt by ministers to radically change the country and "rub the Right's nose in diversity", according to Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett.
He said Labour's relaxation of controls was a deliberate plan to "open up the UK to mass migration" but that ministers were nervous and reluctant to discuss such a move publicly for fear it would alienate its core working class vote." - Telegraph

Secret policy paper proposed a cultural jihad against Britishness
Then, confirmation came from the release of the full text of the draft policy paper composed in 2000 by a Home Office research unit – the gist of which had already been made public by a former Labour adviser – released under Freedom of Information rules. It is political dynamite.

Genocide of the English

By Paul Weston 

“A West which has not yet understood that whites, in a world become too small for its inhabitants, are now a minority and that the proliferation of other races dooms our race, my race, irretrievably to extinction in the century to come, if we hold fast to our present moral principles”

Jean Raspail, 1982, The Camp Of The Saints
It is understandable that the vast majority of the heavily propagandised English populace remain unaware of the continental shift in immigrant demographics and birth rates that will relegate the indigenous population of England under the age of 40 to ethnic minority status in their homeland within twenty years.

Understandable, admittedly, but if these recipients of a progressive education and 24/7 cradle-to-grave state-sponsored brainwashing could remove their liberal blinkers and gaze in horror at their surroundings through the eyes of their grandparents, then they could only have themselves to blame, because their dispossession was carried out in full view of those that would not see, and in retrospect how could there be any other outcome than gradual extinction when one considers exactly what out socialist rulers have carried out over the last few decades?

Almost Three-Quarters of Brits Consider Moving From Their Advanced Cultural Marxist Totalitarian Country


Reuters, May 10, 2010: Almost three-quarters of Britons have considered emigrating this year, with Australia as the most popular destination, according to a new survey.

The survey carried out by foreign exchange broker Currency UK found that 31 percent of respondents cited the poor state of the British economy as the reason for wanting to leave, while 23 percent blamed the lack of job prospects and 19 percent said they are worried about the outcome of last week's election.

"Our survey highlights that many Brits are concerned by the prospect of a hung Parliament and that the next four years will be dominated by huge tax rises, cuts in public service and inflation," Currency UK senior account manager Adrian Jacob said.

The numbers have dramatically risen compared to Currency UK's last survey on emigration in 2005, when only 25 percent of respondents said they had considered leaving Britain.

About one in 10 of the 1,029 people surveyed said that a change in the pace of life was the main reason they wanted to emigrate.

The survey also found that Canada was the next most popular destination after Australia, followed by the United States, New Zealand, Spain, France and Thailand.

(Reporting by Valle Aviles Pinedo, editing by Paul Casciato)

And What Is Racist About Objecting to the Genocide of Your Own People?

See any Brits, lately? (Image source)

"A woman accused of launching a vile racist rant on a tram is to spend Christmas behind bars after she was remanded in custody for her own safety" reported Britain's Daily Mail.

But it's not just an accusation, according to You-Tube:
Racist London Tram Lady 2011 - Emma West of New Addington in Croydon - CAUGHT ON CAMERA!!!

The BBC deploys the same smear, but they're tricky about it:
Racist tram rant accused Emma West remanded after court hearing
See, they included the word "accused" but you get the idea, she's gotta be a white racial supremacist.

Then that stinker Nick Griffin (is he not of the security services?), steps in to associate Emma West, in the public mind, with his own toxic effluvium.

The Metro conveys the smear, while avoiding the risk of a libel suit by the use of inverted commas: Woman, 34, charged over 'racist rant' on My Tram Experience video.

The openly racist organization, Operation Black Vote, resorts to the same despicable legally permissible smear with its story:

Show ‘Emma the racist’ compassion

LOL. The settler colonists have no compunction when it comes to screwing a native.

Which prompts reproduction of the following article.

Emma West. Truth or Racial Harassment?

Green Arrow, The British Resistance: So they tracked down the Tram Lady, 34 year old Emma West for daring to speak the truth and stand up for British People in a public place, arrested her and held her on remand until she appears in Court sometime today. Did she attack someone after the camera stopped selectively filming?

Monday, December 26, 2011

Globalist Lies About Offshoring Jobs

The globalist lies about the British job market

Robert Henderson

England Calling, November  19, 2011: One of the great lies of the modern liberal is that in developed countries such as Britain unskilled  and low skilled jobs are a rapidly shrinking commodity.  Daniel Knowles of the Daily Telegraph  was at it  on 17 November with Our greatest social problem: there are no jobs left for the dim (  He tried to explain  away Britain’s growing problem of youth unemployment by arguing that the less bright, less educated British youngsters of  today are unemployed because “Robots and Chinese people have taken over the sorts of jobs that 16 year olds could get without any qualifications straight out of school and work in for a lifetime.  The only jobs left for the under-educated, or often just the less academic, are in service industries: serving coffee, cleaning toilets, stacking shelves. These jobs are not the first rung on the ladder. There is no ladder; no one hopes to work in Pret a Manger for life.”

There are several interesting aspects of Knowles’ comment. First, he assumes that offshoring jobs to places like China is something which cannot be reversed and the practice carries no moral opprobrium.  Second, he makes the assumption that everyone wants a career rather than just a secure job which allows them to live independently. Third, he makes no mention of the role mass immigration has played in creating unemployment amongst the young, something which can only be explained by  Knowles being of the generation which has been brainwashed into pretending that the ill effects  of immigration do not exist.

Knowles’ ideas about the young could be as readily applied to British workers of all ages if one accepts his interpretation of  the state of the labour market.  He is right on the superficial detail that  less well-qualified Britons British workers are increasingly being left without unskilled and low-skilled work, but wrong in understanding of why this is and his implied assumption that Britain’s economic circumstances cannot be changed.

Read more

Emma West and the colonization of Britain

Alex Kurtagic
From the Occidental Observer
Only a racist could object. (Image)

With her four-letter words and direct syntax, Emma West has truly focused the Leftist mind, for one remarkable aspect of the reaction to her critique of government immigration policy in Britain is the sudden regurgitation, in concentrated form, of Leftist clichés in support of the status quo.

For those of us who enjoy analysing those clichés, this reaction has simplified our work, since we now need only to look at any one single source to find them all helpfully collated for our convenience.

It hardly seems worth bothering responding to some of the most common assertions. The idea that Britain has a ‘tradition’ of welcoming every imaginable race because the island was invaded at various times by White folk with differently coloured hair is simply not a matter for serious debate.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas

The Ilgachuz Range, left, and the Itcha Range, right, viewed from the West across a stretch of the Chilcotin Plateau, British Columbia, Canada. Most inhabitants of this region are First Nations people, members of the Tsilhqot'in and Dakelh peoples.

The so-named Ilgachuz Range is not a mountain range but rather a single, heavily-eroded extinct volcano formed about five million years ago. It is located in British Columbia, Canada, on the Chilcotin Plateau, 350 kilometres north-northwest of Vancouver and 30 km north of Anahim Lake.

The Itcha Range is the 2.5-million-year-old remnant of a 10-kilometer-diameter volcano that has been eroded by glaciers.

Image: The Bella Coola Blog

Scrooge (1951) with Alistair Sim

Paul Craig Roberts: The Greatest Gift for All


Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Economic Optimist: One American Still As Good As Ten Chinese

By CanSpeccy

Economics has been called the dismal science, but over at Carpe Diem, Professor Mark J. Perry's "Blog for Economics and Finance," it is the feelgood science. Whenever the markets slump I head over there for a dose of unrelenting economic and financial good cheer. Here, for example, are the topics of a recent handful of posts

The Magic and Miracle of the Marketplace. Yeah!
Mortgage Rates Fall to Fresh Historic Record Lows. Yeah!
Leading Economic Index Points to Ongoing Growth. Yeah!
US GDP tops pre-recession high. Yeah!
Jobless Claims Fall to Lowest Level Since Mid-2008. Yeah!

But here's the one I really like:

China Is Now World's No. 1 Manufacturer. Uh-oh!

Image Source

But don't worry. As the text is quick to explain, this reflects no great credit on the Chinese -- far from it:
China's manufacturing workforce is estimated to be around 100 million and could be as high as 120 million, compared to America's manufacturing employment of about 11.5 million. Therefore, China is producing roughly the same manufacturing output as the U.S. but Chinese worker productivity is so low it needs 9-10 workers for every one American factory worker.

Or, rather LOL.

For if Americans produced for themselves what the Chinese produce for them, for example, iPads, computers and car parts, those things would cost many times what they cost now.

In other words, Americans produce only what the Chinese don't, e.g., F-35 Fighter jets at $110 million per copy and rising, plus large civilian aircraft, missiles, cluster bombs, etc., patented drugs, lumber, leather, minerals, cement, steel and other bulky building products for home consumption, all of which can be sold at prices reflecting American wages because there's no Chinese competition.

True, in dollar terms, China produces only slightly more than America while using a much larger workforce to do it. But that reflects China's competitive advantage. Where China competes with America it provides massively better value.

Which explains the trajectory of growth in Chinese manufacturing. US post-recession manufacturing has barely recovered to the 2006 level. In the same period, China's manufacturing output has approximately doubled.

In a globalized economy, wages in the West are converging with those in the Rest. As they do so, prices of manufactured goods from China will rise. But by then it will be the Chinese who have the bulk of the World's manufacturing plant and the workforce skills to out-compete the West even on a level playing field.

Oh well, enjoy it if you can. It takes ten Chinese making iPads to produce the same dollar volume of output as one American sawing lumber or building rockets, which truly goes to show how smart we in the West are.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Exporting Democracy

By CanSpeccy

The God Obama?
Exporting democracy is something many American presidents have been keen to do. Woodrow Wilson, who campaigned for election on the promise of peace but who, on election, went to war with Germany, thereby extending World War One by two years to achieve a German surrender instead of a negotiated peace and achieving the Russian Revolution as a bonus, is among the great names in American democratic philanthropism.

Almost single-handedly Wilson created the League of Useless Nations, which did nothing whatever to prevent World War Two, but generated much rhetorical humbug, which is certainly the essence of American democracy.

But Barak H. Obama, a Nobel Peace Prize winner who has started more wars than any other American, will surely be judged, as he judges himself, as one of the great American leaders when it comes to delivering America's democracy to other countries whether they want it or not.

This drive to export America's democracy to the World at whatever cost to the recipients, though undoubtedly admirably, has a downside, which is the creation of a shortage of democracy at home.

A glimpse at America's current democratic deficit was provided by Obama's recent boast that he can have any American killed, anywhere, anytime.

Perhaps Americans will be prompted by this to rename their chief executive. That Obama seems less American Presidential than Pharaohonically despotic, suggests the title, simple yet both descriptive and reverential of The God Obama.

But delivering democracy by force or subversion can generate push back and according to Iran's highly unreliable Press TV quoting Israel's highly unreliable DEBKAfile military intelligence website, Iranian cyberwarfare agents broke into the CIA's drone control center in Langley, Virginia and hijacked America's newest stealth drone, which had been sent to spy on Iran. According to the report:
Iranians not only unlocked the Sentinel's secret software but also penetrated the command and control center running the drones from CIA Headquarters at Langley in McClean, Virginia.
Now if the Iranians can do that, then how difficult would it be for them to reprogram a drone intended to zap an obnoxious troublemaker and fly it through the Oval Office window?

Personally, I rather doubt that the Iranians could do that. But, with Russian or Chinese help, who knows?

Another regrettable consequence of trashing the culture and traditions that made you great is that you finish up less great. Hear Oxford/Columbia/Harvard/Stanford Prof. Niall Ferguson explain why China's economic rise is not the problem, but America's decline as a free society:

Meantime, the Europeans, in league with America to spread democracy to the World, are working overtime to use the debt crisis as a lever to force the creation of a democracy-free European Union that looks very much like a Western recreation of the Soviet Union, complete with a privileged nomenklatura, a crumbling economy and an impoverished proletariat.

Yet out of weakness may yet come strength. Whether Barak Obama is the worst President ever, as Bill Clinton is supposed to have informed him, many Americans are beginning to sense something is wrong with the course on which ship of state is headed. What's more, they seem to have considerable reservation about the main contenders for the Republican Presidential nomination, which could mean that this is Ron Paul's moment.

If elected, Paul might not prove the greatest US President ever, but he knows how to say no, and would probably say no to enough spending, enough new military adventures, and enough new measures aimed at humiliating and intimidating the American people that he'd rank pretty high overall.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

US Nobel Peace Prize Winner, President Barak Obama: "I can kill anyone anywhere, anytime"

President Obama Just Stated That He Can Have ANY American Citizen Killed!
Jonathon Turley, Washington University, Constitutional law expert on CSPAN.

More Thoughts on Emma West

By Sean Gabb

One of the ways in which a ruling class keeps control is its insistence on rules of debate that place opposition at a regular disadvantage. I cannot think of any time or place where opposition voices have been listened to on fully equal terms. In modern England, however, the ruling class and its various clients and useful idiots are particularly rigid in their shepherding of debate. This is so not only because England is an increasingly totalitarian place, but also because the main legitimation ideologies are all obviously false and cannot be exposed to open criticism. Therefore, while speech mostly remains free in the legal sense, it will only be listened to when expressed in terms that privilege the ruling class.

Some of the rules of debate in England are linguistic. For example, if you refer to someone as a homosexual, you will be told that he is gay. Or you will be told that the Indian cities of Bombay and Calcutta must be called “Mumbai” and “Kokata;” or that the native population of England must be called the “white majority;” or an immigrant a “migrant,” or a failed suicide a “self-harmer,” or a mongol a Downs syndrome sufferer. If you persist in using the now disapproved words, you may be dismissed as ignorant: you may be denounced as some kind of bigot. Sometimes, the words keep changing, or different words must be used depending on the audience – therefore, Ethiopian became person of colour, and then negro, and then Negro, and then coloured, and then black, and then Afro-Caribbean, and may still be any of these except possibly the third. In many cases, names are changed merely when something pejorative is replaced by something neutral – obviously so in the instance just given. More often, though, the changes are made to humble those outside the naming elite. Whoever must follow the other side’s naming conventions loses any claim to equality of status, and will at least tend to lose any debate. This is so when the shift of name is mostly verbal – for example coloured to black. But it is specially so when the shift involves an acceptance of new facts. See again the shift from “native English” to “white majority.” The former implies that a particular territory is historically the possession of a self-defined group, and suggests that this group has a right to continue in possession. The latter simply implies that one group among many has what may be a passing numerical weight. Equally, “migration” is so much softer and less threatening than “immigration.” Quibbling over words may sound petty. But to control the words usable in debate really is to have a very great if subtle advantage in debate.

A similar advantage is had by taking real or pretended offence, and calling on an opponent to apologise. When those crying out in horror have numbers or the power of government on their side, they can avoid the danger of arguing with an opponent by smashing his reputation. People are led to believe that he is a bad person. Often the person himself can be brought to agree. We saw how this can work last week. Speaking on a BBC programme that lies on the border between news and light entertainment, Jeremy Clarkson said that strikers in the public sector should be shot. No one but a fool could believe he intended this as other than a joke. But it raised a storm of synthetic outrage. The BBC gave in at once and apologised for any offence caused. Mr Clarkson may or may not have apologised, but certainly did not stand his ground. His enemies are now circulating rumoursthat his mind is unbalanced, and the credibility of a prominent non-conformist may have been destroyed.

Monday, December 19, 2011

If Ron Paul Wins Iowa It Doesn't Count

The Fascist Threat

by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

This talk was delivered at the Doug Casey conference, "When Money Dies," in Phoenix on October 1, 2011.

Everyone knows that the term fascist is a pejorative, often used to describe any political position a speaker doesn’t like. There isn’t anyone around who is willing to stand up and say: "I’m a fascist; I think fascism is a great social and economic system."

But I submit that if they were honest, the vast majority of politicians, intellectuals, and political activists would have to say just that.

Fascism is the system of government that cartelizes the private sector, centrally plans the economy to subsidize producers, exalts the police State as the source of order, denies fundamental rights and liberties to individuals, and makes the executive State the unlimited master of society.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Europeans and the wounded snake syndrome

By CanSpeccy
Image source.

During a financial crisis, Teddy Roosevelt remarked that "When people have lost their money, they strike out unthinkingly, like a wounded snake, at whoever is most prominent in the line of vision."

As the debt crisis worsens, Europeans are beginning to exhibit the wounded snake syndrome, with European Bank Head, Christian Noyer, saying Britain's AAA credit rating should be cut before France's:
...they should start by downgrading Britain which has more deficits, as much debt, more inflation, less growth than us and where credit is slumping.
Meantime, in Portugal, Pedro Nuno Santos, vice-president of the Socialist Party, was taped at a party dinner calling for diplomatic warfare against the EU's northern powers:
We have an atomic bomb that we can use in the face of the Germans and the French: this atomic bomb is simply that we won't pay.
Hey, good thinking. Make those Nazi German bastards pay our inflated civil service salaries and fund our early retirement.

In Lisbon, protesters marched on Thursday denouncing plans by the new conservative government to raise the working week to 42 hours. Wages are being cut 16pc for higher paid, and 8pc for lower paid public workers.

But that's not enough, apparently. So why don't they just face reality and cut those public service salaries another 16%?

Why? Because they don't realize what's hit them.

The ruling elite just exported the economies of the Western nations to Asia, Africa and the Middle-East where people work for pennies an hour.

China is Europe's biggest trading partner. Europe imports 282 billion euros a year from China, exporting only 113 billion Euros a year in return. There is a similar huge imbalance in trade with Russia. If it weren't for the Americans buying tons of French wine, Italian fashion wear and millions of German cars, together worth far more than Americans export to Europe, the Europeans would already be flat broke.

So the idea that Portuguese civil servants can go on indefinitely earning many times as much as Chinese workers, while enjoying incredibly cheap manufactured goods from Asia and Eastern Europe is idiotic.

Enjoying the fruits of cheap foreign labor was possible only during the transition to an Asian dominated World economy, and it was made possible by escalating debt.

Now that the cost of debt service is destroying the European economies, it's time to get things straight, not strike out unthinkingly at the Germans who at least have the virtue of being exceptionally competent at manufacturing -- so much so that they can sell much of their stuff at many times the price of Chinese goods because people really like it.

For Europeans as a whole, the only hope is to acknowledge defeat, adjust wages to what is affordable in the global market and get back to work.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Hitchens dead, US mission in Iraq not accomplished, scientists make virus to kill half of humanity (Hey. Well done!), and much more

Father Raymond J. de Souza: Christopher Hitchens lived in service of plain hatred

Peter Hitchens: In Memoriam, my courageous brother Christopher, 1949-2011

Christopher Hitchens Dead at 62: NYTimes Obit
One naturally hopes that Hitchens was wrong in proclaiming the non-existence of God and is now before the throne, receiving a withering reprimand delivered with super-natural sharpness of wit.

James Corbett, Paul Hellyer: US/Canada merger by stealth

[See also:
The Election Over, Canada Renews Anschluss Talks with US

Who stands for Canadian Sovereignty? Not the Conservative Party of Canada]

How Ron Paul will be denied the Republican nomination whatever voters want

Margaret Thatcher (Source: WSJ)
What Would The Iron Lady Do?

Alan Hart - Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews

US Federal Government Takes Final Step to Suspend Constitution

Two teams of scientists have independently constructed a deadly strain of flu able to kill half of humanity
The drug companies can't wait for it to get loose. Novartis is already gearing to produce the vaccine.

Lizard expert [extraterrestrial?]
U. of Texas Dr. Eric R. Pianka

Top Texas scientist looks forward to the emergence of airborne Ebola virus
At the 109th meeting of the Texas Academy of Science at Lamar University in Beaumont on 3-5 March 2006, hundred[s of] members of the Texas Academy of Science rose to their feet and gave a standing ovation to a speech that enthusiastically advocated the elimination of 90 percent of Earth's population by airborne Ebola. The speech was given by Dr. Eric R. Pianka, the University of Texas evolutionary ecologist and lizard expert who the Academy named the 2006 Distinguished Texas Scientist.

And, in Iraq, Was the Mission Accomplished? Patrick Buchanan

the beginning of the end of Western global dominance The Slog
"The International Monetary Fund having suggested that developing economies will expand three times faster than advanced nations this year, PIMCO put some money where the mouth is by recommending that bond-based lenders desert U.S., U.K. and European debt. Debts from places like Russia and Egypt are now seen as safer."

Britain's self-hating white liberal elite

Try some Nirvana this week-end

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Double Standards Under British Law

From a report by the Hudson Institute of New York
Last week a video of young, white, working class woman began circulating through the media. In the video, the woman – Emma West – is seen and heard verbally abusing fellow passengers on a train, many of whom are non-white. Ms. West's rant is certainly offensive, and must have been upsetting to those who had to listen to it. She complained, for example, that the train – and Britain – are full with "a load of black people and a load of ****ing Polish," and tells one woman "You ain't British, you're black. Ms. West was promptly arrested after the Daily Mail and Telegraph asked readers to call in with her identity – which was initially unknown. She has since been refused bail – accordingly for her own protection -- she received death threats – and is now spending time in jail. Her children have also been taken into custody. ." Even though Ms. West's diatribe is deplorable, insulting language should not be a crime.

The timing of the emergence of the video is somewhat unfortunate: Ms. West's case is now being contrasted, by several blogs at least, to the court case a few days later of four young Muslim women,. The four women – who were drunk at the time – had repeatedly assaulted Rhea Page, 22, as she waited for a taxi with her boyfriend. Even after she had collapsed motionless on the pavement, she was met with "a flurry of kicks to the head, back, arms and legs." As the four women attacked her, they shouted "kill the white slag."

Those perpetrating such a vicious and racially-motivated attack should expect to receive a sentence of up to five years.

However, Judge Robert Brown, who heard the case, told the women that: "Those who knock someone to the floor and kick them in the head can expect to go inside, but I'm going to suspend the sentence." The four were instead given a 12 month suspended sentence. Judge Brown took this decision because they were not used to being drunk, he said, because of their "religion."

Many British people now feel that they are living in a two-tier system of double standards: one for the white working class, and one for Muslims.
They "feel it?" They surely know it.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Emma West, an Angry Woman With Much to be Angry About

By CanSpeccy
Emma West. Image source

Who is Emma West, asks "This Is My England" in a blog post about "the viral YouTube hit of ten days ago ...of a woman on a south London tram unleashing a foul-mouthed tirade directed at immigrants and ethnic minorities, thereby upsetting a number of her fellow passengers."

The 34-year-old woman, Emma West of the London Borough of Croydon, is now in jail having been charged with a racially aggravated public order offense. The mother of two young children has been remanded in custody until January 3rd. Bail was denied, by Magistrate Ian McNeal for West's own protection (It's the only way the British state can protect its own citizens, apparently. Bang 'em up in gaol with a bunch of thieves and drug pedlars). West has received numerous death threats and her address has been circulated on Facebook and Twitter.

Commenting on the case, "This Is My England" remarks:
A five-country European survey run by the Guardian in March suggests that further immigration to the UK is not broadly welcomed. Just 31% of the Britons polled agreed with the statement "I approve of people moving from one EU country to another so they can work and live." In the case of moving to the EU from the wider world, just 20% of UK respondents agreed with the corresponding statement.
But, says "This Is My England"
...even those who express similar views to Ms. West's in a more restrained manner are directing their fears and anger at the wrong targets.

...Recent immigrants to this country are here because it has suited the business community to import cheap, willing labour. Should the immigrants face opprobrium for answering that call?
In that, I would say, This Is My England is only half right and largely missing the point.

Liberal Pygmies

Mbuti pygmy. Image source

Enraged by David Cameron's refusal to hand British sovereignty to the European Union of Soviet Socialists, Cameron' coalition partner, Liberal-Democratic Party leader Nick Clegg, resorted to racist abuse, claiming that Cameron, "risked making Britain a ‘pygmy’ on the world stage."

The pygmified Liberal leader seems reluctant, however, to give up his comfy birth as Deputy Prime Minister, a necessary preliminary to the election that will oust the Liberals from Parliament and make way for a handsome Tory majority.

* Pygmy is considered a racist, colonial-era term, which refers to members of a group of hunter-gatherers characterized by shortness of stature and living outside the state structure in the unsettled equatorial rainforest of Central Africa.

See also:

Richard Cottrell: Did the UK just leave the EU? Bilderberg decided six months ago that she’s in forever

Theordore Dalrymple on the Guardian and the "disgrace" of the majority
An editorial in the Guardian on October 25 exposed the nature of what often is called “the European project”: a goal that those pursuing it never state out loud. ...

... Britain’s Conservative Party, the editorial argued, was unfit to govern because of its continued internal division on the issue of the U.K.’s membership in the European Union, the latest manifestation of which was a vote by 80 Conservative members of Parliament in favor of holding a referendum on the issue. A Guardian poll, published in the paper on the same day as the editorial, established that 70 percent of the population believed that such a referendum should be held; 49 percent wanted to leave the union and 40 percent wanted to remain in it (11 percent were undecided).

One can make many criticisms of the Conservative Party, but surely one such criticism is not that 80 of its members of parliament have voiced the disquiet of at least half the nation’s population about the most important question that it faces. The Guardian called the 80 members of parliament “a disgrace,” by which it meant that the opinion of fully half of the population, and possibly more, should not even be heard in the Mother of Parliaments. In other words, the philosopher-kings of the European nomenklatura should be allowed to get on with their work free of interference—because, after all (and as new evidence further proves every day), they are doing such a fantastic job.

Mish: Hell Will Freeze Over Before Finland Signs Treaty; Europe's Blithering Idiots Make UK the Lone Winner

Clegg won't walk. He knows his party faces annihilation in the polls

Emma West and the liberal hatred of democracy
... Emma West was wrong-headed in her rough analysis of what is ailing a Britain she described as now being "fuck all". The real enemies of a relatively low-paid, probably poorly educated person who feels angry and disenfranchised are not her fellow south London residents who happen to have been born in other countries or who happen not to be white. Her real enemies are the politicians who collude with the banks who ruin the economy and the CEOs running the companies that drive down costs via the importation of inexpensive labour, via the off-shoring of more and more jobs and via the sheltering of their profits from the taxation needed to keep this country a decent place to live....
Are Pygmies really human?

Congolese Pygmies Being Eaten

Friday, December 9, 2011

Dave's Chance

Or How Britain's David Cameron Could Smash the Lib-Con Coalition, Win an Election on the Promise of an EU Referendum, and Restore the Thatcherite Agenda Without Maggie's Streak of Lunacy
Up EURS: Cameron in Churchill pose

Britain has refused to join an EU fiscal union under the tutelage of a banker from Goldman Sachs.

This has enraged the Liberal left who know that exclusion from the fiscal union means ultimate exclusion from the emerging Union of European Soviet Socialist Republics, with its cosy unthinking political conformity, its windmills and other boondoggles, and its abundance of comfy well-paid births in the nomenklatura for those of the politically correct tendency.

This outrage provides Cameron with a chance that can come only once in a premier's lifetime.

It is the chance to split the coalition, to go to the country on the promise of a referendum on EU membership, and to restore the Thatcherite agenda without Maggie's streak of lunacy and without her ambivalence on the EU.

The future that Britain out of the EU would then face would be one either of independence, goodwill to all men, peace and prosperity, or of total subservience and incorporation into the American Empire.

If Cameron wishes to be remembered as a great man he would opt for national independence. More likely though, Britain would undergo incorporation as the unnamed fifty-first American state, complete with TSA gropers at Heathrow and surveillance and assassination drones overhead.

See also:
Mish -- Cameron should tell the EU to take all their rules and shove them

When Niall Ferguson happens to agree with me, I am reluctant to admit this as proof that great minds think alike, whatever the exceptional force of my own mind. Still, I have to hand it to Ferguson that he quite independently sketched the scenario that I have outlined above. Writing in the Wall St. Journal he has an essay about Europe in the year 2021, which contains the following paragraphs:
David Cameron—now beginning his fourth term as British prime minister—thanks his lucky stars that, reluctantly yielding to pressure from the Euroskeptics in his own party, he decided to risk a referendum on EU membership. His Liberal Democrat coalition partners committed political suicide by joining Labour's disastrous "Yeah to Europe" campaign.

Egged on by the pugnacious London tabloids, the public voted to leave by a margin of 59% to 41%, and then handed the Tories an absolute majority in the House of Commons. Freed from the red tape of Brussels, England is now the favored destination of Chinese foreign direct investment in Europe. And rich Chinese love their Chelsea apartments, not to mention their splendid Scottish shooting estates.
Ferguson also offers in this essay a concise explanation of how bankrupt Britain managed to weather the European debt crisis so easily:
With a fiscal position little better than most of the Mediterranean countries' and a far larger banking system than in any other European economy, Britain with the euro would have been Ireland to the power of eight. Instead, the Bank of England was able to pursue an aggressively expansionary policy. Zero rates, quantitative easing and devaluation greatly mitigated the pain and allowed the "Iron Chancellor" George Osborne to get ahead of the bond markets with pre-emptive austerity. A better advertisement for the benefits of national autonomy would have been hard to devise.
He also projects what seems eminently sensible, a re-union of the British Isles:
At the beginning of David Cameron's premiership in 2010, there had been fears that the United Kingdom might break up. But the financial crisis put the Scots off independence; small countries had fared abysmally. And in 2013, in a historical twist only a few die-hard Ulster Unionists had dreamt possible, the Republic of Ireland's voters opted to exchange the austerity of the U.S.E. for the prosperity of the U.K. Postsectarian Irishmen celebrated their citizenship in a Reunited Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland with the slogan: "Better Brits Than Brussels."
His anticipation of a Nordic union also seems both plausible and desirable:
Another thing no one had anticipated in 2011 was developments in Scandinavia. Inspired by the True Finns in Helsinki, the Swedes and Danes—who had never joined the euro—refused to accept the German proposal for a "transfer union" to bail out Southern Europe. When the energy-rich Norwegians suggested a five-country Norse League, bringing in Iceland, too, the proposal struck a chord.
These ideas lead naturally to the conclusion that Europe will be transformed into a German-dominated block. This was essentially the arrangement envisaged by Neville Chamberlain in the 1930's as he worked to set Germany against Russia, the goal being to create a central European German Empire that would be balanced to the East by a truncated Russia and to the West by an Atlantic bloc comprising Britain, France and the US. Ferguson's prediction differs only in the assumption that France will go with Germany not Britain. But who knows. Do the French really wish to submerge their identity in a German-dominated union? We'll see.

This explanation of Cameron's foreign policy from the BBC sitcom Yes Minister via Mish:

Episode Five: The Writing on the Wall

Sir Humphrey: Minister, Britain has had the same foreign policy objective for at least the last five hundred years: to create a disunited Europe. In that cause we have fought with the Dutch against the Spanish, with the Germans against the French, with the French and Italians against the Germans, and with the French against the Germans and Italians. Divide and rule, you see. Why should we change now, when it's worked so well?

Hacker: That's all ancient history, surely?

Sir Humphrey: Yes, and current policy. We had to break the whole thing [the EEC] up, so we had to get inside. We tried to break it up from the outside, but that wouldn't work. Now that we're inside we can make a complete pig's breakfast of the whole thing: set the Germans against the French, the French against the Italians, the Italians against the Dutch. The Foreign Office is terribly pleased; it's just like old times.

Hacker: But surely we're all committed to the European ideal?
Sir Humphrey: [chuckles] Really, Minister.

Hacker: If not, why are we pushing for an increase in the membership?
Sir Humphrey: Well, for the same reason. It's just like the United Nations, in fact; the more members it has, the more arguments it can stir up, the more futile and impotent it becomes.

Hacker: What appalling cynicism.
Sir Humphrey: Yes... We call it diplomacy, Minister.

See also:
Peter Hitchens: David Cameron’s Phoney War, or A Curse in Disguise

Patrick Buchanan: David Cameron's Finest Hour

Mish: Sniveling, apologetic Cameron seeks to snatch defeat from jaws of EU victory

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The end of education as we know it?

First Nations University, Saskachewan, Canada. Cool building, but is it 
obsolete already?

In a NY Times article entitled Death Knell for the Lecture: Technology as a Passport to Personalized Education, Daphne Koller offers some good ideas on harnessing the power of the Internet in education, but fails to mention the critical reform necessary to the creation of a truly effective educational system freed both of its present role as the prime conduit of state propaganda and of the suffocating burden of bureaucratic administration. That critical reform is to make a complete break between learning and educational accreditation.

Without separation of learning and accreditation, students are compelled to enroll in a high school or college to gain a recognized educational qualification. But if accreditation could be gained by successfully challenging a public exam without the necessity of enrolling in school or college and paying the enormous associated cost, either directly or as a taxpayer, then the power of the digital media, combined with a private sector mentoring and coaching industry, could truly revolutionize education in both cost and effectiveness.

Thereafter, schools and universities would be patronized only insofar as they provided a cost competitive service, which they would certainly be unable to do without radical reform.

At the higher levels, at least, the services of private coaches, working with students either face-to-face or online, would generally be both more effective and much cheaper than those of institutionalized school teachers or professors.

A private sector coaching industry will make use of teaching talent wherever it is to be found, and it will require no ivy-clad halls or multimillion-dollar football coaches to deliver its services.

Instead, private homes, church basements, or commercial office spaces in every village, town and city will become the schools of the future. Students will advance at their own pace, studying sometimes full-time, sometimes part-time and often only intermittently.

All educational transactions would be voluntary. No student would be stuck for a semester, a year or longer still with a teacher with whom they lack rapport or effective communication.

Teachers would achieve status according to the success of their students and could charge accordingly. But their key function and the chief measure of their success would be the degree to which they taught students to love learning and thus how to teach themselves.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Exporting the economy

David Ricardo (1772-1823). Image source

Until recent times, it was understood that the prosperity of a nation depended on three factors: capital invested in industry; the skills and experience of the workforce, and the availability of land for economic activity, i.e., the three factors of production, land, labor and capital.

International trade was acknowledged to be advantageous to all parties insofar as it enabled each country to do more of what it is did best. This was the theory of comparative advantage, enunciated by 19th Century British economist and bond trader, David Ricardo.

Ricardo was explicit, however, in stating that international free trade is beneficial to all parties only if capital is immobile, since exporting capital, one of the factors of production, will inevitably lower the productivity and hence reduce the prosperity of the population.

Consistent with these ideas, enlightened national governments endeavored to restrict capital outflow, promote workforce education and training, and in the Western World, limit mass immigration from the developing World since that diluted the capital stock of the nation on a per capita basis, reduced the per capita availability of land and infrastructure, and lowered average workforce skills and education -- aside from its potential for destroying the nation through population replacement and reproductive competition.

But today, to hear the media, the Nobel-prize-winning economists, the politicians-on-the-make, and the human rights activists tell it, that's all anti-diluvian racist rubbish.

How come?

In one word, globalization.

Or in several words: We're an empire now and the leadership elected nationally, serves the empire not you, the people, who elected them.

But how does that change the principles of economics?

Easily: through the allocation of money, fame and power.

Thus, says J.J. goldberg in a  Jewish Daily Forward article entitled: A Low-Rent America Can't Be a Strong Friend of Israel.

Fans of New York Times columnist Paul Krugman might get a kick out of this. Nearly a decade and a half ago, the acclaimed economist savagely reviewed a new book on the perils of economic globalization, dismissing it as “simplistic,” “foolish,” “thoroughly silly” and more. He said the author, Rolling Stone investigative journalist William Greider, had naively failed to consult “competent economists,” which led him to “trip on his own intellectual shoelaces.” Classic Krugman.

Krugman has since moved from MIT to a tenured chair at Princeton and a Nobel Prize. Greider moved from Rolling Stone to the smaller and less remunerative weekly The Nation. The funny thing is, Greider turned out to be right. Krugman got globalization very wrong.

Then there's the case of Paul Craig Roberts, a better man than Krugman, surely. Former Deputy Secretary of the US Treasury, former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Scripps Howard News Service, senior fellow in political economy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, contributor to numerous magazines and newspapers, author or co-author of eight books.

On March 26, 2010, Roberts wrote Truth Has Fallen and Taken Liberty With It
There was a time when the pen was mightier than the sword. That was a time when people believed in truth and regarded truth as an independent power and not as an auxiliary for government, class, race, ideological, personal, or financial interest.

Today Americans are ruled by propaganda. Americans have little regard for truth, little access to it, and little ability to recognize it.

Truth is an unwelcome entity. It is disturbing. It is off limits. Those who speak it run the risk of being branded “anti-American,” “anti-semite” or “conspiracy theorist.”

Truth is an inconvenience for government and for the interest groups whose campaign contributions control government.

Truth is an inconvenience for prosecutors who want convictions, not the discovery of innocence or guilt.

Truth is inconvenient for ideologues.

Today many whose goal once was the discovery of truth are now paid handsomely to hide it. “Free market economists” are paid to sell offshoring to the American people. High-productivity, high value-added American jobs are denigrated as dirty, old industrial jobs. Relicts from long ago, we are best shed of them. Their place has been taken by “the New Economy,” a mythical economy that allegedly consists of high-tech white collar jobs in which Americans innovate and finance activities that occur offshore. All Americans need in order to participate in this “new economy” are finance degrees from Ivy League universities, and then they will work on Wall Street at million dollar jobs.

Economists who were once respectable took money to contribute to this myth of “the New Economy.”
In evidence of this charge of treason by America's elite Roberts continued:
I was associate editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal. I was Business Week’s first outside columnist, a position I held for 15 years. I was columnist for a decade for Scripps Howard News Service, carried in 300 newspapers. I was a columnist for the Washington Times and for newspapers in France and Italy and for a magazine in Germany. I was a contributor to the New York Times and a regular feature in the Los Angeles Times. Today I cannot publish in, or appear on, the American “mainstream media.”

For the last six years I have been banned from the “mainstream media.” My last column in the New York Times appeared in January, 2004, coauthored with Democratic U.S. Senator Charles Schumer representing New York. We addressed the offshoring of U.S. jobs. Our op-ed article produced a conference at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C. and live coverage by C-Span. A debate was launched. No such thing could happen today.

...The American corporate media does not serve the truth. It serves the government and the interest groups that empower the government.

And what Roberts says of the American elite and the American corporate media is true of the elite and the corporate media throughout the West. The interests of the people are to be sacrificed without limit for the "interest groups that empower the government."

Thus, jobs are off-shored and outsourced to take advantage of cheap labor in Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Thus, mass migration from the developing world to densely populated Western Europe is promoted to drive down wages, while it destroys local culture, and in an increasing number of urban areas, reduces the indigenous populations to a demoralized minority that is being out-bred by the immigrants, of whom some show an unconcealed contempt for local customs and religion.

Likewise in America, native born citizens are displaced from the labor pool by millions of illegal immigrants who work in the underground economy at below minimum wages and often under appalling and illegal conditions, a process enabled by the Federal Government by the deliberate non-enforcement of Federal immigration law.

Thus, also, Nobel Prizes and newspaper columns for bent economists, power and prestige for "human rights advocates" who promote mass immigration and genocidal policies of political correctness and multi-culturalism, and massive profits for those enabled by a corrupt political establishment to engage in unrestricted global wage arbitrage resulting in mass unemployment in the West, collapsing welfare services, failing schools, underfunded pensions, and racial and cultural demoralization and destruction.

And astonishingly, so callous is the ruling elite that the fate of the unemployed and the underemployed is barely discussed. Indeed, it is enforced by minimum wage laws, bad schools, and welfare legislation that scandalously deny employment and the opportunity to gain work experience to a large part of the workforce that cannot compete with Asian labour that in some industries earns only pennies per hour.

What Milton Friedman said in 1978 about black poverty in the United States, is now applicable to much of the white working class in the U.S., Canada and Europe. Sadly, Milton Friedman is no longer around to state the fact.

Awesome Urban Skiing: Trail, BC

JP Auclair Street Segment (from All.I.Can.)
by Sherpas Cinema

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Mechanics of Empire

By Eric Walberg

Smoke rising after a cross-border NATO air strike on
a Pakistani border post Nov. 26, 2011 (Image source)
NATO helicopters violated the airspace of Pakistan from Afghanistan on Friday and opened unprovoked fire on a check post in Mohmand, northwest Pakistan at midnight. Presumably the pilots got the wrong coordinates from MacDill Air Force Central Command in Florida or took too many army-prescribed uppers. The attack continued even after Pakistani commanders pleaded with coalition forces to stop.

As a show of anger, Pakistan ordered the CIA to vacate drone operations at Shamsi Air Base in southwestern Baluchistan and closed both the Khyber and Baluchistan supply routes into Afghanistan, cutting off 70 per cent of NATO's supplies. It was the worst such incident since 9/11.

Pakistani army post struck by NATO helicopters
resulting in the deaths of 24 Pakistani soldiers. (Image source)

This is not the first time NATO helicopters attack Pakistani soldiers or that Pakistan closed the Khyber Pass. A US airstrike in 2008 killed 11 soldiers and last year two, prompting Pakistan to shut the Khyber Pass for 10 days in protest against the almost daily, illegal and unsanctioned US air strikes that since 2004 have killed 2,780 people, 83 per cent civilians, among them 72 soldiers.

However, this time the rhetoric is full blast. Prime Minister Yousuf Gilani announced Pakistan would boycott the crucial Bonn II conference on Afghanistan this week, fatally undermining it. Army Chief General Ashfaq Kayani call the attack a "blatant and unacceptable act", and Interior Minister Rehman Malik insisted on Sunday that the “NATO supply line had not been suspended but permanently stopped.”

Pakistanis lead by Imran Khan protesting drone attacks. (Image source)

That is highly unlikely, but this could be the trigger for a political earthquake against a despised national government. MP Ahmed Khan Bahadur from the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provincial Awami National Party told CNN, "This is the time to be united as a nation and to punch NATO with a fist. NATO could never dare if we were united." Politically ambitious media star Imran Khan, who heads the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Party, said it was time for Pakistan to pull out of the US-led "war on terror". Hundreds of thousands have rallied in Peshawar, Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi to protest government corruption and the alliance with the US.

How we stopped Colonel Gadhaffi killing his own people

By Aangirfan

Majer in Libya
In August 2011, NATO carried out a major massacre in the Libyan town of Majer.

NATO murdered 85 People, including 33 Children and 32 Women.

German broadcaster Deutsche Welle has investigated:

1. 500-pound bombs were dropped on people's homes.

2. NATO's bombing of Majer was meant "to clear the way for rebels to advance on the embattled Gadhafi-controlled city of Zlitan, 10 kilometers to the north."

Qana massacre in Lebanon
According to San Francisco Bay View:

"NATO used the same tactic that Israel used during the two Qana massacres.

"After the first three bombs dropped at around 11 pm, many residents of the area ran to the bombed houses to try to save their loved ones.

"NATO then instantly struck with more bombs slaughtering 85 Libyans."

The QANA massacres were carried out with American weapons in 1996 and 2006.

51 children were murdered.
