Friday, July 7, 2017

Why Electric Cars Will Replace Gas-powered Cars — And Improve the Environment

From the dawn of the automotive era, the superiority of the electric drive over the internal combustion engine (ICE) has been recognized. Lighter, quieter, with fewer moving parts, requiring less frequent maintenance, and with higher low-end torque for rapid acceleration without a multi-speed transmission, an electric drive is superior to a gas engine in every way.

The problem with the electric car and the reason that the Detroit Electric (1907–1939) and other early electric automobile companies ceased production was the battery, which fully justified the description of an electric car as a vehicle for conveying a large quantities of batteries a short distance — to which, if you want to go further, you must add more batteries.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Bill Gates: If Germans Want to Help Poor People, They Should Help Them in Their Country of Origin, Not Destroy Europe By Inciting Mass Immigration

Destruction of the European nations has been the objective of EuroAmerican elite policy for decades, but it has now kicked into high gear as the end-game approaches.

The policy objective is to replace nation state democracy with global governance, which is to say governance by Money-Power-controlled international bodies such as the World Trade Organization, the corrupt United Nations Organization, etc., etc.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Globalist Justin Trudeau to Canadians: Canada Isn't Your Country, It Belongs to Everyone

Justin Trudeau Says Immigrants Are More Canadian Than Natives

Information Liberation July 2, 2017: While conservatives in the US makes jokes about liberals believing immigrants are more American than "native" Americans, that is what Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau actually believes.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Stephen Hawking Gone Bonkers Climate Alarmist

Stephen Hawking, the famed physicist has attacked US President Donald Trump, saying:
“We are close to the tipping point where global warming becomes irreversible. Trump’s action could push the Earth over the brink, to become like Venus, with a temperature of two hundred and fifty degrees, and raining sulphuric acid.” 
But on the plus side, the famed physicist said:
“evolution has inbuilt greed and aggression to the human genome”, meaning that we might wipe ourselves out before Earth turns into Venus."
So relax everybody. Nothing new to worry about. We'll probably all die some horrible death you've never even dreamed of.

And meantime, the top climate scientists — you know, the people who actually study climate, rather than just make alarming pronouncements about it — now acknowledge that all their models predicting catastrophic climate warming are wrong

Sunday, July 2, 2017

Merkel's Germany Makes it Official: Germans Expressing Opposition to the Genocide of Their Own People by Suppressed Fertility and Mass Replacement Immigration Are Racist Criminals

Sticks and stones will break my bones
But words will never hurt me

Old English saying
Totalitarianism has returned to Germany. "Freedom of speech ends where the criminal law begins,” said Justice Minister Heiko Maas, who was the driving force behind Germany's new, Orwellian Anti-Free-Speech law.

And for sure, the tyrannical fucker's right.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Will Electric Vehicles Curb Global Carbon Emissions? Perhaps Not. Part 2

In an earlier post, I questioned whether electric cars are really going to save the environment. Specifically, I questioned whether their overall carbon footprint was any less than that of an efficient gas-powered car. The question is complex, however, and I ran out of energy after a couple of paragraphs. Thus I entitled the piece Will Electric Vehicles Curb Global Carbon Emissions? Perhaps Not. Part 1 intending to return to the subject at a later date when my energy level was sufficient for the necessary research.

Today I embarked on that task but soon became enervated by the effort to assimilate a mass of information about embodied energy per vehicle versus propulsion system, vehicle mass, location of manufacture; energy cost of highway infrastructure; and much else besides. Thus, before reaching the point of total inanition, I paused for reflection, and came to the conclusion that the issue of electric cars and carbon emissions could be argued all ways indefinitely without definite conclusion.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Scotch Nationalism: A Tool for the Destruction of the British Nation

Craig Murray, fired former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan, is a relentless promoter of Scotch Nationalism. He wants to see Scotland ripped from the United Kingdom despite the fact that the Scots voted against independence in the the 2014 referendum.

But, in reality, Murray does not want independence for Scotland. Quite the contrary: he wants the incorporation of Scotland within the EU, but separate from Britain. In other words, instead of being 10% of the British nation, Murray wants the Scots to be one percent of the people of the emerging European superstate.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Trump Hates Fake News: The Media Are Supposed to Trumpet Government Lies, Not Make Up Their Own Stuff

The Government of Syria appears at the brink of victory over US covertly-backed terrorists operating under the ISIS and other logos. For President Trump, a self-declared "most militaristic person," this a disaster since without a fake war against US-backed terrorists, the US has no justification for "bombing the shit out of" Damascus and sundry other parts of Syria.

What after all is the point of having all those very expensive planes, rockets, drones, aircraft carriers and all their super white phosphorus, napalm, bunker busters, mini-nukes and anti-personal weapons if you cannot bomb the shit out of anyone you goddam well please. And anyhow, Trump's Israeli friends demand he bomb the shit out of Syria now.

So what to do?

Climate Alarmists Admit They Were Wrong — Sort Of

Below is the abstract of a paper by Michael Mann of Hockey-Stick Graph infamy, and others among the usual climate alarmist jet-setting suspects admitting that global warming really has paused for the last 17 years and that the climate models that predicted rapid warming during the early years of the present century are almost certainly wrong, not just in detail, but well, just wrong.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Is the Evidence for Climate Warming Incorrect?

As top climate scientists such as Al Gore never tire of reminding us, the "scientific consensus" on climate change is that the world is warming at an alarming rate, with the temperature having increased by six tenths of a degree Celsius since 1980.

However, Professor Fred Singer, who received the US Gold Medal Award for Distinguished Federal Service and who designed the satellite-borne instrument by which the temperature of the lower atmosphere has been monitored for decades, argues in a recent blog post that the reported climate warming of the past 37 years may be, if not fake, at least not real.

Monday, June 19, 2017

Making Holocaust Studies a Mandatory Part of the School Curriculum

Scotland's Sunday Herald newspaper reports that teachers in Scotland demand that Holocaust studies be made a mandatory part of the school curriculum. Members of the Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) teaching union said the Holocaust was so important it should be embedded in the Curriculum for Excellence.

All right-thinking individuals should support this plan, which should be adopted throughout the Western world, and accordingly, I have added the following plank to my Anti-Treason Party platform:

Holocaust studies will be mandatory at every level in every school. This program will include the history of genocide, from the biblical account of the Jewish genocide of the Canaanites to the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by the Jewish state of Israel.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Theresa May's Genius for Dumb Decisions

Theresa May. Source: The hypocrisy of the British elite.
As we pointed out at the time, Theresa May blew the Hinckley Point C nuke power plant decision, giving the go-ahead to a project that will see British households paying Chinese investors twice as much for nuclear power as they would have otherwise paid for power from a natural-gas fired generator, while creating an existential risk to the population down-wind of the plant, i.e., the people of Bristol, Oxford and London.

Was that dumb, criminal, insane, or what?

Saturday, June 17, 2017

The Anti-Treason Party Platform

The Irish Savant ends another painfully acute comment on the state of the British nation with the words:

"Britain's traitors have done their work well."

Which prompts me to offer the following platform for the Anti-Treason Party.

Quote of the Day, Chris Hedges

Source: Matrixbob

We now live in a nation where:
Doctors destroy health
Lawyers destroy justice
Universities destroy knowledge
Governments destroy freedom
The press destroys information
Religion destroys morals, and
Banks destroy our economy.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Real Americans Question 9/11

By Kevin Ryan
When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. The US Declaration of Independence
These days it’s difficult to remember what values the American people share. That’s because the U.S. government does so many things that seem to contradict basic human values. Wars of aggression, torture, kidnapping and indefinite detention, warrantless wiretapping, and other oppressions have become standard operational procedure for the U.S. government. Those who recognize and seek to correct this system of abuse soon realize that the key to doing so is to reveal the truth behind the primary driver for all of them—the crimes of 9/11.

Monday, June 12, 2017

May Fucks Up So Britain Now Dominated By a Triumvirate of Women, May, Arlene Foster of the DUP, and Ruth Davidson of the Scotch Tories — the Three of Them Urged On to Trash the UK's National Independence by Nicola Sturgeon of the Scotch Nats, and Refugee Rapist-Friend, Frau Merkel

America has been spared, thus far, the horror of the first female President in the shape of a psychopathic Hillary Clinton. But the United Kingdom looks set for a rapid flush down the tubes under the female triumvirate of silly, Islamist's friend, Prime Minister May, Ulster's DUP leader Arlene Foster, and Leader of the Scotch Conservatives, Ruth Davidson, none of whom appear interested in national sovereignty, but rather prefer to live under the anti-democratic EU with its mandate for endless mass replacement immigration.

That the emergence of women in government leads to national suicide is, in fact, exactly what the science of evolutionary biology predicts. Thus, as Satoshi Kanazawa, of the Interdisciplinary Institute of Management at the London School of Economics and Political Science writes in a paper entitled: The Evolutionary Psychology Perspective on War, Conquest, and Alien Rule:

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Robert Spencer, Barred Entry to the UK by Thereason May

Here's the statement that prompted the UK Home Office, under Minister Theresa May, to bar Robert Spencer from the UK:

The letter Spencer received from the Home Office, then headed by Theresa May, said:

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Visualizing American's $20 Trillion-Dollar National Debt

Or why your hard-earned cash don't buy what it used to:

And global debt, at $200 trillion, is ten times US Government debt.

How's the debt created?

Simple. Banks print their own money and lend it at interest. And if there's a crash and the debts unpayable, Central Banks print more money to bail out the commercial banks.

Simple really. I mean, simple to transfer wealth from common folks, the useless working class the elite wish to be shot of, to the bankers's own pockets.