Monday, June 6, 2016

Donald Trump: Iraq War, Trade, Immigration, and Foreign Relations

Anyone who thinks Donald Trump will be a great US President must value hope far above experience. The only realistic question is whether Donald Trump as president would do less harm than whoever might be the alternative — any good he might do, being considered, surely, as a bonus. To judge that question, one has to judge not only the merits of Trump's policy proposals but whether there's any truth in anything he promises.

The American Empire
Donald Trump has repeatedly and falsely stated that he was opposed the Iraq war before it began.

Colin Powell brandishing soap powder at the UN as proof of
Saddam's WMDs.
Later, he changed his tune, but it's easy to be right after the event.

And in the case of the Iraq war, it wasn't hard to be right even before the event.

The Case for war was a transparent fabrication: the bollocks about Iraqi drones of death attacking US cities was, well, typical Fox News war-pushing bollocks, just like the aluminum tubes flaunted by lying New York Times reporter Judy Miller, Colin Powell's vial of biological weapons agent, aka soap powder, at the UN General Assembly, and Phony Blair's "sexed up" dossier on Saddam's nukes, cut and pasted off the Internet. But none speaking from a position of authority but Dr. David Kelly, UN WMD inspector, dared call such treason treason and he appears to have been suicided for his trouble.

Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11, Saddam had no WMD, and Saddam had no time for terrorist organizations. That was obvious to anyone with a brain, but Donald J. Trump didn't see it or didn't wish to say it before the war started, when to say it might have mattered.

The implication is clear. Trump has no problem with wars of imperialistic aggression. He just thinks that Iraq was botched. It would be foolish, therefore, to suppose that, as president, Trump, who boasts of being the most "militaristic person," would hesitate to use the American military if he thought it would serve America's hegemonic aims.

Trump says he will bring off-shored jobs home. Well, he'll have to. In fact any president will have to, unless they are prepared to see the US economy implode and the mass of Americans reduced to abject poverty and perhaps open revolt (Which is why Homeland Security has six hollow point bullets for every citizen). We're in an election year and the economy is dead stalled. Growth is zero, job creation is zero, and the number of those of working age who are out of the work force exploded last month by six hundred and sixty-four thousand, closing rapidly on one hundred million. Meantime, the unemployment rate fell. LOL. Statistics show whatever we want them to show, neither more nor less, as Humpty Dumpty would have said.

Trump is against inviting the Mexicans to walk in and retake Texas, California, etc. That seems a reasonable position and it's difficult to see any political leader standing indefinitely in total opposition to the mass of the population, whether in the US or Europe on the question of the very existence of the nation state.

Foreign Relations
All nations are headed by psychopaths, or politicians who have learned that success is possible only by emulating a psychopath. Trump, therefore, will be no less quick than Clinton or some other Obama clone to shaft Putin if he thought it would promote the interests of the Empire. Thing is though, American policy has driven Russia into the arms of China, which as Trump has pointed out, is a very stupid thing to do. As senile old Leonid Brezhnev said, it would be in the best interests of the white race for America and Russia to work together not against one another. Trump apparently agrees, whereas the entire Obama/Bush/Clinton/Cameron/Hollande/Merkel treason alliance, seem committed to the death of Western civilization and the European people.

You may not trust Trump in the least, but why would you vote for a cuck openly committed to the destruction of your people and civilization when you could vote for someone who claims with both realism and a semblance of credibility to be on your side? This, if I understand him, is exactly the conclusion reached by Dilbert creator, Scot Adams.


Report: Media Give Gorilla Death 6 Times More Coverage Than ISIS Beheadings of Christians

Patrick Buchanan: The Donald & The La Raza Judge

Irish Savant: The Quickening

We are in the midst of a Greater Depression, with the most trying times still ahead

Missing: Google’s D-Day Commemoration

Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Truth a Treasonous Elite Will Not Allow to be Stated

Here is what the Irish Savant correctly describes as "a brilliant exposition of the West’s predicament that appears as a comment by reader Dan O’Connor in The Spectator. Or at least it did. It’s since been consigned to the ether."
If you occupied what was considered the ideological / moral centre ground in 1965, and went to sleep for 50 years and woke up in 2015 you’d find yourself occupying the ideological /moral ‘far right’. You didn’t have to budge one inch ideologically to find yourself there. The whizzing sound you heard was the ideological / cultural centre ground zooming over to the Cultural Marxist hard left.

Everything that was considered mainstream, obvious, common sense, logical and moral in 1965 is now considered by our political, academic and media elite to be bigoted, ignorant, hateful, xenophobic, racist, extremist and some form of moral abnormality.

In other words, within the space of 50 years, morality, right, wrong, evil, good, normal, obvious, extreme, sanity, truth, beneficial, dangerous and the instinct for group preservation, has been inverted and stood upside down on its head.

Never before in the entire course of human history has an entire culture, race and civilisation decided to hand over its lands, social capital, heritage and identities to competing and intruding alien cultures without a fight, and even worse, to evolve an ideology that morally justifies and glorifies it as proof of their moral supremacy.

European man is in a civilisational death dance.’
I pasted Dan O'Connors comment as a comment on Craig Murray's very liberal blog where, somewhat to my surprise, it was not only not deleted, but evoked several entirely civil responses, among them, a question from Herbie:
Doesn’t say anything about how all this came to be or why.

I mean, is it a purposeful thing or just like natural entropy that just happens kinda thing...?
The answer to which, I believe, is this:

The liberals would like you to believe that it is the result of a gradual process of public enlightenment. But given that the process ends in death of the West and the occupation of Europe by adherents of a mediaeval theocracy, it looks like either: (1) proof that liberalism is a contagious mental disease, which if allowed to spread unimpeded will destroy any civilization it infects, or (2) that the spread of liberal ideas and the destruction of the Western nations is a calculated policy of national genocide imposed by Western elites.

Here's how the corporate interest humiliates Europeans who opposed to their
 own genocide. It's how Hitler demoralized the Jews.  It works with anyone. 
Heap enough contempt upon them, and most people begin to hate themselves. 
Then they will docilely enter the cattle cars or invite the alien in to rape their

The caption, roughly translated: Those who oppose their own genocide are Nazi shit.

It is the voice of Mutti Merkel calling for the extinction of her own people. Her
father was a traitor who defected to Commie East Germany. Like father like daughter.
But if the latter assumption is correct, what is the underlying reason for such a policy?

The answer is the drive to globalize. The Money Power has always wanted total freedom to move:
  • goods to where prices are highest;
  • labor where supply is tightest;
  • production facilities where wages, working conditions and environmental regulation are lowest;
  • capital where it can be invested most profitably; and
  • profits where taxes are the lowest or non-existent.
All of these objectives are foiled by a genuinely democratic sovereign nation state that makes serving the interests of its own citizens its prime function.

Hence the need of the Money Power to destroy the nation state, the process to begin with the most powerful states. Hence the psychological warfare to undermine the self-confidence and morality of the people of the West by the substitution of political correctness for Christianity.

The results are now in evidence. The European people are being genocided by their own governments, their fertility deliberately repressed by state funded abortion, no-fault divorce, and above-all, kindergarten through university sex "education" (i.e., inculcaton of the belief that the only sexual vice is reproduction).

Europeans are to be replaced by people without troublesome ideas about the rights of man, free speech, the rule of law and all such obstructive crap. In future, the inhabitants of Europe will exist to serve the corporate interest or they will cease to exist altogether.


Muhammad Ali Explaining the True Love of Racial Diversity to a Long-haired BBC Twit:

Political correctness is the biggest issue facing America today

BBC Employment Opportunity: Whites People Need Not Apply

Seeds of Disorder: High School Courses Now Dedicated to Teaching American Guilt

'Rent-a-mob' zealot caught red-handed at Trump riot

UN Adopts “Education” Plan to Indoctrinate Children in Globalism

Amnesty International is US State Department Propaganda

Yale Students Object to Eng. Lit Course — Too English
Indicates the irrelevance of university. Students are already in full, self-hating, anti-white brainwashed mode before the arrive at the Ivy Leagues.

Friday, June 3, 2016

The Tolerance of Liberals: The Death of the West

Liberals pride themselves on their tolerance.

They are tolerant of adultery.

They are tolerant of partial birth abortion.

They are tolerant not only of homosexuality, but of the compulsory promotion of homosexuality among children.

likewise, they are more than tolerant of the teaching of fellatio to kindergarteners (on the assumption, presumably, that humans are just a less hairy variant of the bonobo ape).

And they are enthusiastically tolerant of the flooding of Europe by Muslims and other Third Worlders already the majority in many major Western cities.

In fact, as any liberal will proudly tell you, the only thing that a liberal cannot tolerate is intolerance.

In keeping with their tolerance of adultery, liberals regard adherents of the Mosaic law, whether Jewish, Christian or Muslim, as religious bigots, and liberals really hate bigots.

Consistent with their insistence on "a woman's right to choose," liberals call opponents of abortion, whether during the first trimester or when virtually indistinguishable from infanticide, oppressors of women, sexists, male chauvinist pigs, or religious maniacs, and liberals really hate all of the above.

Liberals call those who maintain the Judeo/Christian tradition of marriage as a union of one man and one woman, homophobes, or in the case of Muslim polygamists, Islamophobes, and liberals really hate both.

Have European men no balls? Apparently not, since they take
endless crap from Treason Party scum such as Blair, Cameron,
Merkel, Hollande, Sarkozy.  And in Amerika, they even love
liberals call those who oppose the genocidal flood of immigrants to the European world racists, far-right wing extremists, white supremacists or Nazis, and liberals really, really love to hate all of the above.

Liberals call those who oppose the Islamification of Europe with its Muslim no-go areas and Shariah courts, religious bigots and they really hate religious bigots.

Liberals, in other words, are vigorous haters absolutely intolerant of any proscriptive moral code, or any national culture, whether religious, legal or political.

Liberalism is the ultimate fifth column ideology for the destruction of the Western nations, their people and culture. Liberalism, the morality of a stuffed corpse, paves the way to the utter defeat and destruction of the West.


EU Group Pushing for Forced Indoctrination of the "Intolerant"

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

The Illogic of Libertarianism

Following Monday's announcement that the US Libertarian Party has nominated former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson as its 2016 presidential candidate (he ran in 2012 and got 1% of the votes), we reproduce here our piece on the logical absurdity of libertarianism that first appeared on Wordpress, December 11, 2013.
Libertarians consider freedom the highest value and government the greatest restraint on freedom, from which they conclude that government is an evil to be eliminated.

But given human nature, the variability of human desires and the scarcity of resources to satisfy those desires, human existence in the absence of government, or in what Hobbes called a state of nature, will degenerate into a war of all against all:
… there is no place for industry, because the fruit thereof is uncertain, and consequently, no culture of the earth, no navigation, nor the use of commodities that may be imported by sea, no commodious building, no instruments of moving and removing such things as require much force, no knowledge of the face of the earth, no account of time, no arts, no letters, no society, and which is worst of all, continual fear and danger of violent death, and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.
Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan
This fact, libertarians can never grasp, for if they did, they would not be libertarians.

To deny the miserable lack of freedom under a condition of anarchy, libertarians make claims about rights as though such pious talk would tame the will of those intent on a course that infringes the liberty of others. That their rights, God-given or otherwise, can nowhere be exercised freely except where they are enshrined in law and enforced by government seems beyond libertarian comprehension.

Travellers ambushed during the chaos of the 30 years war.
Sebastian Vrancx (1573-1647). Image source.

Bizarrely, libertarians may invoke authority in support of their ideology, Adam Smith being often cited. Indeed, in Edinburgh, the Adam Smith Institute claims to be “Britain’s leading libertarian think tank” (is there really more than one?). But Adam Smith was no anarchist. He was a social scientist whose great work The Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations was concerned with the factors underlying not liberty but the creation of wealth, and to Smith it was clear that general prosperity could be achieved only under a government.

Smith devoted an entire section of the Wealth of Nations (Book V) to the nature of good government, identifying four necessary functions:

National Defense:The first duty, and necessary expense, of the state is defence: protecting the society from the violence or invasion of others.

Justice:Just as the state must protect people from foreign enemies, so must it protect them against domestic ones. …

Among nations of hunters, there is hardly any property. People usually have nothing to gain from injuring others, and there is little need for any formal administration of justice. But where property exists, things are otherwise. There are potential gains from theft. The avarice and ambition of the rich, or the desire for ease and enjoyment among the poor, can lead to private property being invaded. The acquisition of valuable property – which may take years to build up – necessarily requires the establishment of a civil government and a magistracy to preserve order and justice. The affluence of the rich excites the indignation of the poor, who are often both driven by want, and prompted by envy, to invade his possessions. It is only under the shelter of the civil magistrate that the owner of that valuable property, which is acquired by the labour of many years, or perhaps of many successive generations, can sleep a single night in security.
Thus, according to Smith, the accumulation of wealth, which so many libertarians believe should occur on a tax-free basis, is in fact possible only under publicly funded government protection:

Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defence of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all.

Public Works:
The third role for the state is to build and maintain public works that could never yield a profit to individuals: institutions to facilitate commerce, the education of the young and the instruction of people of all ages.

In the matter of public education, Smith, himself the beneficiary of publicly supported schooling, was ambivalent. There was a strict limit, he believed, to the value of education for the masses:

The man whose whole life is spent in performing a few simple operations, of which the effects too are, perhaps, always the same, or very nearly the same, has no occasion to exert his understanding, or to exercise his invention in finding out expedients for removing difficulties which never occur.

But Smith would likely have taken a different view had he lived in a technological age where the returns to investment in education are great but its cost exceeds the means of many students.


Smith made numerous references to the harm inflicted on the public by monopolies, which he described as conspiracies against the public:
People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.
Smith may have advocated no laws against monopoly, but he recognized them as an evil inherent in the system of trade regulation that he wished to see replaced by a competitive free market:

Monopoly of one kind or another, indeed, seems to be the sole engine of the mercantile system.

Recognizing the necessity of government, Smith recognized also the necessity of taxation and proposed principles of taxation that any small-government conservatives would approve. Certainly, he would have considered absurd, the notion that taxation is necessarily theft.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Social Media To Tackle Hate Speech — Not

Good news: liberals and Treason Party  globalists will no longer be free to smear opponents of national genocide through mass immigration as "racists," "bigots," "far-right wingers, "extremists," or "Nazis," on Facebook, Twitter or U-Tube.

Um, well actually, not. 

In future mentioning the ongoing genocide of your own people through compulsory "sex education" (aka, suppression of the fertility of the indigenous people) and replacement immigration is to be branded not only as "far-right wingism," "extremism," "racism," and "Nazism," but also "hate speech," which I suppose it is. I mean, don't you hate it when your race and nation are deliberately targeted for extinction? Well in future just keep it to yourself or be branded an exponent of hate speech, against which the EU will soon have a law, if they don't already: Jews exempt, on the condemnation of genocide, of course.

Meantime, Oxford Professor warns Today, Jesus Christ would be BANNED from speaking at universities as a 'non-violent extremists'.

But in response, a UK Home Office spokesman told MailOnline today:
There is no contradiction between promoting freedom of speech and taking account of the well-being of students, staff and the wider community,...
Protecting those who are vulnerable and at risk of radicalisation is a job for all of us and this Government is continuing to work in partnership with communities of all backgrounds to challenge those who spread hatred and intolerance.
And that's a sentiment Tony Bliar must share. After all, Jesus did truly speak hatefully of liars and humbugs:
You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies (John 8:44).
And as for hypocrites, he condemned them to Hell, which is extreme as, well, Hell:
You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell? (Matthew 23:33).
Is that hate speech, or what?

 So forget anything about Christianity on the social media. Only positive stuff, about the Pope washing the feet of Muslims, etc. and promoting the Islamic occupation of Europe from now on.


CanSpeccy: Are you a far-right-wing extremist, racist, anti-Semite against genocide?

Monday, May 30, 2016

FBI Wants Clinton Indictment and Threatens to Blow the Whistle

Bombshell Announcement by Former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay
The FBI is ready to indict Hillary Clinton and if its recommendation isn’t followed by the U.S. attorney general, the agency’s investigators plan to blow the whistle and go public with their findings, former U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay tells Newsmax TV.
Huffington Post Writer: Editors Deleted My Article on Hillary’s Imminent Indictment

The key passage in the deleted article was:
James Comey and The FBI will present a recommendation to Loretta Lynch, Attorney General of the Department of Justice, that includes a cogent argument that the Clinton Foundation is an ongoing criminal enterprise engaged in money laundering and soliciting bribes in exchange for political, policy and legislative favors to individuals, corporations and even governments both foreign and domestic.
Meantime, here's a synopsis (source) of the State Department's Inspector General's report of Clinton's use of private email server during her tenure as Secretary of State:
— Neither Clinton nor any of her senior staff would participate in the IG’s investigation

— Clinton never sought approval, legal or technical, for her unprecedented private email system

— IT staffers and others at State warned her against it

— Had she sought approval, the State Department would not have granted it

— Clinton violated Federal Records laws

— Clinton did not turn over all of her work-related emails. Several (unclassified) were quoted in the IG report that had never been released

— Clinton violated State Department policies and guidelines in place at the time, even as the State Department enforced those on the rank-and-file

— IT staff at the State Department who raised concerns internally were falsely told the server was approved and ordered to not discuss it further

— Clinton’s use of a non-standard email account caused many of her emails to not reach their recipients inside State, and ended up instead in Spam

— State Department staffers not in Clinton’s inner circle aware of her private email address could not communicate with the head of their agency

— His State Department bosses did not know their employee, Bryan Pagliano, was simultaneously working directly for Clinton maintaining her private server

— The server came under severe enough hacker attacks that its administrator had to physically unplug it to prevent intrusions.
As for the damage to US security due to the irresponsibility Secretary Clinton in privatizing State Department communications,, here's Former Director of CIA and the US National Intelligence Agency, General Michael Hayden:
I would loose all respect for dozens of intelligence agencies around the world if they did not have access to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email server:

Looks like Clinton cannot win against Trump so now's the time for her to make a deal with the Administration and withdraw from the race voluntarily, rather than be removed in handcuffs.


Did the Clinton Foundation Steal from the Poor?

Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s Law Firm Tied to Hillary Clinton

The Criminalization of Politics: Hillary Accused of Racketeering by the FBI, Will She be Dumped from the Presidential Race?

Saturday, May 28, 2016

A Crackpot Saudi Conspiracy Theory

Saudi Press: US Government Blew Up World Trade Centers as Pretext for Perpetual War

What in the World could have induced anyone to adopt such a silly idea?

And On Other Topics:

The New Atlantis: Why Making America Great Again Matters
(World Bank figures show that between 2000 and 2014, China’s share of the world’s total gross domestic product (GDP) nearly quadrupled; Russia’s share tripled; India’s share almost doubled, while the U.S. share decreased by 28 percent...)
Huffington Post Removes Article Claiming Hillary Clinton Will Be Indicted

Robert Epstein:
The Empty Brain

Your brain does not process information, retrieve knowledge or store memories. In short: your brain is not a computer

Maverick Philosopher: The Cogency of the 'Hillary is Worse' Defense

Russia Insider: Putin Crushes BBC Smartass

Tristan Harris: Are  you adicted to a cell pone app.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Trump : Vincent Foster’s death "very fishy" — Here's why

Attorney John H. Clarke, grand jury witness Patrick Knowlton, and researcher Hugh Turley who appear in the above video co-authored the final twenty pages of Ken Starr's Report on the Death of Vincent W. Foster, Jr. (see video below, for how this dissenting statement came to be attacked to the Starr report.).

WND: Trump's Trump's Vince Foster attack backed by new evidence
NEW YORK – As Donald Trump revives the two-decade old Vince Foster case, the charge that the cause of death of the top aide and close friend of the Clintons may not have been suicide has once again been dismissed as the stuff of “right-wing conspiracy theory.”

But less than three months ago, WND reported a resignation letter surfaced from the lead investigator in independent counsel Robert Fiske’s investigation of the Foster case, Miguel Rodriguez, outlining evidence of his charge that the case was fixed.

Thirteen years ago, WND reported Rodriguez, an assistant U.S. attorney, made an audio recording in which he charged the suicide ruling was predetermined, the crime scene was altered and major newspaper editors killed stories by reporters pursuing the truth.

“This whole notion of [Fiske and Starr] doing an honest investigation is laughable,” Rodriguez says in the tape.

In his resignation letter, Rodriquez refers to photographs showing a wound on Foster’s neck that was not mentioned in Starr’s official government report.
Read more

The Death of Vincent Foster

By Michael Rivero

Evidence Of A Cover-up


This is the story that nobody dares touch. This is the story that ended my career in Hollywood back in 1994.
Despite having reported the discovery of Dr. Haut's signed report confirming the existence of a second wound to Vincent Foster's neck, radio host Rush Limbaugh to this very day refers to Vincent Foster's death as a suicide.
Even Matt Drudge, when presented with the FBI records proving that the FBI fraudulently manufactured Lisa Foster's recognition of the gun found at Fort Marcy Park, refused to get involved, opting instead for a story accusing Sidney Blumenthal of domestic violence (for which Drudge was then sued and made famous).

Courtesy of a reader in Toronto.
It only took them twenty years to catch up with me, but it is nice to see!
So, what would had happened if Rush Limbuagh and Matt Druge, not to mention ABCNNBBCBS had had the courage to report this story back in 1994? I would have kept my film career, of course, but beyond that, we might have avoided three Presidential administrations convinced that they could do whatever they wanted to do and get away with it, whether it was murdering the White House Deputy Council, lying about Saddam's nuclear weapons to start a war of conquest, or scamming us all with 9-11, or human-caused global warming, Obamacare, etc.
There is a funny line in the first "Men in Black" movie where Agent K says that the tabloids are the best reporting on the planet. The Examiner just proved him right! :)

Pat Knowlton's audio tapes of Miguel Rodriguez confirming the deceptions and cover-up in the Vince Foster Case.

UPDATE: Allan Favish's FOIA yields more photos.

Allan Favish's Freedom Of Information Act lawsuit achieved a breakthrough recently when a Federal District Judge ordered 5 of the 10 crime scene Polaroid photographs released. One of these is no doubt the photo of the dark blued steel revolver and Foster's hand previously leaked by the White House to Reuter's News Service. But the other four are photos not publicly seen before.
Here is the judge's order.


On July 20, 1993, six months to the day after Bill Clinton took office as President of the United States, the White House Deputy Council, Vincent Foster, told his secretary Deborah Gorham, "I'll be right back". He then walked out of his office, after offering his co-worker Linda Tripp, the leftover M&Ms from his lunch tray.
That was the last time Vincent Foster was seen alive.
Contrary to the White House spin, Vincent Foster's connection to the Clinton's was primarily via Hillary, rather than Bill. Vincent and Hillary had been partners together at the rose law firm, and allegations of an ongoing affair had persisted from the Little Rock days to the White House itself.
Vincent Foster had been struggling with the Presidential Blind trust. Normally a trivial matter, the trust had been delayed for almost 6 months and the U.S. trustee's office was beginning to make noises about it. Foster was also the keeper of the files of the Clinton's Arkansas dealings and had indicated in a written memo that "Whitewater is a can of worms that you should NOT open!"
But Vincent's position at the White House did not sit well with him. Only days before, following a public speech stressing the value of personal integrity, he had confided in friends and family that he was thinking of resigning his position. Foster had even written an outline for his letter of resignation, thought by this writer to have been used as the center portion of the fake "suicide note". Foster had scheduled a private meeting with Bill Clinton for the very next day, July 21, 1993 at which it appeared Foster intended to resign.
Vincent Foster had spent the morning making "busy work" in his office and had been in attendance at the White House announcement of Louis Freeh as the new head of the FBI earlier in the day (passing by the checkpoint manned by White House uniformed guard Styles).
This is a key point. The White House is the most secure private residence in the world, equipped with a sophisticated entry control system and video surveillance system installed by the Mitre Corporation. Yet no record exists that Vincent Foster left the White House under his own power on July 20th, 1993. No video of him exiting the building exists. No logbook entry shows he checked out of the White House.
Several hours after he was last seen inside the White House, Vincent Foster was found dead in Fort Marcy Park, in a Virginia suburb just outside Washington D.C.
The death was ruled a suicide (the first major Washington suicide since Secretary of Defense James Forrestal in 1949), but almost immediately rumors began to circulate that the story of a suicide was just a cover-up for something much worse.
The first witness to find the body insisted that there had been no gun near the body. The memory in Foster's pager had been erased. Critical evidence began to vanish. Many witnesses were harassed. Others were simply ignored. There were even suggestions that the body had been moved, and a Secret Service memo surfaced which reported that Foster's body had been found in his car! The official reports were self-contradictory.

Read more

Allan Favish: Donald Trump is Right to Think that Something is ‘Very Fishy’ About the Vincent Foster Death

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Conformity Bias, Media Cucks and Self-Hating White People

The mainstream media are almost exclusively for the global empire and the destruction of the sovereign, democratic nation state. The most powerful states are countries of European or majority European ethnicity. The destruction of these states is thus a priority of the globalist elite and is being pursued by means of a program of white genocide.

As discussed here, the project for the destruction of the European peoples is two-pronged:

First, it aims at the suppression of the fertility of the indigenous European population through the promotion of abortion and contraception, and the legalization and encouragement of virtually every known form of sexual perversion. This is precisely Malthus's alternative to starvation as a control on population. He called it vice. In addition is much lying about the population explosion although in reality every single European majority nation is severely reproductively dysfunctional, with a fertililty rate far below the replacement rate.

Second, it promotes European population replacement by a mass influx of non-European immigrants of highly philoprogenitive people from Africa, Asia and the Middle-East. Libyan women in Britain, for example, have an average of more than five children, or about three times as many as their indoctrinated English sisters. Bangladeshi women in Britain, though less fecund than the Libyans, nevertheless manage to raise more children in Britain than their sisters at home in Bangladesh.

Thus, as Bill Clinton stated in a commencement address delivered at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon June 13, 1998:
Today, largely because of immigration, there is no majority race in Hawaii or Houston or New York City. Within five years, there will be no majority race in our largest state, California. In a little more than 50 years, there will be no majority race in the United States. No other nation in history has gone through demographic change of this magnitude in so short a time … [These immigrants] are energizing our culture and broadening our vision of the world. They are renewing our most basic values and reminding us all of what it truly means to be American.
This process is now openly applauded by the mainstream media. As, for example, by this cuck from the Guardian who is counting the days until the "dying white majority" in America no longer exists.

But why, you may ask, if the white majority in Germany, Britain, America, etc. are being targeted for genocide do they not rise up in unanimous revolt? The explanation is to be found in an important cultural phenomenon, which the globalists are no doubt making use of. It is the phenomenon  of "conformity bias," and it is time for the European people to take advantage of this effect and turn the tables on the media cucks and Treason Party political leadership who seek their destruction.

Conformity bias is evident in chimps. If there are two ways to do some mundane thing, any particular group of chimps will eventually settle on just one way to do that thing, while other groups will settle on doing it the other way. Thus, in any group, everyone conforms to one pattern of behavior.

Just as chimps like to go with the flow, so do humans. This explains the phenomenon of today's self-hating white racist, and also the self-hating Jew in an anti-Semitic environment. They are simply conforming to the propaganda most vigorously asserted in the public realm. In the case of anti-white racism and genocide propaganda, the corporate media and the educational establishment are virtually unanimous in pushing the anti-white hate speech line.

Exposed to constant media hatred, whether anti-Semitism or anti-white hate speech, the most sensitive or least well informed souls of the target group will adopt the memes of the dominant propagandists, and thus help drive the process leading to their own extinction. Today, the European peoples are in a headlong lemming-like rush to self-destruction.

To stem this tide and punish those driving this monstrous criminal endeavor, the anti-white cucks must be relentlessly condemned and vigorously repaid in kind (so yes, keep calling the fuckers cucks, they hate it, but if sufficiently pressured  they will be compelled to join their own side.)

Justin Trudeau: Canada's Prime Cuck
And it's not just the overt anti-white racists to be confronted. It's the H1b visa crowd, the Zuckerbergs and Gates's, and all the other Silicon valley billionaire and millionaire shits too mean to employ Americans, plus the foolish twits who blather about the glories of ethnic food, as if you have to import a million West Indians before you can enjoy fried chicken. And all the morons who drivel about diversity is our strength.

But none of this should be understood as hatred for immigrants, legal immigrants, anyhow. Immigrants are people going where they legally may in pursuit of their own interest. In fact it is in the interests of Western nations targeted for destruction to engage the support, not the hostility, of legal immigrants, provided only that those legal immigrants are ready to integrate into the indigenous society not seek to replace it with their own. Settler immigrants boasting of their plan to dominate the people of Europe should be given an unceremonious boot in the arse and returned to sender.

 EuroAmericans for Hillary Clinton are like chickens for Colonel Sanders. 

Saturday, May 21, 2016

If PR Matters

Russia's foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova dances the Kalinka

US State Department Spokesman John Kirby answering a direct question

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Twelve Reasons Brits Won't Brexit. Or How Great Nations Die

If Britain left the EU, it would:
David Camoron, Leading cancer scientist
1. "Put cancer research at risk" claim leading scientists
2. Crash the property market, Landlords say
3. "Make ISIS happy," David Camoron says 
4. Resurrect Adolf Hitler and lead  to WWIII and pesky V2 rockets once again raining down on London,  David Camoron says  (Though why Brits care about London is hard to see, since there's only foreigners there now.)
5. Allow Vladimir Putin and his bud Kim Jong Un-Hinged to rule the World, David Camoron says  
6. Turn the whole of Southern England into a jungle camp for Syrian refugees, David Camoron says 
Camoron's finance minister, George, Yer-
all-gonna-starve-if-you-vote-Brexit, Osborne
Image source
7. Cost every British household four thousand, three hundred quid, and threepence halfpenny, David Camoron says 
8. Make nearly everyone immediately redundant, David Camoron says 
9. Allow mad scientists at CERN to create a black hole that will swallow the entire planet before Christmas, contrary to CERN's lying PR office
10. Cause an immediate and catastrophic increase in global warming, Obarmy, say
11. Be a futile attempt to resurrect Britain's "obsolete" democratic, sovereign, nation state, Obarmy, say and anyone who thinks otherwise is a racist, white-supremacist, warmongering son-of-a-nigger-bashing slave owner, and what's worse, an opponent of corporate global governance, aka the TPIP, a trade deal so beneficial to humanity that no one is allowed to read the terms, not even the legislators who have to vote it in (but don't worry about them, their pockets are well stuffed. Plus they get free haircuts and gas.)
12. Be "separatism," Justin Trudeau says

(Which reminds me of the response of a bowler-hatted Londoner in a long ago man-in-the-street television news interview when asked about Canada: "Canada" he said, "Canada, who gives a damn about Canada."

Sadly Londoners are no longer English, no longer wear bowler hats, and no longer give a damn about England, but are all agog, apparently, to receive advice from Canada's pipsqueak premier and supplier of lethal arms to Nazis in Ukraine, and floggers and head choppers in the very undemocratic sovereign Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.)

And this just in. Mark Carney, Britain's Canadian central bank governor warns Brexit could result in interest rates going up, or for God's sake, down. Wow, so they'll be screwed either way. LOL.

Plus this: EXCLUSIVE: EU Remain says Brexit would result in asteroid collision with London

Crazy, isn't it?

Undefeated in 950 years, the creators of the modern world, wildly enthusiastic about Rule Britannia, Thomson's glorious anthem to British independence (set to the music of Thomas Arne in 1740), what the majority of Brits will vote for in the referendum, is to be Euro-Peons, their Parliament made redundant by an unelected council in Strasbourg about which nine tenths of the British population are entirely unaware, their freedom of speech increasingly restricted by an undemocratic European Union that cannot secure its own borders and which takes its foreign policy direction from the United States, contrary to its own security and economic interests.

Next thing, the poor brainwashed residue of a great nation will be pleading for sharia law.


Daily Mail: Camoron's own party members ssay Brexit warning and threaten revolt

Express: 12 MILLION Turks say they’ll come to the UK once EU deal is signed

Telegraph: Britain 'could liberate Europe again' by voting for Brexit and sparking populist revolution

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Profits of Genocide

All Western states have a policy on population and immigration that constitutes nothing less than a program of national genocide. Understanding this brute fact is not difficult. The analysis involves math so elementary that even those largely confused by New Math or Common Core (Rotten Core) should be able to understand it. There are two elements to the program:

First, the suppression of the fertility of the indigenous population through the promotion of abortion and contraception, and the legalization and encouragement of virtually every known form of sexual perversion. This is precisely Malthus's alternative to starvation as a control on population. He called it vice.

Second, mass immigration of highly philoprogenitive people from Africa, Asia and the Middle-East. Libyan women in Britain, for example, have an average of more than five children, or about three times as many as their indoctrinated English sisters. Bangladeshi women in Britain, though less fecund than the Libyans, nevertheless manage to raise more children in Britain than their sisters at home in Bangladesh.

So you drive the fertility of the Western nations far below the replacement rate, while causing a population explosion through mass immigration. The net result? Population replacement, which is to say the destruction of the Western nations.

But why?

Do Western elites so hate their plebeian co-nationals that they seek deliberately to destroy them. So it appears. "We are a plague on the World," says popular BBC natural history presenter David Attenborough, and so many others respected members of the elite, including Barack Obama's science policy advisor, John Holdren, an advocate of forced abortion and sterilization.

But what these supposed geniuses never acknowledge is the ongoing population bust throughout the West, where every nation has a below replacement fertility rate. Thus, while tens of millions of high fertility Third Worlders pour into the Western nations with every encouragement from the the billionaires club (and here, and here) and their agents in political office, the indigenous populations are rapidly aging and shrinking, with the result that on current trends they will be eclipsed by the immigrant populations within a generation, their only hope of posterity being to mate with an immigrant, apparently.

But while David Cameron, the Eton and Oxford trained toff who, after asserting before becoming British Prime Minister that immigration "must be gripped," has presided over the greatest immigration flow to Britain in the nation's history, surely couldn't care less about the mass of stinking Briton's, he most surely cares about the tax avoiding Money Power that profits by immigration. The way the Money Power profits is threefold.

First, if you raise the supply of anything then, all other things being equal, you lower the price. Thus increasing the supply of labor through immigration lowers wages, and as David Ricardo noted: "wages and profits, together, are always the same." Or put more that clearly: cheap labor, big profits.

Second, a booming population creates demand for housing, maternity hospitals, schools, roads, universities, and much else beside. Meeting that demand, virtually all funded at the expense of the taxpater, is what keeps thousands of the friends of governments provided with profitable construction contracts and windfall profits from land development.

Third, an immigrant population has the great advantage of being almost entirely innocent of dangerous Western ideas about free speech, the rights of an Englishman, equality before the law, or labour solidarity. No, these new Brits understand the corrupt state perfectly well and are quite willing, and well prepared to work with it, since it is the poverty of a corrupt state from which they seek relief in the West — temporarily. In the long run, the outcome is obvious. Wages, human rights, workplace health and safety standards will equalize between the West and the Rest, with no gains and mostly losses to the people of the West.

So can the West avoid cultural destruction, population replacement, and Third-Worldization of its economy? It would probably require the Ceaucescu treatment for the leadership to effect any real change in the thinking of the elite as a whole — the surviving remnant of it, that is.


Murder or Suicide? The Death of Germany..
But who cares? Only the far-right-wing extremist, racist Nazis, apparently.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Dumb-Arse Italians Only Just Realized You Gotta Have Babies or Your People Go Extinct

The Italians birth rate crashed in the late 60's and has been way, way below the replacement rate ever since. Currently, Italy's fertility rate is about two-thirds of the replacement rate, but that rate depends in large part on the fertility of the immigrant population: people such as the Libyans who have about three-times as many children as their Italian "sisters." No wonder the Pope sucks up Muslims: the Vatican will soon be a fortress within a Muslim state. 

"English" children in London borough of Newham. Image source.
Actually, the Italians are not quite as dumb as all the other Euro states. At least the Italians have now acknowledged that they're dying out. All the other European states, including the US, Canada and Australia, are not only dying off but blathering inanely about the population explosion, promoting the abortion of their own children, teaching any children that nevertheless get born how to engage in every kind of sexual perversion, and congratulating themselves on their wonderful racial inclusiveness as they bring in millions upon million so of highly fertile Africans, Asians and Middle-Easterners — mainly children and adults of child-bearing age, to take their place.

Will the Italian response to the crisis of population implosion work? Almost certainly not. They're gonna increase the child allowance for poor people. Since the immigrants from Africa are the poorest people in Italy, the new policy will simply hasten the replacement of the Italians by people from elsewhere.

The immigrants are mostly good people, no doubt, but they're not Italians. That's a good thing, according to Barack Obama who just visited England to tell the British people that their national sovereignty is "obsolete." In Obama's view, the ethnic cleansing of the English from their great cities — genocide, that is — is a good thing.

Those whom the gods* wish to destroy, they first make liberals.

* Actually, not the gods, but the university professors and administrators and the scoundrel globalist elite who own them.


Breitbart: Council on Foreign Relations Ornament, Angelina Jolie, tells Brits time to commit national suicide: stick with the EU and keep the immigrants coming

CanSpeccy: Benign Genocide of the Western Nations: The Role of Planned Reproductive Dysfunction

Daily Mail: Cockneys disappear from London borough of Newham as 70,000 immigrants move in.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Homo sapiens: the Ape With Nukes. Or Are We Really the Smartest Animals Alive?

In his excellent book Are we smart enough to know how smart animals are? Frans de Waal tells of the chimp Ayumu who could memorize a random layout of the digits one through nine when shown them for a mere one fifth of a second, a task impossible for most if not all humans. So we aren't very smart at some of the tasks that might feature in an inter-specific IQ test.

It might be argued that visual memory is hardly a measure of smart. But animals do all sorts of other things that humans can do barely or not at all. Hunt moths by echolocation like a bat, for example. What's more, animals do pretty well at solving problems: the New Caledonian crow, for example, being better at solving a variety of puzzles than the average seven-year-old human.

But whatever one may say about the intelligence of animals, none have been smart enough to build the bomb, or describe the motion of the planets. So what makes us effectively smarter than the animals, even if our IQ is not nearly so much higher than that of other animals as most people think?

Evolution? Image source
The answer is language. That humans have somewhat larger brains, though not by that much, than other apes is an evolutionary development almost certainly related to, and driven by the benefits of, language acquisition.

As I have previously discussed, the gift of language grants humanity a power almost equal to that of telepathy. For direct mind-to-mind communication, there is no need for everyone to have a chip in their head as some have supposed. All that's required is the ability to think in symbols, and to express those symbols by verbal utterance or other means. Then, to create the same thought in your head as in mine, I have simply to think out loud. Thus, if I say, "elephants never forget," what you'll hear is "elephants never forget," which is my thought exactly.

Language thus creates a group mind. Experience of one becomes the knowledge of all. Knowledge passes between the generations, and beyond the bounds of the tribe. Your solution to the problem of extracting honey from the bees' nest without being stung can become my solution too, without my ever seeing you perform the trick. With that one step, a dim-witted ape became master of a wealth of knowledge far beyond the experience of a single individual or a single generation.

The verbal sharing of knowledge meant improved human survival, larger populations, the development of urban civilization, the complexity of which gave rise to a need for record keeping, which led naturally to the invention of writing.

Writing provided the means to the next big step in the evolution of human "smartness." It led to the transmission of experience and ideas over both time and space. Knowledge now passed easily down the generations and between tribes, cities and nations. With the accumulation and dispersal of literary, historical and technical writings, the intelligence of a person of any accomplishment ceased to be a product chiefly of that individual's own experience and cerebration, but of the civilization in which that individual was raised.

And now there is the Internet, which makes civilizational distinctions obsolete. All human knowledge is available to everyone, everywhere at virtually no cost. Even a poorly financed terrorist organization has the potential to deploy weapons of mass destruction. The world is at the threshold of an era during which all kinds of freaks and crazies will be able to wreak havoc upon the world. In Washington, Moscow or Beijing, one of them may already have their finger on the button marked Armageddon. All that power in the hands of an animal with a mind comparable to that of a crow and in some ways inferior to the brain of a chimp.


Frans de Waal: Moral Behavior in Animals

Monday, May 9, 2016

Getting the Relationshiop Between Economic Theory and Economic Performance Arse-Backwards

Over at the Unz Review, Eamonn Fingleton argues that Donald Trump will beat the Heck outa Hillary because he understands the economy, whereas she has been closely connected with the ruling elite that, for 25 years, has failed to understand, or therefore prevent, the disaster of American deindustrialization and off-shoring of jobs, a failure Fingleton attributes to faulty economic assumptions. In particular, he says:
Anglophone textbooks have traditionally identified just three key factors of production – capital, labor, and land. Now a further factor has emerged that plays a decisive role in the relative competitiveness of modern nations, blah, blah blah. 
And until now, nobody knew this? As if.
No, the idea that America’s economic decline can be attributed to bad economics has things arse-backwards.
As Harvard economist J.K. Galbraith made clear decades ago, the function of economics is not to steer the economy but to rationalize for the public whatever direction the elite has decided the economy must go.
Today, globalization, i.e., destruction of the democratic, sovereign nation state, accompanied by the concentration of power in the hands of bankers and oligarchs operating via global institutions such as the UN, the WTO, etc., etc., is the objective to be concealed. Economists, liberally rewarded with newspaper columns, Nobel prizes, extremely lucrative textbook contracts (at the expense of students required to purchase their outrageously expensive and essentially worthless books) and Ivy League university chairs, merely provide the cover up.
So Western elites are not wrong about the economy, they just don’t care about the economy as a source of income to the masses. What they care about is the continued concentration of wealth under their own control or the control of those who pull their strings.
That their policies undermine Western prosperity and power means nothing to them. The end game is global governance mediated by local governments subject to corporate control via trade agreements, and global institutions.
Hence Obama’s notice to the British: “sovereignty is obsolete,” which is to say: "I declare your independence as a democratic nation state finished." And the same goes for American sovereignty. National governments must no longer serve the people, they must serve the Treason Party representing the plutocratic global elite. 
The key question about Trump is whether he is a true American patriot or a covert Treason Party alternative to the discredited Bush-Clinton duopoly. The answer to that question will likely determine not only the fate of the European people as a racial and cultural group, but whether we are to have peace or war with Russia and China.