Monday, March 24, 2014

Ukraine Update March 26

Russian Sanctions: Russian Government Dumps iPads, Switches To Samsung
If Steve Harper had not been acting like a jerk, they might have turned to Blackberry, which offers better security than either Apple or Samsung.
Russian stock market up 40% since March 14, pre-Crimea referendum low

Obama's Maidan activist friends — traitors, bandits, snakes, and murderers — turn on one another

Russia to create national payment system to rival Visa, Mastercard
American sanctions are Obama's way of making the global banking system a bit more competitive.
Ukraine agrees to 50% gas price hike amid IMF talks
But don't worry folks, your friend John, Dobbin Kerry's has given you enough to cover the increase for over a month. Well it's not a gift, it's a loan. Well, not exactly a loan, more a loan guarantee, so make sure you pay it back.
Barack Obama has called on Russia to de-escalate the crisis in Ukraine or face more sanctions
Like, we started this whole thing by installing a Nazi-backed Russophobic government in Ukraine in place of the legitimate, democratically elected Russia-friendly regime, so now you Hitler Putin person have gotta de-escalate or we'll hit you again. Like, grovel man, grovel.

This is what counts as diplomacy by the expansionist American Empire.
Zero Hedge: What Happens If A US President Stops Speaking, And Nobody Claps

Ukraine wants closer military ties with U.S. and NATO after Crimea annexation
Which is to say the expansionist, Hitlerite US/NATO empire wants to assimilate Ukraine before continuing Eastward. Making way for the New Fascist World Order is what O'Barmy means by de-escalating the crisis: get out of our way.
Siemens 'to invest long-term in Russia'

America's spokesperson provocateurs:

NEO: Beware the Sheep with Fangs

Zero Hedge: Ukraine Only Has Enough Gasoline For A Month

Larissa Smirnova: Six Questions About Russia, Crimea, and Ukraine

Zero Hedge: Dear Ukrainians, Your Gas Bill Goes Up By 50% On May 1, Have A Nice Day

Simon Jenkin: Crimea: all this virile cold war talk won't force Vladimir Putin to slink back

John Mearsheimer: Getting Ukraine Wrong

Slaughter of Ukrainian Ultranationalist Olexander Muzychko Signals Split in Maidan Leadership

Moscow Slams Closure of Russian TV in Ukraine

West, Russia signal line drawn in Ukraine crisis

What, they're just gonna let that Hitler Putin person get away with the annexation of the Sudetenland or whatever the Hell with no more Churchillian rhetoric from Stevie Harper, the Mighty Mouse of the North? Shame.

Right Sector Thug Surplus to Requirement

Itar-Tass: Ukraine to deploy foreign mercenaries to suppress (oppress?) ethnic Russians

Zero Hedghe: "Anarchy" Returns To Ukraine As Ultra-Nationalist Leader Killed By Police

Pepe Escobar: How Crimea plays in Beijing
...the UN Security Council itself is a joke, with US ambassador Samantha "Nothing Compares to You" Power - one of the mothers of R2P ("responsibility to protect") - carping on "Russian aggression", "Russian provocations" and comparing the Crimean referendum to a theft. Oh yes; bombing Iraq, bombing Libya and getting to the brink of bombing Syria were just innocent humanitarian gestures. Samantha The Humanitarian arguably gives a better performance invoking Sinead O'Connor in her shower.

Russian ambassador Vitaly Churkin was polite enough to say, "these insults addressed to our country" are "unacceptable". It's what he added that carried the real juice; "If the delegation of the United States of America expects our cooperation in the Security Council on other issues, then Power must understand this quite clearly."

Samantha The Humanitarian, as well as the whole bunch of juvenile bystanders in the Obama administration, won't understand it. Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov gave them a little help; Russia didn't want to use the Iranian nuclear talks to "raise the stakes", but if the US and the EU continue with their sanctions and threats, that's what's going to happen.
Ukraine and Detroit: How Different?

Daily Mail: Russia demands parts of Ukraine are given regional autonomy as NATO condemns build-up of forces on the border

Daily Mail: The weapons used by our Nazi friends in Kiev that brought down the democratically elected government of Ukraine

Alaska back to Russia Petition approaches 24,000 signatures this AM

Global Research: Ukraine: The Corporate Annexation. “For Cargill, Chevron, Monsanto, It’s a Gold Mine of Profits”

Patrick Buchanan: Putin Crazy Like a Fox
... if Putin is not a Russian imperialist out to re-establish Russian rule over non-Russian peoples, who and what is he?

In the estimation of this writer, Vladimir Putin is a blood-and-soil, altar-and-throne ethnonationalist who sees himself as Protector of Russia and looks on Russians abroad the way Israelis look upon Jews abroad, as people whose security is his legitimate concern.
Which in the estimation of this blogger explains the extraordinarily high regard in which Putin is held, not just in Russia, but in Europe and America. The European peoples are being systematically genocided by their own ruling elites, and payback could come any time now. It is not Russia that is most likely to collapse like a house of cards as that old psychopath Senator MacCain seems to think, but the American Empire that currently occupies and seeks to destroy the European peoples.

See also: Universal Genocide and the New World Order

Mish: Ukraine's currency collapse

NYTimes: For Ukraine Military in Crimea, Glum Capitulation and an Uncertain Future
As usual, suavely written misdirection by the NYTimes. Capitulating to the Russians offered Ukrainian service-men the chance of enlistment in the Russian armed forces without loss of rank and with double pay. What's to be "glum" about that? No wonder 18,000 Ukrainian service men out of a total of 20,000 in Crimea opted to remain in Crimea, which is the place that most of them call home.
Washington Times: Obama threatens harsher sanctions on Russia — if Russia "seizes" more territory
That's a bit rich after Obama's Nazti friends in Kyiv "seized" the whole of Ukraine.

But, whatever. It looks increasingly as though there was, if not a deal, a realization in Washington, that if Nazi-NATO grabbed Ukraine, Russia would have Crimea back. How else explain why, with at least 20,000 troops in Crimea to match Russia's 16 - 22,000 (as allowed by treaty), the forces of the Ukrainian rebel government fired not a single shot to prevent the referendum and the subsequent re-absorption of Crimea into the Russian Federation?
Zero Hedge: Russia Prepares Mega-Deal With India After Locking Up China With "Holy Grail" Gas Deal
Or as Putin might say, Frack the EU, let them produce their own gas.
Stevwe Weissman: Meet the Americans Who Put Together the Coup in Kiev

Jim Dean: Ukraine’s Ku Klux Klan – NATO’s New Ally

CBS: 61 percent of Americans think the U.S. has no responsibility for events in Ukraine
65 percent of Americans do not think the U.S. should provide military aid and equipment to Ukraine in response to Russia's actions
CBC: Ukraine in talks with IMF for $15-20B loan package
Having spurned Russia's offer of $15 billion, Ukraine now has to accept a loan with binding conditions and strict supervision from the IMF.
Shanghai Daily: Russia denies mobilizing troops near Ukrainian border

Zero Hedge: US Prepares To Provide A Billion To Ukraine As Detroit Plans Mass Water Shutoffs Over $260 Million

BBC: Ukraine far-right leader Muzychko dies 'in police raid'

Now the Nazti scum have done their work in ousting the legitimate government in Ukraine, time to wipe them out? More about Muzychko's death, which he predicted only days ago, from RT.

Afghanistan Recognizes Crimean Union With Russia
In a snub to its Western backers, Afghanistan joined Syria and Venezuela this weekend to become one of the few countries to publicly support Russia's recent annexation of Crimea (TOLO News). On Sunday, Afghan President Hamid Karzai's office released a statement saying: "[W]e respect the decision the people of Crimea took through a recent referendum that considers Crimea as part of the Russian Federation"
Ingrates. We waged war in their country for more than a decade to make them democratic now they refuse to ignore the democratic will of the people of Crimea when it suits us.

Russian sanctions Cause Canadian businesses Pain

Theodore Dalrymple: Why Europe Sleeps: It has no appetite for conflict with Putin

It is not only cleanliness, but concision that is next to godliness. In theory, then, Twitter should promote near-godliness, for it encourages people to express their thoughts in few words. A good example of such admirable concision was the tweet from Laurent Fabius, the French foreign minister, reproduced in the electronic version of Le Monde on March 19, 2014: “On the one hand we cannot imagine delivering arms to Russia, on the other there is the reality of employment” (the French have a $1.7 billion deal to build a miniature aircraft carrier for the Russians). This will hardly have Russian president Vladimir Putin quaking in his shoes; on the contrary, it will set him laughing and reassure him that he can mock Western Europe to his heart’s content.

Thank Goodness Romney Isn’t President

Look to Solidarity, Not Sudetenland
Among the less helpful historical analogies that have been rolled out by neoconservative publications such as National Review, the New Republic, and the Washington Post since the onset of the Crimean Crisis are comparisons between what is happening now in Ukraine and what occurred three quarters of a century ago during the Munich Crisis. While anyone possessed of even a modicum of education understands that analogies to Munich serve more to obscure rather than clarify, it should hardly need stating that Vladimir Putin, unlike Hitler, is not an unhinged geopolitical revisionist who harbors a desire to re-make Europe to fit some demonic plan. And yet the tenor of the American media’s coverage of the man actually demands that it be said.

 A Coup in Crimea—or in Russia?

... Several days ago, a delegation of senators led by John McCain decamped to Kiev, where they issued the expected statements about freedom and democracy. McCain promised bipartisan support for Ukraine’s “territorial integrity”—meaning Crimea belongs to Ukraine—and against “Russia’s baseless violation of these principles and efforts to divide the country.” He promised to lobby for long-term American military assistance to Ukraine. Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy promised to “deliver a blow” to Russia to make clear the price to be paid for “aggression.” Dripping patronizing scorn, Arizona Senator Jeff Flake reminded Russians, “This is not your grandfather’s war.”

It’s not simply senators, of course. John Kerry lectures Putin about being stuck in a 19th-century mindset while condescendingly offering him an “off-ramp”—a face-saving way to allow the Western alliance to move right up to Russia’s borders. EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton tells reporters that she is “trying to send the strongest possible signals to Russia … trying to ensure that they understand the seriousness of the situation.” But who is it really who fails to “understand the seriousness?” The senators who parachute into Kiev for a frisson of media coverage or the Russians who gag when the United States tries to push NATO down their throats, contradicting assurances given to Moscow as the Soviet Union broke up? As John Mearsheimer pointed out in an important Times op-ed:
Washington played a key role in precipitating this dangerous situation, and Mr. Putin’s behavior is motivated by the same geopolitical considerations that influence all great powers, including the United States.
What is the goal of the West here? If you listen to some, it is to provoke Maidan-type demonstrations in Moscow, to overturn Putin. National Endowment for Democracy’s chief, Carl Gershman, one of the major dispensers of the “pro-democracy” money being spread about in Kiev, warned last year that Putin risked losing not just his “near abroad” but Russia itself. “Dear Vlad,” McCain tweeted two years ago, “Arab Spring is coming to a neighborhood near you.”...
Canada Pays Lip Service to Ukraine Neo-Nazi Government. The Ghosts of Baby Yar
Canada’s support [for Ukraine's violent coup d'état] is a continuation of its historical support for Ukrainian war criminals guilty of genocide at the end of WWII, but unprosecuted to further their uses to anti-Soviet policies. The Harper government is championing a political structure with its roots in Babi-Yar. Babi Yar is not an example of fascism, it’s an example of the extremes of Nazism and an inhumanity Europe has been teaching the New World for half a millenium.

Harper’s swift support of a neo-Nazi beachhead far more advanced than the inroads Golden Dawn has made in Greece, or Jobbik in Hungary, may suggest to Canadians that there is something very abnormal about Canada’s current political norm.

Regime Change in Ukraine and the IMF’s Bitter “Economic Medicine”

Living With Lies

When the actions of political elites are contrary to the interests of the masses, they are justified by lies. In failing states, such as the Soviet Union, lies become the standard coin of government communication.

Lies work in the short-run, but the public becomes cynical when they are told lies without end. In Russia, during the Soviet era, it was said that  in the state-owned newspaper Izvestiya (Russian for "news") there was no Pravda (Russian for "truth") and that in the state-owned newspaper Pravda there was no Izvestiya.

Today, the same lack of truth and significant information applies to, say, the New York Times and the Washington Post, which are not state-owned but, appropriately, in a plutocracy, largely or wholely owned by, respectively, Carlos Slim, one of the World's two or three wealthiest men, and Amazon's Jeff Bezos.

And as in Soviet Russia, the American public today has become cynical of government pronouncements. Thousands in Alaska have petitioned the White House for union with Russia, President Obama's approval rating in America is barely half that of President Putin's in Russia, and the British currently have a higher opinion of the Russian Federation than their own European Union.

But the American elite aren't giving up.  Crass Sunstein, former Obama information Tzar, husband of Samantha Power, America's UN envoy who recently auditioned to join the well-known Russian porno group, Pussy Riot, has a plan to keep the dolts deluded.

In his 2008 paper 'Conspiracy Theories' written with Adrian Vermeule, he proposed the following eminently reasonable measures:
  1. Government might ban conspiracy theorizing.
  2. Government might impose some kind of tax, financial or otherwise, on those who disseminate such theories.
  3. Government might itself engage in counter-speech, marshaling arguments to discredit conspiracy theories.
  4. Government might formally hire credible private parties to engage in counter-speech.
  5. Government might engage in informal communication with such parties, encouraging them to help."
But so far, nothing much has been done. And still people just don't believe half what Western governments tell them, whether it be about 9/11, the Sandy Hook Massacre or the Neo-Nazti coup against a legitimate democratically elected government in Ukraine. This stubborn skepticism has prompted Sunstein to further rumination, the unstated premise of which seems to be the one thing that the public at large does not accept: namely, that whatever the government says must be true.

From that assumption, the challenge is not to distinguish truth from falsehood in the public pronouncements of government, but merely how to treat the mental condition of conspiracy theorists. And to do that, says Sunstein, one must be wary about efforts to establish "the truth" as they may increase suspicion, which obviously will be the case if by "efforts to establish 'the truth'", one means banning conspiracy theories, taxing conspiracy theories, etc., etc.

But the good Harvard professor suggests something new: a means to manipulate the conspiracy theorist by "affirming, rather than attacking, their basic values and commitments," i.e., engaging in deception, since clearly the party attempting to force the government's line down the doubter's throat, and the truth be damned, does not share the doubter's basic values and commitments.

What eludes the Harvard professor apparently, is the idea that the truth is best assessed by honest and open debate, and on the basis of facts that governments often seem anxious to conceal. In that connection, Kevin Barrett has an interesting proposal for Sunstein: a public debate about 9/11.

Dear Cass Sunstein,

As one of the “purveyors of conspiracy theories” you want the government to “disable,” I am writing to invite you to “cognitively infiltrate” my radio show and “disable” my 9/11 conspiracy theories by arguing against them using logic and evidence.

I have a large audience interested in the topic; my Press TV op-ed published last July may be the most-read article ever published on conspiracy theories. By conspiring to do a radio show, we could get a lot of attention and sell a lot of books. So if you turn me down – keeping in mind that this is my third interview request – there must be a nefarious explanation ; – )

Seriously, I think we have more common ground than meets the eye. I agree that conspiracy theories seem to be spinning out of control, and that the “everything’s a conspiracy” mind-set is a threat to rational discourse and democratic institutions. But your proposed solution – a government conspiracy to suppress conspiracy theories – would just make the problem worse.

A better solution: Radical transparency, starting with an American Glasnost campaign to expose every secret ever held by the post-WWII national security state, featuring a truth-and-reconcilation commission to deal with the malefactors, followed by a radical redesign of our institutions.

American Glasnost could begin with a no-holds-barred official effort to fully expose the truth about coups and false flag events, economic and actual hit men, UFOs, etc. Then we could re-tool our democratic institutions and mandate hand-counted paper ballots, transparent public currency rather than privately-printed Fed funny-money, rigorous enforcement of antitrust laws with extra rigor for big media, and a much-scaled-down and largely secrecy-free national defense sector.

Douglas Rushkoff, an author you should be familiar with, has eloquently explained that new communications technologies undermine secrecy and mandate transparency. For example, when American officials conspire to illegally overthrow governments, as recently happened in Ukraine, Putin can intercept the conversations, post them on the internet, and create a PR disaster for the conspirators.

The rise in “conspiracy theories” is driven by this kind of widespread dissemination of information about the misdeeds of the powerful, and there is no way to turn the clock back and restore a culture of official secrecy, short of a brutal totalitarian lockdown on information.

Your program of “nudging” the public away from both real and fanciful conspiracy memes just won’t work. My friends and I can nudge the public toward fact-based conspiracy memes more effectively than you and your co-conspirators can nudge them in the other direction, even if you outspend us by billions of dollars. Truth is the great equalizer.

Since you are an illustrious law professor, I am sure you can argue ably against the positions outlined above. Please do so – by joining me on my radio program and getting your message out to the audience you want to convince. Stop preaching to the choir – go straight to the conspiracy theorists and explain to us why we are wrong!

I await your reply, and look forward to speaking with you.
Such a debate is something to look forward to. But what odds would a rational person offer on the chance of it happening?

Friday, March 21, 2014

Ukraine Update: March 24, 2014

The Enigmatic Arse Yatsenyuk:

How Germans Really Feel About Russia's Annexation Of Crimea: Yawn 

Lavrov: Stuff the G8

Crazed Ukrainian Ex-Convict, Ex-President (Future Mental Hospital Patient?) Urges Nuclear Genocide of Russians

after being asked, rhetorically, by her counterparty, "what should we do now with the 8 million Russians that stayed in Ukraine. They are outcasts"... to which she replies: "They must be killed with nuclear weapons."

These people are really Nazti.

Interpreting Putin
With Europe rotten and United States weakened, a resurgent and confident Russia will definitely not let a geo-strategically important former Soviet republic fall entirely into the West’s camp. By annexing Crimea, Putin not only secured Russia’s naval base and its strategic gateway to the Black Sea, he also sent a powerful message to Ukraine and the West: Ignore Russia’s legitimate strategic concerns at your own peril.
Stevie Harper's Foolish Ukraine Intervention Earns Russian Sanctions
It has also cost Canadian tax-payers $220 million, a gift from Harper to an illegitimate Neo-Nazi regime that took power by murderous force, despite an agreement accepted by the legitimate government of Ukraine and endorsed by three European heads of state for new elections. (See also: Harper's Dilbert Inspired Governing Style)
Ottawa has provided $220 million in aid to the interim Ukrainian government and has slapped travel bans and economic sanctions on dozens of officials and oligarchs aligned with Putin and the former Viktor Yanukovych government. 
Let's see, that's about $220 per elligible Canadian voter of Ukrainian extraction. Canada's 2015 election's gonna be expensive.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky Proposes Ukraine Carve-up

RT: Massive anti-Maidan rallies grip eastern Ukraine as residents demand referendum

Thierry Meyssan: Is Crimea’s Shift the First of a Long Series?

Stephen Harper, satrap of America's remote Northern colony of
Canada, visiting with fascists in Kyiv. During his visit, Harper
declared Russia to be a rogue state. Source.

Ukraine's east rallies for secession referendum

Alaskans seek to join Russian Federation

Pepe Escobar: Russian sanctions as war and farce

Peter Hitchens: We're being dragged into a new Cold War by a puffed-up bullfrog (and I don't mean President Putin)
...the silly, half-educated politicians of today still like to pose as tough guys with the following formula, addressed to anyone who suggests that Russia might have a case over Ukraine and Crimea.

It goes: ‘Putin is Hitler. You are Neville Chamberlain. I  am Winston Churchill – hear me roar.’

Apart from knowing nothing about European history, and apart from their bone-headed inability to distinguish Christian Russia from the communist USSR, these people also don’t understand what is going on in Ukraine.

It never occurs to them that Russia has good historical reasons to fear its neighbours. It never crosses their mind that the borders drawn by the victorious West in 1992, like those drawn at Versailles in 1919, are an unsustainable, unjust mistake.

They never ask why Britain (or the USA) should be hostile to Russia, or what the quarrel between us actually is. What is it to us whose flag flies over Sevastopol? Yet it matters greatly to those who live there....
 Putin is making the West's Cold Warriors look like fools
William Hague was on rather shaky ground when he argued this week that Moscow has chosen ‘the route to isolation’ by recognising Crimea’s referendum. On the contrary, it is the European Union and the United States who look as if they have seriously overplayed their respective hands in Ukraine. Across Asia, Africa and Latin America, the cry of ‘western hypocrisy’ has been heard much louder than complaints about Vladimir Putin. 

EU-Ukraine trade pact paves way for brutal austerity
The pact, signed in Brussels, declares that the Ukrainian government must “embark swiftly on an ambitious program of structural reforms” and submit to “an agreement with the [International Monetary Fund].” The plans being drawn up are based on the “Greek model”—the savage cuts imposed on Greece by the IMF and the EU that have produced a massive growth in unemployment and poverty.
LA Times: Shaping a response to Russia will be a high-stakes test for Obama The LA Times having no particular response in mind except for the West (the Europeans, anyhow) to cut of their nose to spite their face by killing trade with Russia, their chief energy supplier, with no particular object in mind, and ignoring the fact that Russia will never voluntarily slough off Crimea, a Russian-speaking region of mainly ethnic Russians that just voted by a huge majority for union with Russia.

BBC: Nato concerned about the threat to Moldova's Trans-Dniester region
As if any one cares about Transnistria, a useless sliver of land, far-removed from Russia's border, with a poverty stricken population of barely half a million people. But Russia's gone rogue, folks, anything can happen: Russian tanks could be rolling down the Champs Elysee any time now.

Meantime: Brits Want Vote on Joining Russia

Russia plans large investments in Crimea’s economy

Big Lie On the Dnieper: False Flag Murders in Kiev? 

MIT Technology Review: The U.S. Can’t Really Undermine Russia by Exporting Gas

Yatsenyuk: Ukraine will have to buy Russian gas even at $500 per 1,000 cubic meters
“Our country is fully energy dependent on Russia. It is impossible currently to give up Russian gas [imports],” Yatsenyuk stated Friday.

And might have added that: we think by continually insulting Russia they will give us a bigger discount on the price of gas — not.
The West's antiquated unipolar world collides with the East's vision of a mulipolar future

Specter of Western Mercenaries Hangs Over Ukraine Crisis

Crimea and Punishment
U.S. politicians and pundits want the American people to get so upset about Crimea’s decision to split with Ukraine and rejoin Russia that they will support more U.S. military spending and more U.S. interventions around the world ...
BS of the Week (Weak?): MacCleans Mag Cover: Russia on the March
"Vladimir Putins invasion of Crimea is the biggest threat to peace in decades. Why the West is powerless to stop him."

Putin has actually marched nowhere. And while nearly powerless to stop him — if and when Putin starts to march anywhere — there's Harper, the pipsqueak power of the North, throwing his full weight behind the Kyiv Nazties (see below)."
Ukraine Troops In Crimea Refuse To Leave appears it is not so much a question of figuring out how to evacuate the troops, but rather motivating them. As RIA reports, "less than 2,000 of Ukrainian troops serving in Crimea decided to leave the peninsula for Ukraine, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Saturday. "As of March 21, less than 2,000 out of 18,000 Ukrainian servicemen staying on the territory of the Republic of Crimea decided to go to Ukraine," the ministry said in a statement.
Global Research: Israel backs Ukraine Neo-Naztis

Dmitry Orlov: Follow the Incompetent Leaders: From Washington to Kyiv
What are these people doing trash talking the Russians? What would these people do without Russia? How would they ... visit the international space station? Who would negotiate international deals with Syria and Iran because all they can do is blunder and lose face.” Russia doesn’t need the United States for anything. The United States is the most dispensable country on earth.

... On possible war between Ukraine and Russia: “They are not going to fight because the Ukraine military is part of the Russian military. There really isn’t any opposition. The Ukrainian military will decide what to do in a few days, and then they will inform the Russians, and after that, maybe they will inform their own government. Maybe they will just go into the government offices and just round them up. Last I heard, 60% of Ukrainian military accepted Russian passports already. The remaining parts are being shipped out to the mainland. That is happening peacefully. So, there isn’t going to be any fight. The really important point is the Ukrainian military all over Ukraine does not support the government in Kiev. They are withholding support, and what they really want is to join the Russian military. . . . The best thing Russia can do is sit back and relax and let this work out. I don’t think the government in Kiev has any legs.”
Ukraine Raises Gas Prices 40% — Freedom's Expensive

Could the U.S. Face a Cruise Missile Threat from the Gulf of Mexico?

The US begins to notice that there is a downside to poking a bear with a stick. See:
Reaping the Ukrainian Whirlwind: Tyranny in Kiev, Russian Nukes 90 Miles off America's Southern Shore

While Signing Ukraine to an Alignment With the West, Germany Accuses Russia of Dividing Europe

But the Germans have nothing to say about the US Crassly and Officially Promoting Opposition to the Russian Government 

Russia Wants Ukrainian Nationalist Put on International Wanted List

Russophobes Confer: Harper in Kyiv
Or as Mike Rivero comments: Harper is the first G7 leader to visit Kiev. "He lectures about democracy by supporting thugs who took over democratically elected government by the power of gun."

It makes one proud to be a Canadian. Doing our bit to renew the cold war and driving Russia into a closer embrace with China. Well done Stevie.

But then does Harper really deserve any credit, or is he just acting, once again, as a New World Order mouthpiece?
Mish: Buffoon Bluffery; What are Sanctions Really About?

Zero Hedge: Petrodollar Alert: Putin Prepares To Announce "Holy Grail" Gas Deal With China

RT: Backtrack Ukraine: Self-proclaimed govt fails to deliver on promises

New Eastern Outlook: Ukraine—International Law for the Lawless
The EU wants the Ukraine because it is big, but it has lost it by demanding that Ukraine should never deal with Russia, despite the fact every EU country does. The United States and NATO want Ukraine because it is next door to the Russian Federation, which is still perceived as a geopolitical and geo economic threat. The RF wants Ukraine independent because it doesn’t want other people’s rockets next door to it.

But what all sides are doing is trying to retain control of their own influence. They don’t want to admit that whoever sells the guns and controls the economy will win, right or wrong. That’s why they never admit to talking to lobbyists, those thousands of people who earn good livings doing nothing but talk to politicians privately and subvert the democratic process. All the sides from the so-called democratic West are fighting for themselves, not Ukraine, not any moral principle.
Ria-Novosti: 72 Crimean Military Units Request Joining Russia

Oleaginous Andrew Neil Fails to Put Over the BBC's Cold War Spin on Ukraine

CounterPunch: Putin’s Triumph

Actually, the acquisition of Crimea was not a triumph for Putin or Russia, it was merely a sop to wounded pride.

Crimea accounted for no more than 5% of Ukraine's land mass and adds barely one half of one percent to Russia's land mass, less than one and a half percent to Russia's population, and about one percent to Russia's GDP.

The Western empire, having gained 95% of Ukraine, the largest country in Europe, has added almost 10% to its land mass and population, and hugely incrementing its control of agricultural land and a number of critical mineral resources. It is also now able to ring Russia even more tightly with missiles designed to destroy Russia's second-strike nuclear capacity in the event of a US first-strike.

As for Ukraine itself, it has lost its independence. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukrainians were, for the first time in over a thousand years, free to dictate their own future. But with the US/EU/Nato-backed fascist coup in Kyiv, Ukraine lost its democracy, and its short-lived independence. Instead of being free to trade with both East and West, Ukraine will now, in due course, be incorporated within the EU trade bloc and subjected to the EU's undemocratic dictates on all matters from immigration, social policy, and measures to combat climate change to the minimal acceptable curvature of bananas.

It is essential, though, to paint the voluntary accession of Crimea to the Russian Federation as an illegitimate theft of territory contrary to the will of the people, since the Western empire can acquire new territory where it has a grievance against the existing ruling establishment. The game now, therefore, is to justify further Eastward projection of US/Nato power in terms of punishing Russia for its evil anti-democratic ways.

Annoyingly, for the champions of Western empire, Putin's approval rating in Russia is about twice O'Bomber's rating in the US, but naturally the media aren't focusing on such a crude measure of public support when assessing a country's democratic credentials.

Crazy English Spelling

Jew Among You has an amusing post on the irregularities of English plural noun forms, which prompted reflection on the craziness of the English language in general, and the mismatch between English spelling and pronunciation in particular. How one wonders does anyone, even the English, learn English.

The challenge of pronouncing English, pronounced "Inglish," is well exemplified in the poem Chaos by Gerald Nost Trenité.

As also by the following shorter poem by Richard Krogh (source):
I take it you already know
Of tough and bough and cough and dough?
Others may stumble but not you,
On hiccough, thorough, lough and through,

Well done. And now you wish, perhaps,
To learn of less familiar traps.
Beware of heard, a dreadful word
That looks like beard and sounds like bird.

And dead: It's said like bed, not bead
For goodness sake don't call it "deed".
Watch out for meat and great and threat,
(They rhyme with suite and straight and debt).

A moth is not a moth in mother,
Nor both in bother, broth in brother.
And here is not a match for there,
Nor dear and fear for bear and pear.

And then there's dose and rose and lose -
Just look them up - and goose and choose;
And cork and work and card and ward
And font and front and work and sword

And do and go and thwart and cart -
Come, come I've hardly made a start! 
For those encountering English as a foreign language the frustration of it is well exemplified by Charles Battell Loomis's poem, quoted in Our Accursed Spelling, edited by E.O. Vaile." Blancke, Wilton W. (1953) (Source).
I'm taught p-l-o-u-g-h
Shall be pronounced "Plow."
"Zat's easy when you know," I say,
"Mon Anglais I'll get through."

My teacher say zat in zat case
O-u-g-h is "oo."
And zen I laugh and say to him
"Zees Anglais make me cough."

He say, "Not coo, but in zat word
O-u-g-h is `off.'"
O sacre bleu! Such varied sound
Of words make me hiccough.

He says, "Again my friend is wrong;
O-u-g-h is `uff.'"
I say, "I try to spik your words,
I can't pronounce them, though."

"In time you'll learn, but now you're wrong;
O-u-g-h is `owe'!"
"I'll try no more, I shall go mad,
I'll drown me in ze lough."
And the same source offers this:

From George Bernard Shaw's plea for spelling reform:

GH as in "rough"
O as in "women"
TI as in "nation"

GHOTI = "fish"
Which prompted someone to point out that things are actually worse than Shaw realized. Consider:
GH as in "night"
O as in "people"
T as in "bouquet"
I as in "piece"

Then, GHOTI = ""
And another spelling joke:
If GH stands for P as in Hiccough
If OUGH stands for O as in Dough
If PHTH stands for T as in Phthisis
If EIGH stands for A as in Neighbour
If TTE stands for T as in Gazette
If EAU stands for O as in Plateau

The right way to spell POTATO should be GHOUGHPHTHEIGHTTEEAU!
And, the case for consigning English speakers to an asylum for the verbally insane:
Let's face it -- English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple. English muffins weren't invented in England or French fries in France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren't sweet, are meat.

We take English for granted. But if we explore its paradoxes, we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square and a guinea pig is neither from Guinea nor is it a pig.

And why is it that writers write but fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce and hammers don't ham? If the plural of tooth is teeth, why isn't the plural of booth beeth? One goose, 2 geese. So one moose, 2 meese? One index, 2 indices?

Doesn't it seem crazy that you can make amends but not one amend, that you comb through annals of history but not a single annal? If you have a bunch of odds and ends and get rid of all but one of them, what do you call it?

If teachers taught, why didn't preacher praught? If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? If you wrote a letter, perhaps you bote your tongue?

Sometimes I think all the English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane. In what language do people recite at a play and play at a recital? Ship by truck and send cargo by ship? Have noses that run and feet that smell? Park on driveways and drive on parkways?

How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and wise guy are opposites? How can overlook and oversee be opposites, while quite a lot and quite a few are alike? How can the weather be hot as hell one day and cold as hell another.

Have you noticed that we talk about certain things only when they are absent? Have you ever seen a horseful carriage or a strapful gown? Met a sung hero or experienced requited love? Have you ever run into someone who was combobulated, gruntled, ruly or peccable? And where are all those people who ARE spring chickens or who would ACTUALLY hurt a fly?

You have to marvel at the unique lunacy of a language in which your house can burn up as it burns down, in which you fill in a form by filling it out and in which an alarm clock goes off by going on.

English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflects the creativity of the human race (which, of course, isn't a race at all). That is why, when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible. And why, when I wind up my watch, I start it, but when I wind up this essay, I end it. 
The trouble with the English language, I suspect, is a fundamental lack of gravity among the English.

Shakespeare, obviously, bears much responsibility for the chaotic state of the language, with his reckless word play, verbifying nouns, adjectivalizing substantives, and then just making up almost two thousand completely bogus words, including absurdities such as eyeball, puke, obscene, hot-blooded, epileptic, worm-hole and alligator, ill-coinages that people perversely use to this very day.

The other person to blame is Sam Johnson, who was given good money to write the first proper dictionary of the English language and who, instead of standardizing everything, decided that standardization of English was impossible and that the only thing to do was use words just about any which way one pleases, but particularly as justified by literary precedent. The result of this liberal approach is an unruly mess of one million words, of which a good few thousand are bound to trip almost anyone.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Our Nazi Friends In Ukraine

RT: A Ukrainian nationalist MP assisted by a group of helpers abused and threatened interim head of Ukraine’s National TV. They accused him of being anti-Ukrainian and bullied him into signing his resignation, claiming to be members of a new media regulator.

The office of the acting CEO of the National Television Company of Ukraine, Aleksandr Panteleymonov, was stormed by people who claimed to be members of the freedom of speech and information committee. Among them were Ukrainian Svoboda MP Igor Miroshnynchenko and party ideologist Andrey Ilyenko. What began as a loud conversation quickly turned into a fight.

Read more:

What Was His Crime?

BBC: He broadcast the ceremony in which Russian President Putin signed a bill to make Ukraine's Crimea region part of Russia. The MPs filmed themselves beating Mr Panteleymonov over the head until he gave in to their demands.

Read more:

And here's Putin's address on the accession of Crimea to the Russian Federation. The signing ceremony is included at the end of the address.

See Also:

Tony Cartalucci: NATO’s “Mystery Gunmen” Seek to Strengthen Kiev Regime’s Hand

Finian Cunningham: Crimean ‘Check’ on Western Machinations in Ukraine

Predictably, Washington and its European and NATO allies have reacted with outrage, accusing the referendum of “illegality” and violating Ukraine’s sovereignty.”

US president Barack Obama told Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin that “Washington will never recognize Crimea’s secession from Ukraine.” And the American leader reiterated that Russia will face “additional costs” for its “annexation” of Crimea. Putin riposted that the process was legal.

European ministers met in Brussels on Monday to draw up punitive sanctions on senior Russian officials. EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton referred snidely to the “so-called referendum” and dismissed it as “illegal under international law.” That’s rich coming from “Lady Ashton” who has never faced an election in her life and who owes her entire political career to secret decisions taken by privilege and patronage.

Ashton’s claim of illegality was echoed by European Council president Herman Van Rompuy and European Commission head Jose Manuel Barroso.

Tellingly, despite their pomposity and pejorative assertions, none of the Western leaders, or the dutiful mainstream news media, offer a legal argument to support their claim that the people of Crimea have acted unlawfully or unconstitutionally. The official Western position seems to rely solely on force of bombastic rhetoric and nothing else.

Perhaps, these political hacks in high office secretly know that if they were to engage in real discussions based on objective legal principles and standards, their arguments would be swiftly decimated, given their own support for the neo-Nazi putschists who ransacked their way into government in Kiev with acts of murder and massive intimidation. If the Western sponsors of the fascist coup are not careful, their empty talk about constitutionality and due process could rebound to expose their own criminal involvement in regime change.

For now the people of Crimea have dealt a blow to Western machinations in Ukraine, with a bold “check”.

However, the game is not over yet. The reactionary regime in Kiev is calling up a “national guard” of 60,000 members that will incorporate the Right Sector paramilitaries. The neo-Nazi security ministers, Andriy Parubiy and Dmitry Yarosh, are calling for military attacks on Crimea and the pro-Russian population in the East of Ukraine. Yarosh has even warned that his Pravy Sektor shock troops will blow up Russian gas pipelines that run through Ukraine to Europe. And there are plenty of American political hotheads who want to arm the Kiev fascists. Senator John McCain, along with a delegation of other belligerent US congressmen visiting Kiev this week, spoke openly about arming the junta. “Russia is a giant gas station masquerading as a country”, said McCain, relishing an opportunity to attack Moscow. ...

Ukraine: Motes and Beams

It is amazing and quite funny to see how the media and some in the blogsphere attempt to paint Vladimir Putin a hypocrite in his actions over Crimea, while ignoring the hypocrisy of the Western-backed overthrow of the legitimate, democratically-elected government of Ukraine.

In his latest piece, former UK Ambassador to Uzbekistan, Craig Murray, engages in finger pointing about racist thugs in Russia without a passing mention of the Nato-US State Dept-Chatham House-backed Nazi regime in Kyiv.

What did Jesus say about motes and beams? LOL.

According to Murray, "Russia was right over Kosovo, and thus is wrong over Crimea", but then fails to draw the logical inference that the West though right about Crimea, must have been wrong about Kosovo, from which it follows that Putin is simply playing tit-for-tat, an elementary rule of the game of international politics.

Nazi-NATO committed an act of murderous aggression in Kyiv with the aim, among other things, of putting nukes on Russia's Ukraine border. What's a competent Russian leader supposed to do: Invoke the Sermon on the Mount and the injunction to forgive one's enemies?

O'Barmy and co. must have known that Russia would respond by taking back the Russian territory of Crimea: that's why it's happened without a shot fired. The whole thing was probably scripted in advance by a joint US-Russian working group.

On the face of it, Russia has gained much less than the West, but Putin is probably betting that the addition of one more large and economically non-functional state to the Eurozone will finish the European Union.

Talking of Which:

RINF: Ukraine: The Neocon Campaign of Shock and Arrogance
Our Nazi friends in Ukraine

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Ukraine Fallout

There is much about recent events in Ukraine to suggest that the aim of the US/EU and Nato in Ukraine was not only to overthrow the legitimate, democratically elected government and replace it by a Western-oriented regime, but to provoke a violent Russian response that would serve as a pretext for all out war on Russia.

Hence, the prominence of Neo-Nazis in the rebel government of Ukraine, the immediate introduction by the usurping regime of measures to suppress use of the Russian language throughout Ukraine despite Russian being the first language of millions of citizens, and now killings by snipers of unknown affiliation in Crimea.

Washington Sanctioning Democracy and Hailing Nazism

Global Research: Ukraine Protests Carefully Orchestrated: The Role of CANVAS, US-Financed “Color Revolution Training Group”

Kyiv Post: Russian Foreign Ministry: West actively encouraged Ukrainian coup, acted in breach of Budapest Memorandum

Stratfor Founder George Friedman (At 1 min 20 Sec):

RT: Unidentified sniper detained in Crimea killings

Itar-Tass: Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister:US sanctions a ‘pathological’ refusal to admit reality
Nah. It's just pathological determination to bury the truth.
RT: Even Gorby agrees with Putin: Crimea is Russian

TO Star: Harper rushes to embrace Ukraine Nazis for Domestic Political Reasons

While this proves that Harper is a horse's arse, why are we to suppose that Canadian of Ukrainian extraction are all Nazi-lovers? But if they are, then now's the time obviously, for them to follow Harper's despicable example and ship back to their happy homeland to remain there for good. And they can keep Nazi-loving Harper there too.

In Simferopol, Crimea “Unknown Forces, Fully Equipped and Their Faces Covered” Kill Ukrainian Service Man

Zero Hedge: Is This The Provocation? Ukraine Soldier Allegedly Killed By Russians In Crimea

US-EU Has Triggered a New Cold War

Chicken Hawks Again Calling for War

More 'Mysterious Snipers' Responsible For Latest Ukraine Escalation?

Universal Genocide and the New World Order

The moment that the white British become a minority will symbolize a huge transfer of power -- cultural political, economic and religious -- an irreversible change in British society, unprecedented for at least a millennium.
David Coleman, Professor of Demography, University of Oxford
As with the English in London, the capital — or should one say the former capital — of England, the English of the cities of Leicester, Luton and Slough have been made a minority in their own home as a result of deliberate but clandestine government measures to promote East-European and Third-World immigration to Britain, while using the state-controlled education system to indoctrinate the English in all of the arts of non-reproductive sex.

In Birmingham, England’s second city, English children in primary school are not even the largest minority.

In one in nine English schools, the majority of pupils do not speak English as a first language, while Mohammed is now the most popular name for boys born in England — ahead of Jack and Harry.

By 2066, according to University of Oxford Professor, David Coleman, Britons as a whole will be an ethnic minority in their own country.

And within a generation, Islam is set to overtake Christianity in Britain.

These changes, the result of deliberate government action, mean the destruction of the English as a racial, cultural and religious community. That is genocide as defined by Raphael Lemkin the Polish Jew and legal scholar who coined that term.
Genocide tragically enough must take its place in the dictionary of the future beside other tragic words like homicide and infanticide. …

More often it refers to a coordinated plan aimed at destruction of the essential foundations of the life of national groups so that these groups wither and die like plants that have suffered a blight. The end may be accomplished by the forced disintegration of political and social institutions, of the culture of the people, of their language, their national feelings and their religion. It may be accomplished by wiping out all basis of personal security, liberty, health and dignity. When these means fail the machine gun can always be utilized as a last resort. Genocide is directed against a national group as an entity and the attack on individuals is only secondary to the annihilation of the national group to which they belong.

Such terms as “denationalization” or “Germanization” which have been used till now do not adequately convey the full force of the new phenomenon of genocide. They signify only the substitution of the national pattern of the oppressor for the original national pattern but not the destruction of the biological and physical structure of the oppressed group.
Today, the goal is not “Germanization” but “globalization,” i.e., US global hegemony, which will be a universal system of plutocracy operating via a bought pseudodemocracy.

Aside from conflict among factions within the globalist elite, the only obstacle to the New World Order is the nation state. Hence universal genocide and the destruction of human biological and cultural diversity.

And since the fate of the masses is to be reduced to the status of a domestic animal to be bred, culled and brainwashed as serves the interests of the plutocracy, who cares if the unique qualities of the nations of the world are destroyed? The product of 100,000 years of genetic and cultural differentiation is to be destroyed within a generation with the backing of psychopaths such as Senator John, Bomb-Bomb-Bomb-Iran, McCain, the diligent behind-the-scenes manipulation of such as Vicky, Fuck-the-EU, Nuland, and under the leadership of the likes of Friend-of-Israel, Oh-So-Aristocratic, Cameron, Nicolas, Métissage-It’s-An-Obligation, Sarcozy, Barak, Trayvon-Martin-Could-Have-Been-me, Obama, and Hillary, We-Came-We-Saw-He-Died-LOL, Clinton.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Financial Times' Insane Spin on the Crimea Vote for Union with Russia

"Crimea is now occupied by Russia," says a columnist in the Financial Times, ignoring the obvious fact that Russia has a treaty right to station 25,000 troops in Crimea. The FT then asks:
Why did Vladimir Putin take these actions, which are incredible from the point of view of modern political practice?
Um, well, the "responsibility to protect" (aka, R-2-P), comes to mind, which is quite consistent with modern political practice, although in the Western understanding of the principle it usually entails not so much protecting the citizens of a country as bombing the Hell out of them, as in Serbia, for example, or Iraq (Shock and Awe, remember) or most recently, Libya, rather than getting the citizens to vote 97% for union with their supposed protectors, as in the case of Russia in Crimea.

Then says the FT:
As for the Russian navy base, it never reached its staffing limits. The Moscow establishment was not concerned about controlling the Black Sea; it was preoccupied with stuffing its own pockets at the expense of the people.
No, right, the Russians don't give a damn about access to the Black Sea and the Mediterranean any more than the Americans care about, say, Pearl Harbor and access to the Pacific Ocean. And as for stuffing pockets at the expense of the people, that is obviously not what British or American bankers would ever do. So good point, FT.

Then, says the FT:
The invasion of Crimea cannot be explained with concern for the Russian-speaking people of Crimea either. Russia’s rulers do not even care about their own people, robbing them cynically. Why would they suddenly care about their kinsmen in Crimea?
Absolutely. Those Russians in Crimea who voted 97% for union with Russia must be totally insane. Although come to think of it, as citizens of the Russian Federation, they will be allowed to use the Russian language, which is a plus, since its use as an official language has just been outlawed in Ukraine (A fact that tends to refute the FT's claim that "nobody has oppressed the Russians in Crimea.").

Then, says the FT,
Moscow’s rulers are terrified that Ukraine’s Maidan protest movement could replicate itself in Russia. ... They are ... frightened by the tough anti-communist spirit of the Maidan. The revolution is taking place amid collapsing monuments to Soviet leaders: Lenin, Kirov, Dzerzhinsky
"Tough anti-Communist spirit of the Maidan." LOL. Where has the FT been for the last few decades. Do they think Joe Stalin is still heading up the Soviet Union? Russia, today, is more of a plutocracy, though with a constitutional government and an elected president and parliament. But the Russians do remember who killed 12 million of their citizens during WWII, it was the Nazis under whose insignia the Maidan operates. So probably it would be more accurate to say not that Russians fear the Maidan, but that they hate the bastards.

As for statues, good riddance, for sure, to the Soviet Secret Police chief, Dzerzhinsky, (a Pole held in high esteem by some of his compatriots for killing more Russians than any other Pole). But why tear down the statue of Mikhail Kutuzov, the man who defeated the Napoleonic invasion, the Hero of what has been called the greatest novel ever written, Tolstoy's War and Peace?

See also:

Ukrainian Policy: Turkey Warns Russia it Will Blockade Bosphorus if Violence Occurs

Kyiv Post: Ukraine Government Orders Preparation for War
An invitation, obviously, to Russia to strike first, which seems to have been the objective of this US psyop all along: provoke, provoke and provoke.

Zero Hedge: Putin Responds To US, European Sanctions: Signs Order Recognizing Crimea As Sovereign State

Zero Hedge: Russia Hints It May Force Ukraine Into Default, "May Ask Ukraine For Its $20 Billion Share For Ex-Soviet Debt"

Mercenaries took part in Maidan violence – Ex-Ukraine security chief

Robert Parry: Mainstream US Media Is Lost in Ukraine

Zero Hedge: Russian Stocks, Ruble Respond To Obama's Sanctions By Extending Gains

Pepe Escobar: Crimea and Western 'values'

Obama Off The Ukrainian Deep End

George Galloway: On the Right of the People of Crimea to Self-Determination

George Soros, the Nazi Jew, condemns the EU for failing to back Ukraine Nazis

Right Sector leader: Kiev should be ready to sabotage Russian pipelines in Ukraine

Crimea To Abandon Hyrvnia, Switch To Russian Ruble On April 1st

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Message from the Mainstream: Putin Must Be Paranoid, He Thinks Nazi-NATO Threatens Russia

When the US Deputy Secretary of State, Vicky Nuland, boasts that the US spent $5 billion to subvert the Government of Ukraine;

When the Government installed by violence in Kiev is openly Hitlerite;

When the acting head of the Coup in Ukraine, Arse Yatsenyuk, boasts of his partnership with (i.e., funding from) Chatham House (the public face of the Rhodes–Milner secret society for global governance), NATO, and the US State Department;

When the Western media openly discuss the need to extend the New World Order, aka American global hegemony, Eastward across Eurasia;

When Obama publicly insults Putin over Russia's supposedly anti-gay law, a law passed unanimously by the Russian Parliament to prohibit sexual propaganda directed at juveniles (a law similar in intent to that of eight US States);

When US Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, discusses "disturbing" trends in Russia with blasphemous members of the decadent Russian punk band, Pussy Riot (prompting Moscow's U.N. envoy to ask if she was joining the group);

When the US has placed ballistic missiles in Turkey, Bulgaria, Poland and the Czech Republic, all aimed at Russia;

When the US Navy is conducting exercises in the Black Sea;

Then for Putin to act as though Russia is under some sort of threat, is obviously proof of Paranoia. So, at least, the MSM believe they can convince their brain-dead readership.

Clever, really. Since the US/NATO position is complete BS, calling Putin insane saves having to argue an impossible case.

Friday, March 14, 2014

The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan for the Genocide of the European People — It's Working Well

The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan - The genocide of the Peoples of Europe

The plan for the extermination of the European peoples through mass immigration combined with anti-natalist policies including mass slaughter of the unborn, promotion of porn and every form of non-reproductive sex has been applied not only in Europe but also in the US. As Bill Clinton stated in his commencement address at Portland State University on June 13, 1998:
Today, largely because of immigration, there is no majority race in Hawaii or Houston or New York City. Within five years, there will be no majority race in our largest state, California. In a little more than 50 years, there will be no majority race in the United States. No other nation in history has gone through demographic change of this magnitude in so short a time … [These immigrants] are energizing our culture and broadening our vision of the world. They are renewing our most basic values and reminding us all of what it truly means to be American.
That was 1998: clearly the elimination of EuroAmericans as the dominant group in American society has been a long-planned US Government policy without the slightest democratic sanction.

So who are the victims of racism now?

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Ukraine Update March 14, 2014

Daniel Patrick Welch: The Dark Ages Have Descended Anew
What the US has done in Ukraine is beyond criminal, and it is being painted the other way around by every media outlet except those outside of the western bubble. 
Occidental Observer: The Germans refuse to play Ball
The German newspaper Der Tagesspiegel (Daily Mirror) launched an online survey on March 6th, asking its readers in faulty German of how the West should react with regard to Russia’s incursions into Ukraine. What follows were the different answers from which the readers could choose.

By four o’clock in the afternoon, 9420 readers had answered the survey, and what they had to say filled the presstitutes from the Tagesspiegel with sheer horror.  Because only a puny four percent, and we know who those are, favoured a military intervention by NATO forces. Whereas a staggering seventy eight percent believed that Western  hacks like Kerry or Merkel were mere hypocrites and that Russia defended indeed legitimate interests.

So what happened? At four o’clock and five minutes, the survey was abruptly taken off the net  and never seen again. LOL
WUFYS: Unrest in Ukraine part of NATO's expansion plan

Nicholas, James Pell: A Newer, Better Cold War

Zero Hedge: Where The Russian Troops Are - The Full "Pre-Takeover" Infographic

Michel Chossudovsly [Interview]: The Neoliberal Neo-Nazi Coup in Ukraine. The World is at a Dangerous Crossroads

Robert Perry: Crimea’s Case for Leaving Ukraine

Peter Dale Scott: The State, the Deep State, and the Wall Street Overworld

Interfax: Arse Yatsenyuk, Scientologist?

FT: Austria arrests Ukraine oligarch Dmitry Firtash at US request
Understand, we don't give a $h!t about the law, we're arresting this guy to intimidate Putin.

The Moral difference Between Hitler and Bush, Clinton, Shrub, and Obama

[This space intentionally left blank.]

The new Great (Threat) Game in Eurasia

By Pepe Escobar

Asia Times, March 12, 2014: In Ukraine, the West supported an unconstitutional putsch against an elected government perpetrated, among others, by fascist/neo-nazi storm troopers (Svoboda, Right Sector) instrumentalized by US intelligence. After a Russian counterpunch, US President Barack Obama proclaimed that any referendum in Crimea would "violate the Ukrainian constitution and violate international law."

This is just the latest instance in the serial rape of "international law". The rap sheet is humongous, including; NATO bombing Serbia for 78 days in 1999 to allow Kosovo to secede; the 2003 US invasion and subsequent trillion-dollar occupation and civil war creation in Iraq; NATO/AFRICOM bombing Libya in 2011 invoking R2P ("responsibility to protect") as a cover to provoking regime change; US investment in the secession of oil-wealthy South Sudan, so China has to deal with an extra geopolitical headache; and US investment in perennial civil war in Syria.

Yet Moscow still (foolishly?) believes international law should be respected - presenting to the UN Security Council classified information on all Western intel/psy-ops moves leading to the coup in Kiev, including "training" provided by Poland and Lithuania, not to mention Turkish intelligence involvement in setting up a second coup in Crimea. Russian diplomats called for an unbiased international investigation. That will never happen; Washington's narrative would be completely debunked. Thus a US veto at the UN.

Asia Times, March 12, 2014: Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov also called for the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe to objectively investigate those snipers shooting everyone on sight in Kiev, as revealed by Estonia's foreign minister to EU foreign policy supremo Catherine "I love Yats" Ashton. According to Russia's ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin, "a completely different picture would be drawn compared to what is being depicted by American media and, unfortunately, by some American and European politicians." Needless to say, there will be no investigation.

Hi, I'm your good neo-nazi
Everyone remembers the "good Taliban", with which the US could negotiate in Afghanistan. Then came the "good al-Qaeda", jihadis the US could support in Syria. Now come the "good neo-nazis", with which the West can do business in Kiev. Soon there will be "the good jihadis supporting neo-nazis", who may be deployed to advance US/NATO and anti-Russian designs in Crimea and beyond. After all, Obama mentor Dr Zbigniew "The Grand Chessboard" Brzezinski is the godfather of good jihadis, fully weaponized to fight the former Soviet Union in Afghanistan.

As facts on the ground go, neo-nazis are definitely back as good guys.

For the first time since the end of World War II, fascists and neo-nazis are at the helm of a European nation (although Ukraine most of all should be characterized as the key swing nation in Eurasia). Few in the West seem to have noticed it.

The cast of characters include Ukrainian interim defense minister and former student at the Pentagon Ihor Tenyukh; deputy prime minister for economic affairs and Svoboda ideologue Oleksandr Sych; agro-oligarch minister of agriculture Ihor Svaika (Monsanto, after all, needs a chief enforcer); National Security Council chief and Maidan commander of Right Sector neo-nazis Andry Parubiy; and deputy National Security Council chief Dmytro Yarosh, the founder Right Sector. Not to mention Svoboda leader Oleh Tyanhybok, a close pal of John McCain and Victoria "F**k the EU" Nuland, and active proponent of an Ukraine free from the "Muscovite-Jewish mafia."

As the Kremlin refuses to deal with this bunch and the upcoming March 16 referendum in Crimea is practically a done deal, Team "Yats" is fully legitimized, with honors, by Team Obama, leader included, in Washington. To quote Lenin, what is to be done? A close reading of President Putin's moves would suggest an answer: nothing. As in just waiting, while outsourcing the immediate future of a spectacularly bankrupt Ukraine to the EU. The EU is impotent to rescue even the Club Med countries. Inevitably, sooner or later, threat of sanctions or not, it will come crawling back to Moscow seeking "concessions", so Russia may also foot the bill.

Meanwhile, in Pipelineistan
Meanwhile, the New Great (Threat) Game in Eurasia advances unabated. Moscow would willingly compromise on a neutral Ukraine - even with neo-nazis in power in Kiev. But an Ukraine attached to NATO is an absolute red line. By the way, NATO is "monitoring" Ukraine with AWACS deployed in Polish and Romanian airspace.

So as the much lauded "reset" between the Kremlin and the Obama administration is for all practical purposes six feet under (with no Hollywood-style second coming in the cards), what's left is the dangerous threat game. Deployed not only by the Empire, but also by the minions.

That monster collection of Magritte-style faceless bureaucrats at the European Commission (EU), following on the non-stop threat of EU sanctions, has decided to delay a decision on whether Gazprom may sell more gas through the OPAL pipeline in Germany, and also delay negotiations on the legal status of South Stream, the pipeline under the Black Sea which should become operational in 2015.

As if the EU had any feasible Plan B to escape its dependency on Russian gas (not to mention eschew the very profitable financial game played between key European capitals and Moscow). What are they do, import gas on Qatar Airways flights? Buy LNG from the US - something that will not be feasible in years to come? The fact is the minute a gas war is on, if it ever comes down to it, the EU will be under immense pressure by a host of member-nations to keep (and even extend) its Russian gas fix - with or without "our (neo-nazi) bastards" in power in Kiev. Brussels knows it. And most of all, Vlad the Hammer knows it.

Killers in Kiev: Located in Buildings Controlled By Maidan — Coordinated by US Special Forces?

Kiev snipers shooting from bldg controlled by Maidan forces

Mercenaries took part in Maidan violence

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ukrainian PM, Arse Yatsenyuk: A Globalist Stooge Funded by Chatham House, NATO, and the US State Department

The Canadian International
Council: your bank
promoting globalization.
Open Ukraine: The Arse Yatsenyuk Foundation "Partners." Check out those partners.

And speaking of Chatham House, that's the public face of Cecil Rhodes' secret society for global empire.

Founded in the 1890's, the Cecil Rhodes project for Anglo-Saxon global empire still thrives. Only yesterday, the public face of the Canadian branch, the Canadian International Council, ran a full-page ad. in the Globe and Mail announcing "The April 19th, Globalist of the Year Gala honoring Dr. Lawrence H. Summers."

Who finances this globalist conspiracy? The bankers of course, including, in Canada, Royal Bank of Canada, TD Bank and Scotia Bank.

They must be proud of their Nazi friends in Kiev.

But see this (via Aangirfan): Propaganda Psy-Op? “Worldwide Wave of Action” The “Global Spring” Begins

Very scarey professional-grade propaganda by the New World Ordure for global revolution.

The release of The “Global Spring” Begins likely explains the timing the Canadian International Institute's "coming out."

It looks as though World War III has now been launched. If so, it appears that it is to be a full-scale fourth generation war in which:
[the] battlefield is likely to include the whole of the enemy's society. Such dispersion, coupled with what seems likely to be increased importance for actions by very small groups of combatants, will require even the lowest level to operate flexibly on the basis of the commander's intent.

Second is decreasing dependence on centralized logistics. Dispersion, coupled with increased value placed on tempo, will require a high degree of ability to live off the land and the enemy.

Third is more emphasis on maneuver. Mass, of men or fire power, will no longer be an overwhelming factor. In fact, mass may become a disadvantage as it will be easy to target. Small, highly maneuverable, agile forces will tend to dominate.

Fourth is a goal of collapsing the enemy internally rather than physically destroying him. Targets will include such things as the population's support for the war and the enemy's culture. Correct identification of enemy strategic centers of gravity will be highly important.

In broad terms, fourth generation warfare seems likely to be widely dispersed and largely undefined; the distinction between war and peace will be blurred to the vanishing point. It will be nonlinear, possibly to the point of having no definable battlefields or fronts. The distinction between "civilian" and "military" may disappear. Actions will occur concurrently throughout all participants' depth, including their society as a cultural, not just a physical, entity. Major military facilities, such as airfields, fixed communications sites, and large headquarters will become rarities because of their vulnerability; the same may be true of civilian equivalents, such as seats of government, power plants, and industrial sites (including knowledge as well as manufacturing industries). Success will depend heavily on effectiveness in joint operations as lines between responsibility and mission become very blurred. Again, all these elements are present in third generation warfare; fourth generation will merely accentuate them.
William S. Lind and others, Marine Corps Gazette