Thursday, July 20, 2023

Nigel Farage: The March Through the Private and Public Corporate Sector of Left-Wing Institutions

As Farage explains in this Twitter statement, British banks, some anyhow, now accept or reject clients according to their publicly expressed political beliefs: a further indication that the West is going Chinese totalitarian, with the corporate sector acting as the enforcement arm of the globalist conspiracy.


Friday, July 14, 2023

Cluster Bombs: The Ideal Weapon for Ukraine's Genocidal War with Russia

The US has decided to send controversial cluster munitions to Ukraine in aid of its counteroffensive against Russian forces 

For some reason Canada and the UK are expressing concern over Long-Gone Biden's decision to provide Ukraine with cluster bombs -- old unreliable stuff -- for use in its war on Ukraine's ethnic Russian population.

Trudeau in Nazi Azov uniform
But why? 

Cluster bomblets that remain lethal for days, months and years after delivery and are likely to be found and picked up by children with often lethal consequences, make for the ideal genocidal weapon. 

And it is a war of genocide. The Jew Zelensky's government in Keeve sent Nazis to Eastern Ukraine to kill those bastard Donbas Russians. Since the intended occupation of Donbas and massacre failed to occur as planned, littering the ground of the Donbas with explosive bomblets is clearly the next best option. 

But being faux liberals, Canada's Trudeau and Britain's Hindu premier, seek to camauflage their support for Nazism in Ukraine by expressing faux horror at the use of munitions that kill kids.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Ukraine's Nazis

Remember when being Nazi was the worst thing a person could possibly be. But now, Ukrainian Nazis, we love 'em.

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Musk and Meloni Agree: Low Fertility Means Death of the West (Or what you won't hear either from Justin Trudeau or the MSM)

 Source:  Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni met with Tesla founder and Twitter owner Elon Musk for an hour and a half in Rome this week, bonding over concerns about low natality rates.

Meloni said it was a "great pleasure" to meet Musk, an assertion corroborated by photos of the two smiling and hugging:

Italy's first female prime minister said the meeting was "very fruitful," noting they had discussed "crucial issues," such as innovation, the opportunities and risks of artificial intelligence, European market rules, and shrinking birth rates.

The birth rate is, in fact, a vital issue for Musk. He famously tweeted in 2022 that "[p]opulation collapse due to low birth rates is a much bigger risk to civilization than global warming."

Friday, June 16, 2023

RFK, Jr. On Running for President Without Being Shot by the CIA


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Tops Biden And Trump In New Favorability Poll

YouTube Censors Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

The Corruption of Joe Biden


On Tuesday this week, shortly after former President Trump's arrest, Fox News ran two video feeds (of Biden and Trump) simultaneously with the following chyron: "wannabe dictator speaks at The White House after having his political rival arrested."

Read more

President Trump Responds to Tucker Carlson’s Barnburner Twitter Episode “Wannabe Dictator”

Trump: DOJ Must Withdraw Indictment, Issue Apology

“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable.”

- H.L. Mencken

Lawyer For Trump’s Co-Defendant Says Biden DOJ Offered Him Quid Pro Quo (bribe, that is)

Whistleblower Who Exposed Biden Bribery Scheme Found Dead

Friday, June 9, 2023

How Canada Shuts Down the US: We Just Light Up the Forest

Apocalyptic Haze Engulfs New York City as Canadian Wildfires Push Air Quality
to an Unprecedented Low, Making it the World’s Most Polluted City (June 9, 2023).

 And good luck to those dependent on solar to power the air conditioning. 

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Carlson on Twitter Shows Old Line Media Companies To Be Dead Men Walking

On Fox news Tucker Carlson was big, with a following of over three million viewers. 

On Twitter Carlson's first episode had 60 million views in 24 hours

The old model of TV news and entertainment is dead, or soon will be.

In the very near future, you'll have no need to tune in at a particular hour to watch Tucker or whatever else you want to see. Just log on to Twitter or Natter or whatever, whenever you want and see whatever you want right then and there. 

When Musk takes Twitter public, buy it. And buy any other social media company that follows the Carlson/Musk Twitter model. Old style TV, Fox, CNN, that old lying bitch, the British Broadcorping Castration and all the rest of the liars, perverts and purveyor of propaganda are as good as dead, and good riddance.


Michael Rivero's response to Carlson's statement about UFO's:Years ago there was reported to be a plan to stage a huge hoax. Part of the now-denied Project BLUEBEAM was to fake an extraterrestrial invasion to panic the world population into accepting global government. Now we are seeing all these stories about UFO, which in the past were confined to tabloids, but are now being shown on major media such as FOX. I am worried that the hoax is about to be carried out. That even may be where those missing trillion from the Pentagon went to!

Now, I want to be clear. I am confident there is intelligent life throughout the universe. I just can't find a reason that they would be interested in us. Travel between the stars is very expensive. What is here on Earth worth that cost? Seriously.

Polls show almost no one trusts U.S. media, after decades of war propaganda and lies

And here's one of the finks explaining how they are driving your culture to destruction

Shady elites launch all-out war on free speech

Saturday, June 3, 2023



Friday, June 2, 2023

How Artificial Intelligence Will Eliminate Most of Humanity

There is currently much talk about how artificial intelligence will develop a will of its own, destroy humanity, and take command of the Earth. This is rubbish based on no plausible scenario. However, the danger of artificial intelligence to the continued existence of the mass of mankind is both real and imminent. It will happen as the result of developments, each appearing to be harmless and actually rather cool. 

Thus for example, if you call your doctor's office for an appointment, you will be answered by a synthetic  voice that will negotiate an appointment date and time. In addition, it will ask for information on the reason for your visit with the doctor, and will then provide the doctor with a report not only stating your problem, but advising on the current best practise in treating it. In fact, This talented receptionist might very well provide all the medical assistance you need over the phone, in which case, it will not only eliminate the need for human medical receptionists, but for most if not all human doctors too. 

Likewise, when you need a retail store assistant, your only option will be to address an intelligent machine that speaks Swedish or Swahili, or any other language you care to use as well or better than you do -- and with exactly the accent you happen to use, Ottawa Valley, New York, or that hideous, fake upper-class, cut-glass English accent spoken by the likes of Ghislaine Maxwell and Christiane Amanpour. What's more, this machine will be able to tell you pretty much anything you want to know about the product you seek as well as whether it is available in the color and size you require, and if not, whether and when it will be available. 

The same substitution of machine intelligence for human service will occur throughout the economy reducing the majority of the population to unemployment. If you are not an AI techie, among the safest jobs will be those involving manual labor, lawn mowing, for example, window cleaning, or prostitution. Birthrates will plummet, the incidence of medically assisted death will grow exponentially as dispair and despondency give rise to a pandemic of chronic depression. Thus, within just a few short years, the plutocratic elite will have what they want:  a world largely free of useless eaters cluttering the best beaches, poisoning the planet with their carbon emissions and spreading ugly suburbs across the landscape. 


Goldman Sachs Predicts 300 Million Jobs Will Be Lost Or Degraded By Artificial Intelligence

Trump says officials are lying about the true death toll in Ukraine

So much for that, then. Evidently Poop Murdoch and Fix News don't want folks to see that Trump is back on form and funnier than before. What's more, Trump did say that the US administration is lying about the true death toll in Ukraine which is much higher than being reported. He also explained rather well how he'd end the war overnight. 

Meantime, here's an update on the war:

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Peer-reviewed study: More COVID shots mean HIGHER RISK of infection

 World Net Daily, May 31, 2023: A study done during the COVID pandemic, preliminary at the time, charged that people actually were more likely to get COVID if they'd had multiple vaccine doses.

But it was dissed widely by political leaders and health industry officials because it had not been peer-reviewed.

Now it has. And i has delivered the same stunning verdict: "The risk of COVID-19 … varied by the number of COVID-19 vaccine doses previously received. The higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19."

The report that the number of Covid vaccine doses is positively related to the risk of Covid infrection raises the question: Why? 

One possibility discussed in the above article is that those who received the most vaccine doses tended to be among those at greatest risk of infection. The assumption here is that vaccination status was related to an unavoidable risk of infection as a consequence of employment, for example, as a nurse or school teacher. However, there is also the possibility, indeed the high probability, that those who were fully vaccinated, believing themselves immune to infection, failed to act with the same care as the unvaccinated to reduce their risk of infection. Certainly, such undue confidence in their immunity to infection was evident in the behavior of some mask wearers who were noticeably cavalier in observing social distancing, especially it seemed, when around the unmasked. As a result many of them must surely have infected themselves. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Call Yourself a Conservative? Then Remember, a Conservative Is Not a Woke Crypto Liberal*

 By Maxime Bernier

With the active support of the woke far left and all establishment parties, including Pierre Poilievre and the fake Conservatives, radical trans activists are trying to destroy one of the key building blocks of a healthy society – the distinction between men and women. This evil agenda, which contradicts basic biological realities, is particularly harmful to women and children.

In recent years, cultural Marxists and radical activists in the media, government, and schools have made every effort to normalize toxic transgender ideology. They teach children that stereotypes determine their gender, and if they do not fit into the traditional male or female gender roles, they encourage them to think they were born in the wrong body.

Children are never born in the wrong body. Children should be taught to accept themselves, not seek solutions through pharmaceuticals and medical procedures.

Chris Elston, better known as Billboard Chris, is a father and activist trying to raise awareness about the danger of gender ideology. As he likes to say: “There's only two sexes, zero genders, and infinite personalities. Just because a little girl plays in the dirt, or enjoys sports, does not mean she's a boy. She's a beautiful young girl. There is no such thing as a ‘transgender child’”.

Most boys and girls suffering from gender dysphoria simply grow out of it. Many suffer from other mental issues, such as autism, or are under the temporary influence of a phenomenon of social contagion.

Bill C-4, which was unanimously adopted by all parties in the House of Commons in 2021, including the fake Conservatives, criminalizes parents and therapists who try to help minors with gender dysphoria accept who they are. In effect, the law bans “conversion therapy” in one direction, but allows it in the other. It is illegal to treat children for a mental disorder, but it is legal to encourage them to undergo “gender affirming therapy” and mutilate their bodies.

Taking puberty blockers at a young age will transform their body and sterilize them for life, when they are too young to evaluate the impact of such a momentous decision. Sex change surgeries cause many complications and require lifelong treatments. More and more trans people who underwent such surgeries regret it later in life and want to “detransition”, but it’s tragically too late.

Cultural fads like Drag Queen Story Hours promote this ideology among children and make it appear normal to identify as the other sex or as different invented genders.

Last week, I met parents who are trying to get books removed from school libraries that promote gender ideology and contain inappropriate pornographic images. There is actually an article in the Criminal Code that says it’s illegal to make such images available to minors. Why is it not enforced? I will also attend a board of trustees meeting in Brandon this evening with concerned parents, where this issue will be discussed.

Women’s rights and security are being trampled to accommodate men pretending to be the other sex. As a result, women are encountering men in changing rooms and bathrooms. Violent male criminals are being incarcerated in women’s prisons. The transfer to women’s prisons of male inmates who self-identify as women has been standard practice in Canada since it was introduced by the Trudeau government in 2018. It has resulted in male criminals with histories of sexual abuse being housed alongside female inmates, with several cases of violent behaviour being reported in the media.

There is a particularly horrific case in British Columbia involving a man, Adam Laboucan, who raped a three-month-old boy when he was 15 years old. He drowned a 3-year old boy. He became Canada’s youngest violent sex offender when he was sentenced to prison at 17 years old. After he started identifying as a woman and changed his name to Tara Desousa, he was transferred to the Fraser Valley Institution for Women in Abbotsford. This is a minimum security prison with a Mother-Child Program.

It’s unbelievable that this can happen in our society today. Instead of protecting our most vulnerable, Justin Trudeau’s insane woke policies put women and children at risk, while accommodating violent rapists who pretend to be the other sex. Pierre Poilievre’s fake Conservatives have nothing to say – they even signal to trans activists that they want their support!

Women also have to compete unfairly with biological men in sports. A few weeks ago, for example, a bearded pro powerlifter, who has decided he is actually a woman, entered a women’s competition in Lethbridge. He smashed a record held by another so-called transgender powerlifter who was watching on. I’m not joking! Canada in 2023 is stranger than fiction! This is not only totally unfair for the real women participating in these competitions. It’s absurd. It’s ridiculous. It’s an insult to our intelligence.

Gender ideology is even transforming our language. Bill C-16, adopted by the Liberal government in 2016 and famously opposed by Jordan Peterson, recognized gender self-identification and opened the door to compelled speech. Since then, businesses and government agencies have banned the use of words like “woman” and “mother” in favour of “menstruating people” and “birthing people”.

While adults can make whatever choices they want regarding their sex and gender identification, Canadians who believe there are only two immutable sexes and genders must not be compelled to adapt their language and behaviour to accommodate woke gender ideology.

The normalization of radical gender ideology will have a catastrophic impact on women and children if we do not reverse course soon. That is why I am releasing this official PPC policy today. The People’s Party is the only party taking this issue seriously. None of the establishment parties, including the fake Conservatives, have anything to say about it. On the contrary, they support these disastrous policies and trends.

It is completely unacceptable that not a single elected MP is brave enough to stand up for women and children, and basic biological realities! I have been speaking out against this madness for many years already, and I will continue to speak out against it in Parliament once I am elected MP for Portage-Lisgar.

First, a PPC government will modify the Criminal Code to outlaw the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and any form of bodily mutilation on minors with the goal of “transitioning” to another sex. Moreover, any person encouraging minors to “transition” will be held criminally responsible for attempting to cause harm.

We will remove the ban imposed by Bill C-4, the so-called “conversion therapy bill”, that is preventing parents and counsellors from helping minors who suffer from gender dysphoria accept their body.

We will strictly enforce section 163.1(1)(b) of the Criminal Code in order to remove inappropriate pornographic content from schools and libraries.

We will protect women’s spaces – bathrooms, changing rooms, shelters, and prisons – from intrusion by biological men.

We will maintain separate competitions for women in which biological men cannot participate in sports regulated and funded by the federal government.

We will abolish federal programs that fund sex change operations for civil servants and prisoners.

And finally, a PPC government will repeal Bill C-16, the bill that added gender self-identification as ground for protection against discrimination.

Most people living in this riding support these policies. They have a choice on June 19: They can support a fake Conservative who, like the rest of his party, will say and do nothing; or to elect someone who is not afraid to speak up against radical gender ideology and to fight to protect women and children. Thank you.


Daily Mail: Violent pedophile who raped three-month-old baby as a teenager is quietly moved to female prison with mother-and-baby unit after having transgender surgery in Canada

* My title, Max Bernier's text. CS

Maxime Bernier is the leader of the People's Pary of Canada

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Jeffrey Epstein, His Billionaire Friends, and the Moral Rot that Permeates Woke America

 Corporate intrigue reached a fevered pitch on May 6, 2023, in Omaha, Nebraska, when a shareholder was arrested during the annual shareholder meeting of Berkshire Hathaway. The shareholder challenged the affiliation of Warren Buffett with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Bill Gates’s association with Jeffrey Epstein, who was convicted in Florida for procuring a child for prostitution and soliciting a prostitute, and who reportedly committed suicide in a New York jail while facing charges for sex trafficking and conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking.

Peter Flaherty, the chairman of the National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC), stood to offer proposal number eight, which called for the roles of Berkshire CEO and chair to be separated and held by two persons. Flaherty argued that the separation of roles was necessary so that Berkshire “would be less identified with Mr. Buffett’s personal political activities.” Speaking of Buffett, Flaherty stated:

He’s donated tens of billions to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. As Bill Gates explained when the couple was still together, “although the foundation bears our names, basically half our resources have come from Warren Buffett.”

If “woke” culture is a disease, then philanthropy is the virus.

The Gates Foundation bankrolls the teaching of Critical Race Theory around the country, including that math is inherently racist.

The Gates Foundation offers a Gender Identity Toolbox which asserts that gender is the result of “socially and culturally constructed ideas.”

This is a lie. Gender is not a cultural construct. It is a genetic and biological fact. (emphasis mine)

Flaherty was interrupted by a Berkshire representative ...

Read More


Kunstler: Fade To Black In Ukraine

Friday, May 5, 2023

Tucker Carlson Talks With Christian Conservative Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, Described By Dopey Joe Biden As a Totalitarian Thug

Pity that the United States fails miserbaly to elect sober, intelligent, civilized, sensible people like Orban, having had in succession, a sex addict, thug, PC bullshit advocate and, now, a senile crime family boss, as in Clinton, Dubya, Obama and Biden.


Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Why Charles III Is Unfit To Be King

 As head of state, Charles' role is:

(1) to save the Prime Minister's time by greeting and otherwise entertaining visiting heads of state;

(2) to contain the megalomania of the Prime Minister by preventing him or her from taking up residence at the palace, there to surround themselves with gold-braided soldiers, like some tin-pot Arab or South American dictator;

(3) to serve a purely decorative function as head of the Church of England and of Britain's armed forces;

(4) to veto, which is to say refuse assent to, bills passed by the Parliament at Westminster that conflict with Britain's unwritten constitution, which is to say, according to Britain's Nineteenth Century Prime Minister, Lord Salisbury, any bill that would be opposed by the majority of the British people. 

Instead, Charles clearly intends to play a political role and has been unable to wait even for his coronation before plotting with globalists to subordinate his subjects in Britain and elsewhere to Chinese-Communist-style tyranny. Thus:

King Charles and the Globalists Set Meeting for September to Plot How to Accelerate Goals of U.N. Agenda 2030 and the Complete Digitization of Humanity


King Charles III is a descendant of Dracula and owns properties in Transylvania

Quote of the Day

“When we see the few truth-tellers who are the stars of their organizations jettisoned – Tucker Carlson from Fox News, Matt Taibbi from Rolling Stone, Glenn Greenwald from The Intercept, James O’Keefe from Project Veritas… we must face the fact that there is an organized conspiracy to suppress truth.” 

Paul Craig Roberts 


American Bankruptcy and How It Will Affect You

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Electric Cars: Where Are They?

Electric Car: A verhicle that carries a large mass of expensive batteries a short distance to which you must add additional massive and expensive batteries if you want to go further. 

Just back from a two-day, nineteen-hundred-kilometer road trip in my old Saab. Try that in a Telsa. 

Back in my office I am looking out over a sea of cars and trucks in the Home Depot parking lot. Not a single electric vehicle to be seen.  

Clearly, the great transition to electric vehicles ani't gonna happen any time soon. 

So what, anyhow? 

Most of the power to recharge electric cars comes from carbon-dioxide-emitting coal- or natural-gas-fired power plants. 

The only electrification of personal transportation that makes sense is of (a) short-range vehicles, such as postal delibery trucks*, city commuter cars, bicycles and scooters, and (b) hybrid vehicles with an electric drive for short trips and a gas engine for longer distance travel. 

But what about the carbon emissions from gasolene powered vehicles? No problem, just add a direct air capture (DAC) charge to gasolene and use the funds collected to do direct air carbon dioxide capture. Currently the charge would be in the order of $3.00 per litre of gas, but twith developing carbon capture technology this could fall to less than a dollar. 


* China produces these by the million, but in Europe and North America, such low environmental impact vehicles are for some reason unavailable. 


Biden Struggles To Convince People To Buy EVs, Only 12% Seriously Considering

America the Depraved
