Monday, October 26, 2015

USA: Wimp Nation: Poised to Fall

By Fred Reed

Marlboro Man

An example of pathological masculinity, male privilege, substance abuse, and patriarchy with overtones of violence against women and people of color, as well as probable homophobia. May drive a truck.

Come morning, I receive emails from friends documenting the curious social transformation coming over the US. These missives usually accompany links to some new tragicomic antics. E.g., Harvard, once a university, lets students invent odd pronouns to promote gender equity. “He” and “she” represent oppression and lack of inclusion.
Recently a friend, a Harvard PhD, wrote and said, “It’s not funny anymore.” I thought, and realized that, no, it isn’t. Things that seemed the obsessions of the occasional lugubrious neurotic are so common that they represent a change in the national character. It is eerie. Something  strange is happening.
What now is the national character? What sort of country is America today? A country of rugged individualism? Land of the free and home of the brave? A nation of the independent and self-reliant?
Let us start with Brave.

“Student wearing Halloween costume prompts Pueblo County school lockdown

“Pueblo County High School was on lockdown for more than an hour Wednesday after authorities say a student was apprehended wearing a trench coat and gas mask.”

Panic strikes school after student says ‘gum’

Read more 


WRH: The ADL has taken the laughable position that putting your own country ahead of Israel is anti-Semitism!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Netanyahu: Palestinians Opposed Mass Migration of Jews to Palestine, So Now We're Here Over Their Objection We`re Justified in Treating Them Like Dogs

Before WWII, the Jews were intent on creating a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

Hitler proposed expelling Europe`s Jews to Palestine.

The Palestinians objected, realizing full well that if Europe`s six million Jews migrated to their country it would be very bad news for them.

Understandably, therefore, when consulted by Hitler, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, speaking on behalf of Palestine`s mainly Muslim and Christian population opposed Hitler`s plan.

Netanyahu now claims that Hitler not only accepted the Grand Mufti`s rejection of his plan for the expulsion of Europe's Jews to Palestine, but was persuaded by the Palestinian leader to exterminate the European Jews instead.

That`s really cool because it means that since the native Palestinians opposed their own destruction by immigrant Jews, Jews are now justified in their discriminatory treatment of Palestinian Arabs within Israel and in their ongoing, slo-mo ethnic cleansing and slaughter of indigenous Palestinians within the occupied territories.

This should, but won't, serve as a warning to the European people, inundated by immigrants from Syria and the rest of the Third World. Those in Europe who oppose this flood are already branded as racists, xenophobes and bigots. Once the immigrants are the majority, this European opposition to self-destruction will not be forgotten. On the contrary, the "racism" of the indigenous Europeans who opposed their own cultural and racial decimation will be proclaimed as the justification for their total oppression and ultimate racial elimination.


Information Clearing House: Israeli Rabbis Call Killing Palestinians “a Religious Duty”
CanSpeccy: Universal genocide and the New World Order
972 Mag: Israeli memes mock Netanyahu's Hitler revisionism
Telegraph: Netanyahu causes uproar by blaming Palestinians for Holocaust

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

The 2014 Average Income of the 81 Million Lowest Paid Half of American Workers: $12,681

US Wage statistics for 2014 published this month by the US Government, Social Security Agency, Office of the Chief Actuary show that half of all US wage earners have a net income from employment less than or equal to $28,851.21. That may not be terrific but it sounds OK until you realize that the 99.9999% of the lowest paid half of the American workforce are earning, well, less than  $28,851.21, which may make you wonder what the average wage of the lowest paid half of the American workforce is.

And it turns out that the average wage of the 81 million Americans making up the lowest-paid half of the workforce is $12,681, which ain't noways so great. In fact it's so low that when, some time ago, I worked out the equivalent number from US Government data published for the year 2011, some fella, a regular commenter over at Prof. Mark Perry's American Enterprise Institute blog, repeatedly called me a liar and never could grasp the basic fact that most American workers are either poor or really poor. Let me say that again, most American workers are either poor or, really poor.

While the numbers for 2014 are little different from those for 2011, the trend is interesting. Over the three years, the income of the bottom 50% of American wage earners has risen from $12,400 to $12,681 or an increase of 2.2%, but if we assume an implausibly low inflation rate of 2% (some people think the real rate is more like 5 or 10%) the average earnings of the most poorly paid 50% of the American workforce has declined by almost 6% in the last three years. 

But here's the good news: the number of folks earning more than $50 million a piece increased between 2011 and 2014 by 53%, and their average compensation increased by a handy 8% from a mere $79,783,529.77 to all of $86,304,701.27 — yes, that's an increase of eight million bucks each.

Update: 2017
Median income: $31,561, up 9% over 2014
The number earning more than $50 million, up by 53%, with mean earnings up 13% over 2014

Sunday, October 18, 2015

How Rising Productivity Destroys the Economy, and What to Do About It

What Is Productivity?

Labor productivity is defined by economists as dollar value of output per unit of labor input, which is perhaps a useful way of looking at things, but not the way a normal person would think to define productivity. Rather, one would more likely think of labor productivity as a measure of goods or services produced per unit of labor input. The difference might seem of minor importance but it is not, for productivity measured as dollar output per labor input, which I will call financial productivity, is not closely correlated with, and may even be negatively related to, productivity measured as output of goods or services per unit of labor input, which I will call real productivity.

How Raising Productivity Destroys Jobs

The industrial revolution initiated a trend of increasing real labor productivity that continues to this day. The consequences within free market economies have been profound. Technological innovation increases real productivity with a cascade of further consequences that can be envisaged by consideration of Adam Smith's nail factory. Initially, each worker produces, say, 100 nails per day, which sell for a penny a piece. Then an entrepreneur builds a nail-making machine that enables each worker to produce 200 nails per day. Initially, nails still sell for a penny a piece, but soon other nail manufacturers copy the new technology and there is a glut of nails. Workers are laid off, while competition drives the price of nails down. Eventually, the market stabilizes with prices down by something like 50%, as also the number of workers employed in the nail-making industry. The end result is thus a doubling of real productivity (output per worker) but virtually no change in financial productivity (sales per worker) because the price of nails has been driven down.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

The "Refugee" Invasion of the Baltic States and the Islamic Conquest of Europe

Latvians had it pretty bad during the 20th Century, ruled first by the Tsar, then the Commies, followed by the Nazis. And now they're ruled by multiculti Merkel of the EU, which means it's going to be even worse for them in the present century.

Actually, the 21st Century will mark the end of Latvia, once and for all.

Under the EU policy of enforced multiculturalism and mass immigration, reproductively dysfunctional Latvians, with a fertility rate of 1.44 (replacement rate = 2.1),  will be eliminated by philoprogenitive Muslims. The ancient nation state of Latvia will then be incorporated into a European Caliphate.

Mass immigration means genocide of the European peoples and Islamization of the Continent.

Islam is not some tolerant religion compatible with Christian Science, Quakerism and the Church of England: it's a head-chopping, hand-chopping, foot-chopping, system of rule by brutal oppression that kills homosexuals by bulldozing stone walls over them or hanging them from construction cranes, stones adulterers, flogs mercilessly, hideously and sometimes to death those who deviate minutely from the rule of the Mullahs, destroys Buddist and pre-Islamic temples and shrines, mutilates the genitals of girls, tolerates slavery, rape and prostitution, and sanctions polygamy.

And Islam is not, as stupid liberals and self-hating white people contend, a religion of peace and love. It is a brutal, ignorant, totalitarian, mediaeval theocracy, and it seeks through mass migration to settle Europe and swamp the European people out of existence.

Speaking in an interview with Latvia’s Morning Independent newspaper, the chairman and head spokesman of the Islamic Cultural Centre, better known as Riga Mosque, said::
Islam will replace Christianity in Europe just as Christianity replaced Paganism centuries ago, and it will conquer by womb rather than the sword to make Latvia an Islamic State.
Asked “what are the chances that Latvia will become part of the Caliphate?” white convert and centre spokesman Ahmed Robert Klimovičs said he hoped it would. On the future of the predominantly Christian nation of just two million people – less than the population of Britain’s second city – Mr. Klimovičs said:
Latvians understand that in 50 years this will be an Islamic State. This is because Islamic children will be in the majority.
Image source
Meantime, the Christian turned Commie, Frau Merkel has just invited another million and a half Muslims to Germany.

See who these newcomers are?Take a close look at that picture. At the front a couple with two small kids — and behind: a stream of young strong men. Men who might have stayed home to fight for the independence of their country against the liver-eating cannibals of the Islamic State, but decided that making an Islamic settler state out of Germany was a better bet.

As Donald Trump has said:
We are ruled by really, really stupid people.
And here's the voice of the settler Islamic state in Britain, from non-other than Blair-appointed former UK "Justice" Minister, Shalid Malik:

In 1997 we got our first Muslim MP
In 2001 we had two Muslim MPs
In 2005 we had four Muslim MPs
In 2009/10 we'll have 8 Muslim MPs
In 2014 we'll have 14 Muslim MPs

At this rate the whole Parliament will be Muslim. ....

And I'm confident ... that in the next 30 years we'll see a Prime Minister who happens to share my faith.

Our future in this country is very bright.
Conversely, the future of the British people in "this country," which is to say the land of Shakespeare, Milton, Newton and Darwin — the one and only homeland the British people have, is not bright at all because Islam is a culture of conquest and control as the Brits, under the current treasonous leadership, are beginning to discover.

* The good news for Brits is that Shahid Malik was booted from Parliament in the 2010 general election. In 2006, Mr. Malik claimed £185,421 in parliamentary expenses, the highest amount claimed by any MP.



Renegade Tribune: Estonians protest EU-sponsored invasion

RT: LOL, Migrants sue Berlin’s main refugee center for delays to welfare handouts

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Russia Is Back

As DC watches helplessly while Putin bombs the daylights out of their pet terrorists it becomes apparent to all and sundy, which is to say the tiny minority of the Western population capable of attending rationally to political reality, that US foreign policy since 9/11 has been based on a lie. There is no US War on Terror, instead there's a US war for global hegemony fought by terrorist proxies.

The problem this revelation creates for Obama is to decide: should he acknowledge that the ISIS liver-eaters and head-choppers, Al Qaeda, the KLA and the countless other terrorist groups armed and directed by the US are indeed "our guys," fully bought and paid for by the United States of Sanctimonious Aggression (US of SA), or does he just call off the whole Project for the New American Century, which necessitated the "New Pearl Harbor", i.e., 9/11, to kickstart the whole process.

The difficulty is that abandoning the imperial project could involve massive internal recriminations. How could the US Government acknowledge that 9/11 was an inside job made possible by a 9/11 NORAD stand-down ordered by Dick Cheney, without then trying Cheney, Dubya, Rummy and a bunch of other NeoCons for treason? 

Such dire consequences must, obviously, be avoided by all possible means including, if necessary, World War III and a nuclear holocaust. However, the attention span of the majority of Americans is apparently so short that selling the idea that backing terrorism has always been the American way may not prove difficult. Indeed, terrorism, has been the way with all empires, so in this respect the vile brutality of the US of SA has been perfectly normal and entirely rational. So abandoning the now ineffectual ISIS and other scum organized, financed and directed by the US of SA to commit atrocities against the people of any country that refuses to bow the knee to US Empire can be presented as a great moral step forward, without the great super-distracted, pornography-addled, reality-TV-watching, social-media-absorbed, toxic GMO- and over-sweetened-food-stuffed American public having any clue whatever as to what's going on. 

The Saker: Week One of the Russian Military Intervention in Syria

ZeroHedge: Moscow Demands Britain Explain "Green Light To Shoot Down Russian Jets"
Listen you Russkie Commie, I mean Fascist, bastards, you've buggered up our regime change operation in Syria, so now we're gonna kill as many Russians there as we can. And the same to your Commie Chink friends. 
Yep, Cold War II has begun.
Epoch Times: Intense Fighting in Central Syria Amid Government Gains

AP: CIA-backed Syrian Rebels Under Russian Blitz
"Probably 60 to 80 percent of the arms that America shoveled in have gone to al-Qaida and its affiliates," said Joshua Landis, a Syria expert at the University of Oklahoma.
Mike Whitney: Putin’s “Endgame” in Syria

US Congress Woman Defends Russian Actions Against Syrian Terrorists:

Via Deep Resource

Zero Hedge: Russia is bombing “terrorists” in Syria, and the US is understandably peeved
A day after the bombing began, Obama’s Defence Secretary Ashton Carter complained that most Russian strikes “were in areas where there were probably not ISIL (IS) forces”.

Anonymously, US officials accused Russia of deliberately targeting CIA-sponsored “moderate” rebels to shore-up the regime of Bashir al-Assad.

Only two of Russia’s 57 airstrikes have hit ISIS, opined Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu in similar fashion. The rest have hit “the moderate opposition, the only forces fighting ISIS in Syria,” he said.
Zero Hedge: The Tragic Ending To Obama's Bay Of Pigs: CIA Hands Over Syria To Russia

One week ago, when summarizing the current state of play in Syria, we said that for Obama, "this is shaping up to be the most spectacular US foreign policy debacle since Vietnam." Yesterday, in tacit confirmation of this assessment, the Obama administration threw in the towel on one of the most contentious programs it has implemented in "fighting ISIS", when the Defense Department announced it was abandoning the goal of a U.S.-trained Syrian force.

But this, so far, partial admission of failure only takes care of one part of Obama's problem: there is the question of the "other" rebels supported by the US, those who are not part of the officially-disclosed public program with the fake goal of fighting ISIS; we are talking, of course, about the nearly 10,000 CIA-supported "other rebels", or technically mercenaries, whose only task is to take down Assad. 

PressTV: US pulls aircraft carrier out of Persian Gulf as Russian ships enter

This seems to confirm that aircraft carriers are only useful in colonial wars against Third-World people, provide that is, that those Third-Worlders have not been armed by Russia or China with supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles, as is the case with the people of Iran.

It also suggests that the US is contemplating some violent response to Russia's action against American-backed anti-Assad terrorists and do not wish to provide the Russians with the easy payback option of sinking an aircraft carrier with a missile fired by persons unknown and appearing out of nowhere in a rubber boat. 

Sputnik: US Rerouting Aircraft to Avoid Russians in Syria 'Humiliating' - McCain
We can’t be dictated by the Russians as to where the United States of American can fly airplanes.said Senator McCain.
In fact, right now, the US is being "dictated by the Russians as to where the United States of America can fly airplanes." What's more, they either have to get used to it, or they have to launch an overt war of aggression against Syria and Syria's ally Russia.

America's barbaric allies.

Trump: Let Putin bomb the Hell out of ISIS:

Meantime: Ben Carson wants US to launch air war with Russia Syria (After 12:30): US Defense Secretary Predicts Terror Attacks on Russia

"Predicts", is that quite the right word? Or should it have been "Promises."

US Aircraft carriers may be helpless against an adversary known for its expertise with rockets, but the the US can still do some dirty work with a bunch of cannibals, rapists and head choppers.

Bye Bye Stevie

Harper's Government funneled $8 million in Taxpayers Money US Republican Party's NGO

Under the Stephen Harper government, $8M was given to the John McCain-chaired International Republican Institute, a non-governmental organization started by the US Republican party to advocate for right-wing policies abroad.

The money came out of the tax-funded Canadian International Development Agency, whose work is supposed to support literacy, hygiene, access to medicine and water, and other core development goals.

IRI's primary funder is USAID, a US soft diplomacy institution that funds overseas development in countries of strategic importance to the USA. IRI has been implicated in supporting coup d'etats in Central America and the Caribbean.

The Canadian tax dollars that went to the IRI were earmarked for "Strengthening Multiparty Democracy" in Ukraine.
Source: BoingBoing

Did the multiparty democracy so strengthened include the fascistic, anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi Svoboda Party and other extreme right-wing groups, one wonders?

Confirmation by Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada

Apparently, the Harper Government's generosity to this operation chaired by Senator John McCain was mainly intended to promote regime change in Ukraine, as McCleans Magazine explains:
Here’s a link to a PDF describing the International Republican Institute’s country program for Ukraine. Of course the IRI is active in Ukraine: created in 1983 as a counterpart to the National Democratic Institute, it’s one of the world’s leading democracy-promotion agencies, and the streets of Ukraine are where the next chapter in the book of freedom is being written.

You don’t have to look too closely at the fact sheet to notice something odd: it carries the logo of Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development. That’s because the largest contributor to the IRI’s Ukraine country program is DFAT-D. And while Canada’s government has not made a secret of this, they’ve gone through an elaborate version of the process they go through when they want something on the record but not actually noticed.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Syrian Refugees? They're Not Refugees, They're Nato Supported Draft Dodgers

So Germany's Back in the Nazi Business Collaborating with Nato and the US of A in a Criminal War of Aggression Against Syria

Who wants to go to war against a horde of US armed head-chopping liver eaters, CIA backed mercenaries and British special forces flying the ISIS flag? Not several million conscription-aged Syrian youths, evidently. It's hard to blame them.

And Turkey made it easy for Syrian army deserters and draft evaders to leave their country to its fate. Turkey has spent billions providing several million deserting Syrians a comfy place to stay. But the Turks expect others to help out too. So now Frau Merkel has become a collaborator in the Nazi Nato war of aggression against Syria, a war crime under the Nuremberg code. She has agreed to accommodate hundreds of thousands of Syrian draft dodgers, thereby weakening the Syrian state, which is slated for demolition.

Germans, obviously, are mad: poor German citizens are kicked out of state-subsidized housing to provide lodging for this horde of disaffected alien males, with nothing to do except bitch about slow Internet access, food "fit only for animals" and no free money to buy cigarettes, etc. Meantime, German girls are told to "cover up" so as not to "provoke", i.e., incite rape, by the "refugees."


RT: ‘Which side are you fighting for?’ Russia blasts US for refusing to share intel on ISIS

RT: Britain to send troops to Eastern Europe in display of force against Russia

RT: Former DIA Chief Michael Flynn Says Rise Of ISIS Was A "Willful Decision" Of US Government

Peter Hitchens: Which side are we really on in this war of the awful against the evil?

Sputnik: Syria Open to Hosting Russian Bases

RI: US Defense Secretary: No Cooperation With Russians Possible as Long as They Target Al-Qaeda

Pravda: Syrian opposition leader ready to join forces with government; admits Russian attacks target only terrorists

RT: Any NATO movement toward Russia’s borders will lead to reciprocal steps - Kremlin

How Putin outwitted the West

His Syrian intervention has made Obama and Cameron look weak and confused


Saddam Hussein hanged: is Iraq a better place? A safer place? Gaddafi murdered in front of the viewers: is Libya a better place? Now we are demonising Assad. Can we try to draw lessons?— Sergei Lavrov, Russian foreign minister, United Nations, 1 October
The Spectator: Russia was right about Iraq and Libya, and America and Britain were dead wrong. Regime change doesn’t seem to have changed Middle Eastern countries for the better, as Vladimir Putin has been warning for years. His policy is not to support any armed groups ‘that attempt to resolve internal problems through force’ — by which he means rebels, ‘moderate’ or otherwise. In his words, the Kremlin always has ‘a nasty feeling that if such armed groups get support from abroad, the situation can end up deadlocked. We never know the true goals of these “freedom fighters” and we are concerned that the region could descend into chaos.’
Yet after a decade and a half of scolding the West for non-UN-sanctioned military interventions, Putin has now unilaterally committed Russian forces to what the former CIA director General David Petraeus calls the ‘geopolitical Chernobyl’ of Syria. Russia finds itself allied with Syria, Iraq and Iran — a new ‘coalition’ no less, as Syria’s president Bashar al-Assad described it on Iranian state TV last week. How and why did Putin fail to take his own advice about the unintended consequences that breed in middle-eastern quagmires? And most importantly, how has he managed — so far at least — to make Russia’s intervention in Syria into something close to a diplomatic triumph?
Russia’s decisive intervention has left Barack Obama and David Cameron looking weak and confused. When the usually steadfastly patriotic readers of the New York Daily News were asked whether Putin or Obama had ‘the stronger arguments’, 96 per cent said Putin. In Britain even hawks like Sir Max Hastings — no friend of the Kremlin — are arguing that Russia can help beat Isis. And most importantly, Putin stole the show at the United Nations General Assembly last month with an impassioned speech denouncing the whole US-backed project of democracy in the Middle East at its very root.
The Arab Spring has been a catastrophe, Putin argued, and the western countries who encouraged Arab democrats to rise against their corrupt old rulers opened a Pandora’s box of troubles. ‘Instead of the triumph of democracy and progress, we got violence, poverty and social disaster,’ he told assembled delegates, in remarks aimed squarely at the White House. ‘Nobody cares about human rights, including the right to life. I cannot help asking those who have forced this situation, do you realise what you have done?’ It was quite a sight: a Russian president taking the moral high ground against an American president — and getting away with it.
It’s a message that encapsulates Putin’s world-view. Stability and predictability are better than the uncertainties of democracy and revolution — that’s been the Kremlin’s line ever since a wave of ‘colour’ revolutions swept away Putin’s allies across the former Soviet bloc. When the Arab Spring obliterated Russian buddies Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, he had just the same idea. The Assad family — allies that Putin inherited from the days of Leonid Brezhnev — are simply the last of Moscow’s allies left standing in a world turned upside down by people power and its unpredictable consequences. In backing Assad, Putin is pushing back not just against the West and its support for democracy, but against the whole idea of popular revolt against authority.

Deep Resource: Iraq turns to Russia

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The United States of Asininity:The World's Silliest Empire

By dmitry Orlov

I couldn't help but notice that over the past few weeks the Empire has become extremely silly—so silly that I believe it deserves the title of the World's Silliest Empire. One could claim that it has been silly before, but recent developments seem to signal a quantum leap in its silliness level.

The first bit of extreme silliness surfaced when Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, the head of the United States Central Command, told a Senate panel that only a very small number of Syrian fighters trained by the United States remained in the fight—perhaps as few as five. The tab for training and equipping them was $500 million. That's $100 million per fighter, but that's OK, because it's all good as long as the military contractors are getting paid. Things got even sillier when it later turned out that even these few fighters got car-jacked by ISIS/al Qaeda in Syria (whatever they are currently calling themselves) and got their vehicles and weapons taken away from them.

Gen. Austin
General Austin's previous role as as Lt. General Casey in Tim Burton's film Mars Attacks! It was already a very silly role, but his current role is a definite career advancement, both in terms of rank and in terms of silliness level.

Lt. Gen. Casey
Mars Attacks!
The next silly moment arrived at the UN General Assembly meeting in New York, where Obama, who went on for 30 minutes instead of the allotted 15 (does Mr. Silly President know how to read a clock?) managed to use up all of this time and say absolutely nothing that made any sense to anyone.

But it was Putin's speech that laid out the Empire's silliness for all to see when he scolded the US for making a bloody mess of the Middle East with its ham-handed interventions. The oft-repeated quote is “Do you understand what you have done?” but that's not quite right. The Russian «Вы хоть понимаете теперь, чего вы натворили?» can be more accurately translated as “How can you even now fail to understand what a mess you have made?” Words matter: this is not how one talks to a superpower before an assembly of the world's leaders; this is how one scolds a stupid and wayward child. In the eyes of the whole world, this made the Empire look rather silly.

Read more

Monday, October 5, 2015

Immigration: Treason and the War for the Destruction of the West

Deep Resource: German Resistance, Official and Streetwise

Ram Z Paul: Germany threatens to take children from parents who oppose their own racial and cultural genocide by mass immigration and multiculturalism

Occidental Observer: Mark Zuckerberg's Suckerbook to help Merkel crush free speech in Germany

Breitbart: Hillary to give up on New Hampshire — too white?
White Americans must be cluing in to the treason of the Bush/Klington elites: they intend to destroy us.
Irish Savant: The enemy within

Deep Resource: Germans chant: "Putin to Berlin, Merkel to Siberia!" at Dresden Rally in Germany

Poznavatelnoe: Nikolai Starikov explains Europe's refugee crisis

Deep Resource: Germany is committing suicide

Toronto Sun: Rising numbers of Syrian refugees return home as conditions in host countries worsen
What kind of refugee is it that spurns the hospitality of the country offering them safe haven and says, "stuff this, I'm going home." 
Deep Resource: "Syrian" refugees complain of slow Internet in Germany

Bloomberg: Breedlove — Putin Has His Own No-Fly Zone in Syria, Which the US Air Force Cannot Penetrate

Irish Savant: The enemy within

The Saker: The Syrian War, Refugees and Gold

Yahoo News: Tip of the iceberg: No end in sight to migrant wave

Renegade Tribune: Thousands of Germans March to the Border to Protect it from Islamic Invaders

Migrants: Is Mutti Merkel ‘Our Lady of Immigration’ or the Nemesis of Europe?

Angela Merkel and the Death of Germany





Sunday, October 4, 2015

Hillary Turns Hitlery, But Russian Planes in Syria Mark the Start of Cold War II, Not the Launch of World War III

Hillary Clinton speaking with NBC affiliate WHDH in Boston after a campaign event nearby, joins Carli Fiorina in calling for war with Russia in Syria:
I personally would be advocating now for a no-fly zone and humanitarian corridors to try to stop the carnage on the ground and from the air, to try to provide some way to take stock of what’s happening, to try to stem the flow of refugees. 
Are aging women aroused in some way by the thought of sending men in their prime to fight and kill one another? Or are these old bags grasping for power just crazy?

Obama tactfully attributed Clinton's lunatic call for direct confrontation with Russia to the "difference between running for president and being president.” Let's hope he's right, because if anyone were to launch a direct military challenge to Russia's military forces in Syria — which are acting in accordance with international law in response to a request from the legitimate government of that country — we could see Western influence in the World trashed in a day.

A direct air power confrontation between the US and Russia in Syria would place the US in a position reminiscent of Britain's naval confrontation with Germany in 1916, when Britain's main battle fleet met Germany's main battle fleet at what was known as the battle of Jutland. Had the Royal Navy followed traditional British naval policy, to pursue victory at every opportunity, at all costs and by all means, the defeat of Germany might have been achieved in a day. To attempt this, however, would have exposed Britain to a grave risk. The outcome of an all-out battle was uncertain. The British fleet was larger and more heavily armed than the German fleet, but if the Germans proved to have a technological edge, or if they fought with greater skill or good fortune, then it could be the British Navy going to the bottom, a disaster that would have resulted in Britain's inevitable defeat by Germany within weeks. Without a navy to convoy food from the New World and the Empire, Germany's U-boats would have starved Britain into surrender within weeks. The Brits therefore played for the draw that was achieved: not a glorious objective, but the wisest one, given the circumstances.

In Syria, an American no fly zone would bring America's most potent war planes in direct conflict not only with Russia's newly upgraded air force, but against Russia's potentially deadly S300/400 and supersonic S500 anti-aircraft missile batteries. In theory America's aircraft, such as the Lockheed Martin F-22s and F35s are superior to Russian planes in stealth, in battle management software, and in weapons.

But in a fight with the US Air Force, the Russians clearly believe they'd be in it with a chance. They have low frequency radar with which, it is said, so-called stealth aircraft are easily seen. Moreover in a dogfight, the F35 is slower and less maneuverable than Russia's top fighters. Moreover, the F35's splendid battle management software depends on communication among aircraft throughout the battle zone, communications that, some believe, the Russians have means to jam. Moreover, Russia may also be able to jam American radar, thereby blinding American aircraft to enemy targets.

So here's the risk. In a day, the US could be revealed to the world, as not the greatest power on earth, but a paper tiger. Immediately, friends will become cool, allies will seek other arrangements, vassals will rebel, and enemies will look to exploit their advantage. Under those circumstances, the only rational course for the United States is to adhere to international law and leave Syria to sort out its internal problems in its own way with the aid of whatever friends and allies to whom it appeals for assistance.


Deep Resource: Former US DIA Chief Michael Flynn Says Rise Of ISIS Was US Intention

The Age: Russian warplanes in Syria destroy US-trained rebels' weapons depots: commander

RT: Top Ukraine official backs idea 'to help ISIS take revenge on Russian soldiers in Syria’

U-Tube: Russian warships attack ISIS positions in Syria from Caspian Sea

U-Tube: Rubio would challenge Russia militarily in Syria

The Times: Putin raises Syria stakes with threat to Nato jets

Mike Whitney: How Putin will Win in Syria

RT: Russian warships launch 26 missiles against ISIS from Caspian Sea

RI: France Backs Russia Targeting "All Terrorists" in Syria (i.e., including CIA-backed head-chopping, liver-eating assets)

RI: China to join Russia in blitz on CIA’s proxy jihadists, including ISIS

Tass: Lavrov — Moderate Syrian opposition an American fantasy

RI: Australia FM Is Pushing Long-Refuted Syria Lies

Activist Post: Russia declares Syria "no-float" zone?

RT: ISIS in Syria using mosques as shelters, civilians as shields – Russian Defense Ministry

Press TV: Brzezinski’s comment exposes US assets in Syria: Scholar
John McCane had already exposed the fact that the Syrian opposition militias are CIA assets. Oh, and here's the same admission from the Wall St. Journal.
Live Leak: Russian General — Russia must confront ISIS in Syria to prevent  US Terror-Politics coming to Russia 

Read more: 

Zbig Brzzzinzkizzz: Obama should retaliate if Russia doesn't stop attacking U.S. assets
The United States should threaten to retaliate if Russia does not stop attacking U.S. assets in Syria, 
What Zbiggy is saying is that the US is engaged in a covert war against Syria, which is to say a criminal war of aggression under the Nuremberg standard, and that any country that aids the legitimate government of Syria is defeating America's criminal aggression should suffer American retaliation, even if that country happens to be Russia, the only country in the world able to reduce the United States of America to radio-active ash. 

Fort Russ: Turkey and America support Armenian genocide in Syria; Armenian volunteers support Assad and Putin

Mirror: Putin has sent the feared Spetsnaz special forces into Syria to bail out Assad

Slate: Russia Has Scuttled U.S. Plans in Syria

NYTimes: Russian Soldiers to Join Fight in Syria

Zero Hedge: U.S. Accuses Russia Of Launching Syrian Land Campaign

The Arab Source: ISIS Suffers Disastrous Defeat in Deir Ezzor: Over 150 Terrorists Killed in 24 Hours

RT: Russian Air Force destroys 20 ISIS tanks near Palmyra – Defense Ministry (VIDEOS)

21st Century Wire: ISIS ON THE RUN: Russian Airstrikes Totally Obliterate Terrorist Forces in Just 72 Hours

U-Tube: O'Bomber admits US Trained ISIL head-choppers, and liver eaters

Israel Shamir: If They Are Bombed - They Are Daesh

Channel 4: Syria: Russian air strikes welcomed in Assad's heartland

Renegade Tribune: Thousands of Germans March to the Border to Protect it from Islamic Invaders Russia will arm Lebanon against ISIS and other extremist groups

Sputnik: Free Syria Army Seeks Russian Alliance

Tass: Russian Foreign Minister calls Free Syrian Army ‘phantom’ group


End of ISIS? Putin 'sending 150,000 soldiers to Syria to WIPE OUT evil Islamic State'

ISIS so weakened by Russian airstrikes and desertion it could be destroyed in HOURS

Sputnik: Islamic militants flee advancing Syrian army

Zero Hedge: Russia Escalates Syria Proxy War: Threatens Full Naval Blockade Of Syria

Zero Hedge: Iran Readies Massive Syrian Ground Invasion

WN: Handelsblatt: Russia strikes serious blow on Washington's reputation

WSWS: France admits it directly supplied arms to Syrian “rebels”

RT: ‘Stop funding ISIS’: Protesters accuse British govt of financing terror groups

WaPo: U.S. will not directly confront Russia in Syria, Obama says

Global Research: Russia Uses High Tech Smart Bombs to Wipe Out US Sponsored Al Qaeda Terrorists. Panic in Rebel Ranks

Tass: Gunmen start withdrawing forces from Syria’s Idlib amid Russian airstrikes

Global Research: British SAS Special Forces “Dressed Up as ISIS Rebels” Fighting Assad in Syria

DM: Putin to Cameron: You must not arm fanatics who eat organs of their enemies
Reacting to comments from Mr Cameron that those arming the Damascus regime had the 'blood of the children of Syria' on their hands, a furious Mr Putin said: 'The blood is on the hands of both parties.
'There is always a question as to who is to blame. One should hardly back those who kill enemies and eat their organs.
'It is hardly in relation to the humanitarian and cultural values Europe has been professing for centuries.' Mr Putin dismissed calls from Mr Cameron and the West to stop arming the regime of dictator Bashar al-Assad, saying Russia was supplying 'the legitimate government of Syria in full compliance with the norms of international law'.
Albawaba: Egypt backs Russian airstrikes in Syria

Intefada: Air Duel between the Sukhoi Su – 30 Russian SM and Israeli F-15

Sputnik: US Spent a Year Bombing Syrian Desert, Not ISIL  Russian MP

FTA: Hawaii Air Guard F-22s Deploy To The Middle East As Tensions With Russia Build

Friday, October 2, 2015

Burying the Underclass

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the number of individuals out of the work force last month — due to discouragement, retirement or otherwise — represented a substantial 579,000 person increase over the most recent record of 94,031,000, reached in August this year.

The civilian labor force in September clocked in at 156,715,000, declining by 350,000 people, compared to August’s 157,065,000 labor force level.

But not to worry, according to a new report by the US Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank:
The decrease in labor force participation among prime-age individuals has been driven mostly by the share who say they currently don't want a job.
In reality, contrary to soothing bankerspeak, most able-bodied people really do want to earn a living, but an increasing proportion in the West cannot do so because, in this era of offshoring of jobs to Asian sweatshops, their labor is worth less than the minimum wage. To that problem, there are two possible solutions:

One is to eliminate the minimum wage while instituting a negative income tax that insures that the lowest paid worker receives a living wage, an option I discussed here.

The other, if the minimum wage is retained, is for governments to sell job subsidies to employers by competitive auction, as I outlined here.

That no Western state seriously considers either option suggests that, in the enlightened liberal West, governments would prefer the underclass to be underground, dying prematurely due to drug addiction, malnutrition, or criminal violence, with their posterity slaughtered at birth or before, their body parts sold to the highest bidder to keep rich old hypocrites like George Soros the Nazi Jew alive for ever.

As boys of UK Prime Minister David Cameron's old school, Eton, determined in a debating society motion during the 1930's: The Faces of the Poor Should be Ground, a motion that was passed with the amendment that "The Faces of the Poor Should be Underground." As the most privileged youth of England spoke then, so also do all of today's Western elites.


Paul Theroux: The Hypocrisy of ‘Helping’ the Poor

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Scott Free — JFK Board Game

All you need to know about the way Western Democracy works in just 59 seconds:


Monday, September 28, 2015

The Language of Donald Trump

Donald Trump Doesn't do oratory. If you want fine words, consider Carly Fiorina. You'd no more want to debate with Carly than you'd want to to engage in a spitting contest with a King Cobra. Unfortunately, she's stark staring mad. Putin: "I wouldn't talk to him." No. Just bomb the fucker, I guess.

Then there's Senator Rubio, so extraordinarily articulate, and like Carly, no time for that Commie, I mean fascist, New Hitler, Putin. If I were making a Hollywood blockbuster about the Cold War and a US President who took the world to the brink of nuclear extinction and over the edge, I'd want Rubio to play that president.

And there's JEB. Sure, he's no Lincoln, but for a Bush, boy, he talks a blue streak.

In comparison, Trump just doesn't cut it. Trump's sentences are rarely more than five or ten words:

"I'll make America great again;"
"I'll build a wall;"
"I'd send 'em back;"
"I'll bring the jobs back from Chi'na;"
"NAFTA, I'll renegotiate it or break it."
and on Syria,
"Let Russia handle it"

Those are what, in the instructions to authors of some scholarly journals, you will find described as "short, declarative sentences." They're so simple that it's difficult even for an academic to conceal any lack of sense or substance. And short and declarative seems to be the only type of sentence Donald Trump knows. It ain't pretty, It don't amount to rhetoric, it won't win a debate, but it gets the message across: something you gotta do in business, and what you gotta do in an election if you want that half of the American electorate which has, by definition, an IQ below 100 to understand the message and be motivated to vote on it. For the mass of Americans, unemployed blue collar guys, unemployed black youth, university grads loaded with debt, earning minimum wage if they have a job at all, and still living at home in their late twenties, jobless single mothers raising a family on food stamps, voting for the Trump revolution not only seem like a good idea, it's an idea they can all understand.


Dilbert Creator Scott Adams on Donald Trump's "Linguistic Kill Shots"

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Why I Have Only Contempt For the Late George Carlin

Carlin's humor seems to have consisted largely in saying "fuck," "shit," and "dick" over and over, while emulating masturbation, and anal penetration, and telling his mainly American audiences how "so fucking dumb" ordinary Americans really are. This is not, for me, the highest form of wit.

In addition, Carlin was for the Couverdon-Kalergi plan for the elimination of the European people as a distinct race of mankind. True, both Carlin and Coverdon-Kalergi did not discriminate agaist white people. Apparently, they wished to destroy all the races of mankind, this to be achieved through mass migration and enforced multiculturalism. Thus, in the"Best of George Carlin" video that I linked to above, there is one frame showing a list of the supposed human races: white, black, brown, yellow, all of which have been struck out and a check marked placed by the words "human race." This is standard globalist propaganda for racial homogenization, based on two fundamental misconceptions or rather deliberate misrepresentations. First,the implication that racial differences are merely a matter skin color, whereas in reality,  skin color is not an essential, or even a greatly important, aspect of human racial differentiation. There are albino Africans, who are nevertheless Africans not Europeans. And there are many people of approximately the same shade of brown who belong to very different racial groups including Dravidians, Amerindians, Australian aboriginals, and deeply suntanned Europeans. Race is determined by differences in many genes and its biological significance has been barely probed. Second, race is not a correct alternative term for species. Mankind is a species not a race, whereas the races of mankind are genetically distinct variants of the human species, which have been created over thousands of years of more or less isolated development through processes of selection, genetic drift and random mutation. The existing vast range of variation in human form, physiology and physiognomy will be irreversibly destroyed within a couple of generations of universal multiracial breeding.

The extinction of my own people as a distinct race and the extraordinary civilization that its sons — people such as Shakespeare, Newton, Francis Bacon, Adam Smith, David Hume, Darwin, James Clerk Maxwell — created, is something to which I am totally opposed. Moreover, I wish other folks — the Chinese, the tribes of Africa, the Jews, the Arabs and many, many others — a long, prosperous, and unique future too.

Inevitably, in the modern, highly connected world, the races of mankind will tend to mix and merge. Insofar as such mixing is the result of individuals acting of their own free will in accordance with law (immigration law, for example), I don't oppose it, and further, I have no hesitation in acknowledging that the progeny of mixed matings may be among the finest people around. The former British settler states, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand have all, apparently, without great public opposition, adopted the path of multiracial immigration and a pseudo multiculturalism that, in fact, requires all-comers to adopt a politically correct liberal ideology, which accommodates religion only in a depleted and essentially meaningless form. Moreover, in the settler states, there is not only a process of mixing racial groups, but of replacing, albeit over several generations, the existing dominant, European groups with people from elsewhere. The process of replacement is inevitable so long as the fertility of the European populations remains below the replacement rate. In fact, replacement by people from elsewhere is the fate not only of the Europeans, but of all immigrant groups to the settler states and to Europe, since fertility of the native-born is aggressively reduced by programs of indoctrination in school (i.e., the encouragement of masturbation, oral sex, homosexual experimentation, instruction in the use of condoms, etc., all in the name of sex "education"), mass slaughter of the unborn, and girls' education which encourages women, particularly intelligent women, to place careers ahead of motherhood.

If to be succeeded by people from elsewhere is indeed what most Americans, Canadians, etc. want, it's fine with me. But, as all opinion surveys indicate, to be deprived of their own posterity in not what the great majority of Europeans want. But that it is what Europeans are getting. Europeans of Christian tradition have a fertility rate far below the replacement rate and are being displaced by Africans and Asians, the majority of whom are of Islamic or other non-Christian tradition, in a process driven by traitorous leaders subservient to the US empire.

The death of the European peoples as distinct cultural and racial entities may be at hand, but at least let those of us who oppose this genocide not applaud George Carlin, the dead scumbag advocate for the destruction of human cultural and biological diversity.


CanSpeccy: The Unassimilated Indian

CanSpeccy: In Praise of Diversity

CanSpeccy: The Treason of Nicolas Sarkozy: "Métissage" - It's An Obligation!