Showing posts with label vaccine passport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vaccine passport. Show all posts

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Vaccine-Induced Covid Variants: The More the Scarier, the Better to Force Your Acceptance of Tyrannical Social Control

Universal vaccination to control a viral pathogen during a pandemic assures the emergence of mutant viral strains that evade vaccine-induced immunity. It works like this: the antibodies induced by the vaccine kill the dominant viral strain, which makes the infected person an ideal host for the multiplication and spread of mutant virus particles resistant to the vaccine-induced antibodies.  

So what is almost every national government doing during the Covid pandemic? They are seeking to force the vaccine on every member of the human race, including infants and pregnant women. 

And what do we see as a result? Variants that have achieved immune escape, which is to say resistance to the antibodies induced by the vaccine, the latest such variant being called Mu, for mutant.

But not to worry: Big Pharma will produce booster shots, engineered to deal with the scariest variant. 

But what happens as the variants multiply? 

Are you ready for  multiple booster shots, two? three? a dozen? every month a new one?

And even then there will remain the expense, comparable to that of a major war, of lockdowns, mandatory face masks, school closures, termination of the right of free movement, thousands upon thousands of small business closures, plus the psychological trauma leading to more drug abuse, alcohol abuse, child abuse, wife beating -- the fallout from what amounts to a deviant medical tyranny. 

And for what? To treat a viral disease with a mortality rate of around one in one hundred thousand among children (much less than the flu), rising to maybe one in several hundred for older adults, and one in ten for those in their eighties?

Covid, or rather the response to it, is a scam. It is a project in the name of medicine to impose a tyranny to be permanently enforced by means of vaccine passports, an arrangement that will  transform into a Chinese-Communist-style system of social credit: which is to say total behavioral control by way of round the clock surveillance, big data, artificial intelligence and automatically imposed restrictions on your freedom of action. 


Israel is now the world's Covid hotspot: Cases soar despite country's trail-blazing vaccine roll-out

Premier of New South Wales Lays Down the Law on Covid:

That's one of the problems with lockdowns. It gives people both time and incentive to make videos mocking their rulers.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Think Your Government Wouldn't Lie About Covid If It Gave them Power to do What You Would Otherwise Oppose?

Vaccine passports make no sense as a means to control Covid. The vaccinated are subject to infection and can shed virus particles and spread the disease as freely as the unvaccinated.

So it's the unvaccinated who need protection from the vaccinated, not the other way around.

But if you accepted the phony argument for vaccine passports and the penalties imposed on those without one, do you really think that government's won't exploit it as an instrument of Chinese-Communist-style social control? In Canada a government led by a man who so much admires China's Communist dictatorship?

You think that governments will resist the opportunity to link your face — as scanned dozens of times a day by security and surveillance cams — with your passport file and use AI systems to achieve real-time minute by minute control over you and every citizen? If so, watch the video and remember how the events related turned out for Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, the fallout continuing to this day.

But if you wish to avoid living under an Orwellian system of oppression, check with your parliamentary candidates. Does any one of them* explicitly oppose compelled vaccination under the threat of vaccine passport Hell? Actually, your no-hope People's Party Candidate is opposed to compelled vaccination. Why not cast a protest vote instead of throwing your vote away on a mainstream party candidate who is either too stupid to know what's at stake, or simply means you no good.

Remember, you can either be a good citizen, a responsible person guided by a moral sense, or you can live like an automaton, guided not by conscience, religious faith, or mere human decency, but by an artificial intelligence that punishes you automatically, whenever you fail to follow the dictates of a hypocritical, ethics-challenged humbug like Justin Trudeau.

* None of the mainstream parties, Conservative, Liberal or NDP say a word about vaccine passports on their campaign web sites, which means they're all for them. 


The Trusted News Initiative – A BBC led organisation censoring Public Health experts who oppose the official narrative on Covid-19

"What do the inventor of mRNA technology; the lead author of the most downloaded paper on Covid-19 in the American Journal of Medicine; a former editor of the American Journal of Epidemiology; renowned epidemiologists at Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford; and France’s leading microbiologist – have in common? 

They have all been censored by a repressive media network that most people have never heard of. This network has outrageously conceived and conveyed a “monopoly of legitimate information.” 

Natural immunity 13 times more effective than vaccines at stopping “delta” variant 
But here in Canada we will still punish you if you refuse the vax, and no, we couldn't care less that you have immunity from infection vastly superior to that provided by the vax.

Justifications for Lockdown Have Implications That Most People Would Not Accept

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Covid Lies That Pave the Way to Totalitarian Dictatorship

In the video below, the formidably articulate Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer, explains why he is convinced that the Covid "pandemic" is a scamdemic designed to bring about global depopulation. 

Whether he is correct in his apocalyptic belief concerning the motivation of those seeking to terrorize the population with fear of a virus less lethal to to the vast majority than the flu remains to be seen. To me, fear, ignorance and stupidity seems an adequate explanation.
But his contention that the "fear-the-virus" Covid narrative that has been relentlessly promoted by governments, news media and social media companies worldwide is based on false premises (lies Yeadon calls them) is compelling.

Also compelling is his explanation of the silence of the scientists in the face of a barrage of publicly proclaimed government and media false information about Covid. 

The reason for the silence of academic scientists who know that Covid represents a minor peril to the vast majority of the population is, he says, simple. It is that there are virtually no independent scientists. Scientists in academia, who might be thought to have an independent voice are, Yeadon points out, almost entirely dependent for research funding on government or corporate donors. And what that means is that future funding depends on not attacking the Covid narrative that those funding sources are vigorously promoting. 

The charge of subservience of academics in the biomedical field to big Pharma, i.e., the vaccine makers is surely no slander. Even in the 1980's, when I was appointed, from outside academia, to a tenure track position at Canada's top research university, it became clear to me, within three days, that my research was to be entirely subservient to the interests one of Canada's great resource industries. 

At that point I did what many in the same situation would not. I quit.

Among the key points that Yeadon's talk drives home are:

Covid is less lethal than the flu to the great majority of those under the age of 70, and much less so for children, the chief exception being the obese, i.e., those who can readily self-identify and take appropriate precautions. 

There are plenty of effective treatments for Covid that could greatly reduce the number of cases that end up in hospital, but which the medical profession has thus far failed to effectively promote. These include vitamin D and zinc supplements, corticosteroid inhalants, and the cheap non-prescription drug ivermectin.

Covid cases and deaths have been greatly exaggerated by use of the grotesquely unreliable PCR test. 

Antibody production induced by Covid "vaccines" provide only short-lived and minimal protection from infection, whereas actual infection induces both durable and robust full-spectrum immunity, which means that requiring "vaccination" of those who have recovered from a Covid infection amounts to medical abuse.

It is also a medical abuse to vaccinate children who are at much greater risk of harm from the "vaccine" than from Covid, but who may be denied the benefit of long-term, quite possibly life-long, full-spectrum Covid immunity through an infection that will almost certainly be asymptomatic. (Actually, Yeadon does not make this point, although I am pretty certain he would not disagree with it.)

For all those millions who have had Covid, the Covid scariant variants are a non-issue: their immune system will recognize and defeat them all. 

The Covid terror campaign is designed to allow implementation of vaccination passports, which will serve as a mechanism for enforcing endless completely untested "vaccine" booster shots with unknown properties and consequences. 

Moreover, vaccination passports will provide a means to create an Orwellian world of surveillance and control, resulting in a permanent end to human freedom.


Pathetic billionaires, No. 79: Google co-founder Larry Page 'has been living off-grid and hiding out on isolated Fijian island for most of the pandemic'