Showing posts with label Niki Haley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Niki Haley. Show all posts

Friday, March 20, 2020

Top Aerospace Engineer, Nikki Haley, Resigns From Board of Boeing Corporation

We have previously noted the extraordinary fact that Boeing Corporation's Board of Directors includes not a single engineer, aeronautical or otherwise. That fact must surely be an embarrassment to members of the Board now that the company's manifestly corrupt and useless management has become a matter of public knowledge. It is no surprise, therefore, that Nikki Haley, former US Ambassador to the United Nations, former Governor of South Carolina, etc., etc., has had the wit to disembarrass herself by resigning from the Board of Directors on a supposed matter of principle, namely, her opposition to Boeing's request for a $60 billion publicly funded bailout. In her letter of resignation, Haley states:

I cannot support a move to lean on the federal government for a stimulus or bailout that prioritizes our company over others and relies on taxpayers to guarantee our financial position.
One wonders how soon it will be before the other, less politically savvy, members of the Board bail too. Perhaps Boeing's other female aeronautical genius, Caroline Kennedy, will be the next to go?