Monday, September 9, 2024

Canada's Reproductive Failure

 Canadians are a dying nation with a death rate twice the birth rate.

Canada's rapid population growth despite a dying population is driven by mass immigration.

The immigrants, no doubt good people for the most part, have no hereditary relationship with the historic Canadian nation. They are a replacement for the historic Canadian nation, which, under the psychopatic leadership of the Trudeauvian Liberal Party, is being quietly driven to extinction. 

For the survival of the Canadian nation, Canada needs not more immigrants but more babies. But this would cost. More maternity hospital beds, more schools and universities. Thus say the Trudeauvians, better to import people fully grown with expertise, diplomas and university degrees acquired at some other nation's expense. 

Thus Canada lives by the infusion of talent from other nations, the newcomers themselves becoming part of a dying nation. 

What to do?

The election of a Conservative government headed by Pierre Poilievre, the bastard child of an unmarried teenager, might be a good start. But what is the Conservative Party's population policy? Will a Tory government get the condom dispensers out of high school washrooms? Will they outlaw abortion as birth control?

Contrary to Trudeau's genocidal policy of mass immigration, Canada should slash immigration rates to improve employment opportunity and lower housing costs for the native-born, with positive effects on the fertility of native-born Canadians. Such measures should be maintained until such time as the fertility rate catches up with the death rate. The rest of the West, dying nations including Germany, Britain, France, Italy, and the United States, need to adopt similar measures. 

Here, for Germany, is how the West's drive for national suicide looks in a chart: 


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