Sunday, February 20, 2022

Trudeau’s Destructive ‘Emergency’: The truckers protest could have been handled without abusing the law

Wall Street Journal: When former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau invoked emergency powers in peacetime in 1970, he was accused of “using a sledgehammer to crack a peanut.” Fifty-two years later, his son, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, has repeated the mistake.

The truckers protest against vaccine mandates, vilified by Mr. Trudeau as “racist” and “violent,” has been peaceful, but not every peaceful protest is legal. Blocking roads and border crossings disrupts lives and commerce. Government’s job is to maintain public order while respecting civil liberties. Canada has failed on both scores. For weeks authorities tried to wish away the problem. When that failed, Mr. Trudeau overreached, invoking new powers before Canadian jurisdictions had tried to enforce existing law. Ottawa police chief Peter Sloly was a progressive reformer. He criticizes the “reactive enforcement model” of policing, and when truckers took over his downtown, he failed to react. Mr. Sloly resigned Tuesday.

On Thursday Ottawa police, with provincial and federal help, finally came out in numbers, blocked highway exits, set up a perimeter and checkpoints and arrested blockade leaders. All of this could have been done under existing law. On Friday police began mopping up the protests methodically, with occasional scuffles and use of pepper spray. This too could have been done, albeit differentiating between the lawful and unlawful, and without threatening media with arrest for covering the action.


In The Age Of COVID, We're Reminded An Unjust Law Is No Law At All

Israeli Study: Covid Vax does not stop the spread But like Turdeau say: we still need the truckers' vax mandate, even if 90% are already vaxxed

Iran Condemns Trudeau Government following Violent Crackdown on Freedom Protesters. LOL

Canadian Speaker Blames “Poor Audio,” Cuts Member’s Feed When He Asks Why Klaus Schwab Is “Bragging” About the WEF Successfully “Infiltrating Half of Canada’s Cabinet” – (VIDEO)

"The part of the Great Reset pertaining to COVID-19 was always about amplifying the divisions between people. To create a new religion around it. Its sacrament is the vaccine. Its Lord’s prayer is demonizing ivermectin and trusting the science. Its vestment is the mask.

Its “amen,” is “in the name of public health.”

It has led to such dehumanizing that those who do not comply with the high priests now deserve their fate.

Mario Draghi in Italy declared the unvaccinated to no longer be a part of Italian society. ..."

Blood Clots, Blood Clots, Everyone Gonna Have Blood Clots. Who Says? Pfizer, the Clot Shot maker

"Both CDC and Pfizer have recently issued a public warning about “blood clots.”

Last February 10, the CDC issued a warning normalizing the idea that young adults and healthy athletes develop blood clots.

Of course, no one has ever heard of this frequent phenomenon before the COVID vaccines.

“#DYK [do you know] that anyone can develop a blood clot? Whether you’re an athlete or a fan, don’t let a blood clot ruin the big game this weekend. Learn how to protect your health:,” CDC tweeted out."
Alberta Premier Jason Kenney Files Legal Challenge to Trudeau’s Unjustified Use of the Emergencies Act

Kenney calls Trudeau’s actions:

– unnecessary
– disproportionate
– violation of natural justice
– intrusion into provincial jurisdiction
– a dangerous precedent.

Trudeau’s Deputy, Chrystia Freeland, Granddaughter of a Prominent Nazi and Who is Director at the World Economic Forum, Says She Plans to Make Her Emergency Powers Permanent


  1. I don't think the Wall Street Journal wants to admit what's going on. Trudeau isn't going to back down. He's not going to negotiate. I believe he is signaling his intention to use lethal force.

    My hunch is it is going to come down to whether Canadian law enforcement will be willing to fire on Canadian citizens. I'd sure be interested in your thoughts on this.

    1. Hey Stranger: I have little insight into what is going on. I infer from statements by Justin Trudeau's half-brother, Kyle Kemper (see video below), that JT is committed to the mission of the globalist World Economic Forum of which his Deputy, Chrystia Freeland, is a Director.

      But I have no clear understanding of the planned route to global governance under the Money Power, or Trudeau's presumed role.

      One necessary objective must be to undermine both the "will of the people" and belief in the legitimacy of the "will of the people," since democracy makes sense only if practiced locally, i.e., on a national basis. Thus a program of baiting the people -- e.g., with inane vaccine mandates based on the plausible falsehood that the vaxxed are endangered by the unvaxxed -- with the aim of precipitating a riot for which dangerous populists can be blamed, might have been planned to push the anti-democratic agenda.

      If that were the program, then one would have to wonder about the sincerity of the Freedom Convoy organizers. Could they, in fact, be agents provocateurs intent on instigating violence to justify a crack-down?

      But already it is evident that the anti-populist agenda is making ground, with Freeland announcing permanent measures, made possible by the declared state of emergency, to surveil and control citizens private finances. So thus far, the Freedom Convoy looks to be a win for the anti-democratic forces.

      But I agree, Trudeau will not back down. He demands respect, but being both hugely arrogant and of limited intelligence, he will not hesitate to deploy brute force if he sees it as a means to gain his objective.

  2. We suspected all along it was going to come to this. Here we are. My one last hope would be Trudeau would order deployment of brute force but be countermanded somewhere in the chain of command.

    I stopped watching because at some point what would happen next was as obvious as dominoes toppling. Now we're on the final dominoes.

    1. Yes, and most of the people are suck-ups who would get a thrill watching anti-vaxxers hanged from construction cranes, and who, when the system is introduced, will collect social credit points as diligently as they gather likes on FaceBook.

  3. I thought you might be interested in this post about Agamben:

    Rather than consider Agamben just might be right, and his critics just might be wrong, because Agamben takes the side of the dummies (among which are we, in this case...The author would call us "isolated obsessives") Agamben becomes a dummy.

    One of the most respected intellectuals within certain spheres within the academy, and SHAZAM! Now he is a paranoid dummy. The author, one of his translators, wishes never to have become involved with him. He even suggests we go back and more carefully and critically review Agamben's prior, previously prestigious, body of work.

    1. Yes, with friends like Adam Kotsko, who would need enemies.

      But Kotsko's article provides an introduction to Agamben -- someone I had never heard of -- about whose ideas I will seek to learn more.

      But not surprising to see such a hit piece in Bill, Vaccine, Gates's Slate Mag.

  4. They gave up and they are dead meat. They are going to be crushed, slowly but surely, ruthlessly. We'll know by tomorrow morning whether Trudeau's insistence on keeping the emergency powers in place-- I have not doubt the emergency powers are now in place permanently. Let's get real. In the name of protecting democracy-- Canada is now fascist.

    1. Yes, Chrystia Freeland, Canada's finance minister, has already stated that the emergency power to freeze your bank assets will be made permanent.

  5. The next row of dominoes to fall one by one will be the repeating of Ottawa everywhere among the "western democracies".

  6. In the future, perhaps, theocracy will offer greater freedom than any regime that goes by the name of democracy. In the world of what used to be known as Christendom, will Russia, where the church has an integral role in govenance, become the place of greatest freedom?

  7. I think we're going to keep the faith. The truckers drew a line in the sand, and when you do that, you can't go back. They don't need to go back. This piffle with Justin Trudeau?

    1. Good statement about "the piffle with JT" I thought by Victor Davis Hanson, see next post.

  8. They've already been betrayed.

    They have to go back and man the battle lines.

    You can reach me at

    1. I don't agree. They have wrong-footed Trudeau and they need to keep him wrong-footed by acting peacefully and in accordance with law.
