Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Understanding the Covid Coup

 Rob Slane: 

We Willingly Gave Up Liberty, Yet Are Shocked to Find Out We Are Less Free

Through fear and hysteria, millions actually believed the authorities when they put forward the absurd suggestion that they could “Control the Virus.” In fact, what they then proceeded to do was “Control the People.” The idea that Lockdowns “Control the Virus” and reduce mortality has been shown by more than 30 studies to be a fallacy; whereas the truth that Lockdowns “Control the People” is blindingly obvious, and should be apparent to everyone after a year of often mad restrictions that have curtailed perfectly normal activities....


Lockdowns Do Not Control the Coronavirus: The Evidence

The use of universal lockdowns in the event of the appearance of a new pathogen has no precedent. It has been a science experiment in real time, with most of the human population used as lab rats. The costs are legion.

The question is whether lockdowns worked to control the virus in a way that is scientifically verifiable. Based on the following studies, the answer is no and for a variety of reasons: bad data, no correlations, no causal demonstration, anomalous exceptions, and so on. There is no relationship between lockdowns (or whatever else people want to call them to mask their true nature) and virus control....

Bloomberg News: Covid no more deadly than the flu 
to those under 40 and barely more so to those over 40:

After you have examined that graph showing essentially zero Covid 19 mortality in infants and children under the age of 14, consider this insane fact:
Moderna starts COVID-19 vaccine trial in infants and young children     Yet 96% of Covid-19-related excess deaths in Europe were in people over 70 years oldSo what did Western governments do? While the vaccine vendors were intent on vaccinating babies who are naturally immune to the disease, they locked up the entire population, while forcing Covid-19-infected people from hospital into care homes for the elderly, setting off one lethal epidemic after another and accounting for around half of all Covid-19 deaths. Brilliant: Well done BoJo, Justin, and Governor Cuomo of New York, etc.What other apparent lunacy did these governments commit? Well having stripped a large proportion of the population of their livlihood, governments compensated the people by handing out free money. In the process, Canada, for example, blew up a Government deficit of $20 billion dollars in 2019 to $382 billion (projected, underestimated, whatever) in 2020. In the US, the Feds printed so much money to buy votes and keep the terrorized population docile, that 40% of all US dollars ever created were created within the year. And that, surely, is the wonderful payoff for the Money Power. Massive money printing, equals inflation, which, wait for it, means a decline in real wages, something employers love. it also means a devaluation of debt, something so welcome to corporate borrowers everywhere. So if you think Covid only robbed you of a year of productive life, think again. If you're a worker, it likely has cost you a large chunk of future real earnings. Still, we can take comfort from the World Health Organizations statement on vaccine effectiveness:

Does it prevent infection and transmission?

We do not know whether the vaccine will prevent infection and protect against onward transmission. Immunity persists for several months, but the full duration is not yet known. These important questions are being studied.

LOL. That should give you confidence -- confidence that :"persists for several months." But after that, don't worry, they'll have another "jab" for you. In fact, before this is over you may find you've been transformed into a human pin cushion.




  1. I liked both articles very much, thank you. I need to look again, but I don't believe either one considers the much higher than expected mortality observed in 2020. (If so, what a hell of a cost we thus paid. There's no way to hold those who made the world pay this cost accountable, either.) My belief is this is due nearly entirely to the worldwide globalist totalitarian measures put in place, purportedly for our safety. Even under the most favorable conditions we won't sort that out for years or even a decade. Under these conditions, I doubt we'll be allowed to sort it out. It doesn't really matter. Just as it didn't matter once we learned Osama Bin Laden was not in Afghanistan or Iraq didn't have WMD. What was done was done. The totalitarians achieved their objective, which was to institute an entirely new and unprecedented worldwide regime of complete control.

    1. "Even under the most favorable conditions we won't sort that out for years or even a decade."

      Agree. Covid19 and it mutating descendants will likely always be with us. Over at the Sinophilic Unz Review, folks are going on about China's brilliant response to the virus. But China is still building emergency hospitals for Covid patients, this in 2021, not 2020.

  2. I can't post my true comments-- last night and then today, and I can't now either, but I can post the latter no problem. What's going on?
