Sunday, January 10, 2021

The Origins of America’s Secret Police

 By Cynthia Chung:

Strategic Culture Foundation, January 8, 2021: When will the American people realise that the biggest threat to American freedom is not from without but from within its very own walls, where it has been prominently residing for the last 112 years…

“Know Thyself,
Nothing to Excess,
Surety Brings Ruin”

– inscribed at the Temple of Apollo at Delphi

Many are aware of the Apollo at Delphi inscription and associate it as words of wisdom, after all, the Temple at Delphi was at the center of global intelligence. Kings, emperors, statesmen, generals from all quarters of the ancient world would travel to the Temple with a very generous payment in gold in hopes that the wisdom of the great god Apollo would be bestowed on them and give strength and power to their particular cause.

One of the most famous prophecies made by the Cult of Delphi, according to the ancient historian Herodotus, was to King Croesus of Lydia. King Croesus was a very rich king and the last bastion of the Ionian cities against the increasing Persian power in Anatolia. King Croesus wished to know whether he should continue his military campaign deeper into Persian Empire territory and whether he should seek a military alliance in such a feat.

According to Herodotus, the amount of gold King Croesus delivered was the greatest ever bestowed upon the Temple of Apollo. In return the priestess of Delphi, otherwise known as the Oracle, (some poor young girl selected once a year with the “right attributes”) would spout nonsensical babble, intoxicated by the gas vapours of the chasm she was conveniently placed over. The priests would then “translate” the Oracle’s prophecy.

King Croesus was told as his prophecy-riddle, “If Croesus goes to war he will destroy a great empire.” Croesus was also told to ally himself with the most powerful Greek state, and he chose Sparta. Croesus was overjoyed and thought his victory solid and immediately began working towards building his military campaign against Persia. Long story short, Croesus lost everything and Lydia was taken over by the Persians. The Spartans never showed up.

It turns out the prophecy-riddle was not wrong, but that Croesus mistook which great empire would fall.

Read more


Global Research: Evidence Mounts of a Capitol Hill False Flag


Gateway Pundit: FBI Claims Jurisdiction and Yesterday Took Control of Shredded Ballots Being Analyzed in Georgia – Sends Them Back to Shredder

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London Daily: The Big Tech censorship: What is started as 1984, will end up as 1939

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  1. I suppose you've heard Dominion Software is suing Sidney Powell for 1.3 billion dollars in damages. They are said to be considering suing Donald Trump. I assume this means they will wait until after January 20th to do so.

    I also suppose you've heard Donald Trump has been de-platformed from both Facebook and Twitter. Now he's robbed of his "bully pulpit" just when he needs it most.

    Imagine this. It is comparable to the big three television networks refusing to broadcast Nixon's speeches for some time before his resignation...Except that never happened. This is happening.

    The trap is closing, and what a trap it is.

    Trump is blamed for the "riots" and "storming of the Capitol" though what is cited as evidence he is guilty clearly shows he planned to step down from office on January 20th in the cause of an orderly transition AND he urged his supporters to "go home now".

    On the other hand, Trump said to protesters, "We love you and you are special." Why if that ain't hate speech and inciting to riot, I don't know what is.

    Okay, inciting a riot is a felony, and there's not a lot of good reason to believe the Democrats -- who control all three branches of the federal government-- won't press that charge. They are a vindictive bunch who are now out for blood of anyone who has had the temerity to object to their agenda.

    1. Re: Suing Sidney Powell for two billion. Good luck to Dominion on that. If they do go to court, one interesting consequence may be that they have to make their machine code public to prove Powell's claim of vote rigging is false. In particular, they may have to show that the code on the machines used in the election was not designed to flip votes. It will be interesting to see how they do that.

      Trump may have been denied access to Twitter, etc., but Twitter et al. may just have pissed off 74 million actual or potential users, which will will cost the bastards a bit.

      The fact that the media, the Democrats and many Republicans aim to destroy Trump indicates how much they fear him, probably rightly. He is surely plotting revenge.

      It seems to be that Joe the Illegitimate is sitting on a powder keg. Not only is his brain becoming rapidly more addled, but something is likely to give in the economic sphere that will make him, not Trump a pariah: a hyper-inflationary depression: the dollar plunging, commodity prices rocketing, unemployment, poverty, and violent protest widespread.

  2. By the way, I really do think there are more of us than there are of them. They are a minority. Many people are concerned about the validity of the November votes. The problem is, it doesn't matter. There are lots of times in history when a tiny minority has been successful throttling a vast majority. There are more of those than times the majority had it their way. We lost. We're going to find out what Victors' Justice feels like, too. We're feeling it now.

    1. "We're going to find out what Victors' Justice feels like"

      That or counterrevolution.

  3. I especially enjoyed and profited from your link here, CS.

    1. Yes, there is much in that article that was new to me, including the sudden deaths of Senators Walsh and Boggs. And in view of the ruthless treatment by the intelligence/police agencies of politicians who go off message, Trump's mere survival is interesting. I suspect he owes that, in part, to his status as a billionaire, if only a minor one. If he were wiped out by the Swamp it would likely be resented by other billionaires who consider themselves a race apart from and above the common herd. Patrick Byrne, for one, would surely object, also I suspect, Elon Musk might say something not quite in line with the propaganda. Indeed, one imagines a group of billionaires deciding it was time to act in their own self-interest to discipline the creatures of the Swamp.

  4. "Re: Suing Sidney Powell for two billion. Good luck to Dominion on that. If they do go to court, one interesting consequence may be that they have to make their machine code public to prove Powell's claim of vote rigging is false. In particular, they may have to show that the code on the machines used in the election was not designed to flip votes."

    Ah, CS, you're referring to that old archaic "rule of law" stuff which in their incredibly morally superior betters have so recently been able to cast off. All that old crap which was nothing but encumbrance in a plutocratic technocracy such as is ours, worldwide.

    That old crap that really didn't fit into code, though much of it was, stupidly, called code and believed to be codification. Wasn't part of that silliness known as "rules of evidence"? Trashed. You may not have noticed, though. That familiar "Are you sure you want to place this in the recycle-bin? Yes or Cancel" wasn't used. Maybe we won't see that on our computers anymore either. What goes into our recycle bins may now be decided by "the ones who know what's best", at a higher, cloud level.
