Tuesday, January 12, 2021

January 12, 2021: The Death of Freedom

Paul Craig Roberts: Don’t Fall for the Establishment’s Tall Tales. There Was No “Violent Assault on the Capitol” and There Is Abundant Evidence of Electoral Fraud

The MAGA Party: Erase and Criminalize

Dennis Prager—‘This Is the Reichstag Fire, Relived

Black Lives Matter Activist Who Stormed Capitol on Jan. 6 Charged

Jogger is stopped by Covid marshal for 'breathing heavily'

Biden Personnel Chief Served At Chinese Intel Org Flagged By FBI For Recruiting Western Spies

UK Government May Only Let People Out Once A Week

Biden administration embracing "systemic racism" as a matter of policy

France, Germany, Mexico, Australia Join International Outcry over Censorship of Donald Trump

Twitter No Longer Allows Questioning of Fraudulent Election


  1. The information about Hale Boggs in the previously-posted Cynthia Chung article contains a slight error which bothers me a bit.

    She states,

    "Nixon was inaugurated as President of the United States on Jan 20th, 1969. Hale Boggs soon after called on Nixon’s Attorney General John Mitchell to have the courage to fire J. Edgar Hoover.

    It wasn’t long thereafter that the private airplane carrying Hale Boggs disappeared without a trace."

    The plane disappeared on October 16, 1972, while Hale Boggs was up here in Alaska campaigning for our U.S. Representative Nick Begich.

    I would say October 16, 1972 is quite a bit after January 20, 1969. It was nearly four years after, and very close to Nixon's second inauguration on January 20, 1972.

    They were flying in a very remote area of Alaska, along the mountainous coastline, under quite difficult conditions. It has not been uncommon for aircraft crashing in such places to disappear without a trace. It happens much, much less often today, but it does happen even today.

    I recall quite recently the recovery of a rather large military aircraft lost back in the 1950's, after it was disgorged at the terminus of the glacier in which it had been encased for so many decades. Quite a number of servicemen died in that crash.

    I also recall the pilot of their aircraft had written an article about de-icing of aircraft wings in Alaska said to contain faulty information which would not have prevented his wings from icing up under the conditions he'd been flying that night.

    A lot of things from this time period are burned into my memory, apparently forever.

    Nick Begich had been enormously popular and I would say revered. He likely would have won the election handily even if he hadn't campaigned at all. I think his campaigning that year was part of his greatness as a representative for Alaska.

    Begich was a democrat. State law allowed the governor to name his replacement. The governor was republican and named a republican replacement, Don Young. Don Young is our current US Representative. He is the longest-serving Republican in the HR history. It has never seemed fair to me.

    This is such a rotten place.

    After Begich died his widow married an Anchorage Mafia-connected nightclub owner who afterwards was convicted to a life term in prison for a hit he did for the Mafia. (He was still there the last time I checked, but he may have died since then.)

    His oldest son, Nick Jr., is a true conspiracy theory crackpot. Another, Mark, was a one-term US Senator who could have spent a lifetime there if he'd been even slightly a chip off the old block. Another son, Tom, is now in the state senate. They all trade on the Begich name, but the sad truth is they weren't raised by Nick and they aren't of his caliber. Oh well.

    1. Thanks for that historical note: clearly Cynthia Chung is mistaken in connecting the death of Senator Boggs to the Kennedy assassination.

      In my view, the conclusive evidence (apart from all the rest) that Kennedy was murdered by the Deep State (almost certainly with LBJ's approval) is provided by statements of three surgeons who attended on Kennedy when he was taken to the Parklands hospital immediately after the shooting. All three have recently stated that there was no doubt from their personal observation that the lethal head-shot was from the front, but that they had said nothing until recently having been warned that to speak about the case was more than their jobs were worth.

    2. Yes. I have been impressed by that very same thing. Another remarkable piece of evidence is the picture of Kennedy's head, taken from the back, clearly showing a very small entry wound near the crown. It is so damned obvious that's Kennedy's head, and Kennedy's head wounded, but anyone who has watched and studied the Zapruder film knows this is not the skull fatally wounded in Dealey Plaza in Dallas in November of 1963. Who knows what the hell that is or why it was passed off as an autopsy photo of the skull after the assassination. Have you seen that photo? (If not, I can surely fish it up for you.)

      But what is this? The year is 2021, not 1964. Clearly any info we are given now has been decided to have no possible bearing on pursuing justice here. Maybe they hope to give those who care the opportunity to eventually put it all together and know the truth. But as it is so obvious they do not genuinely care for us or what is truly in our interest, why?

      They are still allowing data dumps of previously classified information on the assassination. Why is some of this stuff classified more than a half century after the assassination?

      In the most recent data dump, it was officially disclosed the relationship between Jack Ruby and LH Oswald had been known.

      Imagine it. What possible reason other than cover-up could there have been in not letting us know that back in 1963?

      I already knew the two had some kind of association. My source? The witness of one of the strippers in Ruby's nightclub. I knew she was credible, but hey, she was a stripper, so easily discredited, to the morons that is.

      It will piss me off until the day I die.

  2. close to Nixon's reelection in November 1972 and not that far from his second inauguration on January 20, 1973.

    1. So maybe there was a connection, after all.

      In ancient Rome it was common enough to murder political rivals, but in the New Rome on the Potomac rivals for power must take into account the public reaction to criminal acts, not to mention the rule of law. Hence, the elaborate cover-up of political murders: the task being chiefly the responsibility of the media, but with the Deep State taking out reckless people unwilling to keep their mouth's shut.

  3. "So maybe there was a connection, after all."

    You've made me think Cynthia Chung's mistake was not to suggest a short time line, but to look at this from the wrong angle.

    There was a lot of "action" going on in the run-up to election day 1972. This was the time when the Watergate Plumbers were plumbing and plunging at the Watergate Hotel in D.C.

    Remarkably, some of the plumbers were Cuban. Dig it? The associations with Cuba and the catastrophe of the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis (one of the most perilous events in human history) were something JFK could not escape. His attempts to escape are perhaps linked to his further entrapment.

    Another remarkable FACT: one of the plumbers was named E. Howard Hunt. Hunt was CIA, no ifs, ands, or buts. He was involved with the above-mentioned events in Cuba. He has long been associated with the assassination of JFK. According to his son, he made a long, detailed confession of this involvement on his deathbed, not that long ago.

    Hunt's wife died in a Midwest plane crash at around this time. She was carrying a suitcase stuffed with over a million dollars cash, on her way to Chicago.

    Chicago, city of mob boss Sam Giancana and so, so, much more. Giancana is known to have shared a mistress with JFK, to have cut deals with Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr., known to have been humiliated by RFK before television audiences, and in his opinion been betrayed by both Kennedy brothers. Understandably so, though it is very sad to have to say that. (You can look at the film clips to this day. Tell me RFK had a brain in his head.)

    1. I suspect that the impact of the sinking of the USS Maine, the death of US civilians aboard the RMS Lusitania, the Zimmerman Telegram, the Kennedy assassinations, the attack on the USS Liberty, the Gulf of Tonkin incident, and Nine-Eleven have generated a hypersensitivity among Americans to political fraud. If so, the blatant 2020 election fraud could evoke a massive wave of revolt.

      What will the Biden or Harris Administration do about that? Increased alignment with China in matters of social control, presumably. But can they do that without eliciting a fierce response? Pretty certainly they think they can. Should one hope they can't? I suppose so, although resistance if not futile, will surely be bloody.

  4. Take a look at Julian Assange or Bradley Manning and you've got a pretty good idea what is in store for Donald Trump and his family.

    They are going to make an example of the Trumps to put the fear on anyone who ever, ever again tries to defy them AT ALL.

    They are going to feel very proud of themselves as they do so.

    There's no cavalry riding in to the rescue, nor is a popular uprising POSSIBLE under these circumstances.

  5. They might save themselves from the worst of fate by hopping over to Russia, but they won't do that. If they did, they'd have a life similar to that of Snowden, and Snowden has fared so much better than if he'd stayed "in the free world".

    The plutocratic elites probably wouldn't try to go after the Trumps, in part because it would serve their purposes well enough. They would be able to say, "We told you so...We told you Trump was run by the Russians. Now you can see for yourselves. See what we were trying to protect you from."

  6. The people in that crowd inside the Capitol dome are clearly Antifa/BLM, not Trump supporters.

    I can see it and say it, but so what? Do I pass as the authoritative judge, based on appearance and mannerisms, who is or is not Antifa/BLM?

    Unbelievable. The idiots are so happy to be idiots. They are congratulating themselves.

    1. Damn. I just made a comment and it somehow erased itself. Apparently Google is shortly to update the Blogger software, which is about time, I would say. For the comment section, they would do well to emulate the features of the machinery of the Unz Review.

      The thing is, Trump is not a Republican, he merely hijacked the party for his own purposes and is thus naturally hated by many Republicans.

      Yet he still has a massive following.

      If I were him, I'd go off and play golf. But given his seemingly undiminished ego and ambition, I expect that he will pursue his political career, but under the banner of a new party: the MAGA Party, presumably.

      He will also, I would bet, disrupt both the social media and cable news businesses. But we will see. Perhaps Biden will simply have him shot, as there seems nothing too crass for current generation of Democrats.

    2. In these terrible times, as the more cynical and pessimistic of the two of us, I have an edge on you, CS.

      Trump would be lucky to be shot, as would Assange or Manning. He has to be dragged through the dirt, weakened, demoralized, broken. Maybe he'll decide his problem was he was a woman in a man's body and decide he needs to go Bruce Jenner. Maybe he needs to be made to come to the realization the summit of his ambitions and desires for fulfillment can only come by giving Kamala Harris foot massages, wearing orange prison jump suits, head shaved bald, a big gold hoop ring fixed through his nose's septum.

      This could be broad-streamed on YouTube (Google) and everywhere else (Google)....

      (to be con't in ~5 days)

    3. Hm! My wife has not infrequently remarked on my naivete. But in this case, though I don't doubt the relentless malice of the Bidenites, I think there could be plenty of bounce left in Trump.
