Elon Musk Continues to Demonetize Critics on X, Remove Their Blue Checkmarks
About Musk's bud, Vivek
Elon Musk Continues to Demonetize Critics on X, Remove Their Blue Checkmarks
In a statement concerning the opposition of some Republicans to immigration of tech workers to the US, Elon Musk stated:
"Hateful, Unrepentant Racists" Should Be Removed from the Republican Party "Root and Stem"
But the meaning of this statement is not at all clear.
For one thing, why does Musk qualify "Racist" with the term "Unrepentant"?
My guess is that he does so for the same reason he would never refer to a liberal with views similar to his own as "unrepentant," repentance being only for those who are in the wrong. So to talk of an "unrepentant racist" is simply a fancy way of saying that a racist is someone who is willfully wrong, or as one might say, "depraved."
For another thing, why exactly does Musk call racists "Hateful"? The term is ambiguous. It can mean filled with hate or, quite differently, deserving of hatred. Is Musk even sure what he means? Perhaps he is merely seeking to establish his PC moral cred, in which case the actual meaning, if any, is irrelevant. But if he means to convey a significant message, then he needs to speak more clearly. But since we are unlikely to receive clarification of his statement from Musk himself, we'll do our best here to unravel its meaning here.
To a liberal, the implication that a racist person is corrupt or depraved may be an article of faith. But is it correct? To answer that, we need to be clear as to what a "Racist" is. That's difficult to state succinctly because the term has more than one definition. Merriam-Webster's dictionary, for example, says a racist is:
someone who holds the belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities.
Rather differently, however, the Cambridge Dictionary says that a racist is someone who:
believes that their race makes them better, more intelligent, more moral, etc. than people of other races.
Thus, according to Webster, a racist is simply an unrepentant scientific realist. But Musk is surely not presuming to repudiate the science of evolutionary biology. Therefore, we must conclude that his disdain is directed at racists of the Cambridge Dictionary variety, aka racial supremacists.
Inconveniently for Musk, however, it is the case that the human races do differ objectively in many respects including moral precepts, intellect, and physique. To take one of a vast number of possible examples, Australian aborigines are good at finding their way in the bush, a capacity related to the fact that they have a larger visual cortex than either mine or yours dear reader. They are, in other words, in some particular way at least, more intelligent, intellectually superior one might say, to other races.
Furthermore, vast cultural differences may divide racial groups, as for example between adherents of, say, Western, aka Christian, civilization, and practitioners of Voodoo.
As the result of natural selection operating in different environments and in response to random genetic change, human populations that have long existed in relative isolation differ from one another not only culturally but genetically. As a result, these long separated human populations, aka races, can be differentiated on numerous scales from IQ, to cultural sophistication, and from cranial capacity to skin color and resistance to cancer due to solar radiation. These differences have huge implications for the consequences of human population migration. Humans, like all living creatures, exist only as the result of perpetual reproduction. Loss of the capacity to reproduce, whether by a species, a race, a variety, or a family means extinction. Thus, when populations migrate to places already populated they threaten the survival of the resident population by competing for the resources necessary to existence.
If migrants to an inhabited area look and behave like the locals, friction will be at a minimum. But when migrants look or behave differently than the natives, then expect trouble. Each of the Earth's multitude of life forms pesists only by maintaining their gene pool from one generation to the next. Through competition for living space and other resources mass human immigration reduces the reproductive opportunity of a native population. Immigration is thus always a threat. Moreover, immigration not only reduces the size of the native gene pool by reducing the resources available to support the native population, it also transforms the native gene pool through interracial breeding.
It is because ordinary folk understand its consequences for their own race that anywhere and everywhere they push back against mass immigration -- for example, against the ten million illegals to the US during Biden's last year, or several million mostly unemployed migrants to Starmer's Britain. So what Musk calls "Hateful Unrepentant Racism" is what any Darwinian will recognize as adaptive behavior conducive to the perpetuation of a native population, its genes, its culture, language, and religion undiluted by genetic and cultural introjection.
LOL, Steve Bannon calls Musk a globalist: "You'd take a cheque from Adolph Hitler."
Meantime, Musk has doubled down, stating: "The reason I’m in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H1B. Take a big step back and FUCK YOURSELF in the face. I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot…"
Such comment makes clear why, despite the cash they might bring to the table, appointing a tech tycoon with Aspergers to any significant political role would be a mistake.
And Musk is mistaken if he thinks that it's the trickle of genius migrants to which ordinary folk in any country object. It's not. It's the mass immigration of cheap labor, such as the the nine-dollar-an-hour Indian programmers (and here) who wrote the so-called MCAS software that crashed two Boeing 737s in 2019. These people, like the migrants to Britain who account for 42% of the National Health Service's staff, compete directly with native labor, driving down wages and driving up unemployment, while they compete with the native working class for housing, thus driving the cost of housing sky high.
French Intel Chief Says Muslim Brotherhood is Working to Turn France Into an Islamic Caliphate
Do you have a more or less unusual family name: Clutterbuck, for example, or MacQoid, Twelvetrees, or Fernsby? If so, perhaps you pay particular attention to news stories concerning persons with the same name, this on the assumption that you and your namesake must have shared ancestry. Such identification can be a cause for discomfort should your namesake come to public attention for discreditable or criminal conduct.
In reality, however, such name identities may mean little in terms of heredity. Genetic similarity within families can dissipate rapidly over the generations. We have about 30 trillion cells, In each of which there are two sets of 23 chromosomes, one set from each parent. Each chromosome carries genes for a distinct collection of traits. Gametes (egg cells and sperm cells) are formed by a special process of cell division known as meiosis. In this process, cells about to divide engage in what is called crossing over. Crossing over entails an exchange of pieces of each maternally derived chromosome with its homologous paternally derived chromosome. Thus produced are cells each with two sets of chromosomes, but not the original wholly maternal or wholly paternal chromosomes. Rather, they are chromosomes that are, in part, of maternal, and in part, of paternal origin. It is these pairs of mixed maternal/paternal chromosomes that then separate in a process of cell division that results in the production of gametes.
As noted, gametes, unlike all the other human cells, have only one set of chromosomes. What this means is that the genes carried by a gamete are a mix, some from the maternal grandparent, some from the paternal grandparent. In turn, this means that the number of genes passed from one generation to the next that are derived from any particular ancestor is halved at each generation. So after ten generations, or say three hundred years, the genes an individual receives from a particular ancestor will total no more than about one in a thousand, or 0.1% of the total gene complement. So even if your remote ancestor was Ghengis Kahn, as is the case for something like 40 million of the World's present population, there's not much reason for folks to worry. The chances are that you inherit few, if any, of Ghengis's genes. As for any such genes that you do inherit, they're more likely to determine the color of your hair than your propensity for global conquest.
But the above is only true in an outbreeding population, which is to say a population in which anyone may mate with anyone. In reality, the choice of partner is always more limitet. I will write about the implications of this fact in another post.
With a mean surface temperature of minus 65C, you'll need more than a woolly took and gloves to stay warm outdoors on the Red Planet. What's more, the air pressure is so low that, outside, you'll need a pressurized suit to prevent your blood boiling despite the cold. Oh and don't forget about the cosmic radiation and the energetic solar particles that will fry your DNA if you spend too long outside without something better than sunscreen for protection.
So why is it a near certainty that we will see people by the dozens, hundreds and almost certainly thousands taking a six-month journey in a cramped and barely furnished steel tube to reach Mars. Some will surely go at government expense, as scientists, diplomats, and spies. Others, rich and bored, will go as tourists for the thrill and the kudos. But most will go for the reason both men and women joined the Klondike gold rush: They will go hoping to get rich quick.
As President Trump's uncle opened a hotel in Northern BC to provide accomodation to both the men in search of gold and the women who entertained them, so a Trump of the next generation could well provide the same service on Mars, opening there the first Trump Interplanetary Hotel, Starbase Mars. But beside the accomodation and related services, there will be all kinds of other business opportunities from machine rental and construction, to the provision of guided tours, medical treatment, facilities for banking and communication, and the local production of food in greenhouses -- anyone for radishes at a hundred dollars a piece? Mars Starbase will make the goldrush Yukon look cheap.
There you are: the entire story in a headline.
True, the source is Russian, but if the story is fabricated its genius satire.
Biden: The President Who Never Was
Gang Violence Rampant in Once Prosperous and Peaceful Sweden
It wasn't smart of the Swedes to invite in millions of migrants. Better to have kept Sweden for the Swedes. The identity of this killer has not been revealed, but pretty certainly he's no blue-eyed blonde. (Neither for that matter was the victim of this shooting. His real name, Ninos Khouri, is of Arab origin).
If they'd wanted more people, the Swedes should have told their girls to get on with it. But like the other European peoples, all the white peoples in fact, plus the Japanese and the Chinese, the Swedes are evidently intent on committing national suicide.
TruGO: Liberal Canadian Lawmakers Revolt
Reuters: .... A woman at a town hall in the province of Saskatchewan in Canada's west, ..., accused Trudeau of "working for your globalist partners" to betray Canada.
She then asked:
"What do we do with traitors in Canada, Mr. Trudeau?"
"We used to hang them."
Meantime, in today's Langley BC by-election, the Conservatives wumped the liberals, easily taking what had been a Liberal-held seat, and reducing the Liberal representative to a mere 16% of the vote.
The most essential role of the leadership of a nation is to ensure the survival of the nation. Canada's ruling elite are complicit in national genocide.
Canada is a dying nation with a fertility rate barely half the death rate.
What is the Trudeau Government's response?
Every year, bring in half a million people from elsewhere to make up the population shortfall.
Now, in general, there is nothing wrong with the folks from elsewhere.
Most likely, in fact, they are younger, healthier, brighter and better educated than the mass of people of the countries from which they come.
What's more, they are likely younger, healthier, brighter and better educated than the mass of Canadians.
To the Canadian elite, those are all plusses that make migrants preferable to native-born Canadians, who need a dozen or more years of costly public education before they are ready to enter the work force. By contrast, many migrants arrive work-force ready. Furthermore, many of the migrants that are not work-force ready are fee-paying students who stay on in Canada after paying Canadian schools and universities for their work-force qualification.
And the consequence of this policy?
1. An increased demand for immigrant housing, which means elevated house prices.
2. An increased demand for jobs, which means depressed wages.
The net result?
(a) Delayed household formation by native-born Canadians.
(b) Fewer Canadian babies.
Canada's population policy is thus a concealed policy of national genocide, which means its time to boot the Liberal-NDP coalition.
But will the Tories do better?
Tokyo Adopts 4-Day Workweek to Encourage Women To Have More KidsThus the US, with a population of 335 million, or 4.2% of the World's total, accounts for 16.3% of global manufacturing versus China, with a population of 1.418 billion, or 17.4% of the World's total, which accounts for 31% of global manufacturing.
Thus on a per capita basis, US manufacturing is more than twice (2.16 times) that of China. This difference in relative productivity may continue for some time. Last year, China's industrial production growth outpaced that of the US only slightly at 3.6% versus 3.4%.
Evidently, with a moderate stimulus, the rate of growth in US industrial production might well catch up with, or exceed, that of China. The tariffs planned by the incoming Trump administration may be all it takes.