In Prisons, Replacing Junk Food With Whole Foods Reduced Violence By 80%
In Juvenile Detention Centers, Replacing Junk Food With Whole Foods Reduced Violence By 91%
Food is the most powerful intervention for mental health &
behavior. "If You Give Prisoners Healthy Food, Swapping Out All The Crap They
Eat In Prisons, There’s A 56% Reduction In Violent Crime. If You Add A
Multivitamin, It’s An 80% Reduction. Because They Are All Nutritionally
The same has been done with adolescents in juvenile detention centers
with clinical trials. The kids are disruptive, violent, aggressive, oppositional
& suicidal. Stopping the SAD diet filled with Ultra Processed Foods & seed oils,
instead giving them whole foods, there was a 91% reduction in all violent
behavior, oppositional behavior, the need for restraints went down & suicide
went down 100%.
Suicide is the third leading cause of death in that age group,
it went down 100% — no suicides. "The SAD (Standard American Diet), full of
Ultra Processed Foods, excess carbohydrates, sugar & seed oils, disconnects the
Amygdala from the frontal lobe of the brain. The frontal lobe is the grown up in
the room, the adult — your higher self. The Amygdala is part of your reptile
brain, your lizard brain. It’s going to fight or flee. Physiologically these
parts of the brain are connected. But what happens if you eat crap, they get
disconnected. And so you’re constantly reacting from your Amygdala with no
grownup in the room. Which is why we see this level of divisiveness and hatred &
all the upheaval we’re seeing in society now.
So if the prime cause of violence in our society is the unregulated sale of junk food and widespread vitamin deficiency, we must accept that our governing authorities are hopelessly unaware of the scientific realities relating to the issues on which they legislate. For apparently, the only action required to achieve virtual elimination of violent crime, suicide and juvenile delinquency is to prohibit the sale of junk food and toxic seed oils. But no level of government does a thing to this end.
Althernatively, the same objective might be largely achieved by massively high (several hundred percent) taxes on these toxic products, plus mandatory inclusion of vitamins in multiple basic food sources. But don't hold your breath for any action from Justdim Trudeau or any of the other dummies in Ottawa seeking to take Justdim's place. Meantime, watch out for folks at large and under the influence of French fries and candy.
Prison Nutrition & Chronic Disease:
Crime & Nourishment:
Adolescent Good Nutrition = Good Behavior:
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