Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Global Warming humbugs with private jets

The DCNF asked 31 businesses, foundations and individuals agitating for climate action if they’d support banning private jets.

Most companies and individuals the DCNF reached out to did not respond, including Facebook, Apple, Google and other companies that often tout their “green image.” Not even former Vice President Al Gore, the father of climate activism, responded to TheDCNF’s question.

In fact, all but two of the 26 corporations were silent when asked by TheDCNF if they would support a ban on private jets to help cut greenhouse gas emissions in line with what the United Nations says is needed to meet the Paris accord.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

My "12 Rules for Life": No. 2, SHOW LEADERSHIP — MANAGE YOURSELF

 Anyone who has had the task of reviewing applications for entry-level non-managerial employment will be aware of how many inexperienced people boast of their leadership skills. Moreover, anyone experienced in dealing with those newly recruited to the world of employment will likely have come across the novice intent on assuming direction of the operation within days of joining the team. An example that comes to mind is America's latest political sensation, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, already, it seems, running for President.

Such naive eagerness to lead is generally unappreciated by those with actual responsibility for the smooth operation of an administrative process or the turning of a profit. Rather, what is most valued is intelligent self-regulation to fulfill the objectives laid down by those with actual responsibility for end results. Thus, the leadership skill most appreciated by management is the capacity for leadership of an army of one, namely oneself.

Self-regulation is not a simple matter. Hard work is, well, hard. The temptation to break for a snack,  to check the Internet, or to engage co-workers in chat is at times all but irresistible. Moreover, to work effectively, one must be adequately prepared, both physically and mentally. That means no late nights or heavy drinking from Sunday to Thursday. It also means thinking in advance of how best to tackle the work ahead.

How, then, given the sensations, emotions and rationalizations that flood the mind, is one to achieve consistent self-mastery? To that question, one might expect psychology to have an answer, which indeed it does, although not necessarily the correct one. Indeed, psychology has, during the modern era, taken three shots at defining the springs of human action, the first two unquestionable duds. First, was the Freudian unconscious mind, now correctly written off as a farrago of fantastic nonsense. Then there was the much more scientific-seeming theory known as behaviorism, that held human action to be the product of reflexes induced by specific experiential regimes.

Monday, December 10, 2018

My "12 Rules for Life," No. 1: CUT OUT SUGAR

A hundred years ago, Americans consumed an average of ten pounds of sugar a year. Today they consume an average of one hundred and ten pounds, or 50 kilograms, of sugar a year. That is close to 100% of the healthy weight of a a woman of average height, and provides about one third of the calories required to meet the needs of most North American adults.

What is the result of making sugar the largest single component of the diet? An epidemic of obesity, diabetes, and general disability, including a lack of both physical fitness and mental sharpness. Yes, it's a fact, diabetes lowers your IQ. Rome it has been suggested fell because of lead in the water. The Western World is surely headed for demise because of surfeit of sugar.

Cutting sugar from your diet is not easy. First, because sugar is addictive. Second, because sugar is added to almost every kind of processed food you can buy, which makes it difficult to eliminate from your diet even if you try. There are two compelling reasons why sugar is in almost every processed food item: because, first, as an addictive substance, it tends to hook you on whatever branded product to which it is added; and second, it is one of the cheapest food commodities there is, and thus ideal for bulking up more expensive ingredients.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Vivre Les Gilets Jaunes: Or How the Plebs Are Turning on the Globalist Elites

For years we have lived in a climate of ‘You can’t say that’. You can’t criticise mass immigration — that’s xenophobia. You can’t oppose the EU — that’s Europhobia. You can’t raise concerns about radical Islam — that’s Islamophobia. You can’t agitate against climate-change policy — that’s climate-change denialism, on a par with Holocaust denialism, and anyone who dares to bristle against eco-orthodoxy deserves to be cast out of polite society. And yet now, in this populist moment, people are daring to say precisely these unsayable things. They’re standing up to the EU. They’re demanding that immigration become a democratic concern rather than something worked out for us by unaccountable bureaucrats in Brussels. And now they’re even grating against the hitherto unquestionable religious-style diktat that we must all drive less, shop less and do less in order to ‘save the planet’.

Instead of the confident leader, lecturing and preening on the global stage, [Macron] is barricaded in his palace, a sort of latter-day Marie Antoinette. French people can’t afford diesel? Let them buy Teslas.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

CBC Warns Trudeau He Risks Yellow Jacket Rebellion with His Contempt for the Canadian Nation

Amazingly, even the hyper-Liberal Canadian state broadcaster, the CBC, grasps that Justin Trudeau's globalist contempt for what he considers the passé Canadian nation, invites rebellion. Thus in an article illustrated with images of yellow-vested French rioters, they write:

In an astonishing statement to the New York Times in 2015, Justin Trudeau declared, "There is no core identity, no mainstream in Canada,'' and consequently that "makes us the first post-national state."

... One only has to look to recent events in France and the European project, in general, with Brexit a clue as to why nations are no longer keen on abandoning their autonomy for the lofty ambitions of leaders on the world stage.

... Brian Mulroney, one of our nation's elder statesmen, recently offered Trudeau some wisdom: It's the job of the Canadian prime minister to look after Canada first and the rest of the world next.

Deep State Treason

By James Howard Kunstler

... the Obama White House, along with CIA director John Brennan, and Director of National intel James Clapper, used the FBI and the DOJ (with support from the nation’s two leading newspapers), and help from Britain’s MI6 intel shop, to run illegal operations against Mr. Trump during the 2016 election, and then persisted in acts to delegitimize him after Jan 20, 2017.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Germany: The Face of the New Genocide

Anetta Kahane is a former secret police informer for the Communist 
Government of East Germany. She now heads Germany's cyber spy 
force charged with rooting out Nazi's, as identified by such signs as
athletic sons. 
Anetta Kahane (Right), a one time informer for the Communist Government of East Germany, now heads Mutti Merkel's cyber spies, tasked with rooting out Nazis.

Frau Merkel, like Kahane, is a former East German citizen and Communist who served as secretary for "Agitation and Propaganda" in the youth wing of the East German Academy of Sciences.

Apparently, Kahane's agency is able to identify Nazis by noting such things as who sends their daughters to school with braided hair or who have athletic sons.

Kahane, so Breitbart reports, is "a fanatic supporter of open borders and has declared it vital that the European Union change its immigration policy so as to eventually make natives of the continent a minority."

Time for the Germans, what's left of them, to get a few million of those gilets jaunes.

Theresa May's Theresonous Brexit Deal

This "deal" will cost the British taxpayer £60 billion; require that the British still comply with EU rules without having any say in what those will be, and worst of all, it permits the British to leave the EU only if the EU agrees. It commits the British effectively to subjugation by the EU in perpetuity, with no recourse should the British change their mind. It is a prison. It is also the first step of the EU toward its dream of global governance: unaccountable, untransparent, unelected by the public, and with no way out. David Brown, Gatestone Institute
What's the alternative? No deal, obviously. Without a "deal," the UK's membership of the EU will lapse on March 29, 2019, without, according to the House of Lords, any legal obligation for the UK to make any payment to the EU. After that, the UK should just trade with the EU on a tit-for-tat basis. The EU with an $11 billion trade surplus with the UK is not going to screw its own exporters by putting tariffs on British Biscuits and Whiskey if that means equal tariffs on German cars and French wine.

As for Ireland, yes there'll have to be a border between North and South to protect the UK from uncontrolled migration, unless of course, the Irish decide to exit the EU and enter into a migration control agreement with the UK. This the Brits should encourage, for example by offering to pay 90% or more of the cost of a bridge between Ireland and Britain, thereby making it possible to drive all the way from Dublin, via the Channel Tunnel, to Paris, Berlin and Beijing.

Maybe the Irish would even consider a highly devolved political union with the UK to create an independent Federation of the British Isles: a federation to preserve and perpetuate the languages and cultures of the ancient nations of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales — a friend-of-all-the-World, without entangling alliances, a danger to none but those who would harm her, for which purpose Britain's independent nuclear deterrent would be retained pending a safer means to insure national security.


Mish: UK Debates the Meaning of "Temporary" as Legal Review Reviews Permanent Trap

Vox Pop: parliament betrays the British people

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

We've Called Theresa May Thereason May for Some Time. Here's the Proof She's a Traitor

The May Government was found in contempt of Parliament for failing to reveal to Parliament the advice it had received on May's Brexit "deal" with the EU. Thus compelled, the government released a portion, though not all, of the advice it had received on May's Brexit deal. From what has been released it is apparent, as related in this Spectator blog post, that the "deal" is an absolute betrayal of the public who voted to leave the European Union.
1. This is not the full legal advice on the May’s deal. It is a very selective piece of advice solely on the Protocol, art. 184 and 5. So no other issues are considered. Parliament asked for the full legal advice on the deal, not just part of the deal. Where is it?

2. May’s deal envisages the UK being in backstop indefinitely. It is staggering that she sought to conceal this advice from MPs or the public. “The Protocol is intended to subsist even when negotiations have clearly broken down…. despite statements in the Protocol that it is not intended to be permanent, and the clear intention of the parties that it should be replaced by alternative, permanent arrangements, in international law the Protocol would endure indefinitely. It is May’s duty to inform parliament in unambiguous terms. How can she claim to have fulfilled this duty? (Para. 16)

3. The backstop is not an insurance. It is the expected destination. Remember when we were told that the backstop is “just an insurance”, that it was unlikely that we’d need it? The legal advice makes clear that the backstop is both likely and in full contemplation of the parties (Para. 5). So everyone knows we are likely to go in. It is wholly wrong to for the government to pretend otherwise.

4. May says that promising to negotiate ‘in good faith’ will result in a future deal. The legal advice accepts that this phrase is meaningless. Her deal places the EU under no obligation at all. “All they [the EU] would have to do to show good faith would be to consider the UK’s proposals, even if they ultimately rejected them. This could go on repeatedly without such conduct giving rise to “bad faith” or failure to use best endeavours.”

5. The UK will never be able to leave the Customs Union without the EU’s agreement. May’s deal “does not provide for a mechanism that is likely to enable the UK lawfully to exit the UK wide customs union without a subsequent agreement.” And as for the time limit? Forget it. “This remains the case even if parties are still negotiating many years later, and even if the parties believe that talks have clearly broken down and there is no prospect of a future relationship agreement. The resolution of such a stalemate would have to be political.”

6. May’s deal may violate EU law. Under Article 50, the mechanisms that EU member states are allowed to leave, a transition agreement cannot be open-ended because that means it is not temporary. So this dodgy backstop might be illegal under EU law. “There may be, therefore, some doubt as to whether the proposed Protocol is consistent with EU law, and that uncertainly will increase the longer it subsists.”

7. The EU may have the power to tap the UK for even more money given the expense of the ties that will still bind us. “The legal and administrative arrangements required to underpin the Protocol would be enormously complex, particularly in the light of proposed GB / NI flexibilities and will require considerable resources. These are not something to which the Commission will readily commit in the long term.”

8. The UK has no proper legal protection so is being asked to ‘trust’ the EU. “Given the lack of any effective means of termination” to the backstop, “the UK may have to trust in seeking a satisfactory outcome from negotiations.”

9. The ‘arbitration panel’ is useless in practice (Paras. 25 to 28) certainly when it comes to deciding if the UK can ever escape. “ it is extremely difficult to see how a five member arbitral panel made up of lawyers who were independent of the parties would be prepared to make a judgment as political as whether the Protocol is no longer necessary.

10. There is no legal protection for the UK: a solution to this (if it comes) would have to be political. But if we sign May’s deal, we are in a legally binding treaty – the EU now refuses to bend or change rules for us. It has refused every day of the negotiation. There is no basis to conclude the EU will change once we are controlled by them in the backstop.
Such is the swindling shyster who today rules as Britain's Prime Minister. Time for someone to command her, in the name of God, to go.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Quote of the Day: No. 79 The Evils of Bureacracy

Camille Paglia on the evil consequences of unconstrained bureaucracy:

A persistent characteristic of civilizations in decline throughout history has been their self-strangling by slow, swollen, and stupid bureaucracies. The current atrocity of crippling student debt in the US is a direct product of an unholy alliance between college administrations and federal bureaucrats — a scandal that ballooned over two decades with barely a word of protest from our putative academic leftists, lost in their post-structuralist fantasies. Political correctness was not created by administrators, but it is ever-expanding campus bureaucracies that have constructed and currently enforce the oppressively rule-ridden regime of college life.

In the modern world, so wondrously but perilously interconnected, a principle of periodic reduction of bureaucracy should be built into every social organism. Freedom cannot survive otherwise.

Four Questions Google the Crooked Search Company Won't Answer

Google has declined to answer the following questions related to an internal debate among Google employees about suppressing The Daily Caller and Breitbart in the company’s search function.

From Google's failure to respond, the inference is clear, Google is not a neutral information source, it is a crooked search engine that seeks to manipulate public opinion.

Here are the questions Google has declined to answer:

1. Is Google aware of other instances in which employees advocated for suppressing The Daily Caller or Breitbart?

2. [Google engineer Scott] Byer wrote in his post: “Let’s make sure that we reverse things in four years.” He seems to indicate that Google employees should take actions to make sure Donald Trump doesn’t win re-election in 2020. Is that a use of official Google communications that the company approves of?

3. Have other Google VPs been part of internal conversations about potentially suppressing conservative media outlets, or just [engineering vice president David] Besbris?

4. Previous reporting by the Wall Street Journal demonstrated that Google employees brainstormed ways to manipulate search results in response to President Trump’s travel ban. Can Google guarantee that there won’t be a third example of Google employees seeking to manipulate search functions for anti-Trump purposes?


Monday, December 3, 2018

Bush Dead: The Evil Has Died

A bit of good news: George H.W. Bush is dead, finally. At least he’ll do no more harm. But the harm he did do was enough.

Like the Nazis his father did good business with, Bush wanted a New World Order – and spoke of it lovingly and often. And now it’s upon us, in no small measure because of his machinations and those of his frog-torturing, mass-murdering, war criminal son – who was elevated to the position from which he was able to commit mass murder solely on the juice provided by his connected father.

The entire Bush family is a crime syndicate that puts the Corleones to shame (with George W. Bush playing the role of Fredo).

Bush Sr. – who wasn’t in Dallas on November 22, 1963 and not a CIA officer at the time – was later proved to be both of those things. His leprous fingerprints are all over the termination of the last American president who wasn’t a wholly owned subsidiary of the military industrial complex.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

WW 1: British troops thoughts on german soldiers

Thereason May's Lousy, Stinking Brexit Swindle

THERESA MAY is ­banking on the BOBs – the people “bored of Brexit”, who are sick and tired of all the ­endless bickering and want Nanny May to “just get on with it.”
Even if “just getting on with it” means becoming a non- voting member of the EU?
Even if “just getting on with it” means our country — not invaded for 1,000 years — becomes a colony of Brussels?
No thanks, Nanny May!
It is not Brexit that the ­British people are bored with.
The British people are sick of being BULLIED.
Bullied by politicians like that eternal glumbucket Philip Hammond, a Chancellor of the Exchequer with the demeanour of a coffin chaser, who has never ever accepted the result of the largest poll in British history.
Bullied by Bank of England boss Mark Carney, who warns that daring No Deal will cause unemployment to soar, house prices to tumble and inflation to come over all giddy.

Friday, November 30, 2018

The Western Nations Continue Down the Road to Tyranny and State-directed Self-Destruction

The EU will criminalize spoken opposition to European genocide by mass replacement immigration:

The EU is set to criminalize speech that criticizes migration.

In a press conference, European Parliament Member, Marcel de Graaff, raised the alarm over an international conference in Marrakech, Morocco on Dec. 11 and 12 where the U.N. Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration is to be signed: 

“The criticism of migration will be a criminal offense...Media outlets that give room for criticism of migration,can be shut down. ... It will become impossible to criticize Ms. Merkel's 'Welcome Migrants Politics' without risk of being jailed for hate speech.


While the US criminalizes the mention of Christ at Christmas:

To celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ, the Robious Middle School in Midlothian, Virginia, has banned any Christmas carols that mention the name of Jesus.

School administrators reportedly explained they had made the decision to “avoid singing anything of a direct sacred nature” in order to be “more sensitive to the increasing diverse population at the school.”


Meantime, Google's fucking robot is set to teach you manners.

And then there are those self-hating Swedes:

Swedish school bans centuries-old Christian tradition but celebrates Muhammad’s journey to heaven

Quote of the Day, No. 48

... those who existed during the distant time in which the fundamental epics of our culture emerged were much more concerned with the actions that dictated survival that with anything approximating what we now understand as objective truth. Before the dawn of the scientific world view, reality was construed differently.
Jordan B. Peterson: 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
As anyone who has ever read the great Greek, Roman, or Chinese philosophers knows, as anyone who is familiar with the great Christian theologians and philosophers of the Middle Ages will recognize, it is massively false to assert that objective truth was invented circa 1518 AD, or that reality was construed differently before then. This leads the critical reader to wonder who, or what, could possibly be the source for this astonishingly incorrect claim.

Why, it is Jordan Peterson himself. The endnote on the page literally cites one J.B. Peterson.
I outlined this in some detail in Peterson, J.B. (1999). Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief. Routledge, New York. 
This is a remarkable hall of mirrors that Peterson is building around himself. He goes the New Atheists one better. Whereas Richard Dawkins liked nothing better that to quote Daniel Dennett quoting Richard Dawkins, and to praise a Sam Harris book chock full of quotes from Richard Dawkins, Peterson simply cuts out the middle man and appeals directly to himself as the relevant authority on the nature of reality.
T.R. Beale, aka Vox Day: Jordanetics

Unraveling the riddle of Jordan B. Peterson

“Much of today's incivility and contempt for personal liberty has its roots on college campuses, and most of the uncivil and contemptuous are people with college backgrounds.”

Walter E. Williams

Professor Jordan B. Peterson came to public attention as the result of the stand he took against bullying campus radicals, the Ontario Human Rights Commission and the Government of Canada, all apparently seeking to compel the use of specific terms with reference to transgender persons.

In this stand, Peterson achieved recognition as a staunch defender of the right of free speech and an able debater, who at his best, easily demolished opponents at the BBC, in the Canadian Senate, and on the university campus.

Yet Peterson is no hero to many who share his opposition to the radical left. Rather he has been decried by conservatives as a demagogue, a fraud, and even a madman.

Why the apparent contradictory response? The reason I believe, at least in part, is that Peterson is mentally unstable, specifically, the victim of bipolar disorder. This conclusion is consistent with Peterson's admitted use of anti-depressants. Moreover, although in his public appearances Peterson usually makes very good sense, during the presumed manic phase of manic-depressive illness, Peterson may make very little sense, or none at all. At such times his assertions become increasingly bizarre, and indeed fantastic, while in tone he becomes increasingly messianic, his voice rising at the end of each declamatory statement to something like a shriek.

But that may not be all one needs to know to understand the rise of Jordan Peterson to the status of Canada's first internationally signficant public intellectual since Marshall McLuhanFor example, in the following video Luke Rudkowski of "We Are Change" informs us that Peterson has closely associated with agents of the New World Order, which is to say the proponents of global governance, including the Trilateral Commission, and the United Nations:

More about Peterson's globalist connections here.

Quote of the Day: No. 79

Watergate had tragic Shakespearean overtones, with Nixon as King Lear, but Russia-Gate — perhaps the last gate America goes through on its giant slalom run to collapse — is but a Chinese Fire Drill writ large.

James Kunstler