Friday, November 30, 2018

Unraveling the riddle of Jordan B. Peterson

“Much of today's incivility and contempt for personal liberty has its roots on college campuses, and most of the uncivil and contemptuous are people with college backgrounds.”

Walter E. Williams

Professor Jordan B. Peterson came to public attention as the result of the stand he took against bullying campus radicals, the Ontario Human Rights Commission and the Government of Canada, all apparently seeking to compel the use of specific terms with reference to transgender persons.

In this stand, Peterson achieved recognition as a staunch defender of the right of free speech and an able debater, who at his best, easily demolished opponents at the BBC, in the Canadian Senate, and on the university campus.

Yet Peterson is no hero to many who share his opposition to the radical left. Rather he has been decried by conservatives as a demagogue, a fraud, and even a madman.

Why the apparent contradictory response? The reason I believe, at least in part, is that Peterson is mentally unstable, specifically, the victim of bipolar disorder. This conclusion is consistent with Peterson's admitted use of anti-depressants. Moreover, although in his public appearances Peterson usually makes very good sense, during the presumed manic phase of manic-depressive illness, Peterson may make very little sense, or none at all. At such times his assertions become increasingly bizarre, and indeed fantastic, while in tone he becomes increasingly messianic, his voice rising at the end of each declamatory statement to something like a shriek.

But that may not be all one needs to know to understand the rise of Jordan Peterson to the status of Canada's first internationally signficant public intellectual since Marshall McLuhanFor example, in the following video Luke Rudkowski of "We Are Change" informs us that Peterson has closely associated with agents of the New World Order, which is to say the proponents of global governance, including the Trilateral Commission, and the United Nations:

More about Peterson's globalist connections here.

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