Sunday, November 30, 2014

Russophobia and Nationalism, the Tinder to Ignite WW III

Ukrainians, we are to understand, hate the Russkies. Why? Well, so we are now being told, it is because Stalin, who was in fact a native of Georgia, not Russia, killed so many of them, intellectuals and peasants alike: the Holodomor, the forced labor, the Gulag, etc.

But in fact, this rather ancient history seems to have little to do with it. Rather, Russophobia in Ukraine seems to be an extremely recent phenomenon. Thus, for example, in 2010, a Pew Trust survey found a large majority of Ukrainians believed that they had been better off under the Soviet Union, i.e., under Russian domination, than under the post-Soviet "free enterprise" regime.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Plain Language, Better English

How often do you use words the meaning of which you do not know — Excruciating, for example, or abject, or that favorite of headline writers, lurid?

Yes, you may use those words appropriately, which is to say in accordance with common usage, but do you really know what they mean?

Perhaps you do, but most people, it seems, do not. The Reuters headline: Horror film "Buried" an excruciating experience, for example, nicely demonstrates the incomprehending and absurd use of a multisyllabic Latinate adjective.

Excruciating is a word derived from the Latin ex, out of or from, and cruciare, to crucify. Now to be buried alive must certainly be horrific, but few would imagine it to be closely comparable to the torment of crucifixion. To be buried alive is to be cast into darkness, crushed and suffocated. To liken live burial with crucifixion thus robs the word excruciating of useful meaning. It makes it merely another in a long list of rather meaningless intensifiers, its only merit being its multisyllablicity, to coin a term, that makes it hiss, pop and slither off the tongue.

Monday, November 24, 2014

American Imperialism Versus Russian Nationalism: The Great Role Reversal

Anyone trying to understand why international tensions are rising and why the World appears to be lurching toward a nuclear showdown between East and West needs to understand not only the difference between Russia and America in self-identification and foreign policy objectives, but also how those differences have so recently changed.

Russia, under the Bolsheviks, was a godless tyranny driven by an ambition for global conquest to be achieved by any means. Confronting Soviet Communism, America was a largely Christian nation constitutionally committed to individual liberty, democracy and human rights.

Today, Russia has restored the Orthodox Christian church (which dates back over 1000 years to the baptism of Vladimir of Kiev in 988), eschews imperial ambitions, and functions politically under a constitution that recognizes human rights, and provides for local self-government and the democratic election of President and Parliament.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

How Canada's Government Came to Love Ethnic Cleansers Wearing Swastikas

Canada's Foreign Minister, John Baird. 
Currently working feverishly, according to the CBC, in preparation to bomb Syria, while continuing a bombing mission without regard for the death of civilians in Iraq, John Baird nevertheless took time from his busy schedule to pen a diatribe for the (Toronto) Star against Vladimir Putin for his "aggression" in Ukraine (reader comments worth noting).

Russia, claims Baird, is guilty of murderous aggression in the Ukraine that has cost an estimated 4000 lives. But in fact, all that Russia has so far done is allow volunteer fighters and gifts of arms and ammunition to flow across the border with Ukraine in support of the self-defence forces of the people of Eastern Ukraine, ethnic Russians threatened with extermination by their own government.

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Myth of Western Democracy

Accountability through periodic free and fair elections is a good thing in itself, apart from any effects it may have on the quality of government or economic growth. The right to participate politically grants recognition to the moral personhood of the citizen, and exercise of that right gives that person some degree of agency over the common life of the community. The citizen may make poorly informed or bad decisions, but the exercise of political choice in and of itself is an important part of human flourishing.

Francis Fukuyama: Political Order and Political Decay
The above statement must be among the most inane to have been uttered by a serious student of the political order. From a scholar of the stature of Francis Fukuyama it is simply preposterous and is explicable only as the price of publication in today's globalist world order, where the money power controls almost every avenue of public expression, including book publication.

Carroll Quigley, the historian of the New World Order, stated in a lecture on The Mythology of American Democracy:
Democracy is not the highest political value. Speeches about democracy and the democratic tradition might lead you to think this is the most perfect political system ever devised. That just isn't true. There are other political values which are more important and urgent—security, for example. And I would suggest that political stability and political responsibility are also more important.

In fact, I would define a good government as a responsible government. In every society there is a structure of power. A government is responsible when its political processes reflect that power structure, thus ensuring that the power structure will never be able to overthrow the government. If a society in fact could be ruled by a minority because that elite had power to rule and the political system reflected that situation by giving governing power to that elite, then, it seems to me, we would have a responsible government even though it was not democratic.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Suicidal Collapse of Western Civilization? is cultural suicide, which adds to economic suicide and spells doom for the future of Western Europe. I have in mind here the heavy immigration from Islamic nations -- with most immigrants unwilling to adjust to the prevailing culture of the host country.

By Fred Singer

The American Thinker, November 16, 2014; My background is basically European -- and more specifically, Western European. I have lived and worked in many of those countries, and I know most of the major cities intimately -- from Stockholm in the north, Newcastle, London, Paris, The Hague, Munich, Vienna, to Rome and Erice, Sicily in the south. I have also spent several months in Moscow and in Jerusalem as a guest of academic institutions.

Economic Suicide

The ongoing economic suicide of Europe is based on a faulty understanding of the climate issue by most Western politicians and on their extreme policy response, based on emotion rather than logic and science. The major European economies have reacted irrationally to contrived, unjustified fear of imagined global-warming disasters.

Perhaps I should explain that the climate has not been warming for the past 18 years -- and even if it had been warming, it would be no disaster. The EU wants to cut emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, a natural plant-fertilizer, by 40% within 15 years — by 2030. This insane drive to replace energy sources from fossil fuels that release plant-friendly CO2 into the atmosphere has led to greatly increased costs of energy. As is well understood, such actions not only hurt economic growth, but they increase poverty levels and therefore threaten the social fabric of these nations.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Weakness of Russia: What Putin Must Do

By James Petras

The US-EU sponsored coup in the Ukraine and its conversion from a stable Russian trading partner, to a devastated EU economic client and NATO launch pad, as well as the subsequent economic sanctions against Russia for supporting the Russian ethnic majority in the Donbas region and Crimea, illustrate the dangerous vulnerability of the Russian economy and state.

The current effort to increase Russia’s national security and economic viability in the face of these challenges requires a critical analysis of the policies and structures emerging in the post-Soviet era.

Pillage as Privatization

The James Petras Website, November 8, 2014: Over the past quarter century, several trillion dollars worth of public property in every sector of the Russian economy was illegally transferred or violently seized by gangster-oligarchs acting through armed gangs, especially during its ‘transition to capitalism’.

From 1990 to 1999, over 6 million Russian citizens died prematurely as a result of the catastrophic collapse of the economy; life expectancy for males declined from 67 years during the Soviet era to 55 year during the Yeltsin period. Russia’s GNP declined sixty percent – a historic first for a country not at war. Following Yeltsin’s violent seizure of power and his bombing of the Russian parliament, the regime proceeded to ‘prioritize’ the privatization of the economy, selling off the energy, natural resources, banking, transport and communication sectors at one-tenth or less of their real value to well-connected cronies and foreign entities. Armed thugs, organized by emerging oligarchs “completed” the program of privatization by assaulting, murdering and threatening rivals. Hundreds of thousands of elderly pensioners were tossed out of their homes and apartments in a vicious land-grab by violent property speculators. US and European academic financial consultants “advised” rival oligarchs and government ministers on the most “efficient” market techniques for pillaging the economy, while skimming off lucrative fees and commissions –fortunes were made for the well-connected. Meanwhile, living standards collapsed, impoverishing two thirds of Russian households, suicides quadrupled and deaths from alcoholism, drug addiction, HIV and venereal diseases became rampant. Syphilis and tuberculosis reached epidemic proportions – diseases fully controlled during the Soviet era remerged with the closure of clinics and hospitals.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

All the News the Mainstream Media Want You to Forget

President Porky Declares War on His Own People

Vinyard of the Saker: The Nazi plan for Novorussia: children bombed into basements and total war

Kiev's Latest Failed Assault on Eastern Ukraine

Fort Russ: The failed Ukrainian blitzkrieg that everyone failed to notice

Fatal Mistake, Did Kissinger say? 

 Yes, according to many news sources

Funny thing, though, in Spiegel's English translation, "fatal mistake" has become a mere "mistake." Nothing to worry about, then, folks.

Germans, En Masse, Abandon Germany's CIA-Bought Mass Media

Russia Insider: Germans Turn on Lying News Sites

Ukie Nazi Warriors Acknowledge Brit Alliance

Independent: White widow 'dead': Reports Samantha Lewthwaite killed in Ukraine dismissed as false

The White Widow, Samantha Lewthwaite, widow of alleged 7/7 London Tube train bomber Lindsay Germaine, is wanted by Interpol in connection with the planned bombings in Kenya. Concerning reports Lewthwaite had been killed by a Russian sniper while fighting with the Ukie Aidar battallion, the Independent reports:
Aidar commander Sergiy Melnychuk told BuzzFeed News the reports were false. He said: “We don’t have any white widows, and nor could we. They’re [the Russians} trying to drive a wedge between us and our British allies.”
So there's confirmation that the Brits are aiding the Nazis in the Ukraine civil war.

Bollocks from the New World Ordure: SEAL Who Claims To Have Killed Bin-Laden a Liar Says Fellow Warrior 

Mail Online. EXCLUSIVE - SEALS AT WAR: Fellow warriors brand Rob O'Neill a LIAR after he claims he was the shooter who fired three bullets into Bin Laden's head.

LOL. Liars lying about the lies they've told.

Related:  Bin Laden died in 2001

Loony Conspiracy Theory — Not?


How Mid-Term Elections Affect Obama

Finian Cunningham. America’s Moribund Democracy a Harbinger of More War: 
"With Republican control over the Congress, US President Barack Obama is now a lame-duck leader who can’t even quack."

How a Girl From Small-Town British Columbia Exposed JP Morgan's Humungus Mortgage Theft

Meet Alayne Fleischmann, the woman JPMorgan Chase paid one of the largest fines in American history to keep from talking

Matt Taibbi: The nine-billion-dollar witness.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Benign Genocide of the Western Nations: The Role of Planned Reproductive Dysfunction

The Saker has a post on "Western Sexual Dysfunction," prompted by the MSM's bizarre interpretation of a courteous gesture by Vladimir Putin's toward the wife of Chinese President Xi, during this month's APEC meeting in Beijing.

Putin "hits on" Obama? Source
"Putin Hits on Chinese First Lady," blares the Council on Foreign Relations magazine Foreign Policy — an obvious absurdity picked up by other news outlets. Oddly, the same theme has not been repeated by the media in the context of Putin's friendly pat on Obama's shoulder at the same APEC meeting. But perhaps such an interpretation would raise unbecoming questions about Obama's sexual orientation.

According to the Saker, the West's sexual problems are cultural and religious in origin. But a more parsimonious explanation is that Wesstern sexual dysfunction has been deliberately induced to serve the purpose of the New World Order.

Sexual dysfunction has to be gauged primarily according to its reproductive consequences. By that measure, the West is severely sexually dysfunctional, with the indigenous majority in virtually every Western state having a fertility rate well below the replacement rate of 2.1.

In Greece and Bosnia, for example, the locals are rapidly approaching extinction with a fertility rate of only 1.3. Germany, Italy and Bosnia are headed for oblivion too, with a fertility rate of only 1.4.

By the same standard, the Russians are doing slightly better with a fertility rate of 1.6 but not as well as the Brits and the Americans who appear to be maintaining something close to population stability with a fertility rate of 1.9.

But the latter figure conceals the extent to which the native born are losing out to immigrants. For example, in Britain, native-born mothers match the poor performance of Russian women with a fertility rate of 1.6, whereas Libyan immigrants are hitting 5.6. Many other immigrant groups are well over 4.0, and Bangladeshi mothers, at 3.9, are doing much better than their sisters back home in Bangladesh.

This process of benign genocide is the result of a toxic culture, which protects the right to the slaughter of the unborn, holds in high regard billionaire pornographers such as Rupert Murdoch and Silvio Berlusconni, and makes instruction in fellatio part of the school curriculum.

Some may attribute such decline to undue permissiveness or the abandonment of religion. But the process of Western genocide, both racial and cultural, is too systematic for that. Rather it is more reasonably understood as the result of a deliberate policy to destroy the powerful Western nation states, the better to subordinate them to the Anglo-Zionist New World Order, with its oligarch-owned pseudodemocracy.

Putin's Russia, where the fertility of the native born has rebounded from a 1999 low of less than 1.2, being resistant to covert destruction, is in line for subordination by harsher measures.


Saturday, November 8, 2014

Feminist Flakes

UK Labor MP, Harriet Harman and UK Liberal-Democratic Party leader Nick Clegg sporting forty-five-quid feminist T-shirts.
Here are the women in Mauritius who made the shirts. They earn sixty-two cents and hour and sleep 16 to a dorm. 

Not only does Ms. Harman, the woman on the left, seem to be a phony feminist quite happy enjoy the fruits of the sweated labor of her brown-skinned sisters in Mauritius, but she seems to have a contempt for civil rights in general having been closely affiliated with the National Council for Civil Liberties, an organization with scant regard for the welfare of children targeted by paedophiles.

Nicky Clogg, the woman on the right, also appears to have little regard for the welfare of children targeted by paedophiles, having rejected calls for an inquiry into reports of a Westminster "child sex ring."

Interestingly, despite their reported poverty, those Mauritian garment workers manage to look a lot better dressed than that pair of rich old women in T-shirts.


T-ShirtGate. The DailyMail UK exposes feminism for what it really is…a wealthy, white women, elitist, power club

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Myths of the Globalist New World Order: Did German Nationalism Really Cause Two World Wars?

Nationalism is the enemy of empire. Genocide, the destruction of the racial and cultural identity of the nation states, is thus an essential policy of the New World Order.

The European nation states, subordinates of the US hegemon since WWII, are already in an advanced stage of dissolution as racially and culturally distinct communities. The process of universal genocide is driven by a combination of anti-natalist policies, including mass slaughter of the unborn and state-mandated education in the arts and perversions of non-reproductive sex, combined with unrestricted immigration and state-enforced multiculturalism. As a result, the indigenous peoples of Europe are already isolated cultural and even linguistic minorities in many cities including London, Oslo, and Marseilles.

Now Russia as an independent nation state is targeted for destruction by the forces of the New World Order. The assault is both internal and external. Internally, Russia is attacked by means of US-backed fifth columnists such as the punk anti-Christian group, Pussy Riot, and oligarch traitors and opportunists such as Mikhail Khodorkovsky.  Externally Russia is attacked both economically, by means of US-EU sanctions and other machinations to undermine Russia's foreign trade relationships; and militarily, including the the US-inspired genocidal assault on ethnic Russians in Ukraine, and subversion among non-Russian minorities, such as the Tartars and Chechens, within the Russian Federation.

To keep the ball rolling, unrelenting propaganda glorifying the historical necessity of globalization under a system of Western democracy while demeaning independent sovereign nations spews from the corporate-controlled founts of news and entertainment and the state-controlled educational establishment.

Francis Fukuyama, of Stanford, Johns Hopkins and George Mason Universities, the Rand Corporation and the State Department is among the more prominent scholarly propagandists for globalization. In his 1992 book The End of History and the Last Man he argued that Western liberal democracy marked the end of human sociocultural evolution and thus the end of international conflict.

Since publication of the book was followed by the seemingly endless "War Against Terror," the rise of ethnocentric nationalism in Europe, and the current US-NATO effort to dismantle the Russian Federation, the timing if Fukuyama's book declaring the arrival of the era of global governance, cultural uniformity and racial homogenization  was not ideal. Indeed it earned the author some ridicule. But undeterred, in his latest work, Political order and Political Decay — a curious mishmash of ideas and information on topics ranging from the rise of the Mafia to the origins of the US Forest Service, Fukuyama does not neglect the role of a globalist shill. Otto von Bismarck (German Minister President, Foreign Minister and later Chancellor from 1862 until 1890), Fukuyama writes, "forged a modern German nation through war, and unleashed an aggressive nationalism that culminated in the two World wars."

So there you have it. The sovereign nation state is a great and abiding evil that must be eradicated to make way for a New World Order, under which the entire world will live for evermore in liberal democratic harmony, consuming junk food and Internet porn, each self-actualizing individual boosting their self-esteem by Tweeting and Face-book posting to the vast profit of oligarchs who, reportedly, view their clients as "dumb fucks".

But was German nationalism really the cause of two World Wars?

Well, actually, no.

World War 1 was a direct result, not of German, but of Serbian nationalism. The trigger for war was the assassination in Sarajevo, the capital of the Austro-Hungarian province of Bosnia, of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian imperial throne. The assassin, Gavrilo Princip, was a Serb nationalist backed by the Serbian state, which sought to incite a nationalist revolt among the slavs of Bosnia as a step toward the creation of a greater Serbia at the expense of the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman Empires.

Gavrilo Princip, a Serb nationalist, killing Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife
Austria-Hungary responded by declaring war on Serbia with the assurance of German support. What motivated Kaiser Willhelm's decision was not some upsurge of aggressive German nationalism. Rather, it was the belief that if a generally expected wider European war were to break out it was better that it break out before Russia completed its ongoing military build-up, the sequel to humiliating defeat by Japan in the war of 1904–05, and before Germany's only significant ally, the crumbling Austro-Hungarian empire, had grown even weaker.

Moreover, whatever Germany's responsibility for World War 1, neither the Kaiser nor his Chancellor wished for a general war. On the contrary, both hoped that if Austria-Hungary dealt promptly with Serbia, other European powers would accept the action without intervention, or that if a prompt settlement of the dispute were not achieved, Germany and Britain might somehow work out a deal to prevent other powers being dragged in.

And it was Russia, not Germany, that took the step that made a general conflagration inevitable. By declaring war on Austria-Hungary, nominally in support of their Serbian co-ethnics, but motivated also, if not mainly, by hopes of imperial conquest at the expense of Austria-Hungary and the Turkish Empire, Russia's action tripped the switch that made war between Triple Alliance (Germany, Austro-Hungary and Italy) and the Triple Entente (France, Russia and Britain) obligatory upon all parties.

In launching the war, Russia was strenuously urged on by the French, who hoped that, with Germany crushed by the weight of Russia's huge army, France could recover from Germany the territory of Alsace-Lorraine annexed to Prussia following the war of 1870–71.

Appalled once the reality of war emerged, the German Kaiser engaged in futile last-minute appeals to his cousin Tzar Nicholas II to halt the war on Austria-Hungary. He also attempted to halt implementation of Germany's strategic plan, which required an immediate and massive attack on France with the aim of knocking her out of the war at a stroke, before turning the weight of Germany's army against the slow-moving Russian behemoth. But by that time, Wilhelm, had ceased to count. The military, having received the command to advance, informed the Kaiser, falsely, as it now seems, that the strategic plan was immutable and irreversible. General war in Europe was the result.

Britain's declaration of war was delayed by liberals in cabinet who threatened resignation. However, Germany's strategic plan required not only an attack on France, but passage of the German army through Belgium, the neutrality of which had been guaranteed by all the European powers. Anxious to see their great power rival crushed, this breach of Belgian sovereignty, freed the war faction in Britain  to join the slaughter.

So much for German nationalism in 1914.

But what about 1939. Hitler's government was undoubtedly nationalist and undoubtedly aggressive. But German nationalism was by no means a key factor in the origins of the World War 2. Hitler never won more than 37% of the popular vote in a German election, he never gained a majority in the Reichstag, and after 1934, when he achieved power by backroom maneuvers involving manipulation of the senile chancellor, Field Marshall Hindenberg, he never gave Germans a chance to vote at all. So whether Germans under the Third Reich were nationalistic or not made little if any difference to German policy.

Rather, a strong argument can be made that Germany's dysfunctional and eventually pathological post World War 1 governments were a direct result of the stupidity of those who imposed on Germany terms of peace that included amputation from Germany of large tracts of territory with German majority populations and the imposition on Germany of a bill for vast and totally unpayable reparations.

Further a strong case can be made that Britain's policy of "appeasement," which entailed forcing Czechoslovakia to relinquish to Germany it's heavily fortified frontier region, provided Hitler with incitement to help himself to the rest of Czechoslovakia, which he promptly did. The result was to bring the hated German Nazis and the hated Russian Communists into direct confrontation, as may have been the objective of Neville Chamberlain's so-called appeasement policy.

Likewise, Britain's dishonored guarantee of Polish independence had a similar effect, perhaps intentionally so. With Britain's security guarantee in its pocket, the Polish government refused to negotiate Germany's demand for a corridor to the German city of Danzik on the Baltic coast. By such intransigence, Poland provided Hitler with motivation to join with Russia in the total destruction of Poland, an action the British resisted by dropping anti-war leaflets over Germany.

In response to questions about Britain's refusal to take effective action against Germany during the rape of Poland, Britain's Secretary of State for Air, Kingsley Wood, explained to astonished members of Parliament that the  Black Forest could not be bombed with incendiaries to burn German ammunition dumps there because the forest was "private property." He also explained that German munitions factories could not be bombed since the Germans might then do the same to British factories.

The implication that Britain sought to force the totalitarian powers into direct confrontation in the hope that it would lead to a war of mutual annihilation is compelling. But in any case, German nationalism, however much it may have been promoted by Hitler, did not drive Hitler's megalomanic plans. The nationalistic enthusiasm that greeted Hitler's early successes and which was vigorously stoked by the Nazi government may have discourage a coup d'état by responsible Germans who thought Hitler insane, but was never unanimous. Altogether, 77,000 Germans were executed during the war for resistance to Hitler, including Erwin Planck son Max Planck, the founder of quantum theory, and many religious figures including the Lutheran priest, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and the Catholic Bishop, August von Galen.


Timeline of Events Prior to the Great War, 1870-1914

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Russian Forces in Novorossiya?

The remarks below appeared as a comment on the Saker blog. The claim that Russia has taken control of Novorossiya, East Ukraine's breakaway provinces, has the ring of truth. The credibility of the Russian government with its own people requires that it protect ethnic Russians in Ukraine threatened by genocidal maniacs in Kiev. But to provide effective protection, Russia needs full control on the ground, which it now has, apparently. In addition, Russian control of defense-related manufacturing capacity of the Donbas may be viewed as a strategic necessity during the several years required to replace that capacity with new plants within the borders of the Russian Federation.

As for the optimistic (from the Russian perspective) assessment for the future, one will have to wait and see. The Empire surely isn't about to throw in the towel:
Larchmonter445 said...
Photo of Zakharchenko today with his wife walking to the voting station, surrounded by nine soldiers in green, unmarked uniforms, no patches, no St. George ribbon markers. Did not look like they were militia. Maybe they were contractors from an outfit called Greenwater. (joking)

So, the message I see is Moscow has taken over the government and has forced out the leaders they don't want in politics and out of the Novorossiya military leadership.

Bezler is out because he never submitted completely even to Strelkov.

The last big name unit leader to stand is Alexey Mosgovoy. With his attitude out of line with Moscow, he might be next to be pushed out.

So, the responsibility for the defense and success of the region and its 4 million people is completely on Moscow.

I think that Putin needed this control because the dangers are directly toward Russia. With only Russian military and political operatives running the Donbass, he will have no interference, delay or mistakes in outcome. I don't see how there is any room for oligarchs and fifth columnists now that all Russian flesh and blood is on the line. Any interference is treason, straight and simple.

Once, this is clearly understood, the West and Kiev will realize they are shelling Russia directly, not indirectly. And they are launching an offensive against Russia directly, not indirectly.

Putin has ended the proxy war. The proto war continues in all forms and dimensions. But the proxy war is ceased. New Russia is Russia de facto if not de jure.

It doesn't matter that no foreign country recognizes Novorossiya. It's a piece of the whole, and will operate with a long open border manned by Russians on both sides. Gas, electricity, water, and whatever they need will come through Rostov.

I wouldn't be surprised that Putin makes an appearance there on some significant day early next year. Flies right in to Donetsk Airport to tell the folks they won! Sort of like he did in Crimea.

It's not about elections and boilers. It's about Russia having a leader who understands strategy and tactics, hearts and minds of Russians, and what to fight with, where to fight, when to fight and with certainty of purpose. If you look at how things have changed and how impossible a proxy war is for the CIA and NATO now, you will see that the West has lost big.

Putin has not only called their bluff on nuclear threats, he has disassembled their 50-60 Billion dollar Ukie war and shoved it up their butts.

Novorossiya is a small item in this struggle. Putin has put it into perspective. It is another heroic event in Russia versus fascism. If the fighting flares up again, the results will be even more one-sided. MiGs will be based at Donetsk. And S-300's will be guarding the airspace. White truck convoys will be by the thousands in months ahead.

Watch for the return of Chinese investment which has been on hold. They had deals in East Ukraine. I suspect they'll be rebuilding some of the infrastructure. They do that faster than anyone.

It will be safe for Malaysian Airliners to fly over Donbass once again.

The underdog won. The bully got whipped. All along the battle was against the satanic. God wins those battles. You just have to have faith.

Zero Hedge:
US Army Sends 100 Tanks To Eastern Europe To "Deter Russian Aggression"
Dumb Germans Quote:
Germany said Russia's recognition of Sunday's "extremely questionable" poll was "incomprehensible"

Donetsk Republic hails Kiev’s decision to cancel law on special status of Donbass

Over 20 civilians killed in shelling by Ukrainian army in Luhansk — acting police chief

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Why Won't Those Goddam Ukrainian Moskals Just Die, Instead of Holding Fake Stinkin' Elections

The Brainwashing of the West

Pro-Russian rebels hold rogue elections in eastern Ukraine ...

Ukraine rebels hold election despite international outcry
(Outcry by CBC, Foreign Policy, Reuters, etc. etc. LOL)

Wall Street Journal:
Pro-Russia Rebels Open Polls Across East Ukraine in Renegade Elections

Foreign Policy:
Eastern Ukraine's Fake State Is About to Elect a Fake Prime Minister


  • Europe won't recognize vote in eastern Ukraine, Merkel tells Putin 
  • (Merkel tells Putin! Why doesn't she tell the East Ukrainians that Germany doesn't give a damn about their right not to live under a Nazi-backed government that has just killed thousands of them, including hundreds of women who were raped before they were murdered.)
  • The PuffHo:
    Ukraine Breakaway Regions Hold Criticized Elections
  • Oh, and here's a good one:

    The Interpreter:
    Fake Monitors “Observe” Fake Elections in the Donbass
    The “Donetsk People’s Republic” (DNR) and “Luhansk People’s Republic” (LNR), which are officially considered terrorist organisations by the Ukrainian authorities, will hold “parliamentary elections” on Sunday, November 2, on the territories occupied by them with the help of the Russian army.

    These “elections” are widely considered illegal and illegitimate ...
    Yes these are clearly "terrorist" organizations, since they have been fighting punitive battalions in Nazi regalia sent by the US/UK/Canada/Austrialia/EU-backed Kiev government to "kill those damn Russians."


    Incumbent Donbass leaders Zakharchenko and Plotnitsky win elections - final results

    US General NcNeely pranked to reveal NATO plans for military assistance to Ukraine

    Ukraine Lawmaker: Today we are ready to invade Russia

    Eric Margolis: Afghanistan, None Dare Call It Defeat

    USAma Bin Laden died in December, 2001 of Marfan Syndrome

    Saturday, November 1, 2014

    Ukraine Proxy War on Russia: the Empire Folds?

    In March this year, Henry Kissinger wrote: Ukraine must become a bridge between East and West. Russia, he said:
    must accept that to try to force Ukraine into a satellite status, and thereby move Russia’s borders again, would doom Moscow to repeat its history of self-fulfilling cycles of reciprocal pressures with Europe and the United States.

    The West must understand that, to Russia, Ukraine can never be just a foreign country. Russian history began in what was called Kievan-Rus. The Russian religion spread from there. Ukraine has been part of Russia for centuries, and their histories were intertwined before then. Some of the most important battles for Russian freedom, starting with the Battle of Poltava in 1709 , were fought on Ukrainian soil. The Black Sea Fleet — Russia’s means of projecting power in the Mediterranean — is based by long-term lease in Sevastopol, in Crimea. Even such famed dissidents as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and Joseph Brodsky insisted that Ukraine was an integral part of Russian history and, indeed, of Russia.
    In conclusion, he wrote:
    1. Ukraine should have the right to choose freely its economic and political associations, including with Europe.

    2. Ukraine should not join NATO, a position I took seven years ago, when it last came up.

    3. Ukraine should be free to create any government compatible with the expressed will of its people.
    In the more than six months since Kissinger offered the only possible sane position on Ukraine, the US and its vassal European states, plus Canada and Australia have worked diligently to stoke civil strife in Ukraine as a means of provoking Russia into a proxy war with the West. The result has been a spectacular display of Western stupidity, dishonesty, grotesque hypocrisy, and the warm embrace of avowed Nazis and genocidal Russophobic maniacs, with results as humiliating, though not as painful, as they deserve to be.

    But, as Winston Churchill remarked, the Americans can always be relied upon to do the right thing — after they have tried every alternative, and the truth of Churchill's maxim as applied to Ukraine seems to be confirmed by the recent willingness of one America's most bullshit-ridden broadcast channels to allow the truth about Ukraine to be stated baldly, as in this interview with Prof. Anton Fedyashin of the American University, Washington, DC:

    Related posts by CanSpeccy 

    Russian Insider:
    Pro-West Snipers Murdered Kiev Demonstrators in False Flag: Canadian Academic Analysis

    Former Soviet PM: Kiev Leaders Are Freaks, Idiots - They've Lost Donbas Forever

    Thursday, October 30, 2014

    Deluded Atheists and the Secularization of Religion

    In my experience, comments on the blog of former UK Ambassador Craig Murray provide an endless source of information on the presently deluded state of Western society.

    For example, just yesterday, some poor soul remarked:
    Let me say also that religious belief is now largely only the preserve of the insane or mentally defective, it has been outflanked by commonsense and rationality...
    Let him say it by all means, but understand that it is utter rubbish.

    Religion is universal to humanity. Those who don't believe in God don't believe in nothing, they believe in anything — Spiritualism, Vegetarianism, Communism, Liberalism, or some other creed usually worse by far than that inculcated by the Christian gospel.

    Or to put that in more abstract terms, humans attach high emotional significance to socially approved rules of conduct. It is this characteristic that underlies all religions and without which civilization would be impossible.*

    The inherent human tendency to assimilate moral rules may be reinforced by belief in the power of  gods or ancestral spiritsto punish or reward. But today, when Anglican bishops in good standing openly avow their atheism, such theological reinforcements are of little significance. For most, fear of the moral disapprobation of peers and the desire for applause is sufficient to enforce a morality resting on nothing more substantial than the belief in historical necessity (Communism), the unmitigated evil of whatever is deemed by the arbiters of morality to be racism (Political Correctness), the moral equivalence of man and animals (Vegetarianism), or even crazier, the power of common sense and rationality to achieve the greatest good of the greatest number (Utilitarianism).

    But whatever it is that they believe or disbelieve, all but psychopaths have a religion, whether they know it or not.

    * This view of the nature and universality of religious belief is set forth in The Origins of Political Order, Francis Fukuyama's brilliant Darwinian study of the evolution of human social organization.


    The Ugly Interior of Jeremy Bentham's Head

    Britain's Peeping State: Bureaucrats At the Washroom Keyhole

    Tuesday, October 28, 2014

    No Facts About MH17, Thankyou, We've Already Decided That Russia's to Blame

    The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." ... "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

    Ron Suskind, NY Times October 17, 2004
    The trouble with the faith of the post-modernists in their capacity to create their own reality is that such faith can only be upheld so long as one can avoid the jarring intrusion of objective reality.

    Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States has proceeded in the deluded assumption that it rules the World, which is to say it believes itself free to destroy any country that resists being looted by the money power that pulls the puppet strings in Washington. This fantasy has been maintained with the aid of the world's greatest accumulation of weapons that kill far-away people in ways that upset no one's appetite for junk food, soda pop, TV trash, or fiddling with a cell phone — until now.

    Now the US has set about the looting of Eurasia, home to two-thirds of the World's population, starting with Ukraine's announced sale of hundreds of state assets. Thing is, this project depends on the destruction of the Russian Federation, which is pushing back.

    Economic sanctions on Russia intended to reverse the momentum of Russia's rapidly growing economy have rebounded strongly against America's European vassals who, with the exception of the Russophobic crazies in Poland and the Baltic trivialities, have become restive.

    The US–Ukraine false flag destruction of Malaysia Airways Flight MH-17, a cold-blooded act of mass murder against innocent civilians intended to inflame world opinion against Russia, was botched by the CIA-Ukie team in Kiev, necessitating a freeze on the publication of the results of the official international crash inquiry, a freeze opposed, naturally, by Russia, who the US and Britain  had so promptly and without evidence or reservation blamed for the disaster.

    But vastly more disconcerting to the Western fantasists intent on rolling up the Russian Federation was the vote by over 80% of Crimea's two million mostly Russian residents for accession to the Russian Federation. Shit: the plan was for the destruction of Russia, not the expansion of Russia.

    Then those stinkers in the Russian-speaking Donbas region of Ukraine voted for autonomy within a Ukrainian Federation. Prompted by the US, the real power in Kiev, Ukraine declared a genocidal war against the Russian-speaking people of Donbas, classifying them as terrorists and subhumans and launching against them an array of swastika-adorned neo-Nazi punitive battalions intent on butchery.

    Amazingly, this assault by the government of Ukraine against a large component of its own population was advocated by the former Ukraine Prime Minister, the Jew, Julia Tymoshenko, and put into effect by the Jewish NWO puppet, Prime Minister, Arse Yatsenyuk, under the leadership of the son of a Jew who changed his name, to Porochenko.

    The AskenNazi Jewis Homeland. Source.
    What makes this campaign for genocide even more remarkable is the location of the target population: Khazaria, or the ancient homeland of the Askenazi, or shouldn't that be AskeNazi, Jews.

    What's more, Jews in Israel are beginning to think hopefully about a return home, to an ethnically cleansed Khazeria, that is, upon which their co-religionists are already converging to promote Judaism.

    Trouble is, those pesky, amateur defenders of their homeland, the Novorossiya Defense Forces, have severely mauled their Ukie assailants, stripping them of their armor, and killing or injuring tens of thousands.

    Thus, without some rapid and highly improbable restoration of credibility, the fantasy of American global hegemony and moral superiority projected by the West's ZioCon leadership and its complicit media mouthpieces, is at risk of total collapse. If if begins to crumble, the people of the once proud European nation states will demand defection as the people of the Soviet satellites forced defection from Russia once its imperial grip was loosened. And as the cost of complicity in American war crimes escalates, the leadership in France, Germany and other European states may have little option but to follow the people if they are to remain their leaders. The outcome for America could be worse: something like the systemic collapse of the Soviet Union as the claims of the ruling elite are exposed as the lies and fantasies that they are.

    Meantime, the chief Dutch prosecutor investigating the MH17 downing in eastern Ukraine "does not exclude the possibility that the aircraft might have been shot down from air," further undermining the edifice of lies justifying the US/Nato assault on Russia via Ukraine.


    The Saker:
    German intelligence report: Russian missile did not down Malaysia Airways Flight MH17

    The Saker:
    Ukraine and Novorossiyan Soldiers Agree on the Need to be Rid of Nazis and Oligarchs

    Zero Hedge:
    Ukraine's Security Service Has Confiscated Air Traffic Control Recordings With Malaysian Jet

    On the Receiving End of an Assault By Ethnic Cleansers in Novorossiya

    Monday, October 27, 2014

    How To End the Depression Now — Part 2

    In an earlier post of the same title, I argued that so far as ordinary folk are concerned, a depression is a time of high unemployment, not some trivial pause or reversal in the upward march of GDP, and that the current Western recession could be ended promptly by eliminating minimum wage laws and instituting in their place a wage supplement that would insure all workers, however low their wage, enough to live on.

    To liberals and leftists, belief in the absolute moral necessity of a minimum wage law is so deeply ingrained they are unable to contemplate the reality that minimum wage laws kill jobs, particularly when Western jobs are being either off-shored by the million to the sweatshops of Asia or automated out of existence.

    To those of the right of the political spectrum, the idea of any kind of aid to the poor is most often rejected as morally debilitating. Rather, the view seems to be that anyone unable to find a job should spend their lives rummaging through garbage bins for returnable cans and bottles, by which means they should be able to make ten of fifteen bucks a day, easy.

    Perhaps, then, a more feasible solution to the now widespread problems of unemployment, involuntary part-time or temporary work, and work-force disengagement is a less radical approach combining a scaled-back minimum wage with a scaled-down negative tax benefit. For example, a one dollar reduction in minimum wage could be balanced by a one-dollar-an-hour negative tax rate, the tax benefit to be clawed back at the rate of, say, 25% on income in excess of what is considered a living wage. The cost of implementation would be minimal, since it would be handled by employers through only minor modifications to the existing tax-remittance and payroll system.

    Such a program could be adjusted according to need. If unemployment remains high or increases, the minimum wage can be further scaled back while the compensating negative tax payment is scaled up, whereas in times of rising employment, adjustments might be made in the opposite direction. In this way, opportunities would be created for low-wage employment in areas such as textiles, shoes, electronic assembly, where jobs have heretofore been largely off-shored.

    Although there is the great disadvantage with such half-measures that those with the least valuable labor skills will still be denied access to employment, it has the advantage of containing the cost of the program within bounds that politicians can contemplate without panic.

    For example, for the United States, with a workforce of about 160 million people, a one-dollar-an-hour tax benefit would cost approximately $240 billion dollars a year, a rather small sum out of a multi-trillion-dollar federal budget, running a half-trillion-dollar deficit. Moreover, most of the cost would be recovered through the claw-back of the tax benefit received by those with hourly wages in excess of the former minimum wage. In addition, there would be substantial savings in welfare costs and in the costs of crime, mental illness and loss of workforce skills that are the consequences of long-term unemployment.

    In time, the enormous advantages of a free labor market that allows every willing worker, however limited their skills, the opportunity for employment would become obvious, and the program could be expanded, leading in time to the complete abolition of minimum wage laws that provide jobs only for foreign workers and those at home who must deal with the social havoc created by unemployment.


    How To End the Depression Now — Part 1

    Thursday, October 23, 2014

    Parliament Hill Shooting: Muslim Terrorist Fails to Kill Canadian Cabinet

    How handy. Just as the Harper government has recommitted Canada to The War on Terror (TWAT) by sending the RCAF to bomb Iraq, an alleged Muslim terrorist, rifle in hand, enters Ottawa's Parliament buildings unopposed, and begins shooting, coming within meters, it is reported, of the Prime Minister and other members of the cabinet.

    I have to say that if the shooter had wiped out not only the Cabinet but also the entire opposition front bench I would not have grieved. Such a bunch of mediocrities could surely be replaced without the difficulty.

    But shooting people is wrong, and the Prime Minister's characterization of the shooter as a Muslim terrorist raises the question of how the public should view the event.

    Do we need stricter anti-terrorism measures, transforming Canada into a US-style police state with our very own homeland security forces supplied with enough hollow-point bullets to wipe out every Canadian five times over?

    And what about Islam? Maybe we'd be best to abandon our all-embracing religion of political correctness and return to our roots as a fundamentally Christian country that respects the great traditions of the West and in particular the Christian commitment to truth, beauty and justice.

    To that end, a bit of intolerance may not be a bad thing if the alternative is disruption to our whole way of life. For example, perhaps we should simply outlaw Islam. After all, how many Canadians really want to live next door to a polygamous family of armed terrorists whose women dress in tents.

    But then it has been suggested (and here, and here) that the Ottawa shooting could be just another Gladio-type event to manage public perception, perfectly timed to justify Stephen Harper's latest mission to bomb Muslims, and the government's plan to enhance the powers of the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service.

    So far as I am aware, there is no convincing direct evidence that Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, the Parliament Hill shooter, was an actor, witting or otherwise, in a false flag attack. More reasonable, it seems to me, is media consensus that Bibeau was a mentally unstable Islamist angered by Canada's commitment to war on Muslims in Iraq.

    This conclusion is consistent with the fact that thousands of European Muslims have volunteered for service with ISIS (and here) where they are waging war against Western-backed governments or factions and in some cases fighting directly with the forces of their own country of origin.

    That being the case, my argument for barring Muslims from immigrating to Canada and for banning the preaching of Islam in Canada stands. Not that I have anything personally against moderate Muslims in Canada some of whom I know personally and whom I regard as fine people. But Islam is not merely a religion is also a political system and the assumption that Western Muslims can be tamed to the point that their religion is as meaningless as Episcopalianism or Anglicanism is unwarranted.

    Given the chance, Muslims will always turn aggressively political and seek to dominate the society in which they live. Anyone in Canada who doubts this should listen to Shahid Malik, Britain's Justice Minister in the government of Tony Blair:



    Herald News:
    Stephen Harper hid in broom closet during Ottawa shooting

    CBC News:
    Harper sorry for hiding in closet then doing a bunk

    Senile Nazi Billionaire Calls for Third World War

    George Soros, a Jew whose happiest days, by his own account, were spent betraying Jews of Budapest to the Nazis, has issued a call to arms by the people of Europe in defense of the US-installed Nazi-backed junta of Kiev and the war to dismember the Russian Federation.

    G. Soros. Source
    Nothing surely could better illustrates the catastrophic idiocy of American policy in Ukraine than that this senile billionaire, loathed and despised by all and sundry, has been wheeled out to make a direct appeal to the people of Europe to ramp up a third fracticidal war to promote the American goal of smashing Russia and expanding Nato to China's Western border.

    Europe, says Soros, "is facing a challenge from Russia to its very existence," a preposterous claim in the wake of the US-backed overthrow of the elected government of Ukraine by a Nazi junta intent on the genocide of ethnic Russians in South Eastern Ukraine of whom they managed to kill and maim many thousands while making refugees of hundreds of thousands more.

    Soros provides no evidence of any actual Russian threat to European security because no such evidence exists. In fact, Soros says nothing whatever of interest about Ukraine, and offers merely a pathetic bleating reflecting the fact that Putin failed to to act like the "New Hitler," but merely took care of Russian interests without harm to any except the freaks and lunatics in Kiev and the Ukrainian forces sent on a criminal "punitive" mission against their own people.


    ‘Russian troops in Ukraine? Got any proof?' Putin's best quotes from French media talk

    Energy, Economy and Environment

    A year ago it seemed that $100 dollars might be a floor for the price for oil. Now it looks more like a ceiling. As the price was falling there was talk about what price the Saudis or the Russians or the frackers needed to balance their budgets, as if the question of price was for producers to decide. But weak demand may prove that notion untenable. The four- to five-fold increase in crude oil price since the Year 2000 is driving a multitude of changes in the way we live, travel, and consume that will vastly reduce use of fossil fuels while massively increasing energy-use efficiency.

    The suburban villa is obsolete. It takes up too much space, creates urban sprawl, necessitates huge expenditures of time, material and energy on commuting. Apartments and apartment-sized houses are increasingly in demand. Apartment living has accustomed people to combining living space in a single room comprising kitchen, dining and sitting areas. In fact, people like that better than a collection of smaller partitioned areas. The result is that, in the future, the typical North American family living unit will be no more than 800 to 1200 square feet in area consisting of, for example (in square feet): living room, 400; three bedrooms, 100 each; two bathrooms 75 each; den/office, 80; and entryway and closets, 100.

    Not much room for stuff, but North Americans will get used to living like the Japanese. No point in keeping cribs and high chairs and rocking horses for the grandchildren. Manufacturing is cheap and will stay cheap as Asia's sweatshop workforce is replaced by robots. If you are no longer using it, junk it. If you need it again buy the new and improved model.

    Trash will not go in a bin, but down the chute, to be taken by underground conveyor to the recycling plant. Every manufactured product will be bar-coded or chipped to tell robot trash handlers how it is to be processed. Products without an approved recycling process will be excluded from the marketplace.

    Alternative energy:
    Thus far, alternative energy has amounted to nothing much. But it's getting there. Much more is known today about what doesn't pay economically or environmentally. Bio-fueled thermal power plants will probably never be of much importance, and ground-based windmills operate too intermittently to add more than marginally to energy supplies. But solar power is more interesting. Solar panel manufacture is a high tech industry where huge cost reductions and efficiency improvements are rapidly occurring.

    Solar panels with an efficiency of 20% or better are now available for 50 cents per watt: that's peak power, so per watt of year-round average output, the cost is more like $5.00. The year-round average electricity consumption per person in the developed world is about 1 kw, which could thus be generated with solar panels costing $5000, and occupying about 100 square meters (1000 square feet), which seems a feasible alternative to nuke and coal-fired power.

    There are problems of course: where to put all those panels, how to store the power for when it's needed, at night or in the winter when solar radiation in the temperate zone is only one tenth what it is in mid-summer. So we're not there yet. But further improvements in solar panel efficiency, which could rise by a factor of two or three within the next decade, in electric battery technology, and in grid storage solutions could make solar power a mainstay of electrical generation.

    Energy-Use Efficiency:
    A transition to small homes will mean large reductions in home heating and cooling costs. A small home adequately insulated and well sealed and with a heat exchanger to handle ventilation can be heated in the coolest climate with nothing more than a hair dryer.

    Energy efficiency in transportation is also about to improve radically. Automobiles are getting more efficient but are nowhere near as efficient as the latest prototypes. Renault's four-seat Eolab concept, for example, is reported to be capable of 100 km per litre, or about ten times better than the typical American sedan. VW's two-seat XL1, has comparable fuel efficiency and may go into limited production.

    LIT Motors, gyroscopically-balanced, two-wheel electric car. Source.
    Despite GM's misconceived Volt, a vehicle for carrying a lot of batteries a short distance, the range of which can only be improved by adding more batteries, light-weight electric vehicles have real potential. This potential has been conclusively demonstrated by the SunSwift, produced by engineering students at the University of New South Wales, Australia. This solar-electric two-seater with a carbon-fibre-reinforced plastic body recently completed a 500 km run on a single charge at an average speed of more than 100 km per hour, and using only 44 cents-worth of electricity. Covered with solar panels, the SunSwift's range on a sunny day extends to 800 km.

    Then there are electric bikes, 200 million of them in China alone, which do about 40 miles to a penny worth of electricity.

    The Environment:
    The industrial age was driven by the use of dirt cheap energy, which drove down the cost of goods and transportation by orders of magnitude, while massively driving up consumption, at the cost of the relentless exploitation of mines, forests and the capacity of the earth, the air and the waters of the earth to absorb the resultant waste products.

    We are now well on the way to the information age, in which dirt cheap information drives increasing efficiencies in the use of energy, materials and labor in manufacturing, transportation and the satisfaction of other human needs. The result will be either a population explosion leading to a high-tech Malthusian limit in the hundreds of billions, or population stabilization at the UN projected total of around ten billion and a huge reduction in human environmental impacts.