Live Shooter Drill Hoax Played on Nation’s “Most Vulnerable” School Children
By Professor James Tracy
The MemoryHoleBlog, February 2, 2013: On the morning of December 18, 2012 administrators at New York City Public School 79 (the Horan School) in East Harlem conducted an entirely unannounced “active shooter drill.” The event, which took place just four days after the high profile Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown Connecticut, terrified the school’s 300 special needs adolescent and young adult students and the 100 teaching and counseling staff members. Ranging in age from 12 to 21, Horan’s largely Hispanic student body contends with an array of mental and emotional disabilities, including autism and cerebral palsy.
Coming less than one week after the Sandy Hook tragedy, the Horan School hoax drill has left many students and staff members severely traumatized and seeking accountability from administrators. With the exception of a pithy article in the New York Times[1] and a subsequent piece in the online opinion outlet Daily Kos,[2] the story has been exempted from the news cycle in the wake of the exhaustive yet often baffling coverage of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. As New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg busied himself with calls for tightened gun control measures, no press conferences were held to either condemn the public school’s management or further scrutinize the rationales behind such drills.
“The lockdown drill began about 10 a.m. on Tuesday,” the Times reports,
with a woman’s voice on the school’s loudspeaker saying, “’Shooter,’ or ‘intruder,’ and ‘get out, get out, lockdown,’” said [a] staff member, who added that it seemed so realistic that it was hard to tell if the woman speaking was actually talking to a gunman or to teachers and students throughout the school.[3], an advocacy organization of Horan School’s teachers, parents, community members and concerned professionals, has been established to demand accountability from the P.S. 79 administrators who planned the event. “Due to age. race, income, language, immigration, geography, and disability,” Horanwatch states, “the public school kids of New York City’s PS 79 are the most vulnerable in the nation.” The affiliation notes that Horan teachers and staff have been retaliated against and warned by administration not to speak publicly about the event.[4]
The group’s account is more detailed and contrasts with the Times’ fleeting glimpse of the incident. calls the event an “intricate hoax,” with news of the phantom shooter circulated “in the most dramatic way possible through every intercom in the building, ‘Shooter/Intruder in the building, oh my God!”
Staff and students were then whipsawed through “contrary messages of ‘Get out’ and ‘Lock down.’” As the school’s occupants “fell to the floor shaking, in prayer, or with their bodies in order to cover immobile students and friends,” some even phoned loved ones to utter what might be a final goodbye. While students crouched in fear Horan administrators reportedly sent security officers into the hallways to push against classroom doors as terrified teachers struggled to keep the doors shut.[5]
The questions remains: Why would major news media virtually censor an event where hundreds of especially helpless individuals were needlessly terrorized by supervisors who took it upon themselves to create an “active shooter” scenario? Where were the convoys of satellite trucks and slick broadcast journalists interviewing the traumatized victims? Why weren’t cable news talk shows abuzz with pundits decrying the needless drill and defending the underprivileged children and teachers?
The simple answers are that 1) Horan’s students are poor disabled minorities—a constituency that is politically powerless, and, 2) no one was injured or killed. These are both plausible explanations for the media blackout. Still, such an event being played up in the immediate wake of the December 14 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting may have also prompted large swaths of a grieving nation to more critically reflect on both the news media’s often confusing and contradictory representation of the tragedy and America’s growing police state.
Alongside a dearth of publicly available evidence and an ensuing investigation into Sandy Hook that authorities maintain was carried out by a single estranged young man, the Obama administration and its Congressional allies have proceeded to move forward on far-reaching gun control and mental health-related diktats and legislation as if the investigation itself was entirely consistent and transparent.
While Harlan exemplifies the undue excesses of domestic security measures, the Sandy Hook massacre has provided the pretext for increased statist measures with the express goal of heightened safety and security. Public schools do require safety measures to contend with dangerous situations and episodes. Yet imposing terrifying manufactured events such as “live shooter drills” on society’s most vulnerable members—our children—points to an intensifying police state in America where fear vis-à-vis militarized surveillance and control are being gradually instituted under the guise of “safety” to reconstitute normal forms of expectation and existence.
[1] Al Baker and Alex Vadukul, “Lockdown Drill Surprises Some, Scaring a School in East Harlem,” New York Times, December 19, 2012.
[2] “NYC School Stages Hoax School Shooting on 300 Special Ed Kids,” Daily Kos, December 27, 2012.
[3] Baker and Vadukul, “Lockdown Drill Surprises Some.”
[4] “An Open Letter to NYC School Principal Greer Phillips,”, January 19, 2013.
[5] “An Open Letter to NYC School Principal Greer Phillips.”
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Friday, February 1, 2013
Hate Week in America: Targeting Sandy Hook Truthers
Writing in Britain's New World Order newspaper of record, the Guardian, New Yorker Oliver Burkeman writes:
Further, Mr. Burkeman says, it would be best to ignore such people. But then immediately urges us to read the "excellent reporting" on the subject in a article about Sandy Hook Truthers, which begins:
But to continue, Salon's "excellent reporting" turns to a question arising from the work of either an incompetent amateur photo-analyst or an agent of disinformation concerning the death or non death of one of the reportedly slain children:
Salon continues its "excellent reporting," by returning to that highly questionable photo evidence concerning the existence or non-existence of one of the slain children:
Now to the end game:
Then note how stupid questions are equated with sensible ones. What, after all, is so unreasonable about asking: "Who is the guy running into the woods?"** "Why is there police audio referring to multiple shooters?" "Why was the school principal quoted by a local paper [about events that occurred] after she died?"
"All of these questions have simple explanation," apparently, but Salon's "excellent reporting" offers no suggestion as to what those simple explanations are. So let's think about some of those questions:
The guy running into the woods: Who was he? Why was he armed -- a fact not acknowledged in Salon's "excellent reporting." What was he doing? To ask these questions, according to Mr. Burkeman, over at the Guardian is only to evoke "incredulous disgust."
As for police references to multiple shooters, what about those nuns in their purple getaway van? Oh, pleeeeze! To ask such a question can only evoke "incredulous disgust."
As for "Why was the principal quoted by a local paper [about events occurring] after she died?" that is not the question being asked. The question asked is "How was the principal interviewed by a local paper after she died?", which is an altogether different matter.
Also, how was it that spidered the story on December 13, 2013, before the principal had died?
The only explanation for that must be that the valiant principal, Dawn Hochsprung, who died when rushing to challenge the shooter, was gifted with precognition of the events, including perhaps, her own death. But then that's not a "simple explanation," it's a downright nutty explanation that the Sandy Hook truther haters, want to cram down your throat.
But the lib-left, PC, fascist haters have gone beyond Orwell. Hate is now non-stop and directed at anyone who questions the means or motives of the New World Order.
See also:
The Sandy Hook nuns had a purple getaway van
Sandy Hook Massacre: What the MSM Won't Discuss
The Bing Cache of December 13, 2012, With the text of the Newtown Bee's before-it-happened story on the Sandy Hook Massacre
Adam Lanza, Ryan Lanza? Curious Image of Unknown Origin
Fox Prestitutes Smear Professor Who Questions MSM Narrative on Sandy Hook
And a comment by a reader on Oliver Burkeman's Guardian hit piece:
Oliver, it seems has chosen the safe and dishonorable course of going with the power. More likely, it is those of us who believe we live in a free society, whose lives are about to change forever.
There's not much to be said, beyond a generalised expression of incredulous disgust, about the apparently growing Sandy Hook "truth" movementNo, absolutely. Anyone wanting to know the truth about what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012, must be utterly loathsome to all and sundry and deserves to be regarded, as Mr. Burkeman says, with nothing but "incredulous" and "generalised disgust."
Further, Mr. Burkeman says, it would be best to ignore such people. But then immediately urges us to read the "excellent reporting" on the subject in a article about Sandy Hook Truthers, which begins:
Good God, folks must be so paranoid. They don't unquestioningly believe what they are told by the Connecticut police! You know, the guy in the funny Quaker hat warning that anyone talking about the Sandy Hook massacre is liable to prosecution by both state and Federal authorities.Yes, there really are Newtown truthers.
Image source
But to continue, Salon's "excellent reporting" turns to a question arising from the work of either an incompetent amateur photo-analyst or an agent of disinformation concerning the death or non death of one of the reportedly slain children:
But in the crazy world of Sandy Hook conspiracy theories, this one may be the worst yet. (Maybe you’ve already heard some of the others, like the one about fantasy ties between the gunman’s family and the LIBOR banking scandal and a related theory about the Aurora shooting and the “Dark Knight Rises.”) Most of the theories are really pieces of a larger meta-theory: that the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax, perhaps by the Obama administration, designed to stir demand for gun control.Oh brilliant. Someone asserts that Adam Lanza's father was in someway connected to the LIBOR bank scandal and that proves anyone with questions about Sandy Hook is a nutter. Well, at least we see how the suppression of dissent works. Poison the well with stupid conspiracy theories and anyone who questions the official theory is a stupid conspiracy theorist, i.e., a person to be regarded with "generalised incredulous disgust."
Salon continues its "excellent reporting," by returning to that highly questionable photo evidence concerning the existence or non-existence of one of the slain children:
In the latest angle, theorists think they have found “absolute proof” of a conspiracy to defraud the American people. “You reported in December that this little girl had been killed,” a reader emailed Salon in response to a story. “She has been found, and photographed with President Obama.”*Oh, yeah. Here we go again. A stupid theory, not entertained by sensible people questioning events at Sandy Hook, which is attributed to anyone who questions the official account of the Sandy Hook massacre: A crude but effective technique for smearing and stereotyping those with questions about Sandy Hook, and discouraging anyone who hasn't so far thought to question the official account from doing so now.
Now to the end game:
The supporting details to the hoax theory explanation are reminiscent of the arcana of any well-developed conspiracy theory. What about the car? What about the rifle? Why does someone off camera allegedly tell Parker’s father to “read the Card” (as in a cue card) before he goes on CNN? Why is he laughing? Who is the guy running into the woods? Why is there police audio referring to multiple shooters? Why does one boy who survived the shooting tell Dr. Oz it was like “a drill”? Why was the principal quoted by a local paper [about events that occurred] after she died? Why do some of the parents look like some of the victims of the Aurora shooting — are they “all actors”? All of these questions have simple explanations, but in each case, the theorists have sided more with less likely, but more nefarious possibilities.First note that those with questions are now described as adherents of a "hoax theory," which is something quite different from questioning what happened and why there are so many conflicting "facts" in the case.
Then note how stupid questions are equated with sensible ones. What, after all, is so unreasonable about asking: "Who is the guy running into the woods?"** "Why is there police audio referring to multiple shooters?" "Why was the school principal quoted by a local paper [about events that occurred] after she died?"
"All of these questions have simple explanation," apparently, but Salon's "excellent reporting" offers no suggestion as to what those simple explanations are. So let's think about some of those questions:
The guy running into the woods: Who was he? Why was he armed -- a fact not acknowledged in Salon's "excellent reporting." What was he doing? To ask these questions, according to Mr. Burkeman, over at the Guardian is only to evoke "incredulous disgust."
As for police references to multiple shooters, what about those nuns in their purple getaway van? Oh, pleeeeze! To ask such a question can only evoke "incredulous disgust."
As for "Why was the principal quoted by a local paper [about events occurring] after she died?" that is not the question being asked. The question asked is "How was the principal interviewed by a local paper after she died?", which is an altogether different matter.
Also, how was it that spidered the story on December 13, 2013, before the principal had died?
The only explanation for that must be that the valiant principal, Dawn Hochsprung, who died when rushing to challenge the shooter, was gifted with precognition of the events, including perhaps, her own death. But then that's not a "simple explanation," it's a downright nutty explanation that the Sandy Hook truther haters, want to cram down your throat.
But the lib-left, PC, fascist haters have gone beyond Orwell. Hate is now non-stop and directed at anyone who questions the means or motives of the New World Order.
* A more rational hypothesis might be that at least some of those who died, never lived. As suggested, although by no means proved by the fact that the image of victim Allison Wyatt that was originally distributed by the mainstream media was in fact a photo of a child named Lily Gaubert, quite unconnected with Sandy Hook. Such ":mistakes" as this is now claimed to have been, naturally raise questions about other pieces of photographic evidence presented in the media. Indeed, it is not difficult to envisage how any number of fake shooting victims could have been created, which again, is not to make the claim that such fake victims were created, but merely to point out that the question has a reasonable basis. And after 9/11, how can any sane person claim that to ask such question is disgusting. What is disgusting is the mainstream media's efforts to punish citizens of a democracy questioning evidence of a possible state crime against democracy.
** The existence of the man in the woods was confirmed by the local paper, the Newtown Bee, which reported that "A man with a gun who was spotted in the woods near the school on the day of the incident was an off-duty tactical squad police officer from another town, according to the source" (See last paragraph of linked report). What an off-duty tactical squad police officer from another town was doing in the woods at the time of the massacre, naturally raises additional questions that can only give rise to a "generalised expression of incredulous disgust."
See also:
The Sandy Hook nuns had a purple getaway van
Sandy Hook Massacre: What the MSM Won't Discuss
The Bing Cache of December 13, 2012, With the text of the Newtown Bee's before-it-happened story on the Sandy Hook Massacre
Adam Lanza, Ryan Lanza? Curious Image of Unknown Origin
Fox Prestitutes Smear Professor Who Questions MSM Narrative on Sandy Hook
And a comment by a reader on Oliver Burkeman's Guardian hit piece:
Like a flea confusing a dog with the universe, 'journalist' Oliver is a young lad with no context for the Sandy Hook story—so he believes what he’s told, and passes it on. This, sadly, is what journalism has become.Which is funny, except there's not much reason to suppose that "the dog is visiting the vet," or that " Oliver’s life is about to change forever."
Meanwhile, the dog is visiting the vet, and Oliver’s life is about to change forever...
Oliver, it seems has chosen the safe and dishonorable course of going with the power. More likely, it is those of us who believe we live in a free society, whose lives are about to change forever.
America's "free press"
America: where only the paranoid believe that the news media are anything but free, diverse and open to every point of view.
Then it was the great America entrepreneur Andy Grove who remarked: "Only the paranoid survive."
Then it was the great America entrepreneur Andy Grove who remarked: "Only the paranoid survive."
Thursday, January 31, 2013
The Advance of Liberal/Progressive Fascism
Big Brother in Action: EU Wants Power to Sack Journalists; Prime Minister Rajoy Threatens Newspapers Following Corruption Articles
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis, January 31, 2013: In case you have not already realized it, 1984 has come and gone
politically. All that remains is how fast we march down the path of
"thought suppression". Here are a couple of articles that will make my
The Telegraph reports EU wants power to sack journalists.
Read More
The Telegraph reports EU wants power to sack journalists.
A European Union report has urged tight press regulation and demanded that Brussels officials are given control of national media supervisors with new powers to enforce fines or the sacking of journalists.
The “high level” recommendations that will be used to draft future EU legislation also attack David Cameron for failing to automatically implement proposals by the Lord Justice Leveson inquiry for a state regulation of British press.
A "high level" EU panel, that includes Latvia’s former president and a former German justice minister, was ordered by Neelie Kroes, European Commission vice-president, last year to report on "media freedom and pluralism". It has concluded that it is time to introduce new rules to rein in the press.
“All EU countries should have independent media councils,” the report concluded.
“Media councils should have real enforcement powers, such as the imposition of fines, orders for printed or broadcast apologies, or removal of journalistic status.”
“The national media councils should follow a set of European-wide standards and be monitored by the Commission to ensure that they comply with European values,” the report said.
Nigel Farage, the leader of Ukip, compared the proposals to “Orwell's 1984”. “This is a flagrant attack on press freedom. To hear that unelected bureaucrats in Brussels want the fine and suspend journalists is just outrageous,” he said.
The Second Great Depression: Time to Mug Our Creditors
The US economy shrinks. The UK economy enters a third dip in four years. In Spain, government spending cuts drive unemployment to 26%.
The Western nations, including Japan, cannot compete, for the reason stated in this video:
We cannot compete with four trillion Third Worlders earning pennies an hour.
We knew that back in 1994, once the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was signed. It meant either mass unemployment, at a rate that would lead inevitably to revolution, or the equalization of incomes between the West and the Rest.
Welcome to globalization and the New World Order.
But if living standards are so much higher in the First World than the Third, how is equalization to be achieved?
There are two possibilities. One is simply to slash wages: "Hey guys, next month your pay check will be halved, but consider yourselves lucky. Chinese workers doing the same job will still be earning only a fifth or a tenth of what you'll be getting.
This, naturally, would be furiously resisted.
To make the transition more bearable, I have proposed a mechanism for adjusting wages nationally or regionally according to the unemployment rate.
But that's not the sort of thing governments do: rational, fair and effective. No, much easier just to trash the currency, which achieves three objectives at once:
The game's already afoot.
Japan, mired in recession for decades, plans to to flood it's moribund economy with money.
Bernanke at the Fed, has promised to print dollars ad lib.
In Euroland, loose monetary policy has seen the German, English and French stock markets rocket.
And, at the Bank of England, the newly hired top gun, Canadian Mark Carney, openly talks of "targeting GDP," which is banker-speak for, the hell with concern with inflation, we're gonna print our way out of trouble by trashing the pound, already trashed within an inch of it's life and worth less than 1% of its value of 100 years ago.
See also: CIA Adviser Warns of 'Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction'
The Western nations, including Japan, cannot compete, for the reason stated in this video:
We cannot compete with four trillion Third Worlders earning pennies an hour.
We knew that back in 1994, once the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade was signed. It meant either mass unemployment, at a rate that would lead inevitably to revolution, or the equalization of incomes between the West and the Rest.
Welcome to globalization and the New World Order.
But if living standards are so much higher in the First World than the Third, how is equalization to be achieved?
There are two possibilities. One is simply to slash wages: "Hey guys, next month your pay check will be halved, but consider yourselves lucky. Chinese workers doing the same job will still be earning only a fifth or a tenth of what you'll be getting.
This, naturally, would be furiously resisted.
To make the transition more bearable, I have proposed a mechanism for adjusting wages nationally or regionally according to the unemployment rate.
But that's not the sort of thing governments do: rational, fair and effective. No, much easier just to trash the currency, which achieves three objectives at once:
- First, it lowers wages relative to the international competition. Done sufficiently, it first slows, then stops and finally reverses the off-shoring of jobs.
- Second, it robs creditors, by enabling repayment of loans in depreciated currency, e.g., China's $Trillion-plus holding of US Treasuries.
- Third, increases wealth differentials between financially naive citizens, i.e., the 99%, and the astute wealthy, i.e., the 1%, who know how to protect their wealth during an inflation.
The game's already afoot.
Japan, mired in recession for decades, plans to to flood it's moribund economy with money.
Bernanke at the Fed, has promised to print dollars ad lib.
In Euroland, loose monetary policy has seen the German, English and French stock markets rocket.
And, at the Bank of England, the newly hired top gun, Canadian Mark Carney, openly talks of "targeting GDP," which is banker-speak for, the hell with concern with inflation, we're gonna print our way out of trouble by trashing the pound, already trashed within an inch of it's life and worth less than 1% of its value of 100 years ago.
See also: CIA Adviser Warns of 'Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction'
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Progress and Reaction
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Tower of the Winds, Athems. Image source |
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Votes for women. |
As we now know, both England and Russia were to suffer catastrophic setbacks. England, to lose her empire and role as the world's preeminent financial and military power, Russia to suffer the horrors of the Communist Revolution and a Soviet tyranny more murderous than that of any Tzar.
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Terror war drone. Image source |
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Muscular liberalism. Image source |
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Adam Lanza, Ryan Lanza? Curious Image of Unknown Origin
This image was found at the following URL:
If you go to the root directory:, you get a Google 404 Error page.
That the Lanza's had only one son has been asserted by a highly unreliable source. As evidence, a link is provided to this page, which however, provides evidence only of the fact that David and Nancy Lanza were divorced.
The images appear to be of the same person (see the small rectangular mole on the right cheek just in front of the ear, which is evident in both pictures (for a larger image follow the link above). But if they are pictures of the same person, possibly taken at an interval of several years, that does not preclude the possibility that that person had a brother!
But if the claim that Adam Lanza changed his name to Ryan Lanza is a hoax, what is the reason for such a shameless lie? To incite those pursuing the truth to propagate theories that will in due course be debunked? That would make sense. After 9/11, the perpetrators of any psyop would know that the evidence concerning the event will receive close critical scrutiny. Almost certainly, therefore, one objective of the operation would be to confuse, mislead and ultimately discredit skeptics.
And here's a broader and more convincing scenario from Undeleted Evidence, which includes a link to the Sandy Hook Rampage Movie.
And another interpretation here: Sandy Hook Theatre, by Melanie Lamport
Aangirfan has reproduced a certificate of the dissolution of marriage between Nancy, Jean and Peter, John Lanza, which is dated 12/9/2008, and which indicates that they had two sons, Ryan and Adam. So unless the certificate is a fake, we can dismiss the idea that Adam Lanza did not exist, an idea probably launched by someone intent on muddying the waters and discrediting "conspiracy nuts"gullible enough to believe gossip supported by nothing more than a photographic image of unknown provenance with a misleading caption.
December 2010 Newspaper reference indicating that Peter and Nancy Lanza had two sons: Adam and Ryan Lanza.
And concerning gun control:
MSM = Meaningless News Media
How television news creates the illusion of knowledge
By Jon Rappoport, January 27, 2013: In analyzing network coverage of the Sandy Hook murders, I had no intention of doing a series of articles on television news, but the opportunity to deconstruct the overall grand illusion was compelling.
A number of articles later, I want to discuss yet another sleight-of-hand trick. The myth of “coverage.”
It’s familiar to every viewer. Scott Pelley, in seamless fashion, might say, “Our top story tonight, the widening conflict in Syria. For the latest on the Assad government crackdown, our coverage begins with Clarissa Ward in Damascus…” .
Clarissa Ward has entered the country secretly, posing as a tourist. She carries a small camera. In interviews with rebels, she discovers that a) there is a conflict, b) people are being arrested c) there is a funeral for a person who was killed by government soldiers, d) defiance among the citizenry is growing.
In other words, she tells us almost nothing.
But CBS is imparting the impression that her report is important. After all, it’s not just anchor Scott Pelley in the studio. It’s a journalist in the field, up close and personal. It’s coverage.
Here are a few of the many things we don’t learn from either Pelley or Ward. Who is behind the rebellion in Syria? What is their real goal? What covert role is the US playing? Why are there al Qaeda personnel there?
But who cares? We have coverage. A key hole view. It’s wonderful. It’s exciting for two minutes. If we’re already brainwashed.
Read more
By Jon Rappoport, January 27, 2013: In analyzing network coverage of the Sandy Hook murders, I had no intention of doing a series of articles on television news, but the opportunity to deconstruct the overall grand illusion was compelling.
A number of articles later, I want to discuss yet another sleight-of-hand trick. The myth of “coverage.”
It’s familiar to every viewer. Scott Pelley, in seamless fashion, might say, “Our top story tonight, the widening conflict in Syria. For the latest on the Assad government crackdown, our coverage begins with Clarissa Ward in Damascus…” .
Clarissa Ward has entered the country secretly, posing as a tourist. She carries a small camera. In interviews with rebels, she discovers that a) there is a conflict, b) people are being arrested c) there is a funeral for a person who was killed by government soldiers, d) defiance among the citizenry is growing.
In other words, she tells us almost nothing.
But CBS is imparting the impression that her report is important. After all, it’s not just anchor Scott Pelley in the studio. It’s a journalist in the field, up close and personal. It’s coverage.
Here are a few of the many things we don’t learn from either Pelley or Ward. Who is behind the rebellion in Syria? What is their real goal? What covert role is the US playing? Why are there al Qaeda personnel there?
But who cares? We have coverage. A key hole view. It’s wonderful. It’s exciting for two minutes. If we’re already brainwashed.
Read more
Re: Sandy Hook: America needs a law against law-breakers
A contributor to the Daily Paul notes:
A person steals guns, (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW), shoots and kills his own mother (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW), transports these guns loaded (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW), brings guns onto school property (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW), breaks into the school (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW), discharges the weapons within city limits (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW), murders 26 people (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW), and commits suicide (WHICH IS AGAINST THE LAW).
And there are people in this country that somehow think passing ANOTHER LAW banning guns would protect us from someone like this.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Jesus, Tolstoy, Gandhi and Guns
You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment.Leo Tolstoy held that government, of its nature, is always corrupt and oppressive, using its power to tax, conscript, fine or otherwise punish to impel citizens to participate in actions totally at odds with the principles of decency and honor that the state claims to uphold.
... do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.
Matthew 5-7 (New International Version)
Tolstoy illustrated his argument by reference to the hypocrisy of the Russian state, headed by a supposedly Christian autocrat, deploying with the full support of the Christian Orthodox Church millions of men and untold wealth in the murderous pursuit of imperial aggrandizement.
But, Tolstoy argued, the evil of state tyranny can be defeated by the practical application of the Sermon on the Mount.
What importance, one might think, can one attach to such an incident as some dozens of crazy fellows, as people will call them, refusing to take the oath of allegiance to the government, refusing to pay taxes, to take part in law proceedings or in military service?And the power of the Russian state was undermined, if due less to the passive resistance of Tolstoyans than to the onslaught of the German Army. But its collapse did not "prepare the way for the freedom of men," it led rather to an even more absolute autocracy, headed by men who despised Christianity, held Tolstoy's ideas in contempt and proceeded readily to the slaughter of tens of millions of their own citizens.
These people are punished and exiled to a distance, and life goes on in its old way. One might think there was no importance in such incidents; but yet, it is just those incidents, more than anything else, that will undermine the power of the state and prepare the way for the freedom of men.
Which leads one to reflect on the beliefs of Mohandas Gandhi, whose nationalist campaign of non-violent opposition to British Imperial rule in India was directly inspired by Tolstoy's understanding of of Christianity. Unlike Tolstoy's Russian followers, who had little impact on Russia's Tzarist regime and were mostly shot or imprisoned by the Soviet state, the efforts of Gandhi and his followers culminated in the attainment of Indian independence under a popularly elected goverment, which raises two questions:
What was the difference between British India and Tsarist Russia that accounted for the vastly different results achieved in the two countries by those committed to non-violent opposition to an oppressive state? And what moral and practical lessons should one draw from this difference in outcome?
One difference, it would seem, is that Christian principles are more likely to prevail if exercised against oppression by those who are at least nominally Christian and who, however degraded their Christianity, at least understand the point being made by their opponents. And indeed, during the interwar years, as the British establishment formed the intention to quit India, the British were remarkably susceptible to moral arguments against war and imperialism, desperate as all political parties were to avoid a repetition of the carnage of World War 1. In contrast, the Russian revolution was led by psychopaths with an utter loathing of the old Russian regime and a ruthless determination to stamp out any opposition to their will.
That circumstances alter cases, and that moral suasion does not trump all evil was firmly believed by Gandhi, who was by no means unconditionally committed to pacifism. During the Boer War, Gandhi served the British forces in the only capacity that an Indian in South Africa could, as a member of an ambulance unit. And during the First World War Gandhi encouraged Indians to volunteer for military service, contending that by helping Britain, India would come to be seen as a powerful independent nation and an ally of England's rather than a subordinate entity.
Confirming that his adherence to Tolstoy's Christian ideals was purely tactical, Gandhi wrote:
I do believe that, where there is only a choice between cowardice and violence, I would advise violence... I would rather have India resort to arms in order to defend her honour than that she should, in a cowardly manner, become or remain a helpless witness to her own dishonor.Which leaves one to wonder how Jesus and Tolstoy would have viewed the events of the Twentieth Century, for the correct understanding of the Sermon on the Mount is not altogether clear. To say "anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment" is by no means the same as saying "anyone who is angry with a Joseph Stalin, an Idi Amin or some other monster, will be subject to judgment."
To show forbearance and love to ones brothers and sisters, or to members of ones community or tribe, must often if not always be the best policy since the kindness and generosity will surely be remembered and at some time reciprocated. But forbearance and love of a homicidal psychopath intent on one's destruction seems not only different but, well, crazy.
Jesus it is true, went to his death deliberately, calmly and with forgiveness of those who had condemned him, which was entirely consistent with his teaching. Yet did he do so under a misapprehension? That is one interpretation of those heart-breaking words, cried in a loud voice in the agony of crucifixion: "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"
As for Tolstoy, who served valiantly with the Russian army during the Crimean war, who loved hunting, and who was both irascible and impulsive, it is hard to believe that faced with the monstrosity of the Soviet tyranny and Lenin's ten thousand leather-jacketed Cheka intent on the extermination of all opposition he would not have contemplated resistance with an assault rifle.
To some, these speculations may seem sadly misguided, in which case I would be glad to know what they think.
Sandy Hook: No private investigators welcome
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Sign at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, CT. Source. |
Continue reading
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Sandy Hook: The Gun Range Myth and other media-created fantasies
Joyce Riley of the Power Hour, interviews Mike Powers, on multiple improbabilities and impossibilities concerning the mainstream media coverage of Sandy Hook. For example:
How was it that Adam Lanza used his mother's Connecticut-registered assault rifle to murder 26 people when the state of Connecticut has an assault rifle ban?
Why was it that the much interviewed Gene Rosen who claims to have sheltered six children who escaped the massacre heard the sound of gunfire from Sandy Hook Elementary school yet neglected to notify the police or anyone else?
The interview, via Brasscheck TV.
And from A Connecticut police officer: On things that don't add up
Joyce Riley interview with former US special forces commando Mike Powers: Adam Lanza must have carried his own body weight in weapons and ammunition
WillyLowman (January 28, 2013): Sandy Hook Shooting: Hocus… pocus… and PRESTO!… A motive!!!
How was it that Adam Lanza used his mother's Connecticut-registered assault rifle to murder 26 people when the state of Connecticut has an assault rifle ban?
Why was it that the much interviewed Gene Rosen who claims to have sheltered six children who escaped the massacre heard the sound of gunfire from Sandy Hook Elementary school yet neglected to notify the police or anyone else?
The interview, via Brasscheck TV.
And from A Connecticut police officer: On things that don't add up
Joyce Riley interview with former US special forces commando Mike Powers: Adam Lanza must have carried his own body weight in weapons and ammunition
WillyLowman (January 28, 2013): Sandy Hook Shooting: Hocus… pocus… and PRESTO!… A motive!!!
Saturday, January 26, 2013
The Sermon on the Mount As Practical Politics
In the context of the US gun control debate, I posted an excerpt from Leo Tolstoy's 1894 work, The Kingdom of God Is Within You, which makes the case that state power always tends toward tyranny, thus raising the question of how the citizen should respond to the commands of the tyrannical state: by submission, passive resistance or with an assault rifle? Here Tolstoy makes the case for passive resistance. By refusing the immoral and unChristian demands of the state, the citizen undermines the power of the state far more effectively, so Tolstoy argued, than the revolutionary intent on the resort to violence. With hindsight, we see that things are not so simple. We see, on the one hand, that the Tsarist state, though cruel and reactionary was remarkably restrained in the application of violence against those, like Tolstoy, who opposed it non-violently. On the other hand, we see that the Communist state, whose professed socialist ideals Tolstoy embraced, was utterly ruthless in dispatching tens of millions of its opponents either to the gulag or with a bullet. |
By Leo Tolstoy
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She who has no name: Holodomor Memorial, Kiev. Image. |
And therefore in our days every profession of true Christianity, by any individual man, strikes at the most essential power of the state, and inevitably leads the way for the emancipation of all.
What importance, one might think, can one attach to such an incident as some dozens of crazy fellows, as people will call them, refusing to take the oath of allegiance to the government, refusing to pay taxes, to take part in law proceedings or in military service?
These people are punished and exiled to a distance, and life goes on in its old way. One might think there was no importance in such incidents; but yet, it is just those incidents, more than anything else, that will undermine the power of the state and prepare the way for the freedom of men. These are the individual bees, who are beginning to separate from the swarm, and are flying near it, waiting till the whole swarm can no longer be prevented from starting off after them. And the governments know this, and fear such incidents more than all the socialists, communists, and anarchists, and their plots and dynamite bombs.
A new reign is beginning. According to the universal rule and established order it is required that all the subjects should take the oath of allegiance to the new government. There is a general decree to that effect, and all are summoned to the council-houses to take the oath. All at once one man in Perm, another in Tula, a third in Moscow, and a fourth in Kalouga declare that they will not take the oath, and though there is no communication between them, they all explain their refusal on the same grounds—namely, that swearing is forbidden by the law of Christ, and that even if swearing had not been forbidden, they could not, in the spirit of the law of Christ, promise to perform the evil actions required of them in the oath, such as informing against all such as may act against the interests of the government, or defending their government with firearms or attacking its enemies. They are brought before rural police officers, district police captains, priests, and governors. They are admonished, questioned, threatened, and punished; but they adhere to their resolution, and do not take the oath. And among the millions of those who did take the oath, those dozens go on living who did not take the oath. And they are questioned:
Friday, January 25, 2013
Conspiracy Theory Isn't Just For Nuts
Professor James Tracy of Florida Atlantic University has had the temerity to say, contrary to the narrative provided by the mainstream media, that there were many peculiar facts concerning the Sandy Hook elementary School massacre, which raise the possibility that the tragedy was a state engineered crime to justify gun control measures in contravention of the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution.
In reaction, mainstream media bullies and idiots hysterically demanded the professor be "axed" by Florida Atlantic University, not because he had said anything false or unreasonable, but because he dared to remark on the incompetence of the mainstream media, an incompetence suggesting possible collusion in a government charade aimed at deceiving and disarming the American people.
The good news is, first, that Professor Tracy retains, at least for now, his post at Atlantic Florida University; second that Professor Tracy has stuck to his guns and continues to review to the evidence of what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary on December 14, 2012; and third, that one of Professor Tracy's colleagues, Kurtis Hagen, Chair of the Department of Philosophy, State University of New York, Plattsburgh, has had the courage to explain for the benefit of the many who apparently do not realize it, that Professor Tracy's line of inquiry concerning Sandy Hook is both an aspect of his responsibility as a professor of journalism studies, and a service to society courageously undertaken.
In the end, Professor Tracy's inquiry into Sandy Hook may prove inconclusive, and even if good reasons emerge to believe that his thesis is correct, we can be certain that the government of the United States will not turn upon itself, investigate itself thoroughly and punish itself appropriately.
Independent inquiry into the events at Sandy Hook nevertheless serve several useful purposes. They help to inform the public of the remarkable incompetence and dishonesty of America's great media organizations. They may encourage a degree of caution, decency even, on the part of those who rule when contemplating means to manipulate and control the ruled. And they may encourage citizens to scrutinize more carefully the merit of government claims for ever more imperious control over citizens' speech, communications, finances, travel and right of self-defence.
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Image source. |
The good news is, first, that Professor Tracy retains, at least for now, his post at Atlantic Florida University; second that Professor Tracy has stuck to his guns and continues to review to the evidence of what happened at Sandy Hook Elementary on December 14, 2012; and third, that one of Professor Tracy's colleagues, Kurtis Hagen, Chair of the Department of Philosophy, State University of New York, Plattsburgh, has had the courage to explain for the benefit of the many who apparently do not realize it, that Professor Tracy's line of inquiry concerning Sandy Hook is both an aspect of his responsibility as a professor of journalism studies, and a service to society courageously undertaken.
In the end, Professor Tracy's inquiry into Sandy Hook may prove inconclusive, and even if good reasons emerge to believe that his thesis is correct, we can be certain that the government of the United States will not turn upon itself, investigate itself thoroughly and punish itself appropriately.
Independent inquiry into the events at Sandy Hook nevertheless serve several useful purposes. They help to inform the public of the remarkable incompetence and dishonesty of America's great media organizations. They may encourage a degree of caution, decency even, on the part of those who rule when contemplating means to manipulate and control the ruled. And they may encourage citizens to scrutinize more carefully the merit of government claims for ever more imperious control over citizens' speech, communications, finances, travel and right of self-defence.
Leo Tolstoy on Government and Gun Control
The title for this piece is misleading inasmuch as, In the following paragraphs, Tolstoy does not address the Second Amendment to the US Constitution or the right of citizens to bear arms. What he does assert most forcefully, however, is the tyrannical tendency of all governments. Accepting that contention, whether it is best to respond to tyranny with an assault rifle or, as Tolstoy came to believe, by turning the other cheek, is a matter that readers must decide for themselves. |
By Leo Tolstoy
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Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) By Ivan Kramskoy. Source. |
But however power has been gained, those who possess it are in no way different from other men, and therefore no more disposed than others to subordinate their own interests to those of the society. On the contrary, having the power to do so at their disposal, they are more disposed than others to subordinate the public interests to their own. Whatever means men have devised for preventing those in authority from over-riding public interests for their own benefit, or for intrusting power only to the most faultless people, they have not so far succeeded in either of those aims.
All the methods of appointing authorities that have been tried, divine right, and election, and heredity, and balloting, and assemblies and parliaments and senate—have all proved ineffectual. Everyone knows that not one of these methods attains the aim either of intrusting power only to the incorruptible, or of preventing power from being abused. Everyone knows on the contrary that men in authority—be they emperors, ministers, governors, or police officers—are always, simply from the possession of power, more liable to be demoralized, that is, to subordinate public interests to their personal aims than those who have not the power to do so. Indeed, it could not be otherwise.
The state conception of life could be justified only so long as all men voluntarily sacrificed their personal interests to the public welfare. But so soon as there were individuals who would not voluntarily sacrifice their own interests, and authority, that is, violence, was needed to restrain them, then the disintegrating principle of the coercion of one set of people by another set entered into the social conception of the organization based on it.
For the authority of one set of men over another to attain its object of restraining those who override public interests for their personal ends, power ought only to be put into the hands of the impeccable, as it is supposed to be among the Chinese, and as it was supposed to be in the Middle Ages, and is even now supposed to be by those who believe in the consecration by anointing. Only under those conditions could the social organization be justified.
But since this is not the case, and on the contrary men in power are always far from being saints, through the very fact of their possession of power, the social organization based on power has no justification.
Even if there was once a time when, owing to the low standard of morals, and the disposition of men to violence, the existence of an authority to restrain such violence was an advantage, because the violence of government was less than the violence of individuals, one cannot but see that this advantage could not be lasting. As the disposition of individuals to violence diminished, and as the habits of the people became more civilized, and as power grew more demoralized through lack of restraint, this advantage disappeared.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
One of the Many Reasons Barak Obama Doesn't Need to Carry a Gun
Cadillac One, The Presidential limousine

Weight: 6.35 tons.
Amour plated with steel, aluminum, titanium and ceramic.
Five-inch thick glass.
Hermetically sealed to secure it from chemical attack and provided with its own oxygen supply.
The armour plated doors are eight-inches thicks.
The underside is reinforced with a Kevlar mat to protect Caddy One from bomb attacks.
The fuel tank is leak proof and filled with special foam that prevents it from exploding, even in a direct hit.
There are holes in the front bumper that can emit tear gas and fire smoke grenades.
There is an infrared video system for the driver to drive through smoke and night vision cameras for driving in darkness without lights.
There is a firefighting system located in the trunk together with a supply of the president’s blood. An ambulance follows close behind.
Defense systems include a pump-action shotgun in a compartment beside the driver.
The tires are reinforced with Kevlar and can run when flat. If the tires are missing, the steel rims have been designed to allow the car to keep on driving at speed.
Powerful people are different from you and me. They have more security.
Weight: 6.35 tons.
Amour plated with steel, aluminum, titanium and ceramic.
Five-inch thick glass.
Hermetically sealed to secure it from chemical attack and provided with its own oxygen supply.
The armour plated doors are eight-inches thicks.
The underside is reinforced with a Kevlar mat to protect Caddy One from bomb attacks.
The fuel tank is leak proof and filled with special foam that prevents it from exploding, even in a direct hit.
There are holes in the front bumper that can emit tear gas and fire smoke grenades.
There is an infrared video system for the driver to drive through smoke and night vision cameras for driving in darkness without lights.
There is a firefighting system located in the trunk together with a supply of the president’s blood. An ambulance follows close behind.
Defense systems include a pump-action shotgun in a compartment beside the driver.
The tires are reinforced with Kevlar and can run when flat. If the tires are missing, the steel rims have been designed to allow the car to keep on driving at speed.
Powerful people are different from you and me. They have more security.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Check the Date on this Social Security Death Index Entry for Adam Lanza, Alleged Sandy Hook School Shooter
The above image is from Before It's News: Sandy Hook Shooter, Adam Lanza, Died One Day Before School Massacre? via GeneologyBank. The story, by Sheppard Ambellas, was first published by
Is the above a genuine reproduction of the record of Adam Lanza's death? If so, it implies either that the US police/security services state is at the point of implosion, or that in place of charades to gul the masses the US will increasingly rely on a "shut up or we'll kill ya," form of tyranny.
Story via the MemoryHole Blog (see story comments).
For more about that black Honda see: CT Police Captain Mark Kordick to Radioman911
Monday, January 21, 2013
Aangirfan: Algeria attack — inside job?
Attack 'mastermind' Mokhtar Belmokhtar, who worked for the CIA in Afghanistan.
Was the January 2013 Algerian hostage crisis an 'inside job', designed to get more NATO troops into Africa, to control the mineral wealth?
(BP has very close connections to MI6)
2. Witnesses have described one terrorist as speaking with a 'perfect English accent'.
3. A report in Norway's Aftenposten said one of the attackers was tall and white with blue or green eyes.
Dailymail - Algeria-Al-Qaeda-terrorists-working-BP
4. Professor Jeremy Keenan of the School of Oriental And African Studies told The Huffington Post UK that Mokhtar Belmokhtar has very close links to the secret intelligence services.
1. Some of the so-called Al Qaeda terrorists 'were working for BP'.
2. Witnesses have described one terrorist as speaking with a 'perfect English accent'.
3. A report in Norway's Aftenposten said one of the attackers was tall and white with blue or green eyes.
Dailymail - Algeria-Al-Qaeda-terrorists-working-BP
4. Professor Jeremy Keenan of the School of Oriental And African Studies told The Huffington Post UK that Mokhtar Belmokhtar has very close links to the secret intelligence services.
See also: Blonde haired, blue-eyed American and Canadian 'terrorists' led international 'al Qaeda' brigade in siege on BP gas plant in Algeria
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Idle No More: Canada's Restless Natives
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Idle No More protesters, Huron Church Road, Windsor, Ont., Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013. Image source. |
Yet it could have been worse. Genocide is as old as man. Tribes and nations that failed to match the weapons and scale of organization of their imperialist neighbors, have always been in mortal peril. Yet Canada's settler state was constrained to grant Indians certain rights as enshrined in treaties signed by the Great White Queen, Victoria. Moreover, these rights are still acknowledged, even if their exact meanings remain in a seemingly endless dispute and their practical application is delayed for generations.
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Cree child, Attawapiskat, James Bay, Ontario. Image |
Protest, however, is insufficient to achieve action. Indians must present clear and workable proposals to achieve their objectives. The demand for Indian sovereignty is simplistic and unworkable. The Governments of Canada and the provinces will never negotiate the creation of 600 sovereign Indian states within the borders of Canada. And even if a deal were negotiable it would be a charade for sovereignty is meaningful only insofar as it is enforceable, and Indian nations with an average population of only two or three thousand would be hard put to gain the upper hand in a dispute with a middle-sized municipal government let alone a Province, the Federal Government of Canada, or a foreign state.
Thus the only possibility for Indian self-government is through the formation of an Indian federation that speaks with one voice, and which demands inclusion within the Canadian Confederation with powers comparable to, though not necessarily identical with, those of a provincial government. United under such a government, Indians would have the financial and other resources necessary to push forward with land claims negotiations, the completion of which would provide Indians with the expanded resources necessary as a basis both for economic development and for the protection of the Indian cultural heritage.
Canadians and Indians alike, should hope that Shawn Atleo, Leader of the Assembly of First Nations, and Stephen Harper are able to devise the governmental machinery that will provide Indians with prosperous self-governing future. The adoption of such a plan will be opposed by some within the Indian community, particularly some among the hereditary chiefs and elders who have enjoyed the greatest benefits under the existing system of Indian administration. But the more enlightened chiefs and elders will surely recognize that their future role in Indian society depends on adaptation. As the constitutional monarchy still serves a useful role in the government of Canada, Britain and many other nations, so the hereditary factor in Indian affairs can surely serve in a new way under a reformed representative form of Indian government.
See also
Nine questions about Idle No More
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