Thursday, September 17, 2015

How the WTC Towers Were Prepped for Demolition?

A large group of artists were given space and construction access to the World Trade Center in the four years leading up to 9/11.

E-Team (Hajoe Moderegger,
Franziska Lamprecht, Dan Seiple)
127 Illuminated Windows
March 2001
I want to call your attention to the artist groups (E-TEAM and GELATIN) who were selected to be part of the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council (LMCC) World Views / Studioscape (slow link) programs that allowed them and other artists to work and live in the WTC in the four years leading up to 9/11 on different floors, including 91 and 92 of the North Tower. Additionally, they were given seven day a week construction access to the WTC that allowed them to freely move all sorts of materials in and out of the complex. (Note: When you give young artists access to a building and work-live space, they’re going figure out everything they can and can’t get away with in there. I’ve lived in several wild artist buildings and from my experience, once they’re in, they can get anywhere they want...especially with climbing gear & harnesses...see photos below. LMCC and WTC management would know that before approving such a program. For artists to be able to take out windows on the 91st floor and install a makeshift “balcony” (see the NYTimes, August 2001) protruding out of the building should give you some real insight into just how lax WTC security was at that time and how dangerous the LMCC program was. Sounds to me like the WTC was conveniently out of control in the years leading up to 9/11 and that security there was a complete joke as far as these artists and all their friends were concerned...see photos below.)

As you may know, audacity, arrogance and a love of esotericism (“it’s a great piece of just don’t get it”) are common features of the art world, especially among privileged and highly connected, younger artists. Therefore, I think it is plausible that the E-Team might also stand for Explosives Team (amongst themselves, their handlers and sponsors) and that Gelatin’s The B-Thing may also be, not so secretly, referring to explosives (see blasting gelatin & note that Gelatin became Gelitin in ’05...wonder why?). Keep in mind that we gave these foreign groups WTC construction access and allowed them to live directly in the strike zone through the LMCC World Views and Studioscape programs. They would probably look upon most of Americans as complete idiots and that their work was highly sanctioned by the people in charge. And as incredible as it might sound, I think it is very possible that the “team” (that included many others) may have advertised itself in a major way to their special audience under the cover of “art”, right on the WTC strike zone just before 9/11 (see 127 Illuminated Windows).

Read more


U-Tube: 9/11 Mossad Agents were in the twin towers

Clueless Liberals Confronted By the Reality of Self-Genocide by Mass Immigration

John Cleese [0:07] “I am not sure what is going on in Britain”… 

You’re losing your country, that’s what’s going on in Britain, you dolt.

Source: Deep Resource


Paul Weston: Immigration, Altruism and National Suicide

WUFS: Baltic states resist suicide by mass immigration: the racist bastards

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Is It Right to Be Racist?

Is it right to be racist? The answer depends on what you mean by "Right" and what you mean by "Racist", which in turn depends on what you mean by "Race." Here, I'll sort out these terms first and then examine the logic and morality of "Racism."

Human diversity is the result of populuations having lived for dozens, hundreds or thousands of generations in more or less genetic isolation during which time they have diverged from other groups as the result of selection, random genetic drift, and mutation to create the fascinating variety of human form, physiognomy and physiology, the photographic representation of which, in the pages of the National Geographic, undoubtedly accounts for the enduring popularity of that publication.

Thus human populations having little or no gene exchange with other populations become differentiated from one another and thus constitute distinct races. The races of mankind cannot be defined by some single marker such as skin color. Rather, races differ in gene pool composition, the differences reflecting not only the presence or absence of particular genes, but also the frequency of occurrence of genes common to most or all other populations. The races of mankind thus differ from one another in many ways, often subtle, the significance of which is generally impossible to assess, although many such differences must serve, or have served, to promote the survival of the groups concerned under the particular circumstances of their past or present existence.

Thus, rather than being divided into clear-cut and discretely separated racial blocks, human populations are related to one another as the branches of a family tree, but with many cross connections as groups have split, or in some instances merged or at least shared genes, as the result of migrations and conquests.

Within groups of any size, interbreeding though potentially free, is impeded by barriers of class, caste, or geography. Thus within any large racial group, there exist sub-groups that may be further divided down to the level of tribe, clan and extended family.

Despite the fuzziness of racial distinctions, the populations of the different regions and nations of the Earth are mostly distinct from one another. In some cases, relatively homogeneous population may be spread among several nations. Conversely, political boundaries have often been established without consideration of race, with the result that many states incorporate members of more than one racial group. Moreover, the recently established settler nations, the US, Canada, and Australia among others, are highly racially heterogeneous, possessing citizens of almost every major racial category on Earth. In time, populations of mixed-race countries will tend to coalesce to form a new race. Although initially these mongrel races will have an unusually heterogeneous genetic composition, in time that heterogeneity will be whittled down through various selective processes.

We can say, therefore, yes, contrary to the PC propaganda, the racial differences that everyone is conscious of, the difference between a Chinese and a Frenchman, a Russian and a Zulu, an Australian aboriginal and an Innuit are all real genetically based racial differences. Furthermore, less deeply differentiated sub-racial groups exist among those larger racial groups. The Scots, collectively, are undoubtedly different from the English, but they are closer to the English, the Welsh and the Irish than they are to say, the Germans, Bulgarians or Turks.

So what then is a "Racist." To a PC propagandist, it is racist even to assert the reality of race, which means that in large part, "Racist" is simply a stupid term of abuse. But to the PC propagandist, a racist is also a person who opposes the destruction of racial and cultural identities through mass movements of people and multiculturalism. And since some of the largest mass migrations of the present day are from the Third World to the European nations, which currently are severely reproductive dysfunctional, such movements are essentially genocidal, since the highly fertile Third Worlders will on present trends become, within a generation or two, the majority and dominant group within the country to which they have moved, as has happened already in many of the great European urban centers, including London and Paris.

Thus, according to the PC propagandists, a racist is a person who opposes racial and cultural genocide. Let me say that again, to a PC propagandist, a racist is a person opposed to genocide of their own people.

So is it wrong to oppose the genocide of one's own people? To pose the question is surely to answer it. Fighting for the survival of one's own has to be a fundamental human right. But what then of those who seek to promote genocide against the European or any other peoples? They recognize the existence of racial and cultural diversity within the human species and seek to destroy it through the process of miscegenation, thus eliminating entire peoples and civilizations. The implication is clear, since the liberal left define racism as opposition to the destruction of one's own people, racism is must be morally right.

But racism, as defined by the PC advocates of genocide, is not of course to be confused with the old-fashioned understanding of the term, which refers to a belief in the superiority of one race over another. Since human races clearly differ, they could be ranked in one way or another. West Africans, for example, produce the fastest runners, whereas Sherpas, the Innuit, and Australian aboriginals possess physiological or neurological characteristics that make them better adapted than others to their own particular environments. However, the notion of the general superiority of one race over another, though it may be widely believed, is meaningless, for you cannot devise a ranking of human groups on multiple diverse scales, of skin color, proportion of fast muscle, IQ, height, tolerance to heat, cold, low oxygen or whatever. Belief in the odious notion of general superiority of one race over another, is of course deliberately conflated by liberals and leftists to smear those who uphold there perfectly legitimate right to self-preservation.


CanSpeccy: In Praise of Diversity

Renegade Tribune: No Shame: The Reality of White Racism

The Coming Great Inflation and Asset Price Collapse

No one knows the future, yet people spend much of their time trying to predict it. In their everyday lives, the predictions that people make usually prove correct, which explains why it is profitable to have a brain. However, when the same mental machinery is put to work on problems more remote both from everyday experience and from the present time, reliability of prediction tends rapidly toward zero. This is true not only of predictions made by ordinary folk with only the most superficial knowledge of, say, climate change, economics, or politics, but of the professional prognosticators, whose credibility, such as it is, remains intact only because they dress up their predictions in all kinds of highfalutin verbiage or mathematical mumbo-jumbo.

But while it is pretty safe to say that all predictions about climate, the economy, or the organization of global power 100 years hence are almost certainly wrong except by mere chance, it may nevertheless be useful to examine propositions in the form: all other things being equal, if x,  then y or z, or a or b.

At least such statements acknowledge that a multiplicity of other factors have been ignored, and that they therefore assert nothing definite about the future. An advantage of this approach is that it makes for civilized debate: no need to call someone a denier or an alarmist if they acknowledge at the outset the extent of their ignorance about future climate. Moreover, it encourages one to look for variables that remain unmeasured, or not thought of, and to remember that there still remain blind chance, the unknowable, and the possibility of divine intervention.

It is on this very modest basis that I predict the Coming Great Inflation and Asset Price Collapse. My "if x," is this: if Donald Trump or another person elected the next President of the United States implements what I earlier called Trumponomics. I make the election of Donald Trump or another person as well as the implementation of Trumponomics conditional, as a reminder of the uncertainty of every aspect of the future and, in particular, as a reminder that before November 8, 2016 all life on earth may be extinguished by an unanticipated meteor impact, a supernova explosion in the vicinity of the Sun, all out nuclear war, or simply because  Barack Obama declares himself President-For-Life.

So, to reiterate, here is the program I called Trumponomics:

(A) Corporation Tax and Business Investment: An end to, or a radical cut in, the corporation tax, profits to be taxed as dividends in the hands of shareholders. This, combined with other measures, particularly item (C) below, will induce billions in new investment in America factories, research laboratories, and design studios, much of the new investment resulting from repatriation of profits of American-based international corporations.

(B) Income Tax: Radical cuts to income tax at the lower end of the income scale, with modest increases in taxation at the upper end of the income scale, thereby increasing consumer spending and thus demand for goods and services that generate employment in America.

(C) Jobs: An across-the-board tariff on all imports, including software, design and other services, oil and other resources, thus, in combination with (A), inducing a domestic investment frenzy in manufacturing, oil, mining, R and D, software development, and design.

(D)  Energy and Environment: (1) Promote energy conservation and carbon emissions reductions with a carbon tax plus a countervailing duty (in addition to the general import tax) on manufactured goods from countries without a carbon tax; (2) Open up both off- and on-shore areas for oil and gas extraction making the US a permanently low-energy-cost manufacturing location; (3) Invest billions in energy tech research: thorium reactors; zero emission coal power; etc.

(E) Education: Cut the PC crap and restore control to state and local authorities.

The outcome? Fed Funds rate at 5% plus, inflation at 5% plus, unemployment down from 16% (U6) to under 5%, US GDP growth rate 10%; US literacy sharply rising; US GDP to double by 2024.

The return of significant inflation and sharply higher interests rates will collapse bond values, house prices and shares of companies like Amazon and Tesla that have silly Price/Earnings ratios. Not all shares will be badly hit, however. WallMart, for example, will likely adapt easily from being the most efficient vendor of cheap Chinese stuff, to being the most efficient vendor of somewhat less cheap (because of higher labor costs) American stuff. MacDonalds, StarBucks and hundreds of other large American corporations and tens of thousands of small American corporations will boom because of the revival in American prosperity and hence American consumer spending. 

And an American economic renaissance will not happen in isolation. All Western nations, if they want to trade freely with the United States will have to bring their economic arrangements in line with those in the US. In particular, they will have to play by the same rules on importation of cheap Third-World labor and products from Asian sweat shops.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Canadian Election: A Dull Droning Sound Across the Frozen North

It's hard to pay attention to a Canadian general election while, simultaneously, Europe submits to an Islamic invasion with the full backing of its ZioNazi, New-World-Ordure masters, Merkel, Cameroon, Tusk, etc.; the UK Labour Party exchanges one ugly but quite likable, left-wing Jewish leader, Ed Milliband, for an even uglier and much less likeable, ultra left-wing, Jewish leader, Jeremy Corbyn; Donald Trump makes a mockery of the astonishingly uncharismatic representatives of oil, Israel, big pharma, Lockheed Martin, the incarceration, gaming, porn and movie industries, Wall Street and the big banks, who are contending for the Republican Party Presidential nomination; and Hillary Clinton, the leading Democratic contender for the position of the most powerful man in the world, undergoes a slow-mo, Fukushima-style melt-down.

Still a Canadian election must mean something, so here's out assessment of the options. Stephen Harper, who calls any critic of Israel an anti-Semite, thereby making anti-Semite a term of honor, and who wants Canadian forces sent to fight and die in any war for American empire and Israel, is running for a third term as prime minister, after botching his first two.

Specifically, Harper botched his main task, to ensure the construction of pipelines to carry tar sands oil to coastal terminals by disregarding First Nations land title, now confirmed by the Supreme Court of Canada, and by gutting environmental legislation, thereby arousing near universal public opposition to all pipelines anywhere. In addition, Harper's Borg-like, control-freak personality is finally apparent to all and sundry and, as a result of the trial of former Conservative Party shill, Senator Mike Duffy, it is also now evident that not only Harper's aids, but almost certainly Harper himself, have lied relentlessly to cover up a petty scandal that might have disturbed one or two of the dimmer members of the Tory party voting "base." And then the Canadian economy, under Harper's astute leadership, fell into recession just as the election was called.

Realistically, therefore, the alternatives for Canadians, are the likable and fairly dim-witted Justin Trudeau, who seems to sensibly take advice from the real politicians in the Liberal Party back rooms, and the high IQ, Thomas Mulcair, a seedy-looking, bearded ex-liberal who recently sought employment as an aid to Stephen Harper, but who opted instead to lead the supposedly left-wing New Democratic Party of Canada.

By way of policy, Mulcair's big deal is to create a million fifteen-dollar-a-day daycare places for the children of working mothers, a program that would require a gigantic bureaucracy to administer effectively and would cost at least a billion a month indefinitely. The idea is to help poor working mothers. But what about poor unworking mothers who stay home and look after their own children instead of getting someone else to do it for them, while someone else again pays for it. Well screw them, obviously.

Trudeau's idea for pissing away public money is rather more benign, consisting in a plan for a three-year, ten-billion-dollar-a-year infrastructure program to kickstart the recession-bound Canadian economy. As someone described a similar Liberal Party scheme of an earlier time, it is like trying to start the engines of Boeing 747 with a couple of flashlight batteries. But the feebleness of the scheme is in fact part of its attraction: the cost, which has been fixed in advance is, in the scope of a two trillion dollar economy, quite limited. Ideally, the money would be allocated to the municipalities across the nation on a per capita basis. That way, at least a few pot holes would be filled. More likely though, the cash will be unevenly distributed according to political considerations and will mainly reach the pockets of Liberal-friendly contractors for the construction of unnecessary sports stadiums and the like. Still, it will require little bureaucracy to administer and it has a best-by date.

On policy, therefore, Trudeau looks the better bet.

But to be fair, we should mention the Green Party. Their big thing is a carbon tax, which is not a bad idea. At least it might end the tiresome debate on what to do about fossil fuels and climate change, since a carbon tax minimizes carbon emissions in the most economically efficient way.

Unfortunately, the Greens spoiled their plan by saying that they would distribute revenue raised by the carbon tax among the poor, which is inane. If you want to help the poor with taxpayer's money, OK, but do it out of general revenue on a scale that is judged appropriate, don't link it to some particular source of revenue which may or may not be of the appropriate amount.

A carbon tax should go into general revenue and be made revenue neutral by a commensurate reduction in other taxes, consistent with the principle of taxing what we don't want while reducing or eliminating taxes on what we do want: income, for example.

One Reasonable German Citizen's View of the God Forsaken, Impudent, Shitty, State Serving, Media Lying About the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Trump Avows Faith in the Holy Ghost, Oswald the Lone Assassin, and Jet Fuel Fires Collapsed the WTC Towers

The Legitimacy of most institutions and all states is based on lies or myths. Thus if an aspirant to the Papacy asserts belief in God we know he is merely affirming loyalty to the institution, whereas if he denies the existence of God, we know he really means it.

Likewise, in America, aspirants to the Presidency must  affirm belief in God, Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone assassin of JFK, and jet fuel fires as the cause of the collapse of the Twin Towers. Those who say otherwise are not serious contenders for power.

Donald Trump, this week, made his pledge of allegiance to all three pillars of American state legitimacy.

Responding to rival Republican presidential contender Ben Carson, who questioned Trump's Faith, Trump asserted "I am a man of faith" and "I'm a believer, big league, in God and the Bible."

So, OK, Trump's made the pledge on the virgin birth, the Holy Ghost and the Risen Christ.

Now onto the Kennedy assassination. In an interview with Bloomberg hosts Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, Trump was asked:
Do you believe that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. 
To which he responded:
I believe he acted alone, yes.
Never mind that Oswald denied having anything to do with the killing. Never mind that Oswald was never charged with, let alone tried for, the killing. Never mind that Oswald was murdered while in police custody. Never mind that Lyndon Baines Johnson and the CIA had much better reason than Lee Harvey Oswald for wanting Kennedy dead. Never mind that Earl Warren, US Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who presided over the inquiry into the Kennedy assassination, stated that:
We may not know the whole story in our lifetime.
And finally, the WTC Towers. Asked by a 9/11 Truther:
As a builder of many skyscrapers, you know they're built to be strong. Many people have questions about how those towers came down.
Trump responded with a question to reporters in the room, "Is this guy some kind of conspiracy guy?"

But it is only natural that Trump defends the official conspiracy theory about 9/11 — you know, the one about 19 hijackers with box cutters who did aerobatics with airliners though they weren't fit to fly a Cessna two-seater — because Trump was among the first to outline the official story. On 9/11, 2001, Trump was at ground zero where he gave an interview to a German TV reporter during which he spelled out what became the official explanation for the fall of the Twin Towers (and Building 7, which was not hit by an airliner):
...the tremendous amounts of fuel that was dumped on the building and... sixteen hundred degrees temperature. I guess that's more than than anything could take...
Which is exactly what the NIST report concluded four years later.

And the bit about 1600 degrees was a very effective piece of misdirection, deliberate or otherwise, since to a German audience 1600 degrees would mean 1600 degrees Celcius, just above the melting point of steel, which is 1492 degrees Celcius.

But jet fuel fires burn only as hot as 1600 degrees Farenheit, Farenheit being the American scale of temperature measurement. Thus, Trump's 1600 degrees equates to less than 800 degrees Celcius, well below the melting point of steel.

So on all the essential articles of faith that make a loyal servant of the American Empire, Trump is absolutely sound. And he objects to the Iran nuclear deal, because it jeopardizes, not America, but Israel. Yeah, this guy is absolutely sound. In fact he is the ultimate establishment anti-establishment candidate.


James Corbett: 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory

Canspeccy: State Crimes Against Democracy

CanSpeccy: JFK Assassination: The 50th Anniversary

Monday, September 7, 2015

The Obama Project: The Destruction of the West

We have long maintained that the object of Anglo-US policy is the destruction of the nation state and a transition to "global governance" by the UN, NATO, the WTO, and other remote bureaucracies subject to plutocratic control through after-office payoffs to officials, plus to be going on with, cash in brown envelopes, girls on demand,  and blackmail, the primary targets being the most powerful states, namely, the US, the European States, Russia, and China. We now have endorsement of the idea, not only from the loony conspiracy theorists of the blogsphere, but leading American political figures.

Dr. Ben Carson, who is running second to Donald Trump in the race for the Republican Party`s Presidential nomination, recently commented:
Let's say somebody were in the White House and they wanted to destroy this nation, [they] would create division among the people, encourage a culture of ridicule for basic morality and the principles that made and sustained the country, undermine the financial stability of the nation, and weaken and destroy the military. It appears ... that they are the very things that are happening right now.
And from the other side of the political spectrum, we have it from former US President Jimmy Carter that: "America no longer has a functioning democracy." Speaking of the 2010 Citizens United decision and the 2014 McCutcheon decision, both decisions by the five Republican judges on the U.S. Supreme Court, Carter said: 
These two historic decisions enable unlimited secret money (including foreign money) now to pour into U.S. political and judicial campaigns. 
In other words, the America government is subordinate to the global Money Power. 

But it's not just America that's targeted for destruction. Europe is now besieged by "refugees" from Iraq and Syria created by America's project to redraw the map of the Middle-East.

This, says  James Howard Kunstler:
is a preview of a horror show to which there is no end in sight, and is certain to escalate. ... Wave beyond wave awaits after the this one. And then what will the well-intentioned sentimentalists say? We wanted to do the right thing… we meant well… we cried when we saw the little boy dead on the beach….
The little boy dead on the beach who may have been part of a psyop:

Nobody is helping the boy, not even the fishermen
or the smirking photographer. Source: Aangirfan
The idea, continues Kunstler:
that the nations currently bethinking themselves “rich” can take in, shelter, and employ the masses fleeing MENA (and elsewhere) is absurd. Somehow the people in charge, plus the intellectual classes who shape opinion and consensus, are going to have to arrive at some clear notion of limits and boundaries.
But that is not the idea at all. The idea behind the destruction of the Western nations is genocide. The people of Europe and the European immigrants who built the United States of America are to be genocided racially and culturally by mass immigration, multiculturalism and the suppression of the fertility of the native-born population, these measured being imposed with the aid of intensive propaganda delivered in the guise of education, plus legally enforced political correctness, and the impoverishment of the working and middle-classes.

The result aimed for is the destruction of the Western nations to produce a mongrel population without pride or sense of identity over whom an unseen and unknown global plutocratic elite will rule by way of corrupt global institutions. The project has long been in the making.

Unz Review: Refugee Flows: a Grand Strategic Weapon of Mass Destruction

Realist Report: Jewish Republicans “Disturbed” By Trump’s Widespread Popularity

The Tap Blog: The Carefully Calculated Mass Migration Agenda
Breitbart: What’s the truth behind the story of the drowned boy Aylan Kurdi?

Aanirfan: Kurdi Photographs

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Trump Has Already Won the Argument: Time Now to Begin Quelling the NeoCon-Driven Global Chaos

Anything can happen between now and November 8, 2016, but already opinion polls show that Trump has won the argument. The United States and the West are on the wrong path: stagnating economically, disintegrating socially, declining educationally, inciting civil war throughout the Middle-East and global war between East and West, rife with interracial and cultural conflicts, and morally decadent.

Once the truth has been spoken as Trump has spoken it, the NeoCon plan for global hegemony of the Money Power over the shattered remnants of proud nations and ancient cultures loses all credibility. It is now inconceivable that anyone rejecting the Trump doctrine on foreign policy, the Trump national economic policy, and the Trump commitment to a a nation of laws, and in particular laws governing national borders, can possible win in 2016.

What that means is that members of Congress, if they have the slightest instinct for self-preservation, will begin discreetly abandoning their former commitments to political correctness, multi-culturalism, unrestricted offshoring of jobs, uncontrolled immigration, and unending wars for plutocratic global hegemony. The process of quelling the chaos unleashed upon the people not only of the United States but of most of the World by NeoCon lunatics is about to begin.

What we see now, as Trump moves into a commanding lead in the polls not only over his Republican rivals, but over every declared or probable Democratic candidate, is a transformation in Trump`s demeanor: the entertainer is now subordinate to the business executive, in which capacity the public sees an individual of great force of personality, clarity of purpose and capacity for action. The transformation has given Trump a virtual lock not only on the Republican Party nomination but the Presidency. With the authority that that status confers, Trump is surely even now beginning to marshal the forces and set up the deals that will shape his presidency. There are some in Congress already proceeding on the same lines.


The American Mirror: Trump receives 25% of black vote in general election matchup
Mitt Romney was able to only muster 6% of the black vote, according to the Roper Center at the University of Connecticut.

At the time Obama was facing off against John McCain, the Republican received a measly 4%, according stats from to the Roper Center.

When George W. Bush was running for re-election in 2004, he only did a little better. The organization reports Bush received 11% of the black vote. He received 9% in 2000.

According to the SurveyUSA poll, Trump would more than double the best result for a Republican in modern American history.
Breitbart: Donald Trump has a clear path to the White House, according to a shocking new poll from SurveyUSA

IW: Trump Gets 28% of Alabama Dems

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Trumponomics, President Biden and the Return of Double Digit Inflation

Trump. First they said he was a clown; then they said he was a racist; then they said he was a misogynist; then they said he was a megawatt personality, but without substance. What they hate most, beside the fact that this interloper had virtually snatched control of the Republican party, is that he is spelling out a national economic strategy. To the ZioCons, national anything is anathema: the self-governing, democratic nation state has to die. To traditional Republicans, anyone talking progressive taxes is anathema.

But if Trump's Quixotic bid for the Republican Party's Presidential nomination is doomed, the prospects never seemed brighter for Joe Biden in his decades long quest for the US Presidency. Hillary is out: only the timing and manner of her withdrawal remain to be determined. Will she withdraw due to health issues, because of a criminal indictment or because she has been taken into custody?

Once in the race, Biden will need a platform that grabs attention. A national economic policy to rival Trump's is just the thing, which is to say Biden will call Trumponomics Bidenomics and use it as his platform. The Democratic Party's very own ZioCon globalists won't like it, but what can the bastards do?

Here's the platform.

Immigration: Restricted to those who will raise America's standard of living, i.e., a eugenic policy admitting only well-trained high IQ folk who can help rev up the domestic economy.

Taxation: (1) an end to the corporation tax, profits to be taxed as dividends in the hands of shareholders, thus inducing billions of corporate profits to be repatriated and invested in America; (2) radical cuts to income tax at the lower end of the income scale, with modest but unavoidable increases in taxation at the upper end of the income scale.

Jobs: An across-the-board tariff on all imports, including oil and other resources, thus inducing a domestic investment frenzy in manufacturing, oil, mining, R and D, software development, and design.

Energy and Environment: (1) Promote energy conservation and carbon emissions reductions with a carbon tax plus a countervailing duty (in addition to the general import tax) on manufactured goods from countries without a carbon tax; (2) Open up both off- and on-shore areas for oil and gas extraction making the US a permanently low-energy-cost manufacturing location; (3) Invest billions in energy tech research: thorium reactors; zero emission coal power; etc.

Education: Cut the PC crap and restore control to state and local authorities.

The outcome? Fed Funds rate at 5% plus, inflation at 5% plus, unemployment down from 16% (U6) to under 5%, US GDP growth rate 10%; US literacy sharply rising; US GDP to double by 2024.

Trump would execute the program more successfully than Biden, but either could do it.


The Hill: Poll: Trump beats Hillary (and Everyone Else) head-to-head

Investment Watch: Among, self-identified as Democrats, Trump scores 28.1% with 53% undecided

Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Self-Destruction of Europe: Its People, Culture, and Religion

Sputnik, August 26, 2015: Europe's august nations are about to commit collective suicide. We are about to witness the willful surrender of an entire civilization, so says a well-known Danish historian.

In Denmark, human migration used to be a thing of the past, but not anymore, says Bent Jensen: "Day and night, hordes of people with fake IDs (or no IDs whatsoever) storm Europe’s undefended borders. In times past, they would’ve been forced to return whence they came by the police, army or border control. Now, however, European warships are used to escort the migrants to safe harbors, where they are provided with food, shelter and are allowed to obtain refugee status," says the professor.

Jensen points out that while there were many migrations in the past, migrants had no welfare system to rely on and had to fend for themselves. Moreover, he says, in Europe today: "We’re talking about people from another culture that is radically different from European culture. These people don’t want to assimilate, and demand special treatment for themselves. We’re talking about an endless human stream which, if left unchecked, will destroy European society."

"You can get information about all the rights that a new arrival is entitled to," Jensen points out. "A lot of organizations stand ready to help. Refugees are provided with accommodations, clothing, money, translators and legal advice, etc. And the critics are quickly silenced by the political and media elites."

"Recently one lady told me that this is how we atone for the age of colonialism," which view he maintains "[is] a manifestation of a masochistic guilt complex fueled by the education system."

"You could say that we’re responsible for overpopulation in the North Africa and in the Middle East as the colonial authorities caused great progress in healthcare," Jensen concedes. "We're not talking about refugees and migration, [but of an unopposed invasion to which] the Europeans offer no resistance to cultural colonization [by] a culture that doesn't belong in Europe but seeks to reap the fruits of the hard-working Europeans' labors."

The professor believes that Europeans willingly resign themselves to this 'suicide' due to an artificial guilt complex, naivety and a poor knowledge of history.

"Sweden is an example of what is happening. Although an extreme case, the 'Swedish malady' affects all of Western Europe. In Sweden, an alliance of politicians and intolerant (to Swedes) media managed to turn a previously well-organized country into a place where no one can feel safe," claims Jensen. "You shouldn't be surprised by the fact that Middle Eastern rules and customs are being established in European cities as you simultaneously import millions of migrants from the North Africa and the Middle East."

"We are witnessing a thing that never previously occurred in history," warns Jensen. "The voluntary surrender of an entire civilization."

Ed. Note: There's nothing voluntary about what is happening so far as the mass of ordinary Europeans are concerned. Europeans are being genocided by a traitorous elite that is bribed, blackmailed or intimidated into following order from the US/Israeli Neocon imperialists under the direction of a white-hating racist American President.

(Which numbers do not include the millions of second and third generation immigrants who, with the newcomers, will become the non-European and non-Christian majority of Britain within a generation. Darwin, Kipling, Churchill must be spinning in their graves.)

CanSpeccy: Political Correctness Has Replaced Christianity As the Religion of the West

Friday, August 28, 2015

Elite Hypocrisy

Acting on his own behalf,
Mark Zuckerberg Just Spent More Than $30 Million Buying 4 Neighboring Houses For Privacy: Link

Speaking for the plebs,
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder: Privacy no longer a social norm: Link

In his own interest,
Mark Zuckerberg just dropped another $100M to protect his privacy: Link

Again, speaking for the proles, 
Facebook's Zuckerberg Says The Age of Privacy is Over: Link

And more

Thursday, August 27, 2015

JEB Explains How Genocide by Mass Immigration and PC Brainwashing Works

Image Source

Which raises some questions:

Is JEB really, really thick, giving the game away like that?

Or is it just that he`s so enthusiastic about the genocide of the American people – you know, those poor anti-family, infertile home-grown Americans – that he just cannot keep it to himself?

Or is he some kind of secret agent, warning the West what's intended for their future: i.e., total wipe out?

Or could it be that he assumes the American people are so stupified by PC programming through K-to-Middle-aged so-called education that they are now ready to cheer their own extinction?

Yeah, that has to be it. Americans are now so thoroughly indoctrinated by PC bollocks as to accept and even applaud their status as disposable units of production, to be replaced after a generation or two by fresh immigrants in the quantity and of the quality desired by the international money power for which JEB fronts.

Meantime, the CIA is reported to be funding cross-Mediterranean trafficking of  those fleeing the chaos created by US intervention in the Middle East and North Africa, a tide that is swamping Europe with a genocidal flood of highly fertile people with no connection to, or respect for, European civilization or the European people.


Daily Mail: Thousands breach Europe's wall of wire (every day) Weaponizing Migrants

CanSpeccy: Political Correctness Is Now the Religion of the West

Understanding Hillary: No Need for Dr. Freud

Dr. Alma Bond, the Daily Mail reports, who is a psychoanalyst and author who holds a PhD from Columbia University and did post doctorate studies from the Freudian Society, has studied Hillary Clinton from afar for many years. The Democratic presidential candidate, she says:
has difficulty with men and she needs a woman friend on her same political level that she can share strategy or top secret events of the day.
Hillary, says Dr. Bond, has an 
inability to express her feelings and it all began back in her in childhood in Park Ridge, Illinois, a neighborhood devoid of Jews, blacks or Asians.
Her father Hugh Rodham, the Mail story continues was:
curtain salesman who died of a stroke in 1993 at age 82, was a combative, working-class man from eastern Pennsylvania who was riddled with prejudices against anyone who wasn't like him. He raged about minorities in derogatory terms when he was not subjecting his family to his own violent emotions...

He was disappointed in life and lied about winning a college football scholarship to Penn State.

'He was a 'bullsh*** artist', a family member once said, but that skill made him a good salesman when hawking the drapes and lace curtains that he manufactured for hotels and offices.

Hugh was a bruiser at home and excessively spanked the couple's three children. He verbally abused Hillary's mother, Dorothy, and Bond describes their relationship as 'sadomasochist'.
Quite how that all equates to Hillary having a need for a woman friend on her same political level, probably only a Freudian shrink would understand. But isn't it more likely that Hillary's character was shaped chiefly by genes rather than childhood trauma, or as one might say, like father, like daughter. Papa Rodham was a bullshitting, liar and sadistic bully, Hillary, I-came-I-saw-he-died-with-a-bayonet-up-his-arse-LOL Rodham Clinton was formed in the same genetic mold.

Which brings to mind the case of another powerful female, Margaret Thatcher, close friend of Jimmy Savile, the serial rapist and alleged child killer, and daughter of Alfred Thatcher, grocer, alderman, devout Methodists and a notorious paedophile who treated his wife like a doormat and groped his adolescent female shop assistants.

Stephen Harper's Looney Confrontation With Russia

We have everything to lose and nothing to gain through a show-down with our former Eastern Bloc foes. Lt.-Gen. Yvan Blondin, Chief of the Canadian Air Force, writing in July 2015 in RCAF Today

The Coming War With Russia

By David Pugliese

Ottawa Citizen, August 21, 2015: A couple of months before he retired in July, the head of Canada’s air force provided a blunt assessment of what might emerge from the current military mission to Ukraine.

“We pray that our ongoing NATO mission isn’t accompanied by the escalation of deadly force and the shedding of blood,” Lt.-Gen. Yvan Blondin wrote in the magazine RCAF Today. “We have everything to lose and nothing to gain through a show-down with our former Eastern Bloc foes.”

It was an unusual and candid observation from a veteran Canadian officer about the increased tensions and worsening situation in Ukraine. But Blondin’s warning also reflects an increasing concern among some in the United States and Europe about the possibility that the standoff in eastern Europe between Russia and the West could somehow end in war.

Read More

Sunday, August 23, 2015

The globalist Lies of the New York Times, No. 79: Trump Has No Substance, People Just Like That He's "Ballsy"

In a column entitled, "Why Donald Trump Won’t Fold: Polls and People Speak," the NY Times worries that maybe the popularity of Trump is not "an unsustainable boomlet dependent on megawatt celebrity, narrow appeal and unreliable surveys of Americans with a spotty record of actually voting in primaries."

But hopefully, of course, it might be.

Then, building on this hope, the Times, continues: "[polls show that] Trump has built a broad, demographically and ideologically diverse coalition, constructed around personality, not substance."

Oh well, then, not to worry if there’s no substance to the man, the sizzle will soon fade.

Except, the Times continues, that in building that "diverse coalition, constructed around personality, not substance [he] has effectively insulated himself from the consequences of statements ... that might instantly doom rival candidates."

In poll after poll of Republicans, Mr. Trump leads among women, despite having used terms like “fat pigs” and “disgusting animals” to denigrate some of them. 
Actually calling some women "fat pigs" is probably why folks like Trump. Some women, after all, deserve such description, despite what the PC Times would have you assume.

Funny thing though, the Times has nothing to say about their own favorite, Hillary, who calls members of her security detail "shitkickers," "redknecks," "hicks" and "white trash," which is OK with the Timesey's PC crowd, I suppose, since they're all shitkicking males, ditto with Paul Fry, Bill Clinton's one-time campaign manager, described by Hillary as a "Fucking Jew Bastard" (and see here).

Then for God`s sake, the Times announces with feigned astonishment,
Trump leads among evangelical Christians, despite saying he had never had a reason to ask God for forgiveness.
In fact, the Times lies outright here. Trump has said he does not ask God for forgiveness, rather, he has said that he tries to do better next time, which seems a more promising approach to pleasing God than a grovelling plea for forgiveness.
He leads among moderates and college-educated voters, despite a populist and anti-immigrant message thought to resonate most with conservatives and less-affluent voters.
Another Timesey lie, there. Trump is not anti-immigrant, he's condemned illegal immigration, a totally different thing. But calling Trump anti-immigrant is the closest the Times dares come to smearing Trump as a proponent of the ultimate PC evil: RACISM.
He leads among the most frequent, likely voters, even though his appeal is greatest among those with little history of voting.
So don't worry folks, Trump's good poll numbers depend on people who don't vote when its election day.

Except that, eligible voters with little history of voting outnumber those who normally do vote, so if Trump mobilizes those reluctant voters, it could mean obliteration of those bought Globalist puppets who so turn off most voters.

And in any case, the Times says:
The diversity of his coalition could even be its undoing, if his previous support for liberal policies and donations to Democrats, for example, undermine his support among conservatives.
Like, a Republican who can win Democrat votes has no chance — is that the argument?

And his support, says the Times:
is not tethered to a single issue or sentiment: immigration, economic anxiety or an anti-establishment mood.
"Those factors" says the Times "may have created conditions for his candidacy to thrive, but his personality, celebrity and boldness, not merely his populism and policy stances, have let him take advantage of them."

So there you are again, Trump's success has nothing to do with what he`s saying, folks, its just his personality and celebrity have enabled him to take advantage of what really concerns people.

Asked the reason for their support for Trump voters "of varying backgrounds" all apparently "used much the same language, calling him “ballsy” and saying they admired that he “tells it like it is” and relished how he “isn’t politically correct.” They even like that he’s “He’s a person who gets things done.”

Well can you believe that? Everybody of whatever background calls Trump Ballsy!

Bit unlikely, innit?

But if they think Trump is "telling it like it is," they evidently believe, unlike the Times, that Trump is talking real issues not PC bollocks, and pro-war pro-globalization lies.


but, Oh God, read the whole bloody silly article yourself if you want to know every damn silly thing the Times has to say to diminish the significance of the Trump campaign.

The reality is, however, quite different from the wishful, dumb, deceptive and outright mendacious thinking of the Times. A lot of folks think Trump might make a good president because he's not a career politician, but someone used to dealing with practical problems and solving them successfully. Americans liked Ike (General Dwight D. Eisenhower, Commander in Chief of Allied Forces in Europe during WWII) for the same reason.

But more important than that, Trump supporters like what Trump is saying on the issues that Americans worry about:

There must be an end to uncontrolled mass immigration, which has swamped the labor market and created mass unemployment, especially among poor blacks and Latinos.

There must be an end to H1B visas for science, technology and math immigrants  until all qualified Americans are employed.

There should be recognition that America ha a Christian heritage that Christians should be proud to uphold.

There must be an end to off-shoring of American jobs to the sweatshops of Asia, Latin America, and elsewhere, which is driving down American incomes and driving unemployment sky high, and this can be accomplished with a tariff wall and tax incentives to induce corporations to bring capital back from abroad and invest it in American plants, design studios, laboratories and software labs employing American workers.

Those are the actual reasons that so many Americans support Trump, and if they understood clearly what Trump represents, they are reasons why most Canadians and Europeans would also wish Trump success in his campaign for the US Presidency.


Real Clear Politics: Trump vs. Jorge Ramos on Birthright Citizenship, Wall, Deportation: "We're Going To Start With The Gangs"

Telegraph: Europe sinking beneath wave of illegal immigrants


RN: Debunking the PC Line on Illegal Immigration

CanSpeccy: The Globalist Lies of the New York Times: No. 47 — Trashing Trump

CanSpeccy: Ending the Hegemony of Liberal Economic Ideas and Western Economic Stagnation

CanSpeccy: Baby Math for a Globalist Groupie: Or, the Average 2011 Earnings of the Lowest Paid 54% of American Wage Earners Really Was Less Than $12,500

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Hillary's Emails: The Media Account Makes No Sense

Supposedly, Hillary Clinton, as US Secretary of State, transacted tens of thousands of emails concerning State Department business, many of them unencrypted, by way of a private email server,, run by a mom and pop internet service provider located in a loft apartment, where the server hardware was housed in a bathroom closet, all of which raises a number of obvious questions.

Is Hillary a total idiot?

Does the US State Department have no protocols to insure the security of official communications?

Does the US State Department have no one responsible for communications security who would have realized very quickly that the Secretary of State was using an insecure home-based private server for official business?

Did none of Hillary's immediate subordinates with whom she was in continual email communication warn her and the State Department's communications experts that what she was doing was insane?

Has no one at the State Department been fired for failing to insure the security of the Secretary of State's communications?

Was the NSA, which routinely monitors Angela Merkel's cellphone conversations, really unaware that Hillary's email was available to any half-decent hacker, including a Romanian taxi driver who passed on the Benghazi emails to the Russians?

And has no one at the NSA been fired for failing to discover and terminate Hillary's colossal security breach?

The story of Hillary's emails as related by the media seems to make no sense whatever unless we are to conclude either that Hillary was running some kind of dead obvious disinformation project to fool those dumb Chinks and Ruskies, or that Hillary is just dead stupid and was allowed to proceed with her stupid private communications set-up in order to provide someone in the Administration ammunition with which, at some later time, to blackmail the Clinton's, who though apparently incredibly stupid, do control a Foundation worth billions.

But perhaps the entire Western media narrative about just about anything from 9/11 to the shootdown of MH17 over Ukraine and the Hillary's emails saga is shear total rubbish made up by the people who used to write those splendid stories for the National Enquirer like the one about a flying saucer that landed somewhere in Florida, which was illustrated with a photograph of what turned out to be a half buried toilet seat.


WRH: Clinton: Email use was ‘fully above board' — Not

Fox News: Judge Jeanine: Hillary Could Be Charged With at Least 7 Crimes

Reuters: Dozens of Clinton emails were classified from the start

McClatchy: State Department did nothing to protect Clinton emails after hack

But still no one at the State Department has been fired?

The Washington Free Beacon: Watchdog: Two National Security Laws Appear Broken in Clinton Email Scandal

So are Hillary and her aides above the law, or what?

Monday, August 17, 2015

The Globalist Lies of the New York Times: No. 47 — Trashing Trump With Free Trade Bunk

The role of the New York Times is to serve the powers that be, namely the people intent on taking possession of the wealth of the world and subjugating the people to a plutocratic system of global governance that presupposes the destruction of the sovereign nation state, the United States, its people and their culture, included.

Trump's bid for the American Presidency constitutes an assault on this traitorous project. Trump is, therefore, to be a smeared with everything evil in the crippled mind of the politically correct, whether they be followers of the sadistic, I-came-I-saw-he-Died-with-a-knife-up-his-arse-tee-hee, Clinton, or Jeb the sibling of pro-torture, Dubya Shock-and-Awe Bush.

To this end, whatever Trump says must be twisted or misinterpreted to prove his bigotry, racism or stupidity, a task of precisely the kind for which the New York Times exists. And among Mr. Trump's most heinous crimes against the New World Order is his repeated charge that globalization has destroyed tens of millions of American jobs, which have been off-shored along with the necessary capital and technology to China, Mexico and elsewhere. Not only is this true, but public knowledge of the fact could destroy the American interests that own the Bush-Clinton-Obama puppets and reap the stream of profits of shipping American jobs and wealth abroad.

Hence step in Stephen Rattner, New York Times "contributing op-ed writer", a journalist turned private equity manager specializing in "distressed securities, and hedge funds," who, proceeding by way of a mendaceous PC smear worthy of Hillary Clinton, calls Trump an economic illiterate who fails to understand that globalization is good for everyone:
DONALD TRUMP’S economic views may not have garnered as much attention as his misogynistic statements, but they are equally unpalatable, evincing a lack of understanding of basic economics that is startling for a billionaire businessman. ... Take, for example, what seems to be his “No. 1” issue: trade. Mr. Trump believes the Chinese (and others) have been playing us for fools; using cheap labor, currency manipulation and trade barriers to favor their exports and limit our imports.
But says Mr. Rattner:
For centuries, as countries have developed, the locus of jobs has shifted based on comparative advantage.
There you are, then, all is for the best in the best of all possible worlds, and the proof of that fact with respect to the off-shoring of American jobs is provided by the economic principle of Comparative Advantage, which Mr. Trump supposedly does not understand. However, it is, in fact, Mr. Rattner who is an economic illiterate. Either that or Rattner is just a regular scumbag New York Times liar, for the principle of Comparative Advantage in international trade, which was formulated by the Anglo-Jewish bond trader, David Ricardo (1772–1823), explicitly excludes from consideration goods produced with capital and technology exported for the purpose of exploiting cheap off-shore labor.

The principle of comparative advantage, or comparative cost as David Ricardo called it, is quite subtle, which makes it easy for people like Rattner to lie about it. Those unfamiliar with the idea would do best to consult Ricardo's own account of the theory; although its practical significance can be stated briefly thus:
Ricardo demonstrated that for two nations without input factor mobility, specialization and trade could result in increased total output and lower costs than if each nation tried to produce in isolation. (Source, the Dallas Fed.)
And note the words that I have italicized. What without input factor mobility means is without transfer of capital, labor or technology, i.e., without mass immigration of cheap labor, or outflow of capital and technology to cheap labor areas whence finished goods can be imported.

So yes, when IBM, Apple, Ford, GM and so many others move research, design, accounting and manufacturing functions to cheap labor areas with little in the way of workplace health and safety regulation and then sell the products back in the USA, they are seeking not Comparative Advantage, but Absolute Advantage, which substitutes cheap foreign labor for American labor, thereby impoverishing American workers. The result is to raise corporate profits, for as Ricardo explained "Wages plus profits, together, are always the same," which is to say, profits rise if wages fall. Globalization means seeking Absolute Advantage, which means transferring income from workers to owners of capital. It is the intention of America's globalist elite to continue the drive for Absolute Advantage in international trade, while encouraging mass Third-World immigration to the US until such time as American labor is as cheap as that of an Asian sweatshop; say 75 cents an hour.


CanSpeccy: The Economic Consequences of Mr. Trump

CanSpeccy: Burying the Underclass

Thom Hartman: Picking Apart One of the Biggest Lies in American Politics: 'Free Trade'

U-Tube: Donald Trump's First Town Hall Meeting- Derry, NH (8-19-15)

CanSpeccy: GLOBALIZATION IS GOOD (For the Rich)

Trump's hateful goddam immigration plan

Donald Trump's hateful goddam policy paper on immigration makes the hateful goddam assumption that American immigration law should not only reflect the hateful goddam democratically expressed wishes of the goddam hateful American people but that the goddam hateful immigration law should be respected, goddam it.

Or as Patrick Buchanan explains in: Immigration is the Issue of the Century:
[Trump's] six-page policy paper, to secure America’s border and send back aliens here illegally, released by Trump last weekend, is the toughest, most comprehensive, stunning immigration proposal of the election cycle.

The Trump folks were aided by people around Sen. Jeff Sessions, who says Trump’s plan “re-establishes the principle that America’s immigration laws should serve the interests of its own citizens.”

The issue is joined, the battle lines are drawn, and the GOP will debate and may decide which way America shall go. And the basic issues – how to secure our borders, whether to repatriate the millions here illegally, whether to declare a moratorium on immigration into the USA – are part of a greater question.

Will the West endure or disappear by the century’s end as another lost civilization? Mass immigration, if it continues, will be more decisive in deciding the fate of the West than Islamist terrorism. For the world is invading the West.

A wild exaggeration? Consider.

Monday’s Washington Post had a front-page story on an “escalating rash of violent attacks against refugees” in Germany, including arson attacks on refugee centers and physical assaults.

Buried in the story was an astonishing statistic. Germany, which took in 174,000 asylum seekers last year, is on schedule to take in 500,000 this year. Yet Germany is smaller than Montana.

Read more 

Investment Watch: The real reason Donald Trump is so popular: He’s the surrogate mouthpiece for the things most Americans deeply believe (but are too afraid to say)

Jesse Ventura: Donald Trump Is “Shaking The System To Its Core”

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Donald Trump and the Coming Great Western Geopolitical and Economic Transformation

As I wrote during the last US Presidential election cycle, a Trump presidency would be the end of the New World Order, aka the Anglo-US project for global empire. Within a couple of weeks Trump will have  lock on the 2016 Republican Party presidential nomination. Then, for the first time since Bill Clinton signed America up to the 1994 GATT agreement for the abolition of the sovereign nation state in the management of economic affairs, Americans will have a choice on economic policy:

On the one hand, the current policy of off-shoring American jobs, uncontrolled immigration, cheap crap from China, and Walmart wages, on the other hand a return to controlled immigration, a tariff wall to create millions of new jobs enabling Americans makes shoes and shirts, computers and car parts for one another for decent wages.

In addition, Trump offers a choice on: foreign policy — an end to multi-trillion-dollar wars for global empire; education — and end to dumbed-down, Federal-government dictated propaganda under the guise of education for a welfarized mononocracy; taxation simplification to put tax preparers out of business and to induce American corporations to repatriate foreign held profits.

For ordinary Americans the choice is a no-brainer: Trump will win whoever the Dumbocrat establishment finds to represent their disgusting lib-left PC program for the destruction of America as a sovereign nation state.

With the collapse of America's imperialist project, Europe will at last be liberated from American occupation. At least a few of the most obnoxious puppets of the US-directed drive to genocide the European people by mass slaughter of the unborn, mass immigration, and multi-culturalism — the likes of Blair, Merkel, and Sarkosy — may get their comeuppance. Already, the front-runner in the race for the leadership of Britain's Labour Party is calling for Blair to tried for war crimes.

The return of economic sovereignty to America and Europe will mean a return to full employment, rising standards of living, a resumption of education as education not propaganda, and the return of national self-respect. As prices of manufactured goods again reflect the cost of local labor, there will be a period of adjustment during which prices rise sharply. Car prices for example could easily double or triple, similarly for electronics and apparel. But millions of the part-time employed, the unemployed and the totally discouraged workforce dropouts will have real jobs, self-respect and path for self-advancement, all of which are more important for human well being than any quantity of stuff shipped from Asian sweatshops for the enrichment of Apple or Nike stockholders.

Moreover, in a high-wage West, the automation revolution will take hold much more rapidly than in a West of high unemployment and a mass immigration of unskilled labor. That means high wage jobs in the West for the technicians, engineers and programmers who will drive this new industrial revolution.

What we are about to see is: an end to the Islamization of Europe; an end to the displacement of the European people by Third-World immigrants; a backlash against the treasonous agents of Western national destruction; a very tough time for immigrant groups in Europe unwilling to assimilate, including the possibility of large-scale expulsions; a sharp rise in inflation and interest rates; a general crash in property prices; a boom in stocks of home-based manufacturing companies.



Monday, August 10, 2015

Donald Trump is the New Hitler. LOL

According to Mike Whitney, the Republican Party and their media allies intend to take out Donald Trump following his candid acknowledgment during last Thursday's GOP Presidential nomination candidates' debate that as a businessman he routinely paid for political favor from all and sundry including most of the other debate participants, plus Hillary Clinton.

No doubt the Democrats will gladly make this a non-partisan mugging, since Trump is clearly the strongest candidate, indeed the only strong candidate, in the Republican field, which is to say a sure winner against the totally corrupt Hillary, I came, I saw, He died, Clinton.


Daily Mail: First major post-debate poll shows Trump GAINED 7 points from the previous week and has backing of 32 per cent of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents

Since most Americans wouldn't trust a member of Congress not to steal from the Church collection plate, it is hardly surprising the Donald Trump, the first non-professional politician to run for the Presidency since, Dwight D. Eisenhower, is beating the beJesus out of the bunch of fakes, frauds and feebletons running against him for the Republican presidential nomination.   
Carly Fiorina on a roll: up from 1% to 3%! Image source.

Investment Watch: POLL EARTHQUAKE: Trump leading among minorities, insiders in total shock
If any insiders are really in shock that Trump leads among minorities, then they must be truly stupid, since it is the minorities more than any other group who want to see off-shored jobs brought back to America and that is what Trump has promised to do, and what no other candidate, Republican or Democrat, has or ever or will ever promise to do (and if they did promise it, the promise would be an absolutely dead certain lie).
Pepe Escobar: Trump trumps them all in Republican debates

WND: Rush: 'Orders from GOP donors to take out Trump'

Hillary Clinton's Secret War

Washington Times: Hillary’s secret war

Fox News: Judge Nap: Hillary Clinton Approved Arms for Terrorist Enemies of U.S.

HNGN: Hillary Clinton Sent Unsecured Emails Revealing Location Of Ambassador Chris Stevens and NATO Fighter Jets, Reveals Judge Napolitano

The Hill: Judge asked to seize USB flash drive containing Hillary Clinton's email

Washington Times: State Department blames classified info for Clinton email delays

PiMedia: Judicial Watch: State Dept. Demands Clinton Aides Return Copies of Federal Records

Canadian Free Press: Top Hillary aide Cheryl Mills: I’ve been told to destroy my e-mails

All links via WRH

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Megyn Kelly vs. Donald Trump

Megyn Kelly is a high class presstitute to be protected at all costs by the American establishment  and her pimp, the pornographer Poop Murdoch, proprietor of NewsCrap and Fix News. Thus, following Kelly's failure to throw Trump off stride with her sneak PC assault during the Fix-News-hosted GOP candidates' debate on Thursday, the Money-Power media are today in full drivel mode about Trump's allegedly coarse post-debate remarks about Kelly.

To stoke this furor is particularly vital since it distracts attention from Trump's eye-opening revelation during Thursday's debate of exactly how the Money Power owns America's so-called democratic government. Trump achieved this revelation simply by remarking that in his capacity as a businessman he had given money to most of the other candidates on stage, plus Mrs. Clinton (to help pay for the Clintons' jet-set lifestyle), the reason being to ensure the benefit to his business of their future political influence should it be required.

Thus it is that Republicans who think that expunging coarse language from the political debate is more important than giving control of America's supposedly democratic government to the American people will find their idiotic view almost universally supported by the media over the coming days. Perhaps they should consider switching their support to the truly PC democratic front-runner, Hillary Clinton, who has received millions in donations from Fox News and whose use of abusive coarse language cannot be compared with that of Donald Trump.


CanSpeccy: Fox Prestitutes Smear Professor Who Questions MSM Narrative on Sandy Hook: Megyn Kelly and side-kick trash lowly professor who questions the official narrative on Sandy Hook

Zero Hedge: Martin Armstrong Asks "Did FOX Try To Politically Assassinate Trump To Maintain The Status Quo?"

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

PC Britain: Paedo Pervs in Power

Daily Mail: Moment whip in Sir Edward Heath's Government revealed that his job was to cover up scandals 'involving small boys' and the PM kept details in a 'dirt book'

Carl Duff: The Truth About... British Child Abuse Cover-ups (Part 1):

Carl Duff: The Truth About... British Child Abuse Cover-ups (Part 2):