Monday, April 22, 2013

Boston Bombing Update April 23, 2013

21st Century Wire: Why Has US President Already Delivered Guilty Verdict to Boston Bombers?

NoMoreFakeNews: Boston bombing: citizen video-analysts creating major problems for controlled media This is brilliant. For further reading on the corruption engendered by the desire for insider status, see C.S. Lewis's The Inner Ring.

NewDemocracyWorld: Anomalies in the FBI's Account of the Boston Marathon Bombings

U-Tube: Boston Commissioner Calls Tamerlan and Dzhokhar "ACTORS"

Boston Bombing Planning Announced in Advance, including Details of a Designated Patsy

Bomb Scene Pictures that Contradict the Official Account

Politicker: Bloomberg Says Interpretation of Constitution Will ‘Have to Change’ After Boston Bombing
This is the twat who wants to make soda pop illegal.

Oh, and he wants more surveillance. Refreshing News: The most mystifying things the Tsarnaev brothers did

Before It's News: Tsarnaev Brothers Set Up In False Flag Operation: Joel Skousen

Daily Censored: Anatomy of a False Flag

21st Century Wire: Boston Bombing Stage: An ensemble cast of soldiers, spooks and ‘cleaners’

21st Century Wire: Actors, Directors and Bloody Squibs: Was the Boston Bombing Pure Hollywood?

Jon Rappoport: Media magic: not one angry person in Boston

James Tracy: Witnessing Boston’s Mass Casualty Event Boston Marathon explosion — "They had bomb sniffing dogs and the bomb squad out there, and they kept announcing to runners not to be alarmed, that they were running a training exercise"

Washington's Blog: Boston Terror Narrative Starts Falling Apart

Craig Murray: The Official Tsarnaev Story Makes No Sense

RT:‘Boston Bombers’ Tsarnaev brothers: Where the dots won't connect

Natural News: Craft' mobile communications van at Boston marathon

Global Research: Boston Suspect Arrested Stripped Naked so WHEN was he shot and killed?

Global Research: BOSTON TRUTH: The “Chechen Connection”, Al Qaeda and the Boston Marathon Bombings

Global Research: The Boston Bombings in Context: How the FBI Fosters, Funds and Equips American Terrorists

Global Research: Unanswered Questions in Boston Bombings

Activist Post: FBI Web of Lies

Land Destroyer Report: FBI Casting Set Stage for Boston Marathon Bombing, Shootout, Charade

IntelHub: Hackers Hijack CBS To Expose Media Concealment of Private Military Operatives at Scene of Boston Bombings

IntelHub: Military “Contractors” at Boston Marathon Stood Near Bomb, Left Before Detonation

NBC News: April 19, With a bomb strapped to his chest, one of the Boston Marathon suspects was killed early Friday after he and his accomplice brother robbed a 7-Eleven, shot a police officer to death, carjacked an SUV and hurled explosives in an extraordinary firefight with law enforcement, authorities told NBC News.  

USA Today: 7-Eleven robbery not related to Boston bombing suspects

LA Times: The surviving suspect in the Boston Marathon bombings remained under heavy guard in a hospital Saturday, with an injury to his neck complicating how he would be interrogated and held for trial. The neck wound apparently did not initially silence Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, who was swearing profusely in the ambulance ride after his final confrontation with the FBI, according to a source familiar with the case.

Mad Cow Morning News: Was Boston Bombers ‘Uncle Ruslan’ with the CIA?

Collective Evolution: Video: Boston Globe Tweets About Controlled Explosion Before It Happens

BeforeIt'sNews: Video Of Tamerlan Tsarnaev NAKED, Handcuffed,Walking Alive! So How Did His Body End Up Like This?

Press for Truth: Tamerlan Tsarnaev's Aunt Confirms Tamerlan the Naked Man Arrested and Taken Away by Police Car 

Zero Hedge: Inside Ground Zero: Photos From The Suspects' Apartment

If you had just bombed the marathon, and needed to hijack a car and plan to let the driver live, why would you announce you were the bombers and that you had killed a cop, knowing that the driver would them immediately report that to police?

The answer is that you would not.

Think back to the John F. Kennedy assassination and all the fake "Oswalds" that were being seen around Dallas, intentionally doing and saying provocative actions to demonize the patsy. Think about the "Muslims" that were hitting the strip clubs in New York the might before 9-11, screaming about "Allah" and how the US would "know" the wrath of Islam the next day, and even "conveniently" left their (phony) IDs with the bartenders.

So, my theory. Operatives shot and killed the police officer in his car to scare the Boston police into thinking the two kids they were chasing were cop-killers, so that the police would shoot first and ask questions later. Then these operatives hijacked the car, identified themselves as the bombers and claimed credit for the cpo killing to make sure the police "knew" the kids were the killers even though there was no evidence available at the time who shot the police officer.

Aangirfan: Boston Bombing, the CIA and Prince Andrew 

See also:

CanSpeccy: Boston Marathon Bombing: News and Comment

CanSpeccy: Suspects in Boston Marathon Bombings Identified: One Killed, One to Go — End of Story?

Gangster Bankers: Too Big to Jail

How HSBC hooked up with drug traffickers and terrorists. And got away with it

By Matt Taibi
The deal was announced quietly, just before the holidays, almost like the government was hoping people were too busy hanging stockings by the fireplace to notice. Flooring politicians, lawyers and investigators all over the world, the U.S. Justice Department granted a total walk to executives of the British-based bank HSBC for the largest drug-and-terrorism money-laundering case ever. Yes, they issued a fine – $1.9 billion, or about five weeks' profit – but they didn't extract so much as one dollar or one day in jail from any individual, despite a decade of stupefying abuses.

People may have outrage fatigue about Wall Street, and more stories about billionaire greedheads getting away with more stealing often cease to amaze. But the HSBC case went miles beyond the usual paper-pushing, keypad-punching­ sort-of crime, committed by geeks in ties, normally associated­ with Wall Street. In this case, the bank literally got away with murder – well, aiding and abetting it, anyway.

Daily Beast: HSBC Report Should Result in Prosecutions, Not Just Fines, Say Critics
For at least half a decade, the storied British colonial banking power helped to wash hundreds of millions of dollars for drug mobs, including Mexico's Sinaloa drug cartel, suspected in tens of thousands of murders just in the past 10 years – people so totally evil, jokes former New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, that "they make the guys on Wall Street look good." The bank also moved money for organizations linked to Al Qaeda and Hezbollah, and for Russian gangsters; helped countries like Iran, the Sudan and North Korea evade sanctions; and, in between helping murderers and terrorists and rogue states, aided countless common tax cheats in hiding their cash.

"They violated every goddamn law in the book," says Jack Blum, an attorney and former Senate investigator who headed a major bribery investigation against Lockheed in the 1970s that led to the passage of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. "They took every imaginable form of illegal and illicit business."

That nobody from the bank went to jail or paid a dollar in individual fines is nothing new in this era of financial crisis. What is different about this settlement is that the Justice Department, for the first time, admitted why it decided to go soft on this particular kind of criminal. It was worried that anything more than a wrist slap for HSBC might undermine the world economy. "Had the U.S. authorities decided to press criminal charges," said Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer at a press conference to announce the settlement, "HSBC would almost certainly have lost its banking license in the U.S., the future of the institution would have been under threat and the entire banking system would have been destabilized."

It was the dawn of a new era. In the years just after 9/11, even being breathed on by a suspected terrorist could land you in extralegal detention for the rest of your life. But now, when you're Too Big to Jail, you can cop to laundering terrorist cash and violating the Trading With the Enemy Act, and not only will you not be prosecuted for it, but the government will go out of its way to make sure you won't lose your license. Some on the Hill put it to me this way: OK, fine, no jail time, but they can't even pull their charter? Are you kidding?

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Boston Marathon Bombing: News and Comment

Yahoo: Israeli doctors treating Boston Bombing Suspect  — Like they have no trauma surgeons in the US of A, or What?

Telegraph: Boston bomber: FBI 'dropped the ball' over Tamerlan Tsarnaev

21st Century Wire: VIDEO: Bomber suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev appears to be alive, naked and handcuffed

Youtube: Boston Bomb Training Exercise

Craig Muray:  Boston bombing a massive setback to the cause of Chechen nationalism

Business Insider: The FBI Needs To Explain Why It Failed To Monitor Boston Bombing Suspect Despite A Clear Warning

Daily Mail: Mother claims FBI tracked older brother 'for FIVE YEARS' after being told by Moscow of links to Chechen terrorists

21st Century Wire: Why Has US President Already Delivered Guilty Verdict to Boston Bombers?

21st Century Wire: Serious Condition of Boston Suspect Raises Questions About What Police Did and When

Aangirfan: The Boston Bombers

RT: 'Confusion and inconsistencies': How US plans to distract public from real truth about Boston

 Mirror: FBI hunting 12-strong terrorist “sleeper cell” linked to brothers Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Today: Uncle: Mentors 'radicalized' older Boston bombing suspect
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, left, about to attempt mass murder? Source

NY Times: Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I.

Glenn Beck: Monday Bombshell: Evidence So Damning It Will “Determine the Fate of Our Nation”

Daily Mail: Friends of accused Boston bomber had car with license plate "Terrorista#1"

Boston Globe: Bombing suspect spent Wednesday as typical student Uncle: Mentors 'radicalized' older Boston bombing suspect

NaturalNews: 'The Craft' mobile communications van at Boston marathon

CNN: US invokes public safety exception, that allows questioning of Tsarnaev without reading him his Miranda rights. Sen. McCain urges suspect held as "enemy combatant"

X-Repubic: 43% Of RT Viewers Believe Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Will Die In Hospital

Daily Mail: Tsarnaev partied with college friends two days after marathon massacre

CultureMap, Houston: What else we know:
  • 19-years-old, wore a backwards white baseball cap during bombings
  • Attended the prestigious Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, where he was a member of the volleyball and wrestling teams. 
  • Described as “very sweet" by a former classmate, he won a $2,500 scholarship in 2011 from the City of Cambridge.
  • "Everybody loved him," said a former wrestling coach. “He wasn’t a loner, the complete opposite."
 Guardian: US Senator, Lindsey Graham urges bombing suspect be denied due process of law

Daily Mail: Suspects' parents say sons framed

CBC: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in 'serious condition' in hospital

The Star: Three taken into custody in Boston bombing investigation

Politico: Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in custody

BrassCheck TV: What to expect from the Boston investigation

James Tracy: Hard Questions Posed on Boston Bombing

FBI Explains What Public Must believe Mercenaries in Boston

Before It's News: Private Military Contractors Under Suspicion for Boston Bombing

Global Research: The Boston Bombings in Context: How the FBI Fosters, Funds and Equips American Terrorists

21st Century Wire: Boston Bombing investigation will mirror the Oklahoma City Bombing cover-up

21st Century Wire: Boston Bombing: Michael Savage rips Obama, Federal cover-up and release of ‘Saudi national’

RT: Father of Slain Boston marathon suspect says son was framed

See also:

CanSpeccy: Boston Bombing Update April 26, 2013 The FBI/Mainstream Narrative Falls Apart?

CanSpeccy: Boston Bombing Update April 25, 2013

CanSpeccy: Boston Bombing Update April 24, 2013

CanSpeccy: Boston Bombing Update April 23, 2013 

CanSpeccy: Boston Marathon Bombing: News and Comment

CanSpeccy: Suspects in Boston Marathon Bombings Identified: One Killed, One to Go — End of Story?

Friday, April 19, 2013

BP's Macondo Oil Spill: Captain of Drilling Rig "Lacked Authority" to Operate Safety Systems

BP's Gulf of Mexico oil spill was the result of many errors of omission and commission, none of which would have proved fatal except in the event of all the others. This is the second in a series of brief reports on failures of management not only by BP, but by BP contractors, TransOcean and Halliburton.

 On Wednesday, April 17, Patrick O'Bryan, BP's vice president of drilling and completions for the Gulf at the time of the Macondo blowout described hearing  the rig's master, Curt Kuchta, asked about operating the rig's blowout preventer (BOP), designed to shut off the well in an emergency.

According to O'Bryan, Kuchta said he lacked permission from Transocean's offshore installation manager to operate the emergency disconnect system.

"So after you see the fire and after you've seen mud raining on deck, you recall somebody asking Captain Kuchta about activating the BOP?" BP lawyer Hariklia "Carrie" Karis asked.

To which O'Bryan replied: "He was pretty emphatic that he couldn't do it unless he had permission."

Andrew Mitchell, a maritime safety expert said that Kuchta's hesitation in activating the blowout preventer arose from the captain's inexperience. And, he said, Transocean "operated and implemented a confusing command structure," with the result that the captain,"did not fully understand his responsibilities, nor his overriding authority as captain of the Deepwater Horizon,"

Asked whether Kuchta was "fit to be captain of the Deepwater Horizon," Mitchell replied: "No."

For details, see the New Orleans Times-Picayune report Testimony wraps up in first phase of BP oil spill trial.

See Also

CanSpeccy: BP's Macondo Oil Spill: A Miswired Switch and a Dead Battery

Suspects in Boston Marathon Bombings Identified: One Killed, One to Go — End of Story?

The real Tamerlan Tsarnaev: Slain suspect. No need for proof of guilt now.
CBC: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in 'serious condition' in hospital

The Star: Three taken into custody in Boston bombing investigation

Politico: Boston bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in custody

BrassCheck TV: What to expect from the Boston investigation

James Tracy: Hard Questions Posed on Boston Bombing

FBI Explains What Public Must believe Mercenaries in Boston

Before It's News: Private Military Contractors Under Suspicion for Boston Bombing

Global Research: The Boston Bombings in Context: How the FBI Fosters, Funds and Equips American Terrorists

21st Century Wire: Boston Bombing investigation will mirror the Oklahoma City Bombing cover-up

21st Century Wire: Boston Bombing: Michael Savage rips Obama, Federal cover-up and release of ‘Saudi national’

RT: Father of Slain Boston marathon suspect says son was framed

Jon Rappoport: FBI tells America: believe us and no one else

Jon Rappoport: Is the Boston Pressure-Cooker Bomb a Lie and a Hoax?

iDigitalTimes: Sunil Tripathi And Mike Mulugeta Misidentified As Bombing Suspects

CBS, Boston: Suspects described as athletes who were into normal things Suspect in Boston bombing won $2500 Cambridge City Scholarship prize in 2011

ABC News: Bomb suspects' father, in Russia, says they were set up

WaPo: Police kill one suspect: one to go

Harvard University: Given the ongoing nature of the investigation and public safety concerns, Harvard University will remain closed all day Friday

How a Top American University Selects Entrants

"…I can’t tell you how many applications I saw that were just dripping with white male privelege[sic]. Any of those that I saw basically went straight to the garbage can regardless of how good their qualifactions [sic] were. If I saw an application from a white male that basically was just good test scores, and activities like chess club or math club or what not then it shows me this person is not interested in a diverse environment. Obviously he made no effort in integrating with minorities or to sympathize with them and is counting on male privilege to get in. So that kind of application should get ignored. In their place I admitted a female student. This goes double especially for math/science majors."

From the blog of Arianna Pattek, a Georgetown grad student who says she was hired to read and process applications for admissions to the school.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Boston Marathon Bombing: Another FBI Op Gone Wrong?

Boston Police Chief: We were conducting a drill

FBI Stopped Oakland, CA terror bank bombing planned by the FBI:

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Sandy Hook and a Religious Faith for the New World Order

By James Tracey

Shrine of the Bab, Bahai World Centre, Tel Aviv, Israel.
The Memory Hole Blog, April 14, 2013: The Sandy Hook School massacre of December 14 has no doubt been seized upon by the present police state as a raison d’être for heightened gun control measures. Yet a more subtle element of the event is the promotion of a political worldview under the cloak of psychiatry and an increasingly prominent notion of “community building.”[1]

Stepping into the emotional fallout of December’s mass shooting is Dr. John Woodall. The former Harvard psychiatrist was almost immediately making the rounds in Newtown, consoling the grief stricken and advocating a seemingly unique communitarian creed. Woodall’s presence was unsurprising for locals since he resides in Sandy Hook, where his “Unity Project” non-profit is also based. What is more, the event was eerily appropriate for the “teaching children resilience” mission Woodall’s organization was already undertaking in Newtown area schools. Unity Project had already contributed to such exercises following major crises including 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina.

At first glance the Unity Project appears to be yet another new agey, “let go of the hate” platform for Woodall’s pop-humanist psychology. We must learn to overcome our ordeals and look beyond our differences on the way to one big group hug. The organization has created such a program for the youth of Newtown’s high school where students have been encouraged to fill out a psychological survey and  negotiate with administrators and teachers to lessen the homework load.[2]

On its face the prospect of developing well-rounded and engaged citizens sounds desirable. Who wants to be considered a holdout against local cooperation, peaceful coexistence, even global trade harmonization? The consequence these days includes running the risk of being deemed a grouchy extremist. Perhaps this is why groups are actively espousing and disseminating Unity Project precepts in schools and communities throughout the world.

“As we move more deeply into a national and global climate fraught with complex and nuanced problems,” Woodall explains,
young people need to become masters of working with this complexity and diversity in cooperative and constructive ways. Our democracy and the happiness of our lives depend upon it. Young people need to know how to recognize bias, see the big picture and resist and problem solve cooperatively and to resist the human tendency to allow fear and anger to pull us to simplistic and extremist solutions that only create division and conflict and end up worsening the problems we face.[3]
This exact doctrine was articulated in Woodall’s December 14 remarks to the Associated Press.

I do this for a living—I do trauma work for a living. I ran programs overseas for the State Department. I’ve worked in school shootings before. But all that—none of that counts. All that counts at that moment is that another human being is there for you … It’s a strong community. It’s a resilient community. The task now is for the community to give this a meaning. It’s like in New York City after 9/11. The lesson of 9/11 wasn’t that we should be afraid or angry, or bitter or blame or point fingers. The lesson of 9/11 is that we’re all in this together and we need to show compassion for each other to give meaning to the loss.
In Woodall’s evaluation the death and horror from such events constitute a sort of nightmarish martyrdom from which a greater good will arise. Indeed, many of the Sandy Hook victims’ families publicly exhibit this very ability to unemotionally cope with profound loss, an ostensible response and mindset that does not go unnoticed by the broader public.[4] The wide exposure of this apparent struggle suggests a mass conditioning toward the community resilience that is a foremost element of what contemporary social engineers have termed the “Newtown transition.”

Along these lines and throughout the bulk of Woodall’s writings and pronouncements there is a clear resemblance to the precepts of the Bahá’í faith, to which Woodall is a devotee. Even though his professional training and pedigree suggest a “scientific” (qua psychiatry) approach to personal and community problems, Woodall’s writings are essentially those espoused by the Bahá’ís. He just seldom declares such affiliations or beliefs publicly.[5] An exception was when Woodall and his spouse Margo Woodall recited Bahá’í passages at the December 16, 2012 interfaith gathering for Sandy Hook victims attended by President Obama.

Read more

Saturday, April 13, 2013

BP's Macondo Oil Spill: A Miswired Switch and a Dead Battery

BP Has claimed that changes to the blowout preventer made by the drilling contractor caused failure. Source

BP's Gulf of Mexico oil spill was the result of many errors of omission and commission, none of which would have proved fatal except in the event of all the others. This is the first in a series of brief reports on failures of management not only by BP, but by BP contractors, TransOcean and Halliburton.

One error of omission was failure by the drilling rig operator, Transocean, to charge the battery on the 250-ton blowout preventer that stood 50 feet tall on the sea floor at the head of the well, and which, on command, should have shut off the flow of gas and oil. Uncharged for over two years, contrary to the manufacturer's recommendations, the battery lacked sufficient juice to operate the shears designed to cut the flow.

The certainty of failure was assured by a miswired switch.

For details, see the report of evidence given by Arthur Zatarain, a consulting engineer called as an expert witness by BP in the Gulf Oil spill trial in the New Orleans Times-Pic.

See also:
BP's Macondo Oil Spill: Captain of Drilling Rig "Lacked Authority" to Operate Safety Systems

Friday, April 12, 2013

Canada's Tory Democracy

Following my post about the death of Margaret Thatcher, Roderick Russell remarked about Canadian politics, that:
We do seem to lack politicians of principle. Take their commitment to democracy for example. The old "Reform Party" types still seem to be blethering on about democracy, while the political movement they fathered (Canada's Conservatives) are the least democratic government in Canadian peacetime history.
A statement that seems to me to be almost the exact opposite of the truth for reasons set forth here.

Lord Randolph Churchill. Image source.
In the 1880's, Winston Churchill's father, Lord Randolph Churchill, who held a leading place in British Tory ranks, campaigned for the party on the slogan "Tory democracy." Asked by a friend what he meant by "Tory democracy," Lord Randolph replied, "a democracy that votes Tory."

On that definition, Canada undoubtedly has a democracy, if only of the Tory variety. True, less than 50% of those who voted supported the Tories at the last election, but anything much better than one third of the votes is about as good as it gets in Canada for the winning party in a three-way race (plus miscellaneous others).

And it cannot be said that the Tories have been anything but true to the expectations Canadians had of them at the time of the last election.

The Tories promised to beef up the Canadian armed forces and their gear. That is precisely what they have done. We're committed to the F-35, a totally useless device for patrolling the Arctic, but required equipment for a vassal of the United States.

We're to get a multi-billion-dollar fleet of patrol boats and ice-breakers of questionable value in the task of guarding our Northern shores, but which will serve well in the distribution of pork — not ungratefully received here in Victoria, mindful as we are that the Tories haven't the slightest hope of winning the seat at the next election.

Better, of course, would have been to create a Northern Regiment, recruited from the Northern population. Wth some high tech equipment, a scattering of igloos, and a bunch of sealskin canoes, who better to watch and to protect the Northern frontier than the indigenous people?

But the Tories already hold the seat for Nunavut, so why invest where nothing is to be gained?

And there is no NeoCon war for US hegemony that the Tories will not feebly aid, as Stephen Harper staunchly asserted long before the Tories gained power.

The Tories cut the corporate taxe rate, at which  no one can claim to be surprised. Moreover, tax cuts are a sound contribution to national ecomic policy. Where, after all, would you rather start a business and create some jobs: in Canada with a top Federal tax rate of 15%, or the US with a top rate of 31%?

While cutting taxes, the Tories have at least talked of balancing the budget and from time time they have even let go a few of the more annoying public servants — food inspectors, for example, who make trouble for corporate food interests, and government scientists who think they have some kind of academic freedom to let the public know what they have found out, whether it be concerning the destruction fisheries due to insane Federal Fisheries management, the pollution of streams, rivers and oceans, etc., etc.

And talking of pollution, the Tories have been absolutely solid in their support of oil, gas, and pipelines. But then what's not to expect about that with a Tory Prime Minister from Alberta.

On Israel and the wars, the Tories have been true to the established Tory line: sycophantic to Israel in the extreme, as was the evanescent Tory Premier, Joe Clark, who tried to move the Canadian embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem; and up there with the Brits in providing moral and some trivial military assistance in the US NeoCon war for global empire.

No, contrary to the claim that Canada's Tories are undemocratic, they have been more consistent than any government in living memory in delivering exactly what they promised.

And, in fact, Canada's other parties are about as predictable. The NDP (based on their provincial performance) always run on three promises — on which they make good — and one big lie: More for schools, more for healthcare, more for welfare and a balanced budget. You can guess which is the lie.

The Liberals are trickier. They run on the NDP platform, but try to rule on the Conservative platform, with one possible distinction, which is a greater commitment to national sovereignty (Pierre Trudeau and Chretien, but neither the accountant, Martin, nor the Harvard NeoCon, Ignatieff). It will be interesting to see if Justin Trudeau shapes up as a Canadian sovereigntist. If he can take advice from the wisest liberals around and refrain from the "just watch me" impulse, he may prove to have a real future in politics.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

When a Pair of Hands Is No Longer Worth a Living Wage

The annual labour of every nation is the fund which originally supplies it with all the necessaries and conveniences of life which it annually consumes.

Among civilized and thriving nations, ... though a great number of people do no labor at all, many of whom consume the produce of ten times, frequently of a hundred times more labour than the greater part of those who work; the produce of the whole labour of the society is so great, that all are often abundantly supplied, and a workman, even of the lowest and poorest order, if he is frugal and industrious, may enjoy a greater share of the necessaries and conveniencies of life than it is possible for any savage to acquire.

Adam Smith. The Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
In Adam Smith's day the productivity of labor varied greatly from one worker to another, but as Smith noted, in a "civilized and thriving nation," a workman "even of the lowest and poorest order," is better off  if he is frugal and industrious than the most prosperous "savage."

With 47.3 million citizens on food stamps, America is no longer, by Adam Smith's definition, a "thriving" nation. For lack of a household member earning a living wage, fifteen percent of the American population is now dependent on state handouts to avoid malnutrition if not outright starvation, a condition far inferior to that of Adam Smith's most prosperous "savage."

The same condition exists throughout the West. High and seemingly irreducible unemployment is endemic, throughout most of North America and Europe. What Adam Smith would no doubt have considered the most "civilized and thriving nations" now have tens of millions of workmen and workwomen of "the lowest and poorest order" who, even if "frugal and industrious," are not worth employing at the state-dictated minimum wage.

The reasons for this epidemic of Western poverty are five-fold.

First, in pursuit of cheap labor (or wage arbitrage as the economists call it), global corporations have exported capital and technology, and thus jobs, from the West to the Rest, while promoting mass immigration to the West of competitive Third-Worlders and East Europeans happy to exchange working for pennies an hour at home for either the minimum-wage job of an indigenous citizen, or welfare in the West extracted from the incomes of host country workers.

Second, the substitution of diesel- or electric-powered machinery  for virtually all forms of muscle power on the farm and elsewhere, the automation and robotization of an increasing proportion of what factory operations remain in the West, and the computerization of most clerical and low-level administrative functions, have made a pair of hands or a high-school diploma virtually worthless.

Third, the service economy that provides the greatest number of low-skill jobs, depends for its existence very largely on the mass market, which is to say the market made up of those very workers whose jobs are disappearing. Thus the service economy, where virtually all new jobs are expected to arise, is beginning to fall in on itself.

Fourth, the ability of government to create make-work projects that recirculate wealth from those productively employed in the private sector to all those people from the government who are there to help you with forms and permits, and crazy rules and regulations, is hitting limits. Kiribati, amazingly, manages to achieve government spending equal to 114.6% of GDP, and Zimbabwe is right behind at 98%, with civilized countries rushing to catch up: Iceland 58%, France and Sweden at 53%, with Britain pushing 50%, and Canada and the US at 40% — but the trend cannot continue indefinitely.

Fifth, business concentration, cartelization and technological intensification makes it increasingly difficult for the little guy to compete as an entrepreneur. For example, it was a lot easier 25 years ago to start a coffee shop than today when Star-Bucks, with their near minimum wages and their buying power to keep supply costs low, dominate just about every street corner in major North American cities. The same applies even more forcefully in the on-line world where markets tend to be dominated by giant monopolistic or oligopolistic tech companies such as Google, Microsoft, PayPal and Amazon.

So what means exist to aid the growing proportion of Western labor which is no longer worthy of its hire?

There are five approaches.

First, is the left-of-center political platform that offers more money for education, skills training, healthcare and roads and bridges to nowhere. 

Second, is the right-of-center political platform that offers lower taxes, smaller government and greater freedom in the market place.

Third, is the totalitarian approach, which offers an iron rice bowl in exchange for authoritarian top-down social control.

Forth is the globalist plan, which offers the revival of Western economies through a ruthless convergence of wages and living standards between the West and the Rest, while providing a handout to the fifty or one hundred million Westerners who fail to make the adjustment.

Fifth, is the the nationalist approach, which opposes the genocidal destruction of the nation state, a goal implicit in the globalist agenda of free movement of capital, goods, and people throughout the world in the interests of global corporate profitability.

The left-of-center approach breaks down when rising debt and taxes drives emigration of wealthy individuals and successful foot-loose industries. Moreover, as increasing resources are devoted to essentially unproductive public sector activities the wealth creating capacity of the nation declines, making increases in government revenue and spending difficult to sustain.

The immediate effects of the right-of-center approach are increased unemployment as unproductive public sector jobs are axed, and a hue and cry over "give-aways" to industry, with the result that serious attempts at rebooting the economy tend to be shirked. Margaret Thatcher's government in the UK was among the few rightest regimes to survive long enough to see some economic stimulus from its "harsh and heartless" reforms.

the totalitarian approach is not much in evidence today — but the Fascist and Communist beasts are licking their chops in anticipation as Western economies deteriorate and the masses become increasingly desperate to find relief from the relentless economic undertow.

Beneath the rhetoric of left and right, the globalist plan is now the bi-partisan policy of the mainline Western political parties and will be pursued indefinitely, as long as the London riots, the Occupy movement and similar phenomena fail to cause substantial disruption of the capitalist system.

The nationalist approach, which postulates the development of national economic policies to serve explicitly and exclusively the interests of the people of each sovereign nation state, is almost forgotten and whenever discussed by the capitalist media is invariable smeared as far-right extremist, racist emulation of Nazi fascism.

Of the five approaches, the nationalistic approach is the only democratic solution, and is thus the greatest threat to the capitalist oligarchy of financiers and global corporations that own the media and buy the loyalty of "democratically-elected" Western governments.

The object of sound national economic policy must be to retain industrial, technological and scientific skills and traditions accumulated over the generations so that the people of the West can once again make shoes and shirts, computers and car parts for one another rather than relying on the exploited labor of Asian sweatshops to produce such goods for us at wages that, because of differences in cost of living, are below the Western starvation rate.

Such an industrial revival, as I have discussed elsewhere, could be achieved either by adjusting wages on a national basis according to the unemployment rate, thereby bringing down the cost of living and increasing international competitiveness where unemployment is high; or by the provision of market-based wage subsidies that would be cheaper and more productive than existing welfare arrangements and the costs of crime and mental illness associated with mass unemployment.

But why waste one's breath. The ruling elite don't give a damn.

See also: 

FT: The End of the US Nursery Rhyme Economy (Link thanks to Aangirfan)

Canspeccy: End Welfare Now

Monday, April 8, 2013

Margaret Thatcher

By Archbishop Cranmer
To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: a time to die...a time to lose...a time to mourn...a time to weep...
Margaret Hilda Thatcher, the Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven in the County of Lincolnshire, is dead.

She was the first woman leader of the Conservative Party (indeed, of any major political party) and the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, holding office from 1979 to 1990.

Some will doubtless rejoice at the news, but very many more will mourn. They may not have agreed with all that the Iron Lady said or did, but the vast majority respected her as a woman of conviction and of principle; a woman who said what she thought and did what she said. Surveying the modern political scene of sophistry, duplicity, inconsistency and spin, she clearly belonged to another era.

Thousands of obituaries will be written today the world over. They will speak eloquently of how she reversed Britain’s decline of the 1970s; of how she forged a distinct Conservative political philosophy; transformed economic thinking; survived an assassination attempt and won a glorious victory for liberty against tyranny in the Falkland Islands.

They will recall the Cold War era and her close friendship with President Ronald Reagan, which was based not merely on a shared distrust of Communism, but the genuine warmth of fraternity. Few obituaries are likely to mention her devout Christian faith, which was the foundation of her political programme and the bedrock of her conviction for less government, lower taxes, more freedom and greater personal responsibility.

Read more

See also:

Margaret Thatcher Was Freakishly Correct About Why The Euro Would Be Such A Big Disaster


Which of these PMs sacked the most miners? (Clue: It wasn't Lady Thatcher)... The amazing facts that make a mockery of the rabble who want to wreck her funeral


Norman Tebbitt: The lightweights who brought Thatcher down

Robert Henderson: Margaret Thatcher, a Useful Idiot and the Tool of Liberal Internationalism

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Elevated airborne beta levels in Pacific/West Coast US States and trends in hypothyroidism among newborns after the Fukushima nuclear meltdown

OJPed Vol.3 No.1, March 2013

Joseph J. Mangano, Janette D. Sherman


Image source
Various reports indicate that the incidence of congenital hypothyroidism is increasing in developed nations, and that improved detection and more inclusive criteria for the disease do not explain this trend entirely. One risk factor documented in numerous studies is exposure to radioactive iodine found in nuclear weapons test fallout and nuclear reactor emissions. Large amounts of fallout disseminated worldwide from the meltdowns in four reactors at the Fukushima-Dai-ichi plant in Japan beginning March 11, 2011 included radioiodine isotopes. Just days after the meltdowns, I-131 concentrations in US precipitation was measured up to 211 times above normal. Highest levels of I-131 and airborne gross beta were documented in the five US States on the Pacific Ocean. The number of congenital hypothyroid cases in these five states from March 17-December 31, 2011 was 16% greater than for the same period in 2010, compared to a 3% decline in 36 other US States (p < 0.03). The greatest divergence in these two groups (+28%) occurred in the period March 17-June 30 (p < 0.04). Further analysis, in the US and in other nations, is needed to better understand any association between iodine exposure from Fukushima-Dai-ichi and congenital hypothyroidism risk.

PDF (Size:127KB) PP. 1-9

Friday, April 5, 2013

The New World Order Is Not the Figment of Some Conspiracy Theorist's Imagination

Some people may think that the New World Order is a conspiracy theory invented by Alex Jones and other wackos in the alternative media.

Image source
In fact, making the New World Order seem like some wacko conspiracy theory may be precisely the function of wacko conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones.

That the New World Order is the delusional product of a conspiracy theorist's imagination is, however, entirely mistaken. The New World Order is simply a name for global empire, world governance or whatever you want to call one-world government.

The current plan of implementation was announced by President George H. W. Bush, in 1991.But efforts to bring about a system of global governance are much older than that.

Realistic visions of global empire were born in the 19th century when the telegraph, the steamship and the machine gun made the creation of a global empire clearly feasible.

In the 1890's a British group seized on the idea of developing their empire, which controlled one quarter of the World’s population, into a global confederation of democratic states. The group was founded by Cecil Rhodes and included Rhodes' banking friends, Lord Rothschild and Alfred Beit, William Stead, the long-time Editor of the Times (of London, Lord Astor, Prop.), then the most influential news organ in the world, and Alfred Lord Milner, the central figure in the development of Britain’s early 20th century foreign policy.

The work of this group led to the formation of the Roundtable Groups, including the Council on Foreign Relations, today America's foremost foreign policy think tank, which staunchly backs (and presumably plans) every war for America global hegemony.

But the Anglo-American drive for World domination did not go unchallenged. The Communists, from Marx onward, have always preached global revolution. And the term New World Order was the title of the book in which Fabian socialist, H.G. Wells (friend of Joseph Stalin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt and sometime admirer of Adolf Hitler), spelled out his vision of a united planet.

To many, the idea of global governance may seem benign. But what they should realize is that its achievement entails the destruction of the sovereign nation state, i.e., the process of global genocide as the term “genocide” was defined by Raphael Lemkin.

The destruction of the nation state means the destruction of the distinctive cultures of both nations and civilizations. Hence the war on Islam, aka, the war on terror, and also the war on Christianity. That is why the “stomp on Jesus incident” at Florida Atlantic University is significant. For the success of the New World Order, American national identity, culture and European racial majority must be destroyed, just as the identity of every other nation must be replaced by a synthetic identity adapted to the needs of global system of governance subservient to the money power.

See also: 

James Fetzer, Conspiracy Theories, and the Defence of the State Against the People


 Biden: The 'affirmative task' before us is to 'create a new world order' 

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The US Greenback: Cash or Trash?

From the liberal left to the war-mongering Neocon right, America's political establishment has adopted as a fundamental principle Dick Cheney's Doctrine that "deficits don't matter".

Or rather the principle they have adopted is that deficits do matter — a lotsince without them it would be impossible to pursue the War on Terror or provide food stamps and healthcare to the tens of millions of Americans whose jobs have been exported to the Third World by profit maximizing American corporations, such as Apple, IBM and Microsoft.

The price of endless wars and mass welfare, so the new thinking goes, is endless and unimaginably huge deficits covered by money printing.

Money printing, or quantitative easing as it is more politely termed, is thus broadly accepted as the necessary financial laxative for America's insufficiently productive economy.

But not everyone agrees.

Place No Trust in Financial Markets

According to Reagan Administration budget Director, David Stockman, writing in the New York Times, not only has printing a flood of money failed to revive  the  Main Street economy, it has inflated another unsustainable Wall Street bubble, and when that bubble bursts, "America will descend into an era of zero-sum austerity and virulent political conflict, extinguishing even today’s feeble remnants of economic growth."

What to do?

"Get out of the markets," says David Stockman, "and hide out in cash."

Place Your Trust in the Dollar? You Have to Be Kidding

But according Paul Craig Roberts, who was also a high official of the Reagan Administration, in cash is just what you don't want to be because ad-lib money printing is about to cause a rout of the greenback.

Inteviewed by Rob Krall of OpEdNews, Roberts said:

The dollar is one of the biggest bubbles in history.  The Federal Reserve is creating over a trillion new dollars annually, but the demand for dollars is not rising by a trillion annually.  And so, sooner or later, this has to affect the price of the dollar, that is, the exchange value.  And we already see the important nations moving to decouple from the dollar.

We have the BriCs: this is China, Russia, Brazil, India, South Africa.  Altogether now, that's probably about half the world's population.  And it's probably half of the traded goods (laughs).  And so they're setting up a system in which they settle their trade with one another in their own currencies.  The dollar is no longer used as a reserve currency.  They're setting up their own version of an IMF.  They're just going to bypass all the Western institutions.  We see in China and Asia the rise of an Asian currency bloc, which is being organized around the Chinese currency.  We see deals with Japan and China to settle their trade with one another in their own currencies. 

So the demand and use for the dollar is about to rapidly constrict.  We'll have a situation where the Feds are not only creating a trillion new dollars more than the demand is growing, but the demand will be shrinking!  And so the thing will blow up.  And when the dollar bubble pops, so does the bond market bubble, the stock market bubble.  We will have the biggest economic catastrophe in the history of the world, and there is no solution.  The United States will go from being a so-called superpower to a nothing! 
"Where to Hide?

So how best to avoid the deluge, by hiding out in cash or stocking up on canned beans and ammunition?

Or is the panic premature?

In 1782, in correspondence with Adam Smith about British reverses in the American War of Independence, John Sinclair, heir to the earldom of Caithness wrote: "If we go on at this rate, the nation must be ruined." to which Smith replied: "Be assured, my young friend, that there is a great deal of ruin in a nation."

At the time, the British Empire had more than 150 years to run and had not yet reached its apogee. Today, America's position is perhaps not dissimilar to that of Britain in 1782.

Is the Dollar Weak?

Among the few known uses of gold.
The dollar is not as good as gold. Which is to say that it increases in quantity far more rapidly than gold and, in itself, is even more useless than a lump of shiny soft metal, which might at least serve as a doorstop or if suitably worked, adorn a dusky maiden.

But is the dollar doomed? Might the greenback someday be worth less than the paper its printed on?

What, for example, if China or someone else got mad at the US for printing so much cash and sold all their US treasuries. Well nothing, really, except that the US Fed would print another $trillion or so and buy up the unwanted paper. That would leave the Bank of China or Japan or whoever the seller might be with dollars they didn't want, which they would sell for, well, they would sell for what?

Do they think Euros, or Yen or Renminbis offer a better store of value? It seems unlikely.

The EU has a much higher cost structure than the US and is much less flexible in adapting to the globalized market.

The Japanese are swallowing the quantitative easing purgative with abandon, and are openly avowing the intention to boost inflation, so what's to like about the yen?

As for China's currency, it's printed as fast as the Americans turn out greenbacks, or faster.

So the dollar, which was up today by 3% against the Yen and up against the pound, the Euro and the Canadian loonie, looks at least as good as most other forms of paper money you might hold.
So What Will Hold Its Value?

Cash: For the foreseeable future manufactured stuff and services that can be off-shored or computerized, will continue getting cheaper, which means money will hold its value or increase relative to the cost of many things. This trend will be sustained not only through global wage arbitrage, but as the result of advancing technology and the replacement of workers with robots.

Real Estate: In the long run real estate will escalate in nominal value, since the supply relative to the money in circulation continually falls. But real estate markets are cyclical, so prices can fall for many years after a boom or a bubble. Moreover, real estate improvements, as opposed to land, are like all artifacts, subject to depreciation. And as innovative technologies are applied to construction, the dollar cost of real estate improvements could plummet.

Commodities: Supplies of most commodities can still be greatly increased through the application of new extraction and processing technologies. Prices, therefore, will likely remain stable, although prices of individual commodities are susceptible to political action, e.g., China's controls on the export of rare earth elements, or Americas military interventions in the global energy supply chain.

Stocks:  American financial markets are prone to panics and excursions, but even the panic of 2008 caused no permanent damage to those who were invested in sound assets and kept their nerve. Those stocks are now higher than ever.

Bonds: It's possible that US bonds will sell off if inflation picks up, but why should it? Government statistics show US unemployment near 8%, while other measures suggest a real rate of unemployment at least twice that. And exporters of the American economy have now hit their stride. Whatever American workers can do for ten, twenty or thirty dollars an hour, the Third World can do for one, two or three dollars an hour. If its tradable, it has to be a lot cheaper than it was ten years ago. That's indicative not of inflation,but  of deflation.

So for those scared by stocks and GIC's the bond market will likely continue to give a better return than cash under the mattress.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Race and the complexity of human diversity

There is a tendency in the discussion of human racial diversity to focus on unidimensional statistics such as IQ, prison incarceration rate, or a few other measures that tend to reinforce the notion of a human ladder of evolutionary advancement.

In the American context, this usually places blacks at the bottom, hispanics next, then whites, Asians and, at the tippy top, America's six or eight million Jews whose names are so prominent on the Forbes rich list, on Wall Street, at the head of many top law firms and among faculty and students of the Ivy league universities. Quite where the Amerindians stand in the hierachy is unclear, although most often they are simply forgotten.

There’s no question that humans are diverse — with the exception of monozygotic twins, we are all genetically unique. Human diversity, however, is usually much greater within populations than between populations, especially if environmental effects on development are accounted for.

There are exceptions to this generalization but they usually reflect population differences in rather trivial single-gene or linked-gene traits. For example, skin color, proportion of fast muscle, eye-shape, etc. When one considers traits with a complex genetic base, e.g., intelligence, racial characterization can be highly misleading. Thus, as Ron Unz explains in his article Myth of American Meritocracy,
 Over the years, claims have been widely circulated that [in America] the mean Jewish IQ is a full standard deviation—15 points—above the white average of 100, but this seems to have little basis in reality. Richard Lynn, one of the world’s foremost IQ experts, has performed an exhaustive literature review and located some 32 IQ samples of American Jews, taken from 1920 to 2008. For the first 14 studies conducted during the years 1920–1937, the Jewish IQ came out very close to the white American mean, and it was only in later decades that the average figure rose to the approximate range of 107–111.. … [and] Jewish academic achievement has apparently plummeted in recent decades…
I have no axe to grind concerning Jewish claims to intellectual accomplishment, although having been Christened in the Anglican, aka Episcopalian, church, I was amused by Unz’s statement that: “An analysis of the data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth found that Americans raised in the Episcopal Church actually exceeded Jews in mean IQ.”

But because they are not necessarily different when compared on some arbitrary and questionable measure of intellectual ability, it does not mean that Jews and, say, Episcopalians are intellectually or otherwise indistinguishable, or that any differences between them are unimportant or best eliminated. We simply don’t know much about those differences or how much they matter in particular circumstances. In any case,  Jews have surely accomplished enough to deserve a continued lease on life as a distinct ethnic — which is to say racial and cultural — group, as for that matter have the English, Episcopalian or otherwise.

Thus before the globalists destroy every nation and mix every race, we should take a break of a hundred years to considered what is involved in the drive for global miscegenation. And even then we should ensure every race a homeland where those who wish to go on being Viking or Jew, Malian or Chinese can maintain their national genetic and cultural identity.

For North Americans, however, the idea of racial separation is problematic. While resisting the inclusion of blacks, most Americans have long seen their country as a racial melting pot. Canadians mostly abandoned the idea that theirs is a country of two nations, English and French, following the loss of Quebec's 1980 independence referendum, although by that time English Canada was mostly anything but English. Integration, homogenization and miscegenation to produce what become identifiable as American and Canadian races is thus the probably outcome for North America's populations.

The loss of racial and cultural differentiation within North America is no reason, however, for the destruction of the races and nations from which the North American (and Australian) nations have sprung, including the indigenous nations of North America.

Chinese kindergarten. Image source
Certainly, maintaining human genetic and cultural diversity must, in any sane society, be more important than preserving the existence of the snail darter, the marbled murrelet, the purple toadflax and other non-human forms of biodiversity, about which concern is so often publicly expressed. But then there is nothing racist about seeking to preserve an endangered species, whereas to oppose the genocide of one's own people, their race and nation, is now generally condemned by the witless liberals who dominate the media as tantamount to Nazism and Holocaust denial.

See also:

The Unassimilated Indian
Race and IQ: Are Comparisons Intelligent 
Race and IQ in America

Monday, April 1, 2013

The Corruption of Capitalism in America

By David Stockman

New York Times, March 30, 2013: The Dow Jones and Standard & Poor’s 500 indexes reached record highs on Thursday, having completely erased the losses since the stock market’s last peak, in 2007. But instead of cheering, we should be very afraid.

Over the last 13 years, the stock market has twice crashed and touched off a recession: American households lost $5 trillion in the 2000 dot-com bust and more than $7 trillion in the 2007 housing crash. Sooner or later — within a few years, I predict — this latest Wall Street bubble, inflated by an egregious flood of phony money from the Federal Reserve rather than real economic gains, will explode, too.

Since the S.&P. 500 first reached its current level, in March 2000, the mad money printers at the Federal Reserve have expanded their balance sheet sixfold (to $3.2 trillion from $500 billion). Yet during that stretch, economic output has grown by an average of 1.7 percent a year (the slowest since the Civil War); real business investment has crawled forward at only 0.8 percent per year; and the payroll job count has crept up at a negligible 0.1 percent annually. Real median family income growth has dropped 8 percent, and the number of full-time middle class jobs, 6 percent. The real net worth of the “bottom” 90 percent has dropped by one-fourth. The number of food stamp and disability aid recipients has more than doubled, to 59 million, about one in five Americans.

So the Main Street economy is failing while Washington is piling a soaring debt burden on our descendants, unable to rein in either the warfare state or the welfare state or raise the taxes needed to pay the nation’s bills. By default, the Fed has resorted to a radical, uncharted spree of money printing. But the flood of liquidity, instead of spurring banks to lend and corporations to spend, has stayed trapped in the canyons of Wall Street, where it is inflating yet another unsustainable bubble.

When it bursts, there will be no new round of bailouts like the ones the banks got in 2008. Instead, America will descend into an era of zero-sum austerity and virulent political conflict, extinguishing even today’s feeble remnants of economic growth.

Read More

Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Myth of American Meritocracy

By Ron Unz

American Conservative, November 28, 2012: Just before the Labor Day weekend, a front page New York Times story broke the news of the largest cheating scandal in Harvard University history, in which nearly half the students taking a Government course on the role of Congress had plagiarized or otherwise illegally collaborated on their final exam.1 Each year, Harvard admits just 1600 freshmen while almost 125 Harvard students now face possible suspension over this single incident. A Harvard dean described the situation as “unprecedented.”

But should we really be so surprised at this behavior among the students at America’s most prestigious academic institution? In the last generation or two, the funnel of opportunity in American society has drastically narrowed, with a greater and greater proportion of our financial, media, business, and political elites being drawn from a relatively small number of our leading universities, together with their professional schools. The rise of a Henry Ford, from farm boy mechanic to world business tycoon, seems virtually impossible today, as even America’s most successful college dropouts such as Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg often turn out to be extremely well-connected former Harvard students. Indeed, the early success of Facebook was largely due to the powerful imprimatur it enjoyed from its exclusive availability first only at Harvard and later restricted to just the Ivy League.

During this period, we have witnessed a huge national decline in well-paid middle class jobs in the manufacturing sector and other sources of employment for those lacking college degrees, with median American wages having been stagnant or declining for the last forty years. Meanwhile, there has been an astonishing concentration of wealth at the top, with America’s richest 1 percent now possessing nearly as much net wealth as the bottom 95 percent.2 This situation, sometimes described as a “winner take all society,” leaves families desperate to maximize the chances that their children will reach the winners’ circle, rather than risk failure and poverty or even merely a spot in the rapidly deteriorating middle class. And the best single means of becoming such an economic winner is to gain admission to a top university, which provides an easy ticket to the wealth of Wall Street or similar venues, whose leading firms increasingly restrict their hiring to graduates of the Ivy League or a tiny handful of other top colleges.3 On the other side, finance remains the favored employment choice for Harvard, Yale or Princeton students after the diplomas are handed out.4

The Battle for Elite College Admissions

As a direct consequence, the war over college admissions has become astonishingly fierce, with many middle- or upper-middle class families investing quantities of time and money that would have seemed unimaginable a generation or more ago, leading to an all-against-all arms race that immiserates the student and exhausts the parents. The absurd parental efforts of an Amy Chua, as recounted in her 2010 bestseller Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, were simply a much more extreme version of widespread behavior among her peer-group, which is why her story resonated so deeply among our educated elites. Over the last thirty years, America’s test-prep companies have grown from almost nothing into a $5 billion annual industry, allowing the affluent to provide an admissions edge to their less able children. Similarly, the enormous annual tuition of $35,000 charged by elite private schools such as Dalton or Exeter is less for a superior high school education than for the hope of a greatly increased chance to enter the Ivy League.5 Many New York City parents even go to enormous efforts to enroll their children in the best possible pre-Kindergarten program, seeking early placement on the educational conveyer belt which eventually leads to Harvard.6 Others cut corners in a more direct fashion, as revealed in the huge SAT cheating rings recently uncovered in affluent New York suburbs, in which students were paid thousands of dollars to take SAT exams for their wealthier but dimmer classmates.7

But given such massive social and economic value now concentrated in a Harvard or Yale degree, the tiny handful of elite admissions gatekeepers enjoy enormous, almost unprecedented power to shape the leadership of our society by allocating their supply of thick envelopes. Even billionaires, media barons, and U.S. Senators may weigh their words and actions more carefully as their children approach college age. And if such power is used to select our future elites in a corrupt manner, perhaps the inevitable result is the selection of corrupt elites, with terrible consequences for America. Thus, the huge Harvard cheating scandal, and perhaps also the endless series of financial, business, and political scandals which have rocked our country over the last decade or more, even while our national economy has stagnated.

Just a few years ago Pulitzer Prize-winning former Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Golden published The Price of Admission, a devastating account of the corrupt admissions practices at so many of our leading universities, in which every sort of non-academic or financial factor plays a role in privileging the privileged and thereby squeezing out those high-ability, hard-working students who lack any special hook. In one particularly egregious case, a wealthy New Jersey real estate developer, later sent to Federal prison on political corruption charges, paid Harvard $2.5 million to help ensure admission of his completely under-qualified son.8 When we consider that Harvard’s existing endowment was then at $15 billion and earning almost $7 million each day in investment earnings, we see that a culture of financial corruption has developed an absurd illogic of its own, in which senior Harvard administrators sell their university’s honor for just a few hours worth of its regular annual income, the equivalent of a Harvard instructor raising a grade for a hundred dollars in cash.

An admissions system based on non-academic factors often amounting to institutionalized venality would seem strange or even unthinkable among the top universities of most other advanced nations in Europe or Asia, though such practices are widespread in much of the corrupt Third World. The notion of a wealthy family buying their son his entrance into the Grandes Ecoles of France or the top Japanese universities would be an absurdity, and the academic rectitude of Europe’s Nordic or Germanic nations is even more severe, with those far more egalitarian societies anyway tending to deemphasize university rankings.

Read more

BBC Launches New Attack on Christianity

As the Telegraph reports, following its derisive and obscene skit on the Archbishop of Canterbury, the BBC continues the genocidal assault on English culture by further insulting Christianity, the religion of England's national church.

The Telegraph, March 29, 2013: The Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, the former bishop of Rochester, said the programme, presented by Melvyn Bragg would be “hugely offensive” to devout Christians because it amounted to the “sexualisation of Christ”.

He said it was all the more upsetting because it is being screened at midday on Good Friday – the moment the Bible says Jesus was put on the cross.

Last night one Christian group issued an alert to its supporters urging them to contact the BBC’s complaints line.

Lord Bragg, who describes himself as “no longer a believer”, argues that Mary’s close relationship with Jesus was effectively airbrushed out of the accepted Biblical account by “misogynist” Romans.

He points to a series of ancient writings known as the Gnostic Gospels which were not included in the agreed list of books which became the New Testament.

They include references to Mary being “kissed on the mouth” by Jesus, being his favourite and even, as one passage suggests, his wife.

The suggestion that Mary had a sexual relationship with Jesus lies behind the storyline of the Hollywood film The Last Temptation of Christ, which provoked a scandal, and more recently the Da Vinci Code, the best-selling novel by Dan Brown.

Writing in The Daily Telegraph last week, Lord Bragg said: “She was acknowledged by other disciples as his favourite and there is one taunting scrap of record which may well lead to the conclusion that she was his wife.

“What then? What then for the celibacy which has led the organised Church into so many abuses and crimes and distorted lives?”

But Bishop Nazir-Ali accused the corporation of deliberately causing offense to Christians and questioned whether other groups would be treated in the same way.

The Pakistan-born cleric, who was the fist non white bishop in the Church of England, added that the programme could cause particular problems for Christians in Muslim countries where they are already facing persecution.

He said: “This is going out at 12 o’clock on Good Friday which is exactly the time that Christians are thinking about Christ on the cross, this highly provocative stuff that really encourages a sexualisation of Christ with references to him being kissed on the mouth by Mary Magdalene and it refers to her being his wife.

“I am concerned about the misuses of very obscure Gnostic gospels to impugne the integrity of the Bible.

“It is highly provocative in terms of its content for Christians on Good Friday and it attempts to sexualize Christ in the most offensive way.

“Biblical Christians are not given any kind of response to this.

“They can say whatever they like on Good Friday and nobody it seems is going to put the Biblical point of view about who Mary was and what her relationship with Jesus was.

“Why is the BBC doing this on Good Friday and why is it doing it in such a provocative way.”

“There will be huge offence, here must be some way of putting the other point of view across.”

Last night the group Christian Concern emailed its supporters urging them to contact the BBC’s complaints line and offering links to online complaint forms.

Andrea Williams, director of Christian Concern, said: “Noon Good Friday is the precise time Christians are remembering Jesus' crucifixion.

“To air a programme which questions the purity of Christ is at best insensitive and at worst offensive.

“Who is making such bewildering decisions in the BBC's religious programming department?

“A programme redressing the balance based on sound scholarship - rather than pseudo-scholarship popularised by Dan Brown novels - needs to broadcast.”

See also:

Those BBC Bastards Pissed On My Church