Showing posts with label vaccination passport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vaccination passport. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Vaccine Passport, Anyone?

In my possibly warped opinion, the best thing about an article at Zero Hedge is usually the comments.
For example, the comments slamming Joe Scarborough for slamming "Idiots" Who Oppose Covid Vaccine Passports seemed to me to be particularly apt, revealing as they do the apparent illogicality of vaccinated people demanding  protection from the unvaccinated, whereas it should surely be the other way around, since the vaccine, while suppressing the symptoms of disease, prevents neither infection nor transmission.

For example:

 Talk about illogical. Hey moron, if the vaccine works, then it shouldn't matter what someone that hasn't been vaccinated does. The unvaccinated are the one supposedly taking the risk.

But "the experts" have said that even if you get the vaccine you still have to wear face coverings, socially distance 6 feet (or is it now 3 feet?) and stay at home.

Which might be reasonable because the "vaccine" does not prevent you from getting the covid. It only lessens the symptoms if you do get it.

Now, with the "vaccine passport" that all goes away?

So many mixed messages.

And it is true; Dr. Fauci looks like the 80 year old version of the Mad Magazine icon

By what authority does ANY government agency issue passports for movement within the Continental United States? Under ANY circumstances? For ANY reason?
They want marshal law but under another name thinking that will fool everybody into believing its legal.


Vaccine passports for Americans, while millions of unknown illegal aliens walk across the border and are just set free into the country. So, what does he have to say about kids in cages, in one big concentration camp, that is a mega/ultra/max/best-of-best super spreader event? I'm confused, democrats said 6 people couldn't gather for Christmas, but now democrats have thousands literally laying on each other.


You vote for Leftists, you get Leftism.

Their hypocrisy is astounding...

No voter ID necessary BUT you need a vaccine passport to access your Rights and Freedoms...?

The Left assumes the Non-Left does not want they demand it be mandatory for everyone...they themselves will harm themselves as long as it harms their political adversaries as well.

Great business model.


The Day that Trump Panicked, and Wrecked His Presidency

What is the End Game for COVID19 Black Ops?

We Must Not Be Forced Into Vaccinating Our Children From COVID

Vitamin D deficiency is the primary cause of covid hospitalizations and deaths

Dozens in Central Florida contract COVID-19 after being fully vaccinated

And the good news - or a suggestion of good news, anyhow:

And this:

Just 100 vaccinated Washington State residents test positive for COVID-19
