Vaccine, n.
An untested substance which:is to be injected under compulsion, at six-month intervals, into every human on the face of the planet -- including pregnant women and infants;
has already killed and injured hundreds of thousands;
fails to prevent either infection or transmission of a virus posing no mortal threat to 99.75% of the population;
"We Must Learn To Live With It" - WHO's EU Chief Admits COVID Isn't Going Anywhere
COVID-19 treatment pills destroy justification for vax mandates
Emerging SARS-CoV-2 variant A.30 efficiently evades vaccine-induced immunity
has already killed and injured hundreds of thousands;
fails to prevent either infection or transmission of a virus posing no mortal threat to 99.75% of the population;
fails to prevent infection by a virus to which something like one-third of the population already has robust and durable, full-spectrum natural immunity from past infection;
is likely now driving immune escape of Sars-CoV-2, leading to the emergence of more deadly strains.
Innate versus Adaptive Immunity in COVID-19
Get the shot now or live in endless misery, denied the right to work, to travel, or to mix with your fellow human beings except with your face covered like that of an obedient Muslim woman.