And down that "more sustainable path" of a much lower standard of living for you, is where we are headed.
For now you will be cushioned from the fall in standard of living by stupendous monetary inflation, cash bailouts for all. But when the ballooning money supply -- yes money is just digits and can be inflated without limit -- and the fall in output in goods and services touches off an accelerating rise in prices, then watch out.
There will be an explosion in demand as people seek to rid themselves of currency of rapidly diminishing value. The result will be shortages and panic. As in Germany's great 1923 inflation, folks will be forced to trade the grand piano or the second car, the only car, even a child, for a basket of groceries. In no time, most folks will be entirely cleaned out: no money, no food, desperate.
Wages can then be adjusted: down.
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"A Truly Orwellian Culture" - Amazon Removes COVID Skeptic's Book For Violating Content Guidelines. Source |
Maybe, as during Germany's 1923 inflation, the corporate behemoths, the FAANG stock companies and other big boys that survive the great downsizing, will pay wages in their own currency. Amazon, for example, might pay its workers in Amazons, each redeemable by Amazon for one US dollar.
Why? did you ask?
Because when shortages are growing and the supply of money is exploding, the value of the US dollar will fall so fast that between the time Amazon issues its currency and the time those who have sold goods for Amazons receive dollars in return for the Amazons, the US dollar will be worth no more than four-fifths of flip all. At that point, wages will be at the level that Bezos and Zucks are happy with, which is to say next to nothing.
That's the great, but "rapidly shrinking window of opportunity" that the globalist traitor, Prince Chuckie, is working to push you out of.
The Spectator:
That's the great, but "rapidly shrinking window of opportunity" that the globalist traitor, Prince Chuckie, is working to push you out of.
What's the alternative. Herd immunity, achieved by ending the the shutdown of the Western economies now. The result? Kids, university students, and other young adults, the most socially active element in the population will mostly get Covid19, survive it and acquire immunity. Then the incidence of the disease will collapse due to a shortage of susceptible individuals. The disease will remain in circulation but at a low level. Older people or people otherwise susceptible to serious complications from the corona virus will then be comparatively free to engage in normal social activity as their chance of contact with an infected person will be low.
Herd immunity is thus precisely what the elite seek to prevent at all cost. It is the one thing that can protect your job, and your current prosperity. What the globalist "Great Resetters" want, instead, is a crisis so prolonged as to destroy the consumer economy and permanently lower the standard of living of the 99% to the massively lower level that they, the sheltered elite, call "sustainable."
The Spectator:
... In August, the Lancet published an analysis of data from 50 countries. The researchers found that full lockdowns were 'not associated' with decreased mortality from Covid-19. These are hard outcome data; reality cannot be waved away with theories or projections. So much for the purported benefits. What about the risks? We cannot answer this question fully because a worldwide lockdown experiment has never been run before. However, evidence for the harms of lockdown is now piling up. In the US, homicides are up 50 per cent compared to last summer. In France, domestic violence calls are up 30 per cent. In Canada, almost three times more people are contemplating suicide compared to last year; and in British Columbia, overdose deaths have tripled from pre-pandemic levels. When you deprive children of their education, adults of their livelihood, and elderly people of their social connections, desperation and despair quickly set in. While a thoughtful person might have predicted this, the mathematical models did not. All of these numbers fit with what I see in my clinical practice. I have personally admitted dozens of elderly people to hospital with illness resulting from social isolation and neglect. Some were literally starving to death. One patient, in her eighties, lived in a retirement community but relied on family members to feed her meals. When they were socially distanced (banned) from the premises, she couldn’t feed herself and her health quickly deteriorated. Another patient, a 92-year-old woman, simply gave up on life and started refusing her meals once her family stopped coming to visit. Both these scenes were catastrophically inhumane and will stick with me for a long time. Neither is captured in the government’s Covid-19 statistics. ... ...As a medic, my verdict is clear: mandatory government lockdowns amount to a medical recommendation of no proven benefit, of extraordinary potential harm, that do not take personal values and individual consent into account. Physicians who call for their use should hearken back to these core planks of their ethical training. |
A country level analysis measuring the impact of government actions, country preparedness and socioeconomic factors on COVID-19 mortality and related health outcomes