Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ukraine. Show all posts

Monday, February 28, 2022

If You Don't Hate Russia, and Especially Putin, You Must be a Trucker-Loving, Bit-Coin Hoarding, Anti-Vaxer and, If You Deny It, Just Listen to the CBC

 War is a cruel and generally catastrophic event, and he who starts a war bears a vast burden of responsibility. As war rages in Ukraine, the contention that Putin is the evilest man who ever lived with the possible exception of Ghengis Kahn and Adolf Hitler is now generally accepted in the West, at least if reports in the Guardian and as broadcast by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation are to be trusted, as they surely deserve.

However, if you would like to reassure yourself on all points of Russian criminal responsibility for war in Ukraine, you might read David Stockman's essay: The Land Where History Died, Part 1 published for the benefit of a hoard of mysogenistic, anti-semitic white supremacist readers of the Unz Review. 

Essentially, he makes the case that Russia had a small point in justification of its resort to war; namely, that the Russian-speaking people of Eastern Ukraine absolutely did not want to be ruled by the corrupt oligarchic friends of President Biden and son Hunter (people who, incidentally, just outlawed the use of the Russian language in education and for all official purposes). 

In particular, they resented the Kyiv-ites refusal to adhere to the terms of the agreement they made in 2014 to grant autonomy to the ethnic Russian enclaves of Donesk and Lugansk under a revised Ukrainian Constitution. 

What's more, they do not like the way the Ukrainian Azov battalion, noted for its Nazi regalia, have made a habit of shelling Donesk and Lugansk resulting not only in the destruction of property, but in the death of hundreds including many children. 

A further point is that Vladimir Putin stands in the shadow of many great Russian leaders, who by virtue of luck, foresight, firmness of purpose and absolute ruthlessness, created and preserved the Russian state for more than a thousand years. Prince Vladimir, for example, Tenth Century ruler of the Kyevan Rus and founder of the Russian Orthodox Church; the monster, Tsar Ivan the Terrible who created the Russian Empire from a loose collection of mediaeval states; Peter the Great who defeated the King of Sweden at the history-shaping battle of Poltava in, yes, Ukraine; and Catherine the Great, whose lover Potemkin returned Kyiv to Russian control, and conquered Crimea, the home of a Tartar Khanate that had made a living by shipping tens of thousands of kidnapped Russian peasants to the slave markets of Constantinople.

So anyone who thinks Putin gives a damn what the Twitterati, Justin Trudeau, or Boris Johnson have to say about his determination to defend Russian citizens and Russian honor in Ukraine is a sad and foolish dupe of Western propaganda.


Srdja Trifkovic: The Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Three Scenarios

Patrick Buchana: Is Putin Considering Using Nukes on NATO?

Kyiv Post: Journalists confirm Zelensky’s $40 million tie with Kolomoisky

Jewish Subtexts in Ukraine

A Sceptical Take On the Ukraine Crisis

US/NATO is in the Grip of a Daemonic Death-Wish & the Entire World is Threatened

The red and black flag has historically represented the Bandera movement in Ukraine. Stepan Bandera was a Nationalist Ukrainian politician during the Second World War who is accused of war crimes and leading atrocities against Jewish and Polish people (crimes advocated by Trudeau's Deputy PM's grandfather). But given Trudeau's lust for dictatorship, it's not surprising he has a crypto-Nazi deputy.

Russian Military Tells Kiev Civilians To Evacuate As Strikes Target City's Communications

I find it interesting how the West is so aghast at the Russian move while US military personnel sit at oil fields in Syria as we speak. The West has invaded how many middle eastern countries either physically or economically? Only difference is that their kangaroo court (the UN) sanctions their own actions and condemns the actions of those they oppose.

Where was the West for the last 8 years of Donbass shelling by the Ukes? Where was the west as we constantly droned funerals and weddings throughout the middle east? Where was the West when ISIS took over? Where was the West in Libya? I'll tell you where...they were the antagonist in all of it to protect the hegemony at all costs.

The crocodile tears for the Ukes are too much to take.
Ukraine Parliament Member: We Fight for the New World Ordure:

In Wartime, Dissent Should Not be Confused With Disloyalty

Why No-Fly Zone over Ukraine Means World War with Nukes The reason Putin raised the readiness level of Russia's nuclear forces

US/NATO is in the Grip of a Daemonic Death-Wish & the Entire World is Threatened

Saturday, April 17, 2021

World War III to Begin Next Wednesday

Hal Turner: When Ambassador John Sullivan arrived at Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Thursday, April 15, he was told "The United States has six days to cease all NATO activity inside Ukraine. Otherwise Russia will attack Ukraine and stop the NATO activity itself."

Forget the vaccine, get a hard hat. 

Sunday, December 29, 2019

George Soros, the Nazi Jew, Working profitably With the UkroNazis

F. William Engdahl

New Eastern Outlook, December 6, 2015: Rarely does the world get a true look inside the corrupt world of Western oligarchs and the brazen manipulations they use to enhance their fortunes at the expense of the public good. The following comes from correspondence of the Hungarian-born billionaire, now naturalized American speculator, George Soros. The hacker group CyberBerkut has published online letters allegedly written by Soros that reveal him not only as puppet master of the US-backed Ukraine regime. They also reveal his machinations with the US Government and the officials of the European Union in a scheme where, if he succeeds, he could win billions in the plunder of Ukraine assets. All, of course, would be at the expense of Ukrainian citizens and of EU taxpayers.

What the three hacked documents reveal is a degree of behind-the-scene manipulation of the most minute details of the Kiev regime by the New York billionaire.

In the longest memo, dated March 15, 2015 and marked “Confidential” Soros outlines a detailed map of actions for the Ukraine regime. Titled, “A short and medium term comprehensive strategy for the new Ukraine,” the memo from Soros calls for steps to “restore the fighting capacity of Ukraine without violating the Minsk agreement.” To do the restoring, Soros blithely notes that “General Wesley Clark, Polish General Skrzypczak and a few specialists under the auspices of the Atlantic Council [emphasis added—f.w.e.] will advise President Poroshenko how to restore the fighting capacity of Ukraine without violating the Minsk agreement.”
Read more

VOE: George Soros listed as 2nd most influential figure in Ukraine

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Nato Snipers in Kiev and planned false-flag attacks on the Ukrainian military

One thing I’m sure of is that media accounts available in the United States are so tainted by anti-Russia and U.S. nationalist and capitalist interests that we have no idea of what is really happening in Ukraine.

It is clear that the U.S. involvement is not “out of the blue,” but part of an ongoing campaign to increase NATO power and Western economic penetration of the countries surrounding Russia, stimulating for some Russians reminders of the previous trauma of being attacked by the Nazis and others through the Ukraine, where pro-fascist, anti-communist and anti-Semitic sentiments ran strong and welcomed foreign interventions.

Rabbi Michael Lerner: Ukraine, What is Really Happening
If the United States has a secret weapon in the drive for global hegemony, it is surely the globe-encircling, 24/7 system for catapulting the propaganda, a system so much part of the daily experience of most people that few any longer make a distinction between the message of the media and the reality the media claim to reflect.

It is in such a world that US is able, as Putin remarked on Tuesday, to conduct foreign policy as if:
... they’re in a lab and they’re running all sorts of experiments on the rats without understanding consequences of what they’re doing.
Which is why the media are not headlining this intercepted conversation between Estonian Foreign Minister, Urmas Paet and High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton:

The key exchange occurs just after 8 minutes and, as transcribed by Zero Hedge, is as follows:

All the evidence shows that people who were killed by snipers from both sides, policemen and people from the streets, that they were the same snipers killing people from both sides. ... Some photos that showed it is the same handwriting, the same type of bullets, and it is really disturbing that now the new coalition they don't want to investigate what exactly happened. So there is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovych, but it was somebody from the new coalition.
I think we do want to investigate. I mean, I didn’t pick that up, that’s interesting. Gosh.
It already discreditates (sic) this new coalition.
In addition, Paet states that all new government members have a "dirty past," and that members of parliament have been intimidated and beaten up by agents of the government.

So while the people behind the war crimes appear once again to be the folks in Washington, DC, Canada's Pipsqueak, Neocon, Stephen Harper, and his minion Baird, squeak on about Putin being the New Hitler. But the above leaked conversation leaves little room for doubt as to the kind of people Harper and the US Empire are backing in Kiev.

Aangirfan reports that the recorded telephone conversation was "uploaded to the web by officers of Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) loyal to ousted President Viktor Yanukovich who hacked Paet’s and Ashton’s phones."

Aangirfan also reports the claim by journalist Alexander Zhilin that the new government in Ukraine is preparing false flag attacks on its own military.

In light of the new revelations abou the sniper killings in Kiev, which the Western media were so quick to blame on Yanukovych, Pravda asks:
Who in the United States of America wants a Secretary of State/President who either lies through his teeth or else is so gullible that he just accepts and repeats what he is told?
Actually, it's clear that they're both liars, their lips often move.

And here's another story you'll not likely see in the MSM, an account of the role of disaffected Tartars and Neo-Nazis backed by Turkish intelligence intent on repeating in provincial capitals of Eastern Ukraine the takeover of government seen in Kiev.

And speaking of the US media, economist, author, journalist and former US Deputy Secretary to the Treasure, Paul Craig Roberts, summed it up this way:
...the American media, since the final years of the Clinton regime, is a propaganda ministry for the government. We no longer have independent print or TV media, they are owned by five large firms. They are no longer run by journalists, they are run by former government officials and corporate advertising executives. And the value of the firms is they have federal broadcast licenses. They can’t go against the government because they wouldn’t be able to retain their licenses. So, the free and dispersed independent American media ceased to exist around 1997.

f you noticed, in the American media there is no challenge from the print or TV media to the government’s interpretation of what is happening in Ukraine or Syria, or anywhere. So, it is essentially a propaganda ministry. I’m the former editor of the Wall Street Journal and I can no longer recognize the American media as a media. It has nothing in common with the media that I had a permanent position in.
And on the "revolution" in Ukraine, Roberts said:
... Washington is embarrassed ... it lost control of the coup and ... these fanatical ultranationalists have come to the forefront, and have provoked the secession movements in Crimea and the eastern Ukraine, which are the traditional Russian provinces that Khrushchev stuck into Ukraine in the 1950es. These are not traditional Ukrainian territories.

And... when these Russian-speaking areas see the threats being issued from Kiev, see the ban on the use of the Russian language in any official way, see the destruction of war memorials that celebrate the liberation of Ukraine by the Russian troops from the Nazis, when they see these hostile actions, it scares them, they don’t want these people coming in and threatening them the way that videos showed this ultranationalists threatening the American stooges that Washington intended to put in as the government.

You could see these videos where these Nazi-type thugs go in and shout, and scream at the alleged government in Kiev and drag people by their neckties, and slap them around, and carry brandish AK-47s – this is not a very amenable picture for people in the Crimea and eastern Ukraine to accept. They don’t want any of that and they are saying – we really are Russians and we want to go back to where we belong. That is just a natural response to this type of brutal behavior on the part of these ultranationalists.

...Ukraine ... was part of Russia for 200 years and half of Ukraine was always part of Russia. So, the whole thing is madness and when the country behaves [in] this reckless [way], it is a serious thing. It is like the fools who took the world to the WW I.
I said above that the media weren't headlining the leaked conversation between Paet and Ashton. Well, in fact, one outlet, the Guardian, driven by the need to safeguard its reputation as a radical organ, no doubt, has covered it now, but nothing from the NY Times (Carlos Slim, Prop.) or WaPo (Jeff Bezos of, Prop.). The Guardian's coverage offers an amusing reaction from the US State Department. The embarrassing information revealed in the hacked phone call is deftly finessed.
Asked about the emergence of a second embarrassing phonecall, a spokesperson for the US state department said: "As I said around the last unfortunate case, this is just another example of the kind of Russian tradecraft that we have concerns about."
The only matter for embarrassment, apparently, is that they were hacked. That the killings were the work of Mighty Mouse, Steven Harper's Ukrainian Nazi friends in Kiev is a matter of no account. LOL.

The story is now covered by the Daily Mail, with this descriptive headline: "Was 'massacre' which started Ukraine revolution ordered by the new leaders? Leaked tape says Maidan snipers were NOT under control of ousted president but opposition which drove him from power."

See also:

Global Research: Leaked Telephone Conversation: Ukraine Sniper Killings of “Opposition Protesters” Ordered by “Opposition Leaders”, Blamed on Yanukovych

UTube: George Galloway: US approach to Ukraine "ludicrous, nonsensical"

RiaNovosti: 5,500 Ukrainian Soldiers Defect to Serve an Independent Crimea

Voice of Russia: Three anti-aircraft missile regiments of Ukraine's Armed Forces join Crimean side

PressTV: Protesters retake Donetsk government building

Washingtons Blog: Estonian Foreign Minister Accuses NEW Ukranian Government of Being Behind Sniper Attacks Which Led to Ouster of OLD Ukranian Government

William F. Engdahl: Ukraine: Secretive Neo-Nazi Military Organization Involved in Euromaidan Snyper Shootings Ukraine semi-officially accused NATO block in killing its citizens during disturbances in Kiev

Voltairenet: Russia opens criminal case against new Ukrainian leader on terrorism charges