Canada's Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) has emerged as a highly energetic and articulate defender of the rights of the eight to ten million Canadians who have been labelled by Prime Minister Trudeau, with Hitlerian rhetoric, as “misogynist, anti-science, racist, extremists.”
Because they have declined to accept injection with an experimental vaccine — a vaccine known to have caused heart damage or death to tens of thousands in North America alone — to reduce, not the risk of infection, but the risk of possibly severe illness from a virus that, in it's currently circulating form, causes symptoms generally difficult to distinguish from those of the common cold.
While I would be happy to expand on the work of the JCCF, the organization does an excellent job of explaining itself, and why you should consider supporting them.
John Carpay: The Charter has not stopped Canada’s slide toward tyranny