Monday, September 23, 2024

Putin Threatens Armageddon: Biden Backs Off

Losing his war with Russia badly, Zelensky's sought to hand it off to NATO by making Ukraine the launch pad for NATO missile strikes deep inside Russia.

Low-IQ NATO enthusiasts such as Kwier Stormer and Justintelligent (Barely) Trudeau applauded.

But then Putin drew Biden's attention to Russia's nuclear war doctrine:

Threaten the survival of the Russian state and the nukes fly: all of them.

Biden, though in evident cognitive decline, got the message. So no mushroom clouds in your neighborhood -- for now.

Meantime, Zelensky, in America. snears at those who oppose the launch of World War Three on behalf of his shitty, self-destructing, lunatic-asylum country.

Pray for Peace, as the Madmen of the West are About to Plunge the World into a Mass-Death Scenario

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