Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Starmer's Britain

Kevin Sorbo
This is what’s happening in the UK right now.

Rogan: State Of Free Speech In The UK Is Worse Than Russia ...In Russia, only around 400 people are arrested each year for ‘hateful’ tweets, while that number is around 3,300 in the UK.

“The fact that they’re comfortable with finding people who’ve said something they disagree with and putting them in a fucking cage in England in 2024 is really wild,” said Rogan.

UK Threatens to Extradite Overseas Social Media Users Who Criticize Mass Migration, Two-Tier Policing (Note to UK Police Authorities: Please be aware that this post is not intended as a criticism of the Tyrannical Starmer Government, with it's pathological hatred of critics both domestic and foreign, so please do not think of extraditing us as a critic of the Starmer Government's policy of allowing mass migration to the land of our birth of people of alien religion and ideology, who have a contempt for British values.)

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