Friday, December 29, 2023

Trudeau's Nazified Canada Encourages the Mentally Ill To Kill Themselves

 Feeling down? Here, let me help you kill yourself.

WND, December 28, 2023: Canada is set to offer assisted suicide to Canadians with mental illnesses, The New York Times reported on Wednesday.

The law would make Canada one of the few countries that allow individuals struggling with mental illness to seek assisted suicide through a doctor, according to the NYT. It is set to go into effect in March, and has drawn condemnation from lawmakers and mental health professionals, the latter of whom fear it will undercut their efforts to help their patients and prevent them from committing suicide. 

What next from Trudeau's Nazified "Liberals"? Medically assisted death for the unemployed? For the homeless? Yeah, no more shit on the sidewalk. And why not folks of low IQ, including one would hope, Justin himself?

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