Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Trump Lawyer Shreds Biased Judge


  1. Both Trump and Biden are unpopular.

    Trump's approval and favorability ratings are remarkably bad.

    Yet, it is beginning to look as if Trump will be the first president since Grover Cleveland to be voted out but then voted back in four years later.

    You've got to hand it to the democrats. They are clueless. Trump isn't going to win the next election. The democrats are going to lose it.

    They don't seem to notice Biden's "Weekend at Bernie's" performance isn't funny any more.

    They don't seem to notice their calculated legal onslaught aimed at Trump has if anything made voters more sympathetic to him and more antipathetic to the democrats using such dangerous smear tactics.


  2. Trump wasn't voted out. He was ousted in a coup.

    Biden is not a legitimate President. he is a senile puppet, fronting for the intelligence agencies.

  3. Well, if Trump was ousted in a coup, the least they could have done is put a bullet in his head. I don't mean no "single bullet" theory either.

    Why didn't the intelligence agencies find a better front? A lot of people make excellent puppets. Basically, my interpretation is, when you say senile puppet, what you mean is a puppet with tattered strings, frayed strings.

    It is so danged weird.

    Did you know Joe Biden was once the youngest member of the US Senate? Yep. And now he's the oldest President in U.S. history!

    1. Maybe Biden's always been a puppet. if so, that would explain why they'd make use of the old reliable Joe, rather than some potentially less managable if more attractive alternative.
