Friday, March 31, 2023

Napolitano/Ritter: The US Versus Russia and China: From Bahkmut to Taiwan


And in Other News:

Justin Trudeau's Canada Advances Plan to Euthanize Children Without Parental Consent

What Canada needs is a plan to euthanize its Fascist politicians.


  1. Off topic, but you've written quite a bit on the Unz Review, mainly to complain.

    A regular Unz review commentator, "Intelligent Dasein" made this comment on a thread about the Trump indictment (Steve Sailer's blog, its comment #162 in the relevant thread), that sums up the MO of the site perfectly:

    "Yes, it’s amazing how easily you can pick out the people with real views and opinions on the one hand (whether you agree with them or not), and the people with fake personas who are obviously here running some sort of COINTEL. And it’s always the latter ones whose comments seem to be whitelisted. Among the glowies, you’ve got:

    Steve D
    Steve Steveson
    Steve Would Be Telling

    "All of them free to promote regime propaganda 24 hours a day, blissfully bypassing the moderation queue, apparently without the constraints of personal life or professional life or any other demands on their time, and churning out an endless stream vignettes, all polished and clearly the work of educated minds, but very much out of character for ones whose personal lives actually match the details of the lives they affect to have. The Unz Review is mobbed up to the gills with counterintelligence trying to stir the pot and keep their finger on the pulse of the resistance, and that is why this place still exists.

    The site is allowed to exist mainly because its a honeypot. Deep state monitors it, and both can track actual dissidents who post there, and use sock pockets in an attempt to influence or confuse the dissidents.

    This would imply that there is nothing particularly wrong with the original blog posts and essays on the sites. They can be badly mistaken, but are honestly argued. This is likely the case. Dissidents would eventually figure out that the original posts were all controlled oppo and abandon the site, ruining the honeypot operation. They lost a lot of regulars over the endorsement of the COVID lockdowns and vaccines by Unz and Sailer, though Unz continued to publish essays critical of both.

    1. Your assessment that comment moderation at the Unz Review serves some state intelligence function couldy be correct. Certainly it prevents a free and open discussion on some questions. But then it may simply reflect Ron Unz's own prejudices. Either way, there is something about the published comments that fails to retain one's interest, or such was my experience. In part, perhaps, the problem is simply that the format encourages long and involved statements, rather than pithy, to the point, comments. But then some people, seem to be tolerant of much verbosity, as is evident in Ron Unz's own pieces, which are long on details of the evolution of Ron's own reading and his extensive reading. But to avoid the sin or extreme verbosity, I'd better end this comment forthwith.

    2. But, as you say, the articles on seem generally to be sincerely argued.

    3. But whatever the motivation behind comment moderation at the Unz Review, the Unz line on Covid certainly displayed either dopiness or disinformation.

      The US Center for Disease Control established quite early in 2020 that Covid mortality was highly age dependent, being in the order of 20% in the over eighties, but less than that due to influenza among young children. The implication was thus clear, children and younger adults should have been allowed to acquire immunity through infection, while the aged and also those vulnerable due to obesity or a sedentary life-style should be shielded from infection so far as possible and vaccinated, assuming that there is an effective vaccine. Instead Unz promoted the education interrupting, mental health disturbing lockdowns together with compelled injection of a new tech vaccine subject to minimal testing and of minimal effectiveness is preventing the spread.
