Wednesday, November 2, 2022

November 6, 2022

Yeah, well forget that (see Scott Ritter: The Bird is in a Cage)

November 4, Scott Ritter / Richard Medhurst: Nordstream Sabotage, Russia/Ukraine:

November 3 -- U.S. soldiers are falling in Ukraine: Colonel Douglas MacGregor:

Dr. Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer Inc. Vice President: J'accuse

Capitol Police Investigate Themselves After Losing Security Footage From Pelosi Attack -- Nothing to see here

Moon of Alabama:
Biden Administration Again Plants False Nuclear Scare Stories

Matthias Broeker: 
Eight theses why the unipolar world is coming to an end (via Google Translate)

(1) ... the fortunes of war are now on the side of hyperpersonic weapons: precision missiles which, due to their extreme speed, cannot be intercepted by any air defense system and hit their target from thousands of kilometers away. ...

... the US and NATO are inferior in any direct military encounter. ... Even a massive nuclear "first strike" on Moscow and Saint Petersburg [can't protect] New York or London - mutual destruction is guaranteed. Or ... was guaranteed. Because the superior air defense systems (S-400/S-500) can close the Russian airspace for ballistic missiles and most likely intercept the "first strike". But there is no defense in the West against the Russian counterattack. Therefore, NATO cannot and will not directly intervene militarily in Ukraine.

(2) With the arrival of hypersonic precision weapons on the battlefield - such [as the]  "Kinzhal" missiles used for the first time as part of the Russian "military operation" in Ukraine - the military situation for the US empire changes fundamentally and dramatically. Not only has the doctrine of military "full spectrum dominance" of the globe become unfounded, for the first time in its history the "homeland" of the USA itself is no longer secure.

...That is why Russia, with... weapons that will probably still be invincible for a long time, will continue to enforce its security interests put forward in Washington in December 2021 - Ukraine's military neutrality, withdrawal of NATO medium-range missiles from Eastern Europe - with "military-technical means" until they are watertight and bulletproof contracts exist. 

(3) The geopolitical strategy of the collective West – bringing about regime change in Moscow with the Ukraine conflict and economic sanctions and then tackling the "final enemy," China – is doomed to failure. The sanctions have already proven to be a dangerous boomerang because they hit Europe harder than Russia, which is by no means isolated internationally, but continues to do excellent business with the rest of the world beyond NATOstan.

The foreseeable military defeat in Ukraine marks a decisive geopolitical turning point: the end of a "rules-based international order" dictated by Washington and enforceable by military means. And with it an end to the role of the "petrodollar" as a forced international reserve currency and the US dollar as "cheap money" that could be printed in vast quantities without losing value because the whole world, for its oil and Paying for gas kept dollar demand steady. The last two statesmen who broke the petrodollar monopoly and offered their oil for local currency - Iraq's former President Saddam Hussein and Libya's former head of state Muammar al-Gaddafi - could still be bombed out by NATOstan. This is no longer possible. India, for example, is already paying for its oil in rubles against rupees, and other countries will follow suit. An alternative global monetary and financial system, with an international currency backed by commodities and gold, is emerging that will end the global autocracy of the dollar and Western finance capital.


An EU that strangles itself on orders from the USA and cuts off cheap energy supplies from Russia not only gives up its economic future, but also all sovereignty. As soon as the boomerang effect of the sanctions really hits – Russia has not yet used its “energy weapon” at all and is continuing to supply Germany via the Baltic Sea pipeline Nord Stream 1 in accordance with the contract – the large European nations in particular have to ask themselves whether they are accepting a fate really want to surrender as dependent colonies of the US empire. And if so, how they, as rulers, can sell their unemployed, impoverished, freezing citizens such a hopeless future without being shamed out of office. No one will buy from them that "freedom and democracy" will have to be defended in the Donbass instead of the Hindu Kush for the next twenty years. An EU without cheap Russian raw materials is globally uncompetitive and will fall apart. Nations will have to choose: for permanent war as Washington's vassals, aiming at regime change in Moscow and Beijing; or for trade and change with Russia and Eurasia, aiming at a new security and peace treaty in Europe.


Because the Soviet Union's military and economic capabilities were regularly overestimated in the West during the first Cold War, its collapse in 1990/91 came as a complete surprise. For years, Kremlin propaganda had managed to simply keep negative developments under the carpet. (Now in the) new Cold War, the situation has changed fundamentally: Russia is severely underestimated militarily and economically, and the USA has lapsed into a mode of permanently creating "alternative" realities, against which good old Soviet propaganda  pales. "Russiagate," for example, the made-up story from A to Z that Donald Trump was being blackmailed by Putin and that the US elections [was] being manipulated by invisible »Russian hackers«, was presented as reality across all channels for five years, including, by Hillary Clinton, who was able to create the »Putin = Hitler« equation in 2016. Not only were the media involved in the charade [but also] the "lying press," the secret services, the FBI and the US Congress... This fact-free fake news campaign laid the foundation for the anti-Russian narrative, which then went into turbo mode as the Ukraine conflict escalated. In which then the unprecedented sanctions campaign started, based on a misjudgment of Russia's capabilities. ... Completely surprising fhe US think tankers and "experts", it turned out that the Russian economy and the ruble did not "freeze" [despite the theft of Russia's]dollar and euro reserves. And, despite sanctions, Russia earned 50 percent more oil and gas exports in the first five months of 2022 than in the same period last year and will continue to suffer far less from the sanctions than the West, [while] the ruble that Joe Biden wanted to smash into "Rubble" is the strongest currency of 2022.


The fact that NATO has long ceased to be a "defense alliance" and has caused more devastation and catastrophes with aggressive wars than any other military alliance since 1999 is not a Russian conspiracy theory, but historical fact. Like Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria and, most recently, Afghanistan, posed no threats to the USA or Europe - and yet NATO "defended" there vigorously, as a vassal of the geopolitical interests of the US empire. Allegedly waged to spread “democracy”, “freedom” and “human rights”, these wars have caused nothing but murderous chaos and have led to open slave markets in places like Libya – previously the most prosperous country in Africa. And now in Ukraine battalions of flawless Nazis, trained and upgraded by NATO to spearhead the fight against Russia and against Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the Donbass region. Ending these attacks, which have claimed more than 13,000 civilian lives since 2014, is the declared goal of the so-called Russian “military operation”, which will presumably soon be achieved, since the Ukrainian army is currently (mid-June 2022) losing 500 soldiers, dead or wounded, daily. For NATO, which supports this army and the war with every means (except ground troops) and – just expelled from Afghanistan by a barefoot force – feels “united like never before” thanks to the Russian intervention, this would be another, humiliating defeat. Because Russia's security interests are not only in Ukraine, but also in the neighboring countries if necessary "militarily-technically" - and NATO cannot do anything about it - it definitely makes itself superfluous as a "protecting power". At the same time, it paves the way for a new security architecture for Europe and Asia that stretches from Lisbon to Beijing.


It wasn't the "Ostpolitik" of Willy Brandt and Egon Bahr ("Change through rapprochement"), which dull bellicists are currently calling a "historical mistake," but the policy of the USA, its missiles [to be installed in Ukraine at any price.] The historic mistake was not Russia's push for reunification after the Minsk accords, but rather ignoring Russian security concerns and Ukraine's rearmament. And it is not the reliable, cheap supply of Russian oil and gas to Germany that is the "mistake of the century" (Der Spiegel), but the Anglo-American strategy to prevent Eurasia from growing together, especially German-Russian cooperation. This has been achieved twice in the last century, at the cost of two world wars. If Europe does not want to become the battlefield of a third world war, it must no longer allow itself to be harnessed to the cart of this geopolitical strategy. The Russian invasion of Ukraine marks the end of the unipolar world and the three-decade project pursued by America's neoconservatives of having military supremacy in every region of the world, forcing every rising power into submission. This also ends the hegemony of finance capital controlled by Wall Street and the City of London and of global monetary policy. With the gold and commodity-backed accounting unit on a ruble/yuan basis, a highly welcome alternative to debt-based FIAT money is emerging for 85 percent of the world,


"I'm not sure what weapons will be used in World War III, but in World War IV they will fight with sticks and stones," Albert Einstein said. Now that we're fairly certain about the arsenal available, his warning is more urgent than ever. Those who want to end the conflict must not deliver weapons, those who want to end the suffering of the people in Ukraine must negotiate instead of shoot, those who want peace must not follow the plan of the Anglo-American geo-strategists, [which is] to prepare Ukraine for "its Afghanistan" and to embroil it in an endless guerrilla war. And he is certainly not allowed to - especially as a German - to ally himself with flawless Nazis of the Azov regiment. And he should ask what actually speaks against Russia's demand for a militarily neutral Ukraine. Until then, I remain a "Putin understander" and ask all NATO understanders and friends of the wars in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan to reconsider their position. Peace!

US forces now on the ground in Ukraine

EU Warns Twitter Not To Restore Free Speech

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