Thursday, May 13, 2021

Quote of the Day, May 13, 2021

What used to be unimaginable is now taking place in America. We see certain aspects of Nazi-like totalitarianism in the United States. The obsession with race, declaring an ethnic group collectively guilty, shaming, humiliations based on ethnicity, lootings, arson, racist violence, intimidation of opponents, cancel culture, controlled dissemination of news, and indoctrination of children in schools. We see fake news, conspiracy theories, an overhaul of history, a new language imposed, and unprosecuted theft. All in the name of a more just culture.

On May 8, we remembered that America had a leading role in liberating Europe from the totalitarian Nazi regime. But who will liberate America if it becomes totalitarian state? America is playing with fire.


  1. I'm tempted to enroll in a sensitivity class just to see firsthand what's going on with that.

    I'm currently reading a book titled Critical Race Theory: the key writings that formed the movement, edited by Kimberlé Crenshaw.

    It is a book written by lawyers, for lawyers, and thus takes a look from a perspective I've not considered much.

    I'm not finding it all disagreeable. In fact, so far, what these lawyers think is exactly what I think.

    For example, the first article, by Derek Bell, written in the seventies, about school desegregation following Brown vs the Board of Education, heavily criticizes such processes as busing to achieve school integration, and indeed is highly critical of the ideal of integration such as it had become by the time he was writing. He tries to point out that busing and integration can in some significant cases harm the quality of education being received by minority children.

    In other words, Bell had a great deal of courage to take this on in this manner, at that time.

    "Bell was already a notable figure as one of the first African-Americans to be tenured at Harvard Law School; it was thus dramatic that he would take on the liberal ideology of the mainstream civil rights movement by criticizing the effect of the enforcement of Brown on the black community. As Bell argued, the Brown strategy was being pursued by "public interest" lawyers who were driven by a commitment to integration as the appropriate solution to black children's educational needs. The problem, according to Bell, was that the lawyers'commitment to integration often flew in the face of what was best for the African-American communities they legally represented or what those communities themselves desired." --from Crenshaw's introduction to Bell's essay.

  2. I wanted to say: a lot of the over-reaction to the pandemic might explainable if we assume when the Chinese and people such as Fauci thought a potential pandemic pathogen had been released at Wuhan. They may have believed this leak would cause the extinction of humanity unless all the stops were taken out to fight its spread.

    Fauci knew he was supporting the development of a lethal virus. He was literally funding the R&D of a virus capable of creating a pandemic. He literally desired to have such a virus come into existence. He probably didn't intend to have it leak out, though. Nor did the Chinese. They were playing with fire. They probably knew that all of the precautions were not enforced, and so when an accident occurred, they freaked out.

    1. Edward Luttwak said fascism would save us a long time ago. I should note Eddie was an optimist. But once again a "vast political space" is wide open again...

      Fascism is the Wave of the Future/London Review of Books

      7 April 1994

      A vast political space is thus left vacant by the Republican/Tory non-sequitur, on the one hand, and moderate Left particularism and assistentialism, on the other. That was the space briefly occupied in the USA by the 1992 election-year caprices of Ross Perot, and which Zhirinovsky’s bizarre excesses are now occupying in the peculiar conditions of Russia, where personal economic insecurity is the only problem that counts for most people (former professors of Marxism-Leninism residing in Latvia who have simultaneously lost their jobs, professions and nationalities may be rare, but most Russians still working now face at least the imminent loss of their jobs). And that is the space that remains wide open for a product-improved Fascist party, dedicated to the enhancement of the personal economic security of the broad masses of (mainly) white-collar working people.

    2. That is an extremely witty and perceptive article. Thanks for bring it to my attention.

    3. Yes, an excellent review with lots of relevant statistics concerning the ever diminishing value of a pair of hands or a trained mind. Hence the elite desire for population reduction: the stinking masses are required in ever smaller numbers to power the machinery of wealth creation for the elite.

    4. On the face of it, Luttwak's contention that America is going Fascist seems to make sense. If it were not for food stamps, stimmy cheques and multiple other government transfer payments, the present period in American history would surely be called the Second Great Depression. Under such conditions, populist measures, which can loosely be called Fascistic, are what generates popular support. And it was such a populist tendency that earned Donald Trump 74 million votes plus whatever number was stolen.

      But something weird happened. In the aftermath of what appears to have been a stolen election, we do not see an insurrection by a cheated historic American nation, i.e., the white majority demanding a continuation of Trump's job creating, industrial investment promoting, cheap-labor-immigration-preventing policies. On the contrary we see an attack on the historic white American nation by the woke mob of minorities.

      This is bizarre. It cannot be spontaneous. America has become a fake democracy.

  3. And was it just me, or did others see a red screen here warning that CanSpeccy was about to format their hard disc or otherwise make their lives miserable for ever?

    If so, let me say that I cannot accept responsibility. This blog is hosted by Google's blogger. If you download anything toxic from CanSpeccy, please contact Sergey Brin or someone else at Google having the authority to fix the problem.

  4. Re: The response of Fauci et al. to the pandemic.

    This is an interesting subject. But at present there a large number of possibilities that cannot be excluded. Certainly, the virus appears to be a lab product, most likely cooked up in a Level 2, i.e., low-security, lab in Wuhan, with US funding via institutes under Fauci's direction.

    But the timing of the Wuhan outbreak is inconsistent with reports of the virus being present in Barcelona, Spain, in the spring of 2019, in Italy in the fall of 2019 and, for sure, in Washington State by December 2019. To have spread that widely before the epidemic emerged in Wuhan means the virus must have been in circulation for many months prior to the Wuhan outbreak.

    Perhaps the best guide to the cause of the pandemic is in its consequences. By its fruits shall we know it.

  5. About the reports of the virus appearing earlier than the outbreak in Wuhan, is there solid evidence this was the same organism?

    You know, this Covid-19 beast is a very remarkable "chimera". It is a bat virus with components of pangolin, along with a strange furin-activating thingamabob I don't really understand. It is distinctive. If it was in those other places, at those earlier times, it should be possible to prove this was Covid-19. That would cause me to reconsider the source of the virus as the Wuhan lab leakage.

    As in so many instances, we do not really have tremendous clarity on the types of work done at Wuhan. It wouldn't be so sketchy and speculative to assume the lab origin of Covid-19 if we knew, for example, the lab had performed gene modifications of a bat virus by adding pangolin and that furin stuff. Well, we don't know this stuff, and that's probably another reason Fauci was using the Wuhan lab-- the standards of transparency applicable elsewhere would not be required in totalitarian China. (Nor would there be "leaks" to the press there, or other inconvenient factors such as a citizenry somewhat on the lookout for what's right and wrong.)

    There's always the chance-- and this was true of 9/11, too-- the politicians simply seized an opportunity a turn of events opened for them. Precisely how the virus originated wouldn't be important, nor would its true virulence. The only thing needed would be a perception it was a dire threat. With that perception and the hysteria it would generate, any politician worth his or her salt would be able to play it for more power and authority.

  6. Okay, in partial answer to my own question:

    Traces of the novel coronavirus were detected in sewage samples collected in March 2019.

    If true, this puts more than just the Wuhan lab into question.

    If the virus was around, how come it wasn't noticed?

    In any of the pre-Wuhan outbreaks why wasn't the "novel" quality of the outbreaks studied? Were they even outbreaks?

    No one has said Barcelona was ravaged in 2019. If it had been, that would have been carefully studied THEN.

    It is not difficult to determine the gene code of a virus these days, nor is it a terribly lengthy procedure.

    What does it mean the virus was in sewage? I thought this was spread through respiratory mechanisms of aerosols in human breathing. And is it really that durable outside host organisms? I doubt it.

    "Prof. Gertjan Medema of the KWR Water Research Institute in the Netherlands, whose team began using a coronavirus test on waste water in February, suggested the Barcelona group needs to repeat the tests to confirm it is really the SARS-CoV-2 virus."-- same article.

    I wonder of what the coronavirus test to detect Covid19 in sewage consists. I'd think this would be a more difficult media for detection than in human blood, and so far I've never had any faith in the PCR tests applied to human blood samples.

    1. "About the reports of the virus appearing earlier than the outbreak in Wuhan, is there solid evidence this was the same organism?"

      A good question, or so I think, as it just crossed my own mind.

      The report of Covid in Barcelona in the spring of 2019 may not be reliable.

      The study was reported in a non-peer-reviewed article in MedXRkiv. Comments there question the valitidy of the results.

      There was a report of Covid in blood samples taken in Italy in the fall of 2019. Have to check that out. Also a similar report from the US.

      To me the most convincing evidence that Covid was widely distributed by the end of 2019 is that everyone in my household had a nasty flu-like illness in early January 2020 when, according to the Government of Canada's "Flu Watch", there was no flu in Canada.

      But I know of no way to get tested to see if I have Covid19 T-cell immunity, and the Covid antibody testing offered by the British Columbia Center for Disease Control in the spring of 2020 never actually became available. Maybe there were political reasons for not wanting anyone to know when Covid first arrived in Canada.

  7. "And was it just me, or did others see a red screen here warning that CanSpeccy was about to format their hard disc or otherwise make their lives miserable for ever?"

    I haven't had a problem, CS.

    1. Thanks for the feedback. Good to know this blog is not causing general annoyance, other than for the opinions expressed.

  8. And here's how the "vaccines" may enhance the virulence of Covid-19.
