Sunday, March 28, 2021

Vengeance or Blackmail: Harry and Meghan Hire Copyright Owner and Producer of Movie Claiming Queen Elizabeth Ordered the Murder of Harry's Mother, Diana, Princess of Wales

Ben Browning, the film producer just hired by Harry and Meghan to run their film production company, produced, and owns copyright to, Inquest, an undistributed movie claiming that Harry's mother, Princess Diana, was murdered on the order of Britain's Head of State, Queen Elizabeth II. From that, the only reasonable inference is that Harry and Meghan are either out for vengeance, or exploring the possibilities of blackmail. 

This can't have a happy ending. 


  1. Two comments:

    “The problem for politicians now is to reverse course without losing their jobs.”—beneath clip from Alan Jones


    “For the first few months I hedged my bets between the idea that the continuance of these measures was down to politicians trying to cover up for a monumental blunder, or that it was part of something far more nefarious. And whilst I am still unclear on the origins, for me the “covering up for a big mistake” possibility became untenable in October, with the release of The Great Barrington Declaration. This was a scientifically sound, medically robust, intellectually credible way out of the crisis that had been created. It was an open door for the British Government, along with others around the world, to walk through and save face. But what actually happened is they either ignored it or, in the case of Comrade Hancock, actively ridiculed it.” – Rob Slane

    I'm in agreement with Rob Slane.

    The politicians no longer need to worry about keeping their jobs by maintaining some level of popular support. They've ushered in a new global political regime of totalitarianism where popular support is virtually meaningless.

    The big drag on politicians' power is now gone. And their fondest wish, for complete control, is now fulfilled.

    This is the new normal and people need to face up to that, not pretend the new regime of totalitarianism is going to crumble as more and more people wake up to the fact their lives are either terribly hampered or ruined altogether.

    Nope. You don't let the jailer man cuff you and lead to cell C-541 in the fifth level basement of prison complex RR-735, slam the iron bars shut, and walk away, then decide Hey wait a minute, I don't like this and I don't deserve it. Maybe you get to shout it into the concrete block walls without incurring further punishments, but that's your only solace now, inmate ZZ-0002.1.

    1. At least since the industrial revolution, the rich have, with few exceptions, despised and hated the poor.

      Hence the motion debated in the 1930's by the Eton College debating society that The Faces of the Poor Should Be Ground.

      The motion was carried with the amendment that The Faces of the Poor be Underground.

      Unfortunately, to the minds of the rich, it was not possible prior to the present age of automation and artificial intelligence for the rich to be rich without a multitude of poor people with faces to be ground.

      But today, with world population heading for a ten-fold increase since the beginning of the 20th Century, poor people have a net negative value to the rich.

      What to do? Clearly giving votes to the now useless and unwanted teeming masses was a mistake, although the danger that democracy posed for the rich was minimized by abolition of a free press, the media becoming agents of indoctrination owned by the Money Power, as related by Walter Lipmann, a founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations, in his book Public Opinion.

      There remained, however, the danger posed by demagoguery, which could lead to a proletarian uprising, but that can be dealt with, as we saw in the US last year, by the simple expedient of halting the vote count until such time as sufficient fake ballots could be assembled and fed into the count in various blatant ways that the US Supreme Court has not interest in examining. (I suppose in that matter the Supreme Court upheld the intent of the Founders of the Republic, which was that the United States be a plutocracy with democratic trappings.)

      So, yes, Western democracy and the Free World are totally fake, Biden is a puppet whose strings are pulled by agents without the slightest regard for the popular interest. But the charade of freedom and democracy will be maintained, as the Western nations are quietly genocided by their own elites.

      Fertility rates have already been driven well below the replacement rate, and they continue to fall.

      Mass third-world immigration to the Western nations puts further downward pressure on wages while Covid-justified near-zero interest rates are driving housing costs massively upward. These effects, combined with the social disruption of Covid with push fertility rates even lower.

      As for Africa's exploding population, who knows what the globalist elite have in mind for them. A more lethal virus, perhaps. Or do they envisage a world where the dark-skinned sons of Ham are to be the servants of the light-skinned sons of Shem?

  2. If they hate us, they're going to hate the Africans, too. So they're as dead as all the rest. I saw a National Geographic article about Jane Goodall and the jungle environment where her chimpanzee studies took place. It has steadily shrunk since the 1960's until it is now a mere sliver. Time to reverse that trend, and I mean--RIGHT NOW! There aren't going to be any more exotic adventures for the rich otherwise. And what's the use of being rich if there are no more exotic adventures?

    1. I suppose that we of the masses have about the same desires, if not the same ambition, as the plutocrats: whores, flash cars, and yachts for those of the coarsest taste, adventure holidays and landed estates for those of more refined temperament, the world of books, university cloisters and and monasteries for those of a contemplative mentality.

      And a problem for all, both rich and poor, is the negative impact of the rise in both population and GDP per capita on the environment: ancient cities, tourist resorts, and countryside all progressively spoiled by the blight of "development".

      Limits to both population and economic growth can be the only means to end this destruction. But can such limits be effected without genocide and geopolitical destabilization?

      Reflecting their contempt for the toiling masses, Western elites have embarked on the genocide their own people, suppressing fertility rates and replacing the native population as units of economic production and demand growth by people from elsewhere: the latter increasingly, from Africa where, contrary to the trend in most other parts of the world, population is still exploding.

      The populist revolt in America represented by the Trump presidency was surely not a freak event but a popular reaction to the treason of the elites and the precursor to a revolutionary period across the West.

    2. Except we all know how the Trump presidency ended. What a strange drama that was.

      I know someone who went to Washington, D.C. on that fateful January day, year 2021.

      It will be a long time, if ever, before he gets himself into something like that again.

      I have to agree with you about the masses basically wanting the same thing as the elites. I think in part this matching of desires means these elites are not real elites. They aren't aristocrats (even some of them with aristocratic titles).

      The tastes of the aristocrats were sharply distinguished from the tastes of the peasants, even if eating, drinking, fucking and so on were contained within both.

      (Both aristocrats and peasants are human beings, after all. I believe there is a sharp distinction between desire in the sense I'm attempting to briefly describe and fulfilling of instinct or bodily necessity.)

      American plutocrats of the gilded age journeyed to Europe to learn how to desire as aristocrats desired. What they learned while there has continued to inform the lives of plutocrats ever since and until now, but somehow the learning was botched or incomplete. There's some kind of break or joint in world history at play, I think.

      I was thinking about this yesterday as I took a long walk out in the woods. For decades I've had these places to myself...I see no one out there about 95% of the time. These days I see people out there every time I go out. I kind of miss the old days, but except for such phenomena as I will describe below, I don't see how I can truly regret this has happened (and as a result of the pandemic and these people having the time but not many other outlets for using this time).

      The thing that I witnessed happened last summer, in August. My son and I went for a week-long hiking and camping trip up in the White Mountains, about one hundred miles north of Fairbanks, but easily accessible by road.

      This is one of my favorite places in the world, and it is one of those places I've had to myself for such a very long time.

      There used to be huge herds of caribou up there, numbering in more than half a million. However, over-hunting through mismanagement and no management reduced numbers to a point where it wasn't worthwhile to go hunting, even if it was allowed.

      It was very strange, but the Alaska State Department of Fish and Game didn't take the problem on until the mid-90's.

      I was encouraged to see the herds picking up by the late 90's and early 2000's.

      Finally, by 2017, the population rebound of caribou was sufficient for AK Fish and Game to encourage people to hunt.

      What I saw up there in August 2020, was a complete circus.Of "hunters", ha ha ha. No, it was a bunch of idiots who somehow, in spite of enough dough to buy ATV's, an arsenal of high-powered rifles, Cabelas fancy hunting duds, driving around the tundra slaughtering caribou unfortunate enough to have been herded in their direction by similarly marauding fools. There were hundreds of these people.

      What killed me was their absolute disregard for what they were doing to the tundra, their irresponsibilty, disregard for the rules and regulations, for the rights and even the lives of other people. (I was surprised no one got shot and killed.)

      And I was thinking: I really will regret if these people die? The damage they did in this one period of hunting will endure for the rest of my life, at least. This was pristine wilderness before. These ATV's tore holes and ruts in the tundra which will not easily heal. It was almost as if their actions were forcing me to choose which I wanted-- their right to live or everything else beautiful and wonderful?

    3. From your account, the White Mountains would seem to be a natural destination for out-of-control, white supremacist, yahoo preppers intent on stocking the freezer for the winter.

      However, what you report seems to be an example of a more general phenomenon. Here, at the Southern tip of Vancouver Island, Covid has brought swarms of dirt bikers, off-roaders, and hunters to wilderness areas we formerly took to be our private domain.

      Even our municipal parks are being trashed by owners of out-of-control dogs who aggressively assert to anyone so unwise as to express concern that "This is a dog park!"

      That is, parks that have not already been trashed by an unsanitary horde of campers, not of the traditional tramping variety, but mainly of professional panhandlers, bike thieves and drug-dealers.

      One can only hope that, vaccinated and double-masked, these locust swarms are soon relocated to the shopping malls, coffee shops office cubicles, and university lounging areas to which they obviously belong.

    4. "From your account, the White Mountains would seem to be a natural destination for out-of-control, white supremacist, yahoo preppers intent on stocking the freezer for the winter."

      Exactly right.

      You've also got it exactly right these locust swarms believe freedom is doing whatever wants to do, regardless of anything. Sure, they probably don't violate private property (much, anyway) but anything in the public domain they treat as if it was their private property. They don't get it. From the very beginning of the modern democratic republic there was uncertainty if the people could keep it going.

      Walking out of Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention in 1787, someone shouted at Ben Franklin, “Doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?”

      Franklin responded, somewhat ominously,“A republic, if you can keep it.”

      We finally are determined not to have been able to keep it. A republic is not mob rule or even close. It takes guts, brains, determination, and a lot of work. If that's too much to ask for too many people, it gets taken away and tyranny resumes, as we see NOW.

    5. We have abandoned the fear of God for the worship of Woke, of which Meghan is the media-ordained Goddess.

    6. And Meghan, it seems, wishes to be seen as the resurrected Princess Diana, patroness of the Moon.

      Accordingly, NASA must, forthwith, designate Meghan as the first woman to be shot to the Moon.

      Should she, due to an unfortunate glitch or an exercise in Palace skulduggery, be unable to return, we would surely then become a culture of Moon worshipers, aka lunatics.

    7. and speaking of the Religion of Woke, Peter David Hanson comments:

      "Silicon Valley is the new Vatican, and Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, and Twitter are the new gospels."
