Monday, December 14, 2020

Cambridge Scholars Show Disrespect for Speech Directive of PC-Bully Vice Chancellor

 From the Spectator:

Academics at Cambridge won a cheering victory for free speech today when they voted by an overwhelming majority to reject plans from the vice-chancellor to change the rules governing debate at the university.

They rejected the university’s proposals to insist that students and staff be ‘respectful’ of opposing views. They decided, instead, that the rules should say students and staff must ‘tolerate’ opposition. The result was as close to conclusive as you can get. Only 162 academics voted in favour of the university’s plan, while 1316 voted in favour of the change. (A further 208 academics wanted neither.)

How pathetic is it that the scholars at a leading European university found it necessary to pass a resolution in favor of free speech? 

What those folks at Cambridge should do now is pass a resolution demanding the termination without compensation of the jack-ass Vice-Chancellor who sought to bind them in the toils of Political Correctness.

Meantime US Social Media companies show neither respect nor tolerance for any who express support for President Donald Trump.


This is the future of public debate. The corporate and public media will lay out the narrative and questioning it publicly will be made impossible. But you'll still be allowed to spout conspiracy theories from a soapbox, the traditional liberty of the mentally unhinged. 


Dominion Voting-Machine Software Designed to Influence Election Results: Forensics Report

Michigan Judge Orders Release of Damning Forensics Report of Dominion Vote Tabulation System, Full Forensics Report

According to the audit as banned by the CIA's Google-owned U.Tube:

“We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results.

The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud.

Based on our study, we conclude that The Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified.

[…] The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We observed an error rate of 68.05%. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity. ...




  1. The electoral college has certified the election results, CS. Trump has said he'll concede.

    1. Yeah, the coup succeeded.

      That Joe the Illegitimate is senile is a plus for the plotters since it means they'll have essentially full control of the executive branch.

      Alignment with China, here it comes.
