Sunday, November 22, 2020

2020 Presidential Election Explained


  1. There are several reasons I am not confident there's going to be any firm resistance. They all boil down to what I have actually witnessed from the politicians, pugican or demoncrat, in the past.

    I am not sure when I became aware of computerized voting machines being used to manipulate the vote counts. I may have heard of monkey shines as far back as 2000, when good old fashioned "dimpled chad" and such were used to steal the election.

    I also noted the Republicans weren't so fastidious about these things that year, when the fraud led to the election of the Republican candidate. If the principle mattered, and most certainly it did, then as now, they would have been as up in arms as anyone. I also noted at that time how the American mass media did not AT ALL cover what went down in Florida until the foreign press investigated much more thoroughly and broke all the big stories, such as the disenfranchisement of black voters there. puglickans didn't remark much on this (but, for that matter, neither did demonrats.)

    I definitely saw it in 2004 in some key states such as New Mexico. I'm pretty sure John Kerry saw it, too, but did and said nothing.

    It is the game to do and say nothing and if you don't play that game, you're out.

    It would be acceptable if the demonrats were waiting until they were back in power to make the necessary reforms, but during the eight years of Obummer, nothing. It doesn't surprise me if in 2020 the answer for demonrat inactivity during this time was due to the demonrats knowing when the time came to dig deep into the old cheater bag, they'd be pulling these tricks out and using them, too.

    It seems important to me to remember back in 2008, when Congress had to vote on the emergency TAARP measures. I believe what happened has vanished down that old notorious American memory hole. On the first vote, the TAARP measure was defeated. The second version of the measures, looking very different from the first, with plenty of lardish pork belly pork for every politician, did pass. I don't think it was all of the lard that did it, though. Many politicians who had voted no the first time were physically threatened in the interim between proposals. That is a serious, serious matter, obviously. There was never followup on these accusations. If there was the threat of physical harm to coax the vote for TAARP, imagine what there will be now. The intelligence community behind Biden knows how to intimidate, and if necessary, follow through. The politicians are ultimately mercenaries, and cowardly ones at that. They can be counted on to buckle. The mass media can be counted on to give scant attention to whatever intimidation and violence does leak out.

    Trump isn't playing the game and neither are many of his followers. I believe they are courageous and committed,too. Probably not enough, though. They've been played and played again by the Establishment, and yet it is unmistakable they still respect authority. (They've long ago forgotten we only respect the authority of reason and the laws backed by the authority of reason. There's even a Constitutional guarantee unreasonable authority may be lawfully overthrown.)

    1. Yes, if Trump wins how can the Technocracy, the Deep State, the Bureaucracy survive? They will have been shown to have colluded in the subversion of America's most important claim to global leadership: freedom and democracy.

      But Trump is playing a remarkable game: He's a JFK Democrat who hijacked the Republican Party and he's now using the presidential platform to demolish the credibiity of the Democratic Party and the technocratic deep state in charge of the zombie Democrat puppet, Biden.

      So what next? Real democracy? God help us, surely not that. People who voted for Biden should never be free to vote again.

      But do Trump's supporters have any better grasp on reality? Perhaps they do. They are, after all, mostly people who have to earn a living by the sweat of their brow. They know what the struggle for existence is about. Still with their fingers on the nuclear button, I'd not feel greatly reassured.

      The world is currently divided among great technochracies, China, Russia, Europe and America, with India rising and Iran striving to ascend. So what hope is there for avoiding a cataclysmic war? The globalists say they have the answer, which is the enslavement of mankind to a global technocratic tyranny, under which all racial and cultural divisions are to be erased. That's a program that makes the risk of nuclear Armageddon seem like it may be worth taking.

      But not for the sake of preserving Western "freedom and democracy."

  2. They wouldn't survive and I think they are smart and shrewd enough to know it. They're pulling out all the stops now because they have to. They were pulling out all the stops on election night and I confess-- I was stunned.

    They are compelled to every egregious act they can pull, here on out. They're in the open now. They've got to continue until they're either smashed into submission/oblivion or they triumph.

    I'm starting to look forward to December 13th. We're going to see some things we didn't think we'd ever see. They're not going to be pretty things.

    Hey, awhile ago I mentioned the governor of Alaska had sent out an emergency warning to Alaskans via cell phones reporting a big surge on the way. I wasn't sure it was him...It was. "Spiraling virus cases could soon outpace medical capacity," he said. This man is a Republican and supposedly firmly in the Trump camp. This man is also a dirty, rotten lying creep. All deaths involving Covid-19 is at 80. Expected deaths from all causes is exceeded by 2%.

    Apparently downtown Anchorage is like a ghost town. Or a bear in hibernation. You could forgive the idiot politicians earlier in the first part of the year. They proved to be not very smart, but that's not news. Now, it has to be deliberate. The governor has to be handsomely rewarded for what he's doing to us, by whom?
