Friday, September 11, 2020

If you are scared of Covid19, read this

 If you are scared of Covid19, you should read the OffGuardian article, Flu Is Killing More People Than Covid, and Has Been for Months,  that I linked to in my last post. But in case you can't be bothered, here's the key point:
The top lines, solid blue and dashed grey, show respectively, all UK deaths in 2020, and the average number of deaths for the past five years. The rise in the blue line (i.e., the 2020 total death rate), beginning in March, peaking in April and returning to the long-term average in May, shows that over a period of about six weeks there was an abnormal rise in weekly deaths, the excess averaging about 5000 per week for a total excess mortality of, roughly, 30,000 — most likely due to Covid19 infection of  elderly people with other conditions, mostly in poorly managed care homes.

The lower lines show weekly deaths attributed to flu and pneumonia (blue lines dashed and solid) and Covid19 (red line). The peak in Covid19 deaths corresponds with, and accounts for, the peak in all deaths during the March–May period. Thereafter, the Covid death toll falls continuously, approaching zero by the end of July whereas flu and pneumonia deaths continue at what, by the end of August, is a rate many times that of Covid19. Thus, as Kit Knightly, the author of the excellent Off Guardian piece I am quoting states:
“Ah”, some of your may be saying, “this is just evidence that the lockdown, social distancing and masks have worked.”

But that is obviously not the case. Clearly, if these measures did anything to halt viral transmission, the flu deaths would have gone down as well. They have not. They are right in line with the five-year average.

Despite social distancing and wearing masks and hand sanitizer on every corner…the spread of the flu virus has not halted one bit in its usual annual progress through society.

Ergo – the “emergency measures” have little to no impact on viral transmission.
So much for those who keep saying this is not the seasonal flu. Well actually they are correct. It is now less deadly. Which will not, of course, deter the psychopaths in charge from continuing to terrorize the population with Covid fear mongering, while destroying large parts of the economy to the benefit of the big boys such as Amazon, Walmart and the chain stores that will gain greatly from the bankruptcy of many of their small business competitors. 


  1. I'm still scared because I am scared of what this corona virus nonsense is going to induce, and induce very shortly. This has been like living through a slow train wreck.

  2. But at least your scared about something real, not some rubbish conjured up by the likes of Ron Unz.
