Monday, August 24, 2020

In Canada, What's the Difference Between a Liberal and a Conservative: Nothing Really

A Statement by Maxime Bernier, Leader of Canada's People's Party:
Two years ago, I resigned from the Conservative Party of Canada and decided to launch a new, principled, and genuinely conservative party, the People’s Party of Canada.

I am more convinced than ever that I made the right decision.

I said at the time that under Andrew Scheer’s leadership, the Conservative Party had become too morally and intellectually corrupt to be reformed.

Instead of articulating a coherent conservative vision, all he did was play identity politics, pander to ethnic and interest groups, and try to steal votes from the Liberals by proposing centre-left policies.

Andrew Scheer’s leadership has proven itself to be an utter failure.

The party now has a new leader who will follow the same strategy.

Erin O’Toole said early in this leadership campaign that Peter Mackay would turn the Conservative Party into the “Liberal-lite Party” if he wins. He was right.

What O’Toole did not say is that he, as leader, will do the same thing.

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As the leader of a new party without a seat in Parliament, Maxime Bernier looks like a no hoper. Except that:

(1) Bernier is a more experienced and vastly more charismatic politician than Erin O'Toole, the newly elected leader of the Conservative Party of Canada.

(2) US President Donald Trump appears set for a second term during which there is every probability that he will complete America's turn from globalization. 

This raises the question: will Canadians be happy to continue under the corruptionist incompetence of liberal lefties such as Justin Trudeau and the Just departed Tory Party leader Andrew Scheer as the US rebuilds its industrial base, restores full employment, and unhesitatingly imposes tariffs on goods and services from a basically hostile and globalist Canada?

If not, the emergence of a nationalist conservative party in tune with the policies of an increasingly nationalistic US seems entirely possible. Maxime Bernier's People's Party could be that party. 

Patrick Buchanan: 

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