Monday, March 23, 2020

If You Thought the Government Wanted to Protect You From the New Corona Virus, Think Again

Western governments are rolling the printing press and spewing money like water in response to the epidemic spread of the novel Corona virus, COVID-19. But if you thought that their aim was to protect you from the virus, you are entirely mistaken. The object is not to protect you from infection, but to extend the plague season, to reduce peak demand for medical services.

The assumption governments are making is that most people will be infected. The only people governments seem concerned to protect from infection are the over  60's who are urged to remain in quarantine, while being advised that in the event that they fall ill, they will be denied hospital treatment.

So how's it going so far? Like a house on fire, it seems. In Ottawa, the Canadian capital, with a population of just under one million, it is estimated that 4000 are already infected and the doubling time for the infection rate is just two or three days.

And how are the victims of this disease faring? According to one report, of confirmed cases in America, more have died that have recovered.

Seems like time for everyone to quarantine, take their vitamin D and zinc supplement, while avoiding toxic painkillers.

Yet China claims to have stopped this thing dead with only a few deaths out of 1.4 billion. Funny that?

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