Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Feminists for Global Genocide, No. 79

Patricia MacCormack, a professor of philosophy who "researches" feminism, queer theory, posthuman theory, horror film, body modification, animal rights/abolitionism, cinesexuality, and ethics” at Anglia Ruskin University in the United Kingdom calls for people to stop having babies so as to let the human race go extinct to fight climate change.

One might have thought that advocating national suicide, let alone global genocide, from a professor's chair, would be treated by the law as the treason that it undoubtedly is. But in post-Blair's Britain, apparently it's state funded.

What's particularly annoying about this ugly, immigrant alleged scholar and feminist traitor is that she won't set an example to those she seeks to lead by offing herself.

And what's totally bizarre is why the Brits allow such vile people as Patricia MacCormack to indoctrinate their children. 

CanSpeccy: Democracy, Shamocracy and the Death of the West


  1. This is the Frankfurt School in operation. It’s about destroying existing value systems in order to replace them with new thinking. If one can persuade people to even consider the proposition that the planet might be better off without people, then one is already half way there. It’s about indoctrinating people to accept more authoritarian systems and less democracy “in order to save the planet”.

    1. Yes. And apparently, people docilely drink the Cool aid provided it's delivered from the podium of a university lecture hall.
