Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tony Cartalucci: How fake globalist-funded civil society organizations form a fake globalist-funded coalition, which in turn is supplying a fake globalist-funded court with evidence to further what is an entirely self-serving, politically motivated agenda using "humanity" as a mere and increasingly flimsy pretense

Bangkok, Thailand May 28, 2011 - Russia's President Medvedev, according to the Australian, has "endorsed calls for Colonel Gaddafi to leave office and offered to help to negotiate his exit. " It is a move that has "surprised and delighted" both London and Washington after Russia's initial protest against the extralegal military action that was executed upon an Iraq War-style pack of lies.

This apparent backpedaling by Russia coincides with increased bombardments of Libya's capital of Tripoli and calls by France and Britain to send in helicopter gunships in an effort to increase the level of murder and mayhem in order to force the Libyan government to meet "concessions." The contrived globalist International Criminal Court (ICC), has also attempted to place pressure upon Libya through an "arrest warrant" targeting Qaddafi.

An Entirely Fake Court

The "arrest warrant" issued by the ICC is based on evidence acquired from "30 missions to 11 States, and through interviews with a large number of persons, including key insiders and eyewitnesses." The ICC itself notes that the "unprecedented cooperation" it has received has come from "States and organizations, none of which are currently working in Libya." Undeterred by their admittedly tenuous investigation, they go on to provide an enumerated list of their "evidence."

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