The most essential role of the leadership of a nation is to ensure the survival of the nation. Canada's ruling elite are complicit in national genocide.
Canada is a dying nation with a fertility rate barely half the death rate.
What is the Trudeau Government's response?
Every year, bring in half a million people from elsewhere to make up the population shortfall.
Now, in general, there is nothing wrong with the folks from elsewhere.
Most likely, in fact, they are younger, healthier, brighter and better educated than the mass of people of the countries from which they come.
What's more, they are likely younger, healthier, brighter and better educated than the mass of Canadians.
To the Canadian elite, those are all plusses that make migrants preferable to native-born Canadians, who need a dozen or more years of costly public education before they are ready to enter the work force. By contrast, many migrants arrive work-force ready. Furthermore, many of the migrants that are not work-force ready are fee-paying students who stay on in Canada after paying Canadian schools and universities for their work-force qualification.
And the consequence of this policy?
1. An increased demand for immigrant housing, which means elevated house prices.
2. An increased demand for jobs, which means depressed wages.
The net result?
(a) Delayed household formation by native-born Canadians.
(b) Fewer Canadian babies.
Canada's population policy is thus a concealed policy of national genocide, which means its time to boot the Liberal-NDP coalition.
But will the Tories do better?
Tokyo Adopts 4-Day Workweek to Encourage Women To Have More Kids