Friday, December 6, 2024
There's a Real chance You Could Be Hit By a Black Hole: But Not to Worry, You Won't Feel It
Formed in the fiery afterglow of the Big Bang, primordial black holes (PBHs) are one of the candidates for dark matter — the mysterious, invisible substance that makes up 85% of the universe's matter. As heavy as mountains these hypothetical entities are barely larger than hydrogen atoms.
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Ukrainians Would Like to be Shot of Zelinsky. Some Might Like to See Zelensky Shot
As reported in Britain's Times newspaper, "Just 16 per cent (of Ukrainians) would vote to re-elect him (Zelinsky) for a second term," that being according to an opinion poll of 1,200 Ukrainians published this week by the Social Monitoring Centre in Kyiv. And the report continues: "The poll, the most comprehensive study of electoral preferences since the invasion began in 2022, also found that about 60 per cent would prefer Zelensky not to even stand for re-election."
When It Can No Longer Be Concealed, the Media Report the Truth
... a general disenchantment with Ukraine's war leader, Volodymyr Zelensky both at home and abroad as he's clearly lost his "shine".
Saturday, November 30, 2024
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Wednesday, November 27, 2024
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Biden Officials Consider Returning Ukraine's Confiscated Nukes
Oh,good idea. And to enable delivery, better include some US ICBM's too.
Question is,though, how will Russia respond?
Will they target the White House first? The Capitol? Manhattan Island?
Which makes one wonder whether a better outcome might not be achieved if, for about five minutes, someone were to apply a pillow firmly over Joe Biden's face.
ESCALATION: NATO & Biden Regime Edge Closer To WW3
Douglas Macgregor Reveals: Biden's SHOCKING Plot To Send NUKES To Ukraine!
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Here's the Problem With Never Trumpers Leaving the USA
Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Aircraft Carriers -- The Pride of the American Navy: Now Obsolete
China's Submarines Can Track (And Sink) The American Navy's Aircraft Carriers
Likewise Britain's new carriers.
Monday, November 18, 2024
Thursday, November 14, 2024
How Useful Is Artificial (so-called) Intelligence"?
We just asked Chat GPT a question about forests and climate.
Specifically, we asked:
If all the world's forests burned, what effect would that have on global temperature?
Here's the answer we got:
Estimation of the Increase in CO₂:
Let’s assume that about 50% of the biomass carbon is released during a global forest fire:
- If global forests contain around 650 billion tons of carbon, then:
- 50% of that (325 billion tons) would be released into the atmosphere.
- This would increase atmospheric CO₂ by 325 billion tons (or 325,000 million tons).
[Hey, wait a minute. 325 billion tons of carbon do not equate to 325 billion tons of CO₂. The atomic weight of carbon is 12, the molecular mass of CO₂ is 44. So already CHAT GTP is out by a factor of 3.67]
Given that the atmosphere currently holds around 3,170 billion tons of CO₂, this would increase the total atmospheric CO₂ by about 10%.
[So, taking account of the above noted 3.67-fold error in estimating the amount of CO₂ that would be released on burning all the forests, it is evident that atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration would increase not by 10% to around 460-480 ppm, but by 37% to 582 parts per million.]
So much for this so-called artificial intelligence that consumes so much electricity that it requires a nuclear power plant to operate. For now, we should regard such supposed intelligence with considerable scepticism while doing the best we can with the mere eighty or ninety billion neurons with their quadrillion or so interconnections that each of us is blessed with.
Checking the potential of AI further, we asked Gemini the same question we'd asked Chat GPT and got a more vague response -- but at least it made sense. Moreover, Gemini mentioned the negative impact of deforestation on global temperature through its effect on the amount of solar radiation reflected to outer space. Trees have a climate warming effect due to their high efficiency in absorbing solar radiation, up to 95% in the case of coniferous forests, whereas grassland, for example, absorbs only 80 to 85% of incoming solar radiation, the balance being reflected to outer space.
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Relative importance of carbon dioxide and water in the greenhouse effect: Does the tail wag the dog?
Writing in the Journal SCE, Demetris Koutsoyiannis of the Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens assesses the relative importance of carbon dioxide and water vapour in the greenhouse effect.
His conclusion?
... that the contribution of carbon dioxide is 4% – 5%, whereas water and clouds contribute 87% – 95%.
That carbon dioxide has only a minor effect is confirmed by the hardly discernible effect on global temperature of the recent, more than one third increase in atmospheric CO₂ concentration from 300 to 420 parts per million.
That doesn't mean that we should not care about the effects of human activity on the composition of the air we breath. But it does mean that because The New York Times, The Globe and Mail, or The Guardian have been telling you for years that life on Earth will soon be Hell due to carbon emissions, does not mean that what they say is necessarily so.
Monday, November 11, 2024
So Much for the Church of England
Head of the Church of England, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby Pressured To Resign for Covering up the Crimes of a Serial Abuser of Boys and Young Men
Friday, November 8, 2024
Friday, October 25, 2024
GOOGLE WARNING: This Blog May Contain Sensitive Content: WTF?
Is Google using some mentally deficient AI to censor content?
Certainly the censorship seems mentally deficient. Here's the warning [Now removed] they are [were] giving anyone attempting to access this site:
Sensitive Content Warning
This blog may contain sensitive content. In general, Google does not review nor do we endorse the content of this or any blog. For more information about our content policies, please visit the Blogger Community Guildelines.
What does that even mean. Sensitive? sensitive! Is it now obscene, dishonest, or subversive to be "sensitive"?
Does Google's censor even know what the word "sensitive" means?
Isn't everyone alive "sensitive"? And what's wrong with that?
This apparent effort by Google to discourage readership is so inane, we have to assume it is either done by a poorly educated teenager employed as a censor at sub-minimum wage, or by a really dumb AI.
Which is it Google?
Not that we're expecting a reply, let alone an apology. Sadly Google is not as it once was. In the early days, when I wrote to Google expressing concern about Google caching all of my proprietary published data (I was at the time a publisher of scholarly journals) I had a polite and reassuring email from Sergey Brin. Now we're just pissed on without any means of effective response -- other than this comment which I suspect Google's current censorship regime is too dumb to understand. But let's see.