Friday, May 1, 2015
Bob Kerrey, 9/11 Commisioner: 9/11 Was the Result of a 30-Year Conspiracy
Now that pretty well everyone who's given the matter serious thought understands that 9/11 was a phony terrorist attack engineered by the U.S. of A. to justify wars on Afghanistan and Iraq, calling it a 30-year conspiracy takes some of the heat off Clinton, Bush and Cheney who were directly culpable.
Next, probably, we'll be hearing that the London Tube train bombings were the result of a 30-year conspiracy, thus taking the heat of Phony Blair.
Thursday, April 23, 2015
The USA, The Neocons and the Self Genocide of the West
Prof. Mujahid Kamran: Who Really Controls the World?
William Lind: Russia Says No to One-World Government
Paul Robinson: The West’s new ‘Cold War’ is with Dostoevsky’s Russia, not Stalin’s
So You`re About To Become a Minority:
Via Deep Resource
David Graeber: A Practical Utopian’s Guide to the Coming Collapse
Honest Political Ad:
Via Aangirfan
Deep Resource: Creating the New World Order: US/Polish Mass Murder in Kiev
Steve Sailer: The World's Most Important Graph
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Recent Posts Elsewhere
i-Lucretius: The Real Jesus That Any Self-Respecting Christian Would Vote to Crucify
CanSpeccy on WordPress: Are the Liberal Bastards for the Destruction of the British Nation Running Scared?
CanSpeccy on WordPress: Was Germanwings Flight 4U 952 shot down by a French fighter jet after being remotely highjacked and targeted on a major hydro dam?
CanSpeccy on WordPress: Are the Liberal Bastards for the Destruction of the British Nation Running Scared?
CanSpeccy on WordPress: Was Germanwings Flight 4U 952 shot down by a French fighter jet after being remotely highjacked and targeted on a major hydro dam?
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
No Political Opinions Please, We’re Canadian
The Toronto Symphony has barred Ukrainian-born artist Valentina Lisitsa for commenting on the mainstream media's biased coverage of the Nazi-backed coup d'état in Ukraine and Kiev's genocidal war on ethnic Russians of South Eastern Ukraine.
As the Toronto Star reports:
As the Toronto Star reports:
Sunday, April 5, 2015
MH17, Dutch Gold, Kolomoisky, Botched Putin Assassination Attempt
Deep Resource notes the remarkable difference between the inquiry into the Germanwings airliner crash and the crash of Malaysia Airlines MH17 blown out of the sky in the Ukrainian war zone:
Two weeks after the Germanwings crash we know everything: what was on the audio tapes, the cause of the crash, the motivations of the co-pilot. There are no more open questions.How different with MH17. After 8 months they can’t even decide if it was a A2A or S2A missile that brought down MH17. We still don’t know what was on the tapes. Unlike the GermanWings plane, the US government immediately had an idea about who had done MH17: Russia. Just like the US government proclaimed to know within hours that bin Laden was behind 9/11.
Why the difference? Deep Resource offers two reasons:
Friday, April 3, 2015
The 2015 UK Pre-election Leaders' Debate
At the insistence of Prime Minister David Cameron, leaders not only of the significant national parties, but also of the Greens and the nationalists, both Scotch and Welsh, were included in this so-called debate, thus preventing any real one-on-one that could have seriously damaged the Tory leader.
The marginals, all female, filled much of the air time with the usual liberal-left drivel designed to extend the culture of entitlement not only to all citizens but to anyone who manages to set foot on British soil, including healthcare tourists, criminals and radical Muslims with a settler mentality. Obviously the best thing to do with the three of them would have been to tie them in sacks and dump them in the Bosphorus.
As for the males, Cameron`s performance was exemplary: a suave delivery of the lying bullshit to be expected from a war criminal, Libya bombing, treasonous Conservative Friends of Israel, bankster-enabling, son-of-a-bitch, Eton-Oxford product with a nasal whine and the look about him of an ill-tempered raccoon.
Clegg delivered the Liberal bullshit with charismatic elan: Wage compression for low-skilled Brits due to mass immigration? No prob., just raise the minimum wage. Yeah, Cleggy, and let 'em eat cake.
Milliband the ugly Jew with a reconstructed schnozz ...
Read more at CanSpeccy on Wordpress
The marginals, all female, filled much of the air time with the usual liberal-left drivel designed to extend the culture of entitlement not only to all citizens but to anyone who manages to set foot on British soil, including healthcare tourists, criminals and radical Muslims with a settler mentality. Obviously the best thing to do with the three of them would have been to tie them in sacks and dump them in the Bosphorus.
As for the males, Cameron`s performance was exemplary: a suave delivery of the lying bullshit to be expected from a war criminal, Libya bombing, treasonous Conservative Friends of Israel, bankster-enabling, son-of-a-bitch, Eton-Oxford product with a nasal whine and the look about him of an ill-tempered raccoon.
Clegg delivered the Liberal bullshit with charismatic elan: Wage compression for low-skilled Brits due to mass immigration? No prob., just raise the minimum wage. Yeah, Cleggy, and let 'em eat cake.
Milliband the ugly Jew with a reconstructed schnozz ...
Read more at CanSpeccy on Wordpress
Friday, March 27, 2015
The War of Lies Against Russia
R-I: Daniele Ganser Interview : America’s Objective in Ukraine to Set Germany Against Russia
HuffPo: Rick Mercer Rant: Either Jason Kenney Or NATO Is Lying About Russian Fighter Jets
TruthDig: Canadian, Former US State Department Advisor, James Carden: Vladimir Putin Not Responsible for Ukrainian Civil War
James Carden: "We have never sought to apply any pressure on Kiev."
The Government of Canada has done just about everything it could get away with short of adopting the Wolfsangel in place of the maple leaf as the national emblem to inflame and intensify the Russophobia of Ukraine's Kiev junta, which is engaged in a genocidal struggle with the people of East Ukraine.
CanSpeccy: Reaping the Ukrainian Whirlwind: Tyranny in Kiev, Russian Nukes 90 Miles off America's Southern Shore
CanSpeccy: Stephen Harper in Europe to Relaunch the Cold War
CanSpeccy: Globalization, the Ukraine Coup, the Vilification of Russia and the Endless Printing of Money
CanSpeccy: Ukraine: Catapulting the Propaganda, the National Putz and Stephen Harper, the Mighty Mouse of the North
CanSpeccy: Why Stephen Harper Has Sent Canadian Armed Forces to Back a Nazi Government in Ukraine
CanSpeccy: Stephen Harper's Belligerent Russophobia
CanSpeccy: Ukraine: Nazi NATO Setting the Stage for a Proxy War on Russia
CanSpeccy: Harper Government backs Ukraine's Nazi Junta in Crushing Separtists: Quebec Separatists Take Note
CanSpeccy: Steve Harper's Friends in Kyiv Killing Their Own People in Eastern Ukraine
CanSpeccy: In Canada We're All Nazi-lovers Now
CanSpeccy: How Canada's Government Came to Love Ethnic Cleansers Wearing Swastikas
CanSpeccy: Canada Prepares for War in Europe: Sends Military Police to Kiev
CanSpeccy: Ukrainian Civil War — It's About Killing Ukrainians, Not Russians
R-I: Ukraine Signs Deal with Canadian Export Agency for $160 Million Loan
Fort Russ: Ex-Chancellor Schroeder attacks Merkel's Russia policy
HuffPo: Rick Mercer Rant: Either Jason Kenney Or NATO Is Lying About Russian Fighter Jets
Harper-backed Kievite Russophobes with Wolfsangel armbands. |
James Carden: "We have never sought to apply any pressure on Kiev."
The Government of Canada has done just about everything it could get away with short of adopting the Wolfsangel in place of the maple leaf as the national emblem to inflame and intensify the Russophobia of Ukraine's Kiev junta, which is engaged in a genocidal struggle with the people of East Ukraine.
CanSpeccy: Reaping the Ukrainian Whirlwind: Tyranny in Kiev, Russian Nukes 90 Miles off America's Southern Shore
CanSpeccy: Stephen Harper in Europe to Relaunch the Cold War
CanSpeccy: Globalization, the Ukraine Coup, the Vilification of Russia and the Endless Printing of Money
CanSpeccy: Ukraine: Catapulting the Propaganda, the National Putz and Stephen Harper, the Mighty Mouse of the North
CanSpeccy: Why Stephen Harper Has Sent Canadian Armed Forces to Back a Nazi Government in Ukraine
CanSpeccy: Stephen Harper's Belligerent Russophobia
CanSpeccy: Ukraine: Nazi NATO Setting the Stage for a Proxy War on Russia
CanSpeccy: Harper Government backs Ukraine's Nazi Junta in Crushing Separtists: Quebec Separatists Take Note
CanSpeccy: Steve Harper's Friends in Kyiv Killing Their Own People in Eastern Ukraine
CanSpeccy: In Canada We're All Nazi-lovers Now
CanSpeccy: How Canada's Government Came to Love Ethnic Cleansers Wearing Swastikas
CanSpeccy: Canada Prepares for War in Europe: Sends Military Police to Kiev
CanSpeccy: Ukrainian Civil War — It's About Killing Ukrainians, Not Russians
R-I: Ukraine Signs Deal with Canadian Export Agency for $160 Million Loan
Fort Russ: Ex-Chancellor Schroeder attacks Merkel's Russia policy
Crackpot American Architects and Engineers: Why New York's World Trade Center Towers Collapsed
The resolution accepted for debate at the May 2015 annual convention of the American Institute of Architects (see text below) raises many questions including the following:
Did New York's Twin Towers plus World Trade Center Building 7 (a 49-story building not hit by an aircraft) collapse on 9/11 because they were designed by crackpot architects and engineers, thus becoming the first and only steel-frame high-rise buildings anywhere in the World to collapse because of fire (as claimed by the US Government-sponsored NIST report)?
Or are the architects and engineers who reject the conclusions of the NIST report on the collapse of Building 7 not crackpots at all?
And, if the Twin Towers and Building 7 collapsed on 9/11 due, not to office fires, but to explosives-driven demolition, then does that not transform the US Government's "War Against Terror" into the "Terror War Against Americans and the World"?
WHEREAS, under the AIA Public Policies and Position Statements, it is the responsibility of architects to design a resilient environment that can more successfully adapt to natural conditions and that can more readily absorb and recover from adverse events; and
WHEREAS, architects and others involved in the design and construction of buildings depend upon the information obtained from investigations into building failures to inform the development of model building codes; and
WHEREAS, on September 11, 2001, 7 World Trade Center, a 47-story high-rise building, suffered a complete collapse; and
WHEREAS, on November 20, 2008, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released the final report of its three-year investigation into the complete collapse of 7 World Trade Center, which concluded that fires, an unprecedented cause of failure for a modern high-rise building, were the primary cause of failure; and
WHEREAS, the cause of failure identified by the NIST investigation would mean that hundreds of high-rise buildings in the United States are susceptible to similar failure from fire; and
WHEREAS, thousands of members of the architecture and engineering professions, including the 55 sponsors of this resolution, believe the NIST investigation did not adhere to the principles of the scientific method and, as a result, the conclusions of the NIST investigation are fatally flawed.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the AIA Board of Directors shall adopt a Position Statement, to be published in the AIA Directory of Public Policies and Position Statements, stating:
Did New York's Twin Towers plus World Trade Center Building 7 (a 49-story building not hit by an aircraft) collapse on 9/11 because they were designed by crackpot architects and engineers, thus becoming the first and only steel-frame high-rise buildings anywhere in the World to collapse because of fire (as claimed by the US Government-sponsored NIST report)?
Or are the architects and engineers who reject the conclusions of the NIST report on the collapse of Building 7 not crackpots at all?
And, if the Twin Towers and Building 7 collapsed on 9/11 due, not to office fires, but to explosives-driven demolition, then does that not transform the US Government's "War Against Terror" into the "Terror War Against Americans and the World"?
Collapse of World Trade Center Tower 7: Resolution for Debate at the 2015 Annual Convention of the American Institute of Architects
WHEREAS, under the AIA Public Policies and Position Statements, it is the responsibility of architects to design a resilient environment that can more successfully adapt to natural conditions and that can more readily absorb and recover from adverse events; and
WHEREAS, architects and others involved in the design and construction of buildings depend upon the information obtained from investigations into building failures to inform the development of model building codes; and
WHEREAS, on September 11, 2001, 7 World Trade Center, a 47-story high-rise building, suffered a complete collapse; and
WHEREAS, on November 20, 2008, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released the final report of its three-year investigation into the complete collapse of 7 World Trade Center, which concluded that fires, an unprecedented cause of failure for a modern high-rise building, were the primary cause of failure; and
WHEREAS, the cause of failure identified by the NIST investigation would mean that hundreds of high-rise buildings in the United States are susceptible to similar failure from fire; and
WHEREAS, thousands of members of the architecture and engineering professions, including the 55 sponsors of this resolution, believe the NIST investigation did not adhere to the principles of the scientific method and, as a result, the conclusions of the NIST investigation are fatally flawed.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the AIA Board of Directors shall adopt a Position Statement, to be published in the AIA Directory of Public Policies and Position Statements, stating:
The AIA’s belief that incidents involving the catastrophic failure of buildings and other structures must be investigated using the highest standards of science-based investigation and analysis in order to provide accurate and meaningful information in the development of model building codes;BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that it is advised that this Position Statement be incorporated as Position Statement #3 under the Construction Industry Regulation Public Policy. The recommended language of this Position Statement is as follows:
The AIA’s recognition that many members of the architecture profession believe the NIST investigation into the complete collapse of 7 World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, did not adhere to the principles of the scientific method and, as a result, the conclusions of the NIST investigation are fatally flawed;
The AIA’s belief that this perspective merits further study; and
The AIA’s support for a new investigation into the complete collapse of 7 World Trade Center.
World Trade Center 7The AIA recognizes that many members of the architecture profession believe the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) investigation into the complete collapse of 7 World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, did not adhere to these principles and, as a result, the conclusions of the NIST investigation are fatally flawed. The AIA believes this perspective merits further study and supports a new investigation into the complete collapse of 7 World Trade Center.
The AIA believes that incidents involving the catastrophic failure of buildings and other structures must be investigated using the highest standards of science-based investigation and analysis in order to provide accurate and meaningful information in the development of model building codes. In adherence to the scientific method, investigations should:
Consider all available data;
Consider hypotheses that most readily explain the available data;
Test those hypotheses and analyze the results without bias; and
Provide for external review and replication by making all data available.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Jewish Power in America
In an interview with the Saker, former US Assistant Secretary to the Treasury, Paul Craig Roberts, said:
The United States is a plutocracy with the trappings of democracy. The money power finances election campaigns and owns the media. Mostly, the outcome of an election is determined before the vote is counted or the campaign begun through the selection of candidates committed to the interests of the money power. Insofar as elections matter at all, they amount only to faction fights among plutocrats, the outcome dependent on campaign funding and manipulation of opinion through control of the media.
First, then, what is the power of Jews within plutocratic America?
According to Forbes Magazine, more than one quarter of America's richest citizens are Jews, although Jews are said to account for less than 2% of America's population. Potentially, therefore, Jews have great power in America. That power can only be enhanced by the evident readiness of many rich Jews to contribute generously to political causes. Moreover, Jews have a tremendous sense of group identity, continually reinforced by the Holocaust Industry, which insures that their political influence tends to be concentrated on achieving quite specific and, among Jews, generally agreed objectives. It is reasonable to suppose therefore that Jews are the most powerful ethnic group in the USA.
Second, then, what are the political objectives of rich Jews in America.
Seemingly, most Jewish-American plutocrats are Zionists, which is to say they are committed to the interests of the state of Israel. But the state of Israel does not encompass all or even the majority of the Jewish nation, the greatest proportion of which resides in America. It is reasonable, therefore, to suppose that the primary objective of plutocratic Jews in America is to promote the interest of American Jews — in politics, academia, the bureaucracy and business.
To tribally-oriented Jews, it must be seen that this objective can be furthered by destroying the dominance in America of ethnic Europeans, an objective now approaching fulfillment through mass multiracial immigration, multiculturalism, and the suppression of white pride, the Christian faith and Western culture, the latter objectives being accomplished through brainwashing, aka education, and political correctness enforced by police and administrative action.
Not all Jews are committed to such a program, obviously, and some publicly oppose it. Among ordinary American Jews many, perhaps most, may be as clueless about what is really happening in their country as are the majority of Euro-Americans now well on their way to minority status, not only in what were formerly great American cities such as Detroit, Miami, Atlanta, St. Louis, Baltimore, Oakland, etc., but state by state and, within a generation, nationally.
Thus American government is powerfully influenced by a plutocratic Jewish minority, not only in the interests of Israel but in the interests of the Jewish nation in America and world-wide. This is not to say that others in America are without power. It is the case, however, that non-Jews in America are not only disinclined to think in racial terms but have for the most part been indoctrinated to believe that to serve first the interests of one's own people constitutes an intolerable evil. So long as that view prevails — which is to say, as long as that view continues to be effectively imposed — the European people, both in Europe and America will continue on the path to early extinction: inundated by aliens, out-reproduced, stripped of their culture and religious tradition, while their jobs and future prospects are off-shored and out-sourced by the money power, both Jewish and otherwise.
Occidental Review: A Review of Jewcentricity by Adam Garfinkle
Justin Raimondo: Espionage, Treason, and the Congressional Fifth Column
Sputnik: Weinstein Urges Jews to Get Organized 'As Mafia' to Take On Anti-Semites
Irish Savant: What's the deal with Jews and gun control?
Spiked: The Brit Media Hounding an Opponent of Political Correctness
HuffPo: The New American Order
All the evidence is that Israel controls the US, but only its MidEast policy.This I believe is incorrect. In particular I believe that the qualification "only its MidEast Policy", is incorrect.
The United States is a plutocracy with the trappings of democracy. The money power finances election campaigns and owns the media. Mostly, the outcome of an election is determined before the vote is counted or the campaign begun through the selection of candidates committed to the interests of the money power. Insofar as elections matter at all, they amount only to faction fights among plutocrats, the outcome dependent on campaign funding and manipulation of opinion through control of the media.
First, then, what is the power of Jews within plutocratic America?
According to Forbes Magazine, more than one quarter of America's richest citizens are Jews, although Jews are said to account for less than 2% of America's population. Potentially, therefore, Jews have great power in America. That power can only be enhanced by the evident readiness of many rich Jews to contribute generously to political causes. Moreover, Jews have a tremendous sense of group identity, continually reinforced by the Holocaust Industry, which insures that their political influence tends to be concentrated on achieving quite specific and, among Jews, generally agreed objectives. It is reasonable to suppose therefore that Jews are the most powerful ethnic group in the USA.
Second, then, what are the political objectives of rich Jews in America.
Seemingly, most Jewish-American plutocrats are Zionists, which is to say they are committed to the interests of the state of Israel. But the state of Israel does not encompass all or even the majority of the Jewish nation, the greatest proportion of which resides in America. It is reasonable, therefore, to suppose that the primary objective of plutocratic Jews in America is to promote the interest of American Jews — in politics, academia, the bureaucracy and business.
To tribally-oriented Jews, it must be seen that this objective can be furthered by destroying the dominance in America of ethnic Europeans, an objective now approaching fulfillment through mass multiracial immigration, multiculturalism, and the suppression of white pride, the Christian faith and Western culture, the latter objectives being accomplished through brainwashing, aka education, and political correctness enforced by police and administrative action.
Not all Jews are committed to such a program, obviously, and some publicly oppose it. Among ordinary American Jews many, perhaps most, may be as clueless about what is really happening in their country as are the majority of Euro-Americans now well on their way to minority status, not only in what were formerly great American cities such as Detroit, Miami, Atlanta, St. Louis, Baltimore, Oakland, etc., but state by state and, within a generation, nationally.
Thus American government is powerfully influenced by a plutocratic Jewish minority, not only in the interests of Israel but in the interests of the Jewish nation in America and world-wide. This is not to say that others in America are without power. It is the case, however, that non-Jews in America are not only disinclined to think in racial terms but have for the most part been indoctrinated to believe that to serve first the interests of one's own people constitutes an intolerable evil. So long as that view prevails — which is to say, as long as that view continues to be effectively imposed — the European people, both in Europe and America will continue on the path to early extinction: inundated by aliens, out-reproduced, stripped of their culture and religious tradition, while their jobs and future prospects are off-shored and out-sourced by the money power, both Jewish and otherwise.
Occidental Review: A Review of Jewcentricity by Adam Garfinkle
Justin Raimondo: Espionage, Treason, and the Congressional Fifth Column
Sputnik: Weinstein Urges Jews to Get Organized 'As Mafia' to Take On Anti-Semites
Irish Savant: What's the deal with Jews and gun control?
Spiked: The Brit Media Hounding an Opponent of Political Correctness
HuffPo: The New American Order
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Genocide: It's the Jewish Way — They Win Some, They Lose Some
The Times of Israel, March 11, 2015:
"20-30 nuclear bombs will assure the job gets done," opinion piece on right-wing Israel National News site says ...
Op-ed calls on Israel to nuke Germany, Iran
Thursday, March 19, 2015
The Neoconservative Threat to International Order
By Paul Craig Roberts
Washington’s reckless and irresponsible destruction of the trust achieved by Reagan and Gorbachev has resurrected the possibility of nuclear war.
Foreign Policy Journal, February 27, 2015: This week I was invited to address an important conference of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. Scholars from Russia and from around the world, Russian government officials, and the Russian people seek an answer as to why Washington destroyed during the past year the friendly relations between America and Russia that President Reagan and President Gorbachev succeeded in establishing. All of Russia is distressed that Washington alone has destroyed the trust between the two major nuclear powers that had been created during the Reagan-Gorbachev era, trust that had removed the threat of nuclear armageddon. Russians at every level are astonished at the virulent propaganda and lies constantly issuing from Washington and the Western media. Washington’s gratuitous demonization of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has rallied the Russian people behind him. Putin has the highest approval rating ever achieved by any leader in my lifetime.
Washington’s reckless and irresponsible destruction of the trust achieved by Reagan and Gorbachev has resurrected the possibility of nuclear war from the grave in which Reagan and Gorbachev buried it. Again, as during the Cold War, the specter of nuclear armageddon stalks the earth.
Why did Washington revive the threat of world annihilation? Why is this threat to all of humanity supported by the majority of the US Congress, by the entirety of the presstitute media, and by academics and think-tank inhabitants in the US, such as Motyl and Weiss, about whom I wrote recently?
What I propose to you is that the current difficulties in the international order are unrelated to Yalta and its consequences, but have their origin in the rise of the neoconservative ideology in the post-Soviet era and its influence on Washington’s foreign policy.
The collapse of the Soviet Union removed the only constraint on Washington’s power to act unilaterally abroad. At that time China’s rise was estimated to require a half century. Suddenly the United States found itself to be the Uni-power, the “world’s only superpower.” Neoconservatives proclaimed “the end of history.”
By the “end of history” neoconservatives mean that the competition between socio-economic-political systems is at an end. History has chosen “American Democratic-Capitalism.” It is Washington’s responsibility to exercise the hegemony over the world given to Washington by History and to bring the world in line with History’s choice of American democratic-capitalism.
In other words, Marx has been proven wrong. The future does not belong to the proletariat but to Washington.
The neoconservative ideology raises the United States to the unique status of being “the exceptional country,” and the American people acquire exalted status as “the indispensable people.”
If a country is “the exceptional country,” it means that all other countries are unexceptional. If a people are “indispensable,” it means other peoples are dispensable. We have seen this attitude at work in Washington’s 14 years of wars of aggression in the Middle East. These wars have left countries destroyed and millions of people dead, maimed, and displaced. Yet Washington continues to speak of its commitment to protect smaller countries from the aggression of larger countries. The explanation for this hypocrisy is that Washington does not regard Washington’s aggression as aggression, but as History’s purpose.
We have also seen this attitude at work in Washington’s disdain for Russia’s national interests and in Washington’s propagandistic response to Russian diplomacy.
Read more
Sputnik: Nobel Piss Prize Committee kicks out leader who gave award to O'Bomber
Von Marco Maier: NATO Baiting Russia But the Bear Won't Bite
Washington’s reckless and irresponsible destruction of the trust achieved by Reagan and Gorbachev has resurrected the possibility of nuclear war.
Foreign Policy Journal, February 27, 2015: This week I was invited to address an important conference of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. Scholars from Russia and from around the world, Russian government officials, and the Russian people seek an answer as to why Washington destroyed during the past year the friendly relations between America and Russia that President Reagan and President Gorbachev succeeded in establishing. All of Russia is distressed that Washington alone has destroyed the trust between the two major nuclear powers that had been created during the Reagan-Gorbachev era, trust that had removed the threat of nuclear armageddon. Russians at every level are astonished at the virulent propaganda and lies constantly issuing from Washington and the Western media. Washington’s gratuitous demonization of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has rallied the Russian people behind him. Putin has the highest approval rating ever achieved by any leader in my lifetime.
Washington’s reckless and irresponsible destruction of the trust achieved by Reagan and Gorbachev has resurrected the possibility of nuclear war from the grave in which Reagan and Gorbachev buried it. Again, as during the Cold War, the specter of nuclear armageddon stalks the earth.
Why did Washington revive the threat of world annihilation? Why is this threat to all of humanity supported by the majority of the US Congress, by the entirety of the presstitute media, and by academics and think-tank inhabitants in the US, such as Motyl and Weiss, about whom I wrote recently?
The Threat Posed to International Relations By The Neoconservative Ideology of American Hegemony
Address to the 70th Anniversary of the Yalta Conference, Hosted by Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Moscow, February 25, 2015, Hon. Paul Craig RobertsColleagues,
What I propose to you is that the current difficulties in the international order are unrelated to Yalta and its consequences, but have their origin in the rise of the neoconservative ideology in the post-Soviet era and its influence on Washington’s foreign policy.
The collapse of the Soviet Union removed the only constraint on Washington’s power to act unilaterally abroad. At that time China’s rise was estimated to require a half century. Suddenly the United States found itself to be the Uni-power, the “world’s only superpower.” Neoconservatives proclaimed “the end of history.”
By the “end of history” neoconservatives mean that the competition between socio-economic-political systems is at an end. History has chosen “American Democratic-Capitalism.” It is Washington’s responsibility to exercise the hegemony over the world given to Washington by History and to bring the world in line with History’s choice of American democratic-capitalism.
In other words, Marx has been proven wrong. The future does not belong to the proletariat but to Washington.
The neoconservative ideology raises the United States to the unique status of being “the exceptional country,” and the American people acquire exalted status as “the indispensable people.”
If a country is “the exceptional country,” it means that all other countries are unexceptional. If a people are “indispensable,” it means other peoples are dispensable. We have seen this attitude at work in Washington’s 14 years of wars of aggression in the Middle East. These wars have left countries destroyed and millions of people dead, maimed, and displaced. Yet Washington continues to speak of its commitment to protect smaller countries from the aggression of larger countries. The explanation for this hypocrisy is that Washington does not regard Washington’s aggression as aggression, but as History’s purpose.
We have also seen this attitude at work in Washington’s disdain for Russia’s national interests and in Washington’s propagandistic response to Russian diplomacy.
Read more
Sputnik: Nobel Piss Prize Committee kicks out leader who gave award to O'Bomber
Von Marco Maier: NATO Baiting Russia But the Bear Won't Bite
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Impending Threat to Canadian Democracy: Harper Government’s “Anti-Terrorism Act” isn’t about Terrorism, it’s a Torture Act
Professor Michael Keefer
The Harper government’s Bill C-51, or Anti-Terrorism Act, has been in the public domain for over a month. Long enough for us to know that it subverts basic principles of constitutional law, assaults rights of free speech and free assembly, and is viciously anti-democratic.
Global Research, March 11, 2015: An unprecedented torrent of criticism has been directed against this bill as the government rushes it through Parliament. This has included stern or at least sceptical editorials in all the major newspapers; an open letter, signed by four former Prime Ministers and five former Supreme Court judges, denouncing the bill for exposing Canadians to major violations of their rights; and another letter, signed by a hundred Canadian law professors, explaining the dangers it poses to justice and legality.
As its critics have shown, the bill isn’t really about terrorism: it’s about smearing other activities by association—and then suppressing them in ways that would formerly have been flagrantly illegal. The bill targets, among others, people who defend the treaty rights of First Nations, people who oppose tar sands, fracking, and bitumen-carrying pipelines as threats to health and the environment, and people who urge that international law be peacefully applied to ending Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian territories. (Members of this latter group include significant numbers of Canadian Jews.)
But the Anti-Terrorism Act is more mortally dangerous to Canadian democracy than even these indications would suggest. A central section of the act empowers CSIS agents to obtain judicial warrants—on mere suspicion, with no requirement for supporting evidence—that will allow them to supplement other disruptive actions against purported enemies of Harperland with acts that directly violate the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and other Canadian laws.
The Harper government’s Bill C-51, or Anti-Terrorism Act, has been in the public domain for over a month. Long enough for us to know that it subverts basic principles of constitutional law, assaults rights of free speech and free assembly, and is viciously anti-democratic.
Global Research, March 11, 2015: An unprecedented torrent of criticism has been directed against this bill as the government rushes it through Parliament. This has included stern or at least sceptical editorials in all the major newspapers; an open letter, signed by four former Prime Ministers and five former Supreme Court judges, denouncing the bill for exposing Canadians to major violations of their rights; and another letter, signed by a hundred Canadian law professors, explaining the dangers it poses to justice and legality.
As its critics have shown, the bill isn’t really about terrorism: it’s about smearing other activities by association—and then suppressing them in ways that would formerly have been flagrantly illegal. The bill targets, among others, people who defend the treaty rights of First Nations, people who oppose tar sands, fracking, and bitumen-carrying pipelines as threats to health and the environment, and people who urge that international law be peacefully applied to ending Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian territories. (Members of this latter group include significant numbers of Canadian Jews.)
But the Anti-Terrorism Act is more mortally dangerous to Canadian democracy than even these indications would suggest. A central section of the act empowers CSIS agents to obtain judicial warrants—on mere suspicion, with no requirement for supporting evidence—that will allow them to supplement other disruptive actions against purported enemies of Harperland with acts that directly violate the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and other Canadian laws.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
German Government Calls American NATO Chief a Liar on Russia in Ukraine
Der Spiegel: Breedlove's Bellicosity: Berlin Alarmed by Aggressive NATO Stance on Ukraine
Zero Hedge: Crackpot Russophobic Pole and EU President, Claude Juncker, plus the looney Baltic trivialities, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, call for a European army to put Russia in its place
R-I: Seinfeld — To some, the fate of Ukraine is merely a game
Finian Cunningham: Berlin Rumbles Washington’s Hidden War Agenda
Ron Paul Institute: German Intel: Breedlove is Bonkers!
Mish: Warmongers United: Juncker Requests Creation of EU Army; Peace by War
Zero Hedge: Crackpot Russophobic Pole and EU President, Claude Juncker, plus the looney Baltic trivialities, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, call for a European army to put Russia in its place
R-I: Seinfeld — To some, the fate of Ukraine is merely a game
Finian Cunningham: Berlin Rumbles Washington’s Hidden War Agenda
Ron Paul Institute: German Intel: Breedlove is Bonkers!
Mish: Warmongers United: Juncker Requests Creation of EU Army; Peace by War
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Ukrainian Civil War — It's About Killing Ukrainians, Not Russians
Nato/EU and their Kiev puppets are waging war in Ukraine not on Russia or Russian-backed separatists but on Ukrainians. The instigation of civil war by the neo-Nazi-enabled Kiev junta is the manifestation of a genocidal project to eliminate as many Ukrainians as possible. Not only the eight million Russians in Ukraine that Yulia Tymoshenko wished to nuke, or the 50,000 Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel killed mainly by "friendly fire", or the thousands of Donbas civilians murdered by neoNazis, but also the many elderly throughout Ukraine who will die prematurely due to the stress of a collapsed economy, and the many who will not be born as economic failure drives a further slump in Ukraine's already catastrophically low fertility rate.
Purposefully, Ukrainians have been driven to kill one another. The beneficiaries are the oligarchs who will pick up the assets of the ruined middle class for little or nothing, while the principal functions of the increasingly dysfunctional Ukrainian state are transferred by the globalist tools Yatsenyuk and Poroshenko to the institutions of global governance, the UN, the WTO, NAFTA, TPP, NATO, SEATO, IMF, World Bank, etc.
This is the New World Order plan for all nation states: it is the neutron bomb option, which aims to destroy people, few of whom will be needed in the new economy of computerization, automation, robots and artificial intelligence, while leaving intact land and resources to be accumulated at minimal cost in the hands of plutocracy.
The globalist plutocracy is in the process of taking ownership of the World, which they will rule by way of the anti-democratic global institutions over which they have proprietary control. The common people, those that are allowed to remain, will exist chiefly as domesticated beasts to be bred, culled, and brainwashed as required by a ruthless elite of the very rich.
The Saker: Ukraine’s Right Sector Leader Wants Donbas Residents Deported
Russia-Insider: Confirmed by Kiev: Ukrainian Land Being Transferred to Oligarchs and Seed Companies
Investment Watch: Soros says ready to invest $1 billion in Ukraine if West helps
LOL, Ol' Break-the-Bank of England Soros ain't content with knock-down civil war prices for Ukrainian assets, but needs a government handout too.
Purposefully, Ukrainians have been driven to kill one another. The beneficiaries are the oligarchs who will pick up the assets of the ruined middle class for little or nothing, while the principal functions of the increasingly dysfunctional Ukrainian state are transferred by the globalist tools Yatsenyuk and Poroshenko to the institutions of global governance, the UN, the WTO, NAFTA, TPP, NATO, SEATO, IMF, World Bank, etc.
This is the New World Order plan for all nation states: it is the neutron bomb option, which aims to destroy people, few of whom will be needed in the new economy of computerization, automation, robots and artificial intelligence, while leaving intact land and resources to be accumulated at minimal cost in the hands of plutocracy.
The globalist plutocracy is in the process of taking ownership of the World, which they will rule by way of the anti-democratic global institutions over which they have proprietary control. The common people, those that are allowed to remain, will exist chiefly as domesticated beasts to be bred, culled, and brainwashed as required by a ruthless elite of the very rich.
The Saker: Ukraine’s Right Sector Leader Wants Donbas Residents Deported
Russia-Insider: Confirmed by Kiev: Ukrainian Land Being Transferred to Oligarchs and Seed Companies
Investment Watch: Soros says ready to invest $1 billion in Ukraine if West helps
LOL, Ol' Break-the-Bank of England Soros ain't content with knock-down civil war prices for Ukrainian assets, but needs a government handout too.
Monday, February 23, 2015
UK's Nigel Farage Throws Opponents of Mass Immigration and Multiculturalism Under the Bus As Nick Griffin Did in 2011
Farage is fighting for a multi-culti Britain of Jews, Christians, Muslims and, presumably, adherents of witch-craft and Voodoo. The only unifying cultural belief that Farage talks of is the "belief in Britain," which seems to mean nothing other than a desire for more Asian immigrants.
Farage, apparently, is about to do what Nick Griffin did during the last election: throw the campaign and destroy the hopes of those foolish enough to believe that UKIP, the party Farage leads, opposes the the racial and cultural genocide of the British people through mass immigration and multiculturalism.
That Farage is a two-faced bastard fronting for the Security Service is strongly suggested by the sheepish expression he wears as he curries favor with this bunch supporters not one of whom appears to be of British descent.
U-Tube: Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of Christian European ethnic societies
Harry J.: Is Nick Griffin A Freemason (Why The New World Order Needs The BNP)?
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Ukraine Realpolitic, A Concise Summary
The commentator's valuation of Novorossiya's resources is crazy, e.g., coal at $100 per ton. Russia sells mined coal for $30.00 per ton so the value of the resource in the ground, which is expensive to mine in Donbas, is probably only a dollar or two per ton, not one hundred. Likewise, oil and gas resource values are greatly overstated. The political evaluation, however, makes good sense. Via the Saker
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Quote: US Grand Strategy
Deep Resource defines rather well, I think, what I take to be the objective of US foreign policy.
Meantime, the Minsk II Ukraine ceasefire agreement may mark the end, or at least the beginning of the end, of the US-inspired attempt to genocide the Russian-speakers of Ukraine, while the likely wave of nationalist party election victories across Europe (Greece, Spain? France? UK? ...) could mark the beginning of the end of the project to genocide the European peoples through mass immigration and multi-culturalism.
The US is facing a failed grand strategy of trying to turn the world into a mongrelized Menschenpark of IQ 90 Obama look-a-likes without a sense of identity, all speaking English, all eating at McDonald’s, watching CNN, listening to what the Wolf Blitzer du jour has to say about the holocaust, and paying interest to the globalized Federal Reserve.Or as Dave comments over at the Vinyard of the Saker, the basic belief of American policy makers is:
that everyone wants to live in a democratic, meritocratic, feminist, tribe-less melting-pot society, and only the reign of brutal tyrants like Saddam, Assad, Mubarak, and Gaddafi prevents this.Consistent with these views, the US project to inflict racial and cultural genocide in the ME, appears set to go disastrously awry, as outlined by Brad Cabana at RockSolidPolitics.
The truth is that [Arabs] can only live in either (a) tribal anarchy, (b) one-man rule, or (c) as a colony of a civilized nation. This truth cannot be spoken or even thought by any American because it is "racist"!
Meantime, the Minsk II Ukraine ceasefire agreement may mark the end, or at least the beginning of the end, of the US-inspired attempt to genocide the Russian-speakers of Ukraine, while the likely wave of nationalist party election victories across Europe (Greece, Spain? France? UK? ...) could mark the beginning of the end of the project to genocide the European peoples through mass immigration and multi-culturalism.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
That's It For Now
I've written nothing for the last week or so, due to medical and other distractions. And after ten years of comment, starting at the CanadianSpectator,ca then migrating to various other less labor-intensive places, including this blog, Canspeccy on Wordpress, iLucretius and the Diary of an Inexact Scientist, I have probably said about as much as I can usefully say — if anything I have said can be said to have been useful at all. In any case, I don't expect to have time or energy to say very much more for several months, if not all eternity. Moreover, I am not sure that there is much more to be said, at least by me, on the themes with which I have been mainly concerned: namely, the transformation of Western society into a brutal, decadent, fraudulent, hypocritical, pseudo-democratic tyranny that promotes hatred for the Christian moral traditions of the West, a genocidal program for the European peoples, and a contempt for the rule of law. But to all those better informed and more articulate that I, who will surely continue to write along these lines, my best wishes.
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Funny Anti-Russian Bullshit
Conflict News tweets:
"Russia only has about twice as much cash* as Apple. It also just got downgraded to junk status."
Here's the joke:
With foreign currency reserves valued at US$130 billion,* the United States has $30 billion less cash than Apple, and less than half what Russia has.**
What's even funnier is this:
"Russia only has about twice as much cash* as Apple. It also just got downgraded to junk status."
Here's the joke:
With foreign currency reserves valued at US$130 billion,* the United States has $30 billion less cash than Apple, and less than half what Russia has.**
What's even funnier is this:
Saturday, January 17, 2015
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