Thursday, March 7, 2019

The Character of Mr. Trudeau's Closest Associate

It tells much of a man, the kind of people he seeks to have around him. This week, Canadians saw something of the quality of the man said to be not only the Prime Minister's closest friend, but until the week before last, the Prime Minister's Principal Secretary.

That man is Mr. Gerald Butts, and he came to public view while giving evidence, at his own request, before the Parliamentary Justice Committee. Here's one person's take on his character:

Mr. Butts ... was unctuous, slippery, flattering beyond bearing. Has he ever met a person for whom he doesn't have the highest regard and admiration, with whom he isn't friends, who isn't of the most sterling reputation and unassailable character. 

He has not. 

Christie Blatchford, NaPo, March 7, 2019
Not, perhaps, a personality best suited to advise a willful, inexperienced and none too bright leader. And surely not the best man to serve as the as the Prime Minister's whisperer.*

For the Liberal Party of Canada, the choice seems clear: drop Trudeau or lose in October by a landslide. The Conservatives, presumably, are rooting for Trudeau.
* In Ancient Rome, a slave would continuously whisper ‘Remember you are mortal’ in the ears of victorious generals as they were paraded through the streets after coming home, triumphant, from battle.

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