Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Obozo's Brain, Zbizgzniezv Zbrzezzinzskziz, on Why Russia and the Russian People Must be Destroyed

Zbigzsnozz Bzzrezzinskzizzz
Starting a war of criminal aggression is not something a normal person is inclined to do. Thus the President of the United States has a professional warmonger, the crackpot, Zbigniew Brzezinski, to make the call.

The name, obviously is important (Remember the ad for Smuckers jam: "with a name like that, it's got to be good"?). If it were, say, Jim Pollack or another such commonplace handle, nobody'd take the slightest notice of the crazy coot. But having an aristocratic sounding, unspellable Polish name makes all the difference. And then Zbigzzy talks in a fine hifalutin kind of academese, which involves repetitive use of words like "namely" and "concept," which make the advocacy of mass murder seem so much more reasonable. More decent even.

In this video (beginning at 14 min 15 seconds), we hear it directly from Zbzgzy, why the Unites States of Aggression should destroy Russia and the Russian people.
"What we are seeing in Ukraine ... namely, the gradual but steady emergence of Russia ... is a quasi mystical chauvinism ...

"Recently, the Russian International Affairs Council ... has come up with a report on Russia's national identity transformation and new foreign policy doctrine ...

"The key concepts of this report ... involve four basic concepts ...

"That of a divided people ...

"Secondly the theme of, quote, protecting compatriots abroad, end quote.

"Then, more broadly, the Russian World, "Russky Mir," in Russian, and the importance of acknowledging, and sustaining, embracing and promoting, quote, the Great Russian civilization."
What the fourth basic "concept" was, Zbzgz seems to have forgotten.

But there's the case for seeing Putin as the "new Hitler," the leader with a mystical view of the "Great Russian civilization." Of course the point is weakened a bit when one realizes that the "Great" in "Great Russian civilization" is simply a reference to the civilization of Great Russia, which is to say Russia excluding "Little Russia," i.e., Ukraine. To speak of the "Great Russian culture" is thus strictly analogous to speaking of the "Great British culture" with reference to the culture of Great Britain as opposed to that of Britanny, or Petite Bretagne (i.e., Little Britain), as it was known in Mediaeval times.

As for Russia being a divided people, well that's just a fact, but it has to be held against them since they might like to get together again as a united people, a vicious tendency only recently displayed by those damned Crimeans who exercised their UN Charter right to self-determination, and then decided to unite with the Russian Federation.

Equally vicious is the desire to protect compatriots abroad. Why, obviously they should let the Ukie Nazis genocide the Novorussians, all six million of them as Ukie Presidential Candidate Julia Tymoshenko planned to do, personally if possible, by machine gun.

But perhaps most evil of all, is that commitment to acknowledging, sustaining, etc., etc., the Great Russian civilization (i.e., the civilization of Great Russia, not the great civilization of Russia), you know, Leo Tolstoy, the Bolshoi Ballet, Yuri Gagarin and all that crap. As any well-brainwashed person knows, only the United States of Assassination should be free to protect and promote its culture of Coke, porn, atheism, child sexualization and the genocide of the nations of the world.

So there it is. The US of Aggression gets to overthrow the government of Russia's neighbor, Ukraine, in a violent coup d'état, thereby empowering a bunch of Nazi fanatics with a long track record of genocidal activity, and then declares it to be justification for military action against Russia, if Russia seeks to protect the lives and liberty of its compatriots in Ukraine.


Paul Craig Roberts The US War Against Russia Is Already Underway

RINF: Ethnic and Cultural Cleansing in Ukraine

Zero Hedge: Putin Advisor Proposes "Anti-Dollar Alliance" To Halt US Aggression Abroad

CanSpeccy: Universal Genocide and the New World Order

Saturday, June 14, 2014

GM Versus BP

Every year, thousands of Americans as well as citizens abroad are killed or injured in accidents involving automobiles manufactured by General Motors Corporation. Many of these deaths and injuries could be avoided by automobile design changes, some of them quite trivial. But as in the case of the Chevy Cruze ignition switch defect, known to have been the cause of multiple deaths, GM is inclined to ignore such hazards to its customers rather than incur minimal costs. Following the exposure of GM's disregard for life and limb, the company has been fined $35 million by the US Transportation Safety Administration. In Canada and elsewhere, however, GM has suffered no penalty whatever.

In contrast with the indulgent attitude of American government and legal authorities toward death through negligence by the country's largest manufacturing company, the same authorities seem determined to do what they can to destroy BP, a foreign-based company, for an accident in the Gulf of Mexico that killed 11 oil-rig workers and injured others. So far the Deep Water Horizon blowout has cost BP over $40 billion dollars, a thousand times as much as the penalty imposed on GM for deliberately ignoring a fatal hazard, with the final cost to BP undetermined but potentially much greater.

Why the difference in treatment? No doubt the answer is complex. It is notable, however, that whereas GM deliberately ignored lethal defects in its product to achieve trivial savings, BP's Gulf oil spill was the result of errors and derelictions of duty mainly by its contractors and suppliers, including:
What these contrasting cases suggest about the future of American capitalism is not encouraging. Moreover they are not encouraging for those concerned with the welfare of American workers and consumers, for it suggests that what corporations will in future focus on is not product and workplace safety but influence in Washington, DC.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Who Seized What in Ukraine?

While the Western corpo. media and twats like Harper and Cameroon bloviate about Russia's "seizure" of Crimea, albeit the result of a bloodless democratic process that returned to Russia a majority Russian population of a region that has been part of Russia since before the US of Aggression even existed, the US-backed Nazi-driven takeover of Eastern Ukraine continues amid much bloodshed and under the guidance of the NeoCon New World Order/Chatham House/NATO/US State Department stooge, Arse Yatsenyuk.

According to a situation report via the Saker's blog, the Ukrainian agents of the New World Order are today bombing and shelling civilian targets and taking hostages in Eastern Ukraine where the people have the temerity to oppose the rule of the US-created junta in Kiev in which the military and security services are under firm Neo-Nazi control and are operating in true Nazi fashion.

What is extraordinary is not the vile criminality of the actions of the ruling agents imposed on the people of Ukraine by the criminals in Washington and London, but the dumb, stupid acceptance throughout the West of the imperialist lies of the US and its allies, who use Nazi agents against those they brand as Hitlerites.


The Saker: Chemical weapons and phosphorus used by Ukraine army against own people in Novorossiya

Itar_Tass: Luhansk Peoples' Republic Seeks Recognition as Independent State

Pressimus: Putin Adviser Glazyev Calls For No-Fly Zone

OpEd News: Ukraine President Once Agent for U.S. State Department

WSWS: Nationalism and fascism in Ukraine: A historical overview: Part I

VOR: Ukraine has to decide who to side with – US or Russia, Europe

VOR:Ceasefire must be ensured in eastern Ukraine coming week - Poroshenko

Mike Shedlock: Unvarnished Ukraine Update; Steen Jakobsen on Impact of Ukraine on Germany

Moon of Alabama: Ukraine: Poroshenko's Hope For "Western" Help Is Deluded

The Saker: Poroshenko declares war on Novorossiia
...two things appear inevitable now: a Russian military intervention in Novorossia followed by the Cold War v2 the AngloZionists wanted so badly. Up until this moment the European colonies still had a chance to avoid a future which will hurt them much more than it will hurt the US or Russia, but they could not even muster the willpower to protect their own vital interests.
Paul Craig Roberts: The Lies Grow More Audacious

Reuters: Who won the war?

Global Research: “Russia never Annexed Crimea, no Plans to intervene in Ukraine, it’s a Western Delusion” – Putin

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Stephen Harper's Belligerent Russophobia

Steve Harper is sending 75 Canadian soldiers to Europe to combat Putin menace.

No disrespect to our brave men and women in uniform, but, LOL.

Harper says Putin should be allowed at D-Day ceremonies in Normandy commemorating the allied defeat of Nazi Germany. (Yes, believe it or not — and listening to Stephen Harper, you probably wouldn't — those damn Ruskies were our allies in both World Wars and did most of the dying on both occasions.) And with several hundred times as many Russian war dead as Canadian, Harper's granting Putin permission like that is generous — not. Anyhow it's not Canada that's issuing the invitations to these ceremonies on French soil.

So what's with our Stevie? Why this clowning insolence toward Russia, a full-spectrum nuclear superpower, by the leader of a country with a negligible military budget and fewer soldiers than Toronto has police officers?

Does Harper believe that most of the one million or so Ukrainian Canadians are Nazi-loving Russophobes who will vote Tory in next year's Federal election because of Harper's support (including $220 million in Canadian taxpayers' cash) for the Kiev government that came to power by means of an anti-constitutional coup and whose first act was an attempt to deprive Ukraine's ethnic minorities of the right to use their native language? (It would be good to hear from some of them: real live Canadian neo-Nazi Ukrainian nationalists, that is. I'm sure we'd all like to know what it is, exactly, that they think Canada owes them in the way of backing their fascistic kinsmen back home.)

Or is Harper a closet Nazi? Does he secretly lust to use the the Royal Canadian Air Force as the Kyiv junta is using Ukie Sukhoi jet fighters and helicopter gunships to terrorize troublesome provinces? Does he long to emulate Kyiv in deploying death squads against anti-government trouble-makers across the land?

Or is our Stevie the Eric Honecker of the West, the ultra-loyal imperial satrap, relentlessly following orders from Moscow — I mean Washington?

Yeah. That's probably it. Our Stevie's been tasked with distracting attention from the war crimes of our friends in Kiev by hootin' and hollerin' that Putin's a Commie dictator planning to rule the whole world.


Moon of Alabama: D-Day Propaganda Misses The Soviet Contributions

CTV: Harper chickens out of meeting with Putin: Fears being called a jerk?

RT: David Cameroon meets Putin, but no handshake

Itar-Tass: Ukrainian troops kill more than 25 people in Krasny Liman hospital (No reference to this event/story in the Gruniard, the G&M, WaPo, etc., etc.)

Ria_Novosti: Kiev’s Use of Heavy Weapons in Crackdown Violates International Law – Russia

YouTube: Ready to go anywhere': Ukrainians flee as Kiev intensifies military operations

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Damn Putin: He Shouldn't Be Allowed to Comment in Public

RT, June 05, 2014: Vladimir Putin faced a barrage of tricky questions from French media ahead of his meeting with world leaders at the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings. Here are his best replies on key issues: Ukraine, Crimea and relations with the US.

On Ukraine, its sovereignty and Russian troops:

The ongoing crisis in Ukraine has been occupying the center of international attention since the end of last year. While the coup-appointed government in Kiev is carrying out a military crackdown on the southeast of the country, the US said that Russian troops are allegedly involved in the crisis and they have proof of that.

“What about proof? Why don’t they show it?” Putin told French media.

“The entire world remembers the US Secretary of State demonstrating the evidence of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, waving around some test tube with washing powder in the UN Security Council. Eventually, the US troops invaded Iraq, Saddam Hussein was hanged and later it turned out there had never been any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. You know – it’s one thing to say things and another to actually have evidence.”

Read more:


Vladimir Putin’s interview with Radio Europe 1 and TF1 TV channel

Moon of Alabama: Kerry a Lying Piece of Shit

Monday, June 2, 2014

Steve Harper's Friends in Kyiv Killing Their Own People in Eastern Ukraine

Itar-Tass: Ukrainian troops kill more than 25 people in Krasny Liman hospital

Ukrainian city of Lugansk under attack by Ukraine Air Force Sukhoi-25:

Details: The Vinyard of the Saker

Further video: Deadly Ukraine Fighter Jet Bombing Caught On Tape

BlackListed News: Ukraine Air Force gunships in assault on Ukrainian city of Lugansk (June 3, 2014).

Itar-TassKyiv Nazi's call for martial law in Eastern Ukraine

Itar-Tass: East Ukraine militia down fighter plane, helicopter gunship, 4 APCs

The Saker: Why Western Imperialists Hate Putin

The Saker: Making sense of Obama's billion dollar hammer

Juan: Russians are sub-humans in the eyes of the West
The victors of the Maidan coup d'etat, Oleg Tyagnibok (a sitting deputat of Ukraine Rada) and Dmitro Yarush, leaders of Svoboda Party and Right Sector Party respectively, had stated, during a live interview on Channel 5 TV in Kiev on 27 February 2014, that they were going to lead their combined 5500 fighters from Miadan down to Krim and Sevastopol and 'kill every Russian there' combined with 'we will put every Russian in Krim to the knife'. ...

On 02 May there was a football match in Odessa on the south coast of Ukraine. We all know what happened in Odessa with the massacre of the anti Kiev demonstrators, unarmed demonstrators, in and around the Labor Union Building in Odessa as they were beaten, shot and burned to death. What you don't know is the true number of dead that day and evening. 297 anti Kiev demonstrators AND innocents died that day. Over 50 were in hospital. Some of those who jumped from the entrance hall stairway at the fourth and fifth floor levels were beaten to death as they lay on the ground. Others were made to crawl away, severely injured, and were kicked and beaten as they crawled to the pile of wounded.

To this day not a single western government that I am aware of has expressed the slightest sympathy or condolences for any of the wounded or dead in Odessa....

Yesterday, 03 June 2014, shortly after noon local time there was an attack on the Lugansk City Administration Building in the center of Lugansk by a single Ukrainian Air Force Sukhoi 25 ground attack airplane. He fired a single volley of missiles at the front of the building. Yes, the building is the titular headquarters of Donbas Republic but 95% of the offices and workers in that building are city administration workers, civilians doing their work for the citizens of Lugansk and most of whom have worked there for years. Ukraine well knew that fact and attacked. The impact of the rockets are well documented in many videos extant on the internet ...
So far Stephen Harper has failed to comment. Apparently, Canada's one million plus citizens of Ukrainian extraction are all Russophobic Nazi sympathizers, or at least, that must be Stephen Harper's calculation since he seems to think it a fine thing for the Kiev junta to kill as many Russian-speaking Unkrainians as possible.

Moon of Alabama: Unveiling "Western" Hypocrisy Russia Connects Syria And Ukraine


The Tyee: Harper's Vote Grubbing Policy on Ukraine