Saturday, March 8, 2025

Fat Lady From the State Department Named in Trump Assination Plot

Victoria Nuland: Ukraine Has ...

Former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn accused former Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland of being a central figure in an alleged assassination plot against President Donald Trump, suggesting a broader conspiracy involving multiple individuals both within and outside the government. 

Nuland played a central role in the launch of the Ukraine war and must hate Trump for seeking to end it. Presumably, therefore, she much regrets that Thomas Crooks' bullet only nicked Trump's ear. 

Nuland in 2014, at the launch of the Ukraine war: "Fuck the EU"

Nuland might more realistically have said "Fuck Ukraine" where the war resulting from her diplomacy has killed close on a million Ukrainians plus a similar number of Russians.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Trump Is Ending Nato's War on Russia That's Been Conducted at Ukraine's Expense

Via The Last Refuge

The media have not, and in most cases cannot, factually discuss what President Trump has just done without opening up a major can-of-worms about the motives behind the Ukraine war.

When President Trump stopped “intelligence sharing” with Ukraine, what he technically did was stop allowing Ukraine to use exclusive USA targeting systems controlled by U.S Intelligence, the CIA, the National Reconnaissance Office and the U.S. National Geospatial Intelligence Agency.

These terrain mapping systems, the missile and drone targeting systems, are what military forces inside Ukraine need to carry out offensive drone and missile attacks against Russian forces.

Some elements in Western Intel are leaking to media that Trump only cut-off the targeting system that would permit Ukraine to hit deep into Russian territory, including in Russia proper.  However, the ‘Russian territory‘ as seemingly defined by the National Security Council includes most of Eastern Ukraine now.

In essence and material reality, the elements in Ukraine who are conducting war, and this includes U.K and U.S special forces, the CIA and various NATO allied military operators (not Ukraine military) can no longer effectively hit long-range Russian targets, without the U.S. targeting system that identifies it.

The real-time sharing of military grade GPS encryption keys has been stopped by the U.S. Commander in Chief, President Trump.  Effective immediately without targeting system access, ATACMS, HIMARS, Storm Shadow and Taurus missile systems are no longer functional to those Ukraine operators (remember, those operators are not necessarily Ukranian).

Read more

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Indigenous Children Were Not Murdered in Canada's Residential Schools

Having spent five of my younger years at a residential institution for boys, I have some understanding of the potential horrors of life for those of Canada's indigenous children sent to residential government schools. But it should be remembered that, as in my own case, those children were separated from their families and consigned to the care of strangers with good intentions. The objective in the case of indigenous children being to remove them from the tribal world of a hunter-gathering people and equip them for survival and potential success in the vastly more diverse world of the Canadian national community. This meant teaching them either the French or English language, plus the three R's, something deemed possible only through a residential school training. And for many indigenous children attending a residential school, such training was indeed achieved.  

The moral validity of transitioning indigenous peoples from their ancestral culture to that of the settler Canadian nation is a matter of debate. However, the decision having been made to bring about such a transition, the residential school policy was the only means conceived of to achieve it. The downside to this decision is the fact that children are always at greater risk of abuse by strangers than by their own kin. And thus it was that children removed, sometimes forcibly, from their native home to a residential school were the victims of deviant members of residential school staff. Tales of such abuse have naturally been told by former residential school students, as well as by others without personal experience but who claim to have investigated the matter. Such tales are in many and perhaps the great majority of cases surely based in reality. Some stories, however, and these not necesssarily based on any claim to personal experience, are horrific. Of these, some making claims of mass murder, are so horrific as to prompt government inquiry. The results of this inquiry, which involved radar inspection of alleged mass burial sites are now in. What they show is that claims of mass murder at the Indian Residential Schools are almost certainly entirely false. 

As Reported Here: 

The Canadian government has halted an inquiry into claims of mass burials of children at former Church-run residential schools – after not one grave was discovered.

Claims of the abuse and murders of hundreds indigenous children have triggered arson attacks, vandalism and the desecration of about 120 churches across Canada amid an outpouring of national grief.

The hysteria even reached the Vatican with Pope Francis using an Angelus address to lament “the shocking discovery of the remains of 215 children”.

The Canadian government set up the National Advisory Committee on Residential Schools, Missing Children and Unmarked Burials to investigate the claims and the full extent of the alleged abuse and murder of Indian children by Christians of European extraction.

But after three years of searching for bodies, at the cost of $216.5 million, not a single set of human remains has been found.

Read more

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Trudeau's Failed Diplomacy Will surely Bring Canada a Recession or Worse

Canadian firms shift production to America to avoid 25 percent Import Tariff

Trump’s proving he’s got the winning hand once more, and it’s paying off big for America. Canadian businesses are eyeing a move south to dodge those hefty 25 percent tariffs he slapped on, and it’s all about bringing manufacturing back where it belongs. CTV News Canada’s spilling the beans—companies up north, from all sorts of trades, are packing up, looking at states like Ohio and Texas to set up shop. Trump’s tariffs are doing exactly what he said—making America the place to build again.

Read more

As we said some time ago, Trudeau should have sought Canada's inclusion within a continental tariff wall. This is what US Treasury Secretary, Scott Bessent, has also said. As it is, beginning tomorrow, March 4th, Canadian exports to the US, by far Canada's largest export market, will be subject to a 25%  tax. That's a tax collected by the US Government. As a consequence, Canadian manufacturing companies dependent on the US market will have to either accept a large loss of income or sales, move to the US, or quite possibly go broke. Many will surely move to the US, as have many before them, for example, Boeing whose founders, the Boeing brothers, moved to Seattle in 1916. Or currently, Brookfield Asset Management, and in the near future, TFI, Canada's largest trucking company. 

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Trump Seeks End to US Instigated Ukraine War to Hurt Russia

Here's Canadian People's Party Leader and former Minister of External Affairs, Maxime Bernier, on the Ukraine tragedy:

The Americans and the Russians are finally talking to each other to end the war in Ukraine.

I said when that pointless war began almost 3 years ago that the West was shooting itself in the foot with sanctions against Russia that would backfire, that we were stupidly pushing the Russians in the arms of the Chinese, and that Russia would win in the end.

Three years later, all of this has come true, but tragically only after immense destruction and the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives.

If you listen to the media, they all repeat the globalist propaganda that this is a war of aggression started by Putin in 2022.

In fact, if was started by the murderous neoconservatives in the US and their NATO lapdogs in Ottawa and European capitals.

They are the ones who engineered the regime change in Ukraine in 2014, and who for years worked to encircle, provoke, and weaken Russia instead of developing friendly relations.

Fortunately, President Trump is going to make a deal with Putin to end this US proxy war against Russia.

Canada wasted $20 billion on that foolish foreign adventure. And it would have been even more if Pandering Pierre and his fake Conservatives had been in power. He said that Trudeau wasn’t doing enough!

The PPC was the only party that did not fall for the propaganda and advocated peace.


11 Years Ago TODAY, The US, EU Lead a Coup d' Etat in Ukraine - they've been fighting ever since

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Canada's People's Party Years Ahead of Musk in Calling For an End to PC Government Waste

By Maxime Bernier

 Did you know that the Canadian government is spending $143,000 to help the African country of Senegal implement a “sectorial gender strategy” in its armed forces?

Or $46,793 to improve healthcare for intersex people in the Chinese province of Shandong?

What about $4,6 million to develop programs promoting a “positive masculinity” in Cuba?

There are hundreds of such crazy programs costing Canadian taxpayers billions of dollars every year to fund the Liberals’ woke ideology in other countries.

Many people on social media just found out that these programs exist last week, after they started looking for them on the website of the Government of Canada.

They were inspired by similar crazy programs that Elon Musk has unearthed with his DOGE team in Washington.

The DOGE – or Department of Government Efficiency – was created by president Trump and has already cut tens of billions of dollars in frivolous spending after only a few weeks.

I’m being asked if I support having the equivalent of a DOGE in Canada.

Not only do I support it, but I didn’t wait for Trump and Musk to do it to propose one. I did years ago!

In 2020, I stated that a PPC government would have a Minister of Government Downsizing to examine every federal program and cut or abolish everything that is inefficient, wasteful or not essential.

Vice President J.D. Vance’s on Europe's Tyrannical Censorship

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Freedom or DEI Tyranny

 A Fight to the Death Is Underway

Paul Craig Roberts

Some people will regard my title as hyperbole. It is not. Trump, I believe, understands he is in a fight to the death. The American establishment tried to discredit and ruin him, to imprison him, to assassinate him. They stole his 2020 reelection from him. They tried to steal his NY properties. It is not possible for Trump to have illusions about what he is up against. He is up against evil.

Trump knows that the fight is not just about him. It is about America. For decades a corrupt American establishment has been running the government for their benefit at the expense of the American people. Trump says he intends to take government out of the corrupt establishment’s hands and put it back in the hands of the people. That is the last place the establishment wants it. For them the struggle Trump began in 2015 is existential.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Trump's Great Idea

The average tariff on imports to the United States during the 19th and early 20th century was around 33% on manufacted goods. US imports continued to be taxed from the end of the First World War unti 1942 when the US adopted a policy of free trade. Until the beginning of the 21st Century US industrial production continued its exponential growth, but has since flatlined. 

The reason for this pattern is simply that the second world war devastated the economy of every major American competitor, namely, Germany, France, Britain, Italy and Japan. But those countries have long since recovered from the ravages of war, while China, India, South Korea, Indonesia and many other countries have rapidly industrialized to provide the Western nations with massive cheap-labor economic competition.

Trump's big idea? To restore a tariff wall on manufactured goods. The consequence? Companies now exporting to the US from cheap labor countries such as China, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Bangladesh will establish manufacturing facilities inside the US tariff wall. The price of goods no longer made by sweatshop workers in Bangladesh, Vietnam or wherever will be much higher. But then American workers will have plentiful high wage job opportunities in manufacturing. Just as in the good old 1950s. 

Sounds great. Even better would be to invite Canada to join within a shared tariff wall. As an abbreviation MNAGA does not make for a great slogan, but, if adopted, it would make all of North America great again. 

Trump As Hitler

 As Karl Marx wrote, "history repeats, first as tragedy, then as farce."

Confirming this, we have just witnessed  President Trump's attempted emulation of Hitler's 1938 Anschluss, or annexation, of a neighboring state. 

In Hitler's case the neighbor, Austria, was a mere one eighth the size of Germany. Trump, in comparison, has displayed far grander ambition. He seeks to acquire Canada, a territory larger even than the United States itself, and more than 100 times larger than the Austrian territory occupied by Hitler's Germany. 

Oh, and while he's about it, Trump demands control of Greenland, with its abundance of ice, oil and fish and an area 25 times that of Austria. Plus he intends to take back the Panama canal. 

As yet, no one seems to be taking Trump entirely seriously. Still I worry. Canada is not a perfect society -- far from it. Still after more than sixty years since arriving in my early twenties, I'm used to it and would hate to see it become merely a rather cool part of the United States of Aggression.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Granddaughter of a pro-Nazi Newspaper Editor, Seeks to Lead Canada

 Chrystia Freeland’s family connections to Ukrainian Nazis revolve around her maternal grandfather, ‘Michael’ Mykhailo Chomiak.

Chomiak was an editor of a Ukrainian-language Nazi propaganda newspaper called Krakivski Visti, published in Nazi-occupied Poland and later in Austria. It promoted anti-Semitic views and supported the German war effort against Jews and other groups.

Like so many other Ukrainian Nazis, Chomiak immigrated to Canada, where he reportedly became a ‘prominent member’ of the Ukrainian Canadian community. Source

But then Freeland is probably no more Fascistic than Justin Trudeau, the man who liked to wear blackface and wear a Nazi uniform. Fortunately, it probably won't matter who leads the "Liberal" Party of Canada during the next few years as it is not likely to regain power anytime soon, if ever. 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Britain's Woke, PC Government of DEI Fanatics

Far Left UK Government Proposes Banning "Controversial" Conversations


Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words shall never hurt me
An old English saying

I learnt those words at my mother's knee around seventy-five years ago. My mother, born in 1911, was raised on a farm. Folks were evidently harder-headed in those days, country folk, anyhow. Perhaps because, for most, life was harder then than it is today. My mother left school at 13 to earn a living. She took a job, arranged by a rich aunt, to work as a cashier at William Whiteley's department store in London's West End. 

William Whiteley's Bayswater store. Built in 1911,
    it was claimed to be the largest store in the world.   
The building was destroyed by German bombing
during the the Blitz of World War II.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The Rise in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration Is No Delusion. And It Matters

 Below, I have reproduced, copied, copyright-stolen, whatever, part of an editorial by Wall Street Journal opinion columnist Holman Jenkins, Jr. in which he suggests that efforts to limit, human-caused  increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration are basically pointless. 

True, efforts to limit human-caused increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration are effective only to the extent that they are designed in such a way as to be effective. But limiting the rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration is not impossible. Here's one way that would work. 

Impose a carbon capture charge (CCC) on everything the production or use of which results in the release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Then use the revenue generated to capture atmospheric carbon dioxide and sequester it underground or convert it to mineral form.

So what of the cost? The lowest estimate of the cost of large scale direct air capture and sequestration of carbon dioxide is around US$100 per ton, or 10 Cents per kilogram. That means a carbon capture charge for gasoline, for example, would be US$0.23 per litre or US$0.89 per US Gallon.  

Other products, meat, wool, cotton, lumber, etc., mostly generate less carbon per kilogram consumed than gasoline, or other fuels, including natural gas, diesel, and coal. What that means is that most or all human caused atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions could be recaptured without bankrupting the world. 

How would governments deploy CCC revenue to achieve sequestration of human-caused carbon dioxide emissions? By inviting tenders and placing contracts with multiple bidders. In this way a variety of technologies could be evaluated at scale, until the best methods are identified and deployed. 

Simple, really. So no need for Homan Jenkins of the Wall Street Journal to shrug off the problem of rising atmospheric carbon dioxide. A clear and simple path exists that allows mankind to end the transformation of the chemical composition of the air we breath. 

True, not all governments will adopt such a program at once. But for those who take the lead, the cost of free riders can be eliminated by applying a carbon capture charge to goods from countries that fail to impose their own carbon capture charge, or other means to eliminate net carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere. The charge on imports could then be applied to the capture and sequestration of carbon dioxide, as with the carbon capture charge imposed on domestic goods and services. 


Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration, Part I: Carbon Dioxide Is Not a Greenhouse Gas


About Carbon Dioxide: We Got One Thing Right

End of a Climate Delusion

Wall Street Journal, January 15, 2025:  Carbon dioxide, or CO2, emitted into the atmosphere is rapidly and, for all practical purposes, uniformly distributed around the planet.

I may be stating the obvious but it needs to be pointed out. Voters and even political leaders are surprisingly poorly informed on this point. Emissions cuts in California don’t have any significant effect on California’s climate. They also have no global effect. California’s cuts are too small relative to the global whole; they also are largely illusory.

Emitting industries leave the state. They don’t stop emitting. If California imports Canadian hydro to charge its electric vehicles, consumers elsewhere have to burn more coal and gas. If Californians drive EVs, more gasoline is free to be burned by others, releasing more CO2 that influences climate change in California and everywhere else.

Green-energy subsidies do not reduce emissions. This will be news to millions of California voters. It contradicts a central tenet of state policy. It isn’t news to the actual enactors of these subsidies. A National Research Council study sponsored by congressional Democrats in 2008 concluded that such handouts were a “poor tool for reducing greenhouse gases” and called for carbon taxes instead.

Unfortunately, the incoming Obama administration quickly discovered it favored climate taxes only when Republicans were in charge. Backers would later engage in flagrant lying to promote Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, knowingly citing bogus predictions that its trillion-dollar spending profusion would reduce emissions.

A 2019 University of Oregon study had already revealed the empirical truth: Green energy doesn’t replace fossil fuels, it enables more energy consumption overall. That same year the EPA calculated that the potential emissions savings from subsidizing electric vehicles had been offset five times over by the pickup truck and SUV boom Team Obama facilitated to assure the success of its auto bailout.

Last year, the premier journal Science put a nail in the question: 96% of policies supported worldwide as “reducing” emissions failed to do so, consisting mostly of handouts to green-energy interests.

Monday, January 13, 2025

The Cheapest House in Victoria, British Columbia

The Cheapest House for sale in Victoria British Columbia today (January 13, 2025) is listed at:

That's 13.2 times Victoria's 2020 median household income of:

The total population of Victoria on July 31, 2023 is reported to have been precisely:

In 2024, Victoria is reported to have received 

Of whom

Migrants to Canada in 2024 included 471,771 permanent residents, adding 1.08% to the population

Canada's fertility rate in 2024 was 1.483 births per woman, the lowest ever recorded

The population replacement fertility rate is 2.1 births per woman

Canada is a dying nation, continually replacing its population with people from elsewhere

Sharply reducing the influx from elsewhere would give Canadians couples a better shot at finding affordable housing while they are still young and optimistic enough to have two, three, maybe even four, or five, or more kids. 

But for that we need intelligent political leadership which has been sadly lacking during the Trudeau years. Will the Poilievre Tories do better? If so, they will have to slow the influx of migrants to boost housing availability at affordable prices, and to reduce labor availability so as to drive up wages.

There are plenty of big, rich, powerful interests that will push back against any such changes. The transition required will be a true test of Poilievre's metal. 

As for the migrants to Canada, yes, for the most part, they are good people. But it is national suicide to pursue the Trudeau's policy of ever higher immigration rates that are driving the historic Canadian nation to extinction.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Why Elon Musk Loves Britain But Hates Keir Starmer, by David Starkey

Or to summarize: Musk champions Britain, or at least Britain's tradition of democratic freedom, because that is what gave rise to the world of incredible opportunity that Musk found on migrating to the US from South Africa (via Canada). That seems likely. And if so, it explains Musk's apparent intent to undermine Starmer who he must regard as a reactionary threat to the cultural tradition that, since the 1600s, has made Britain a transformational force throughout the World

Friday, January 10, 2025

Canadian Commandos Slaughtered in Ukraine

Why is Canada's participation in the Ukraine war never discussed in either Parliament or the national media?

Short answer: because democracy in Canada is a fraud. Or as remarked by British Prime Minister, David Lloyd George during the course of World War 1:
"If people really knew what is happening on the battlefield, the war would be stopped tomorrow. But of course they don't know, and can't know. The correspondents don't write and the censorship wouldn't pass the truth. What they do send is not the war, but just a pretty picture of the war with everybody doing gallant deeds. The thing is horrible and beyond human nature to bear and I feel I can't go on with this bloody business."
Needless to say, Lloyd George went on quite happily with the bloody business, remaining Prime Minister for as long as he could, as is the case with our very own wartime leader, Justin Trudeau whose multiple financial contributions on your and my behalf helps finance the ongoing bloody business in Ukraine.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Robert Jenrick, UK Conservative Shadow Justice Minister: Britain's Unpunished Rape Gangs & Their Enablers

To sustain order in multicultural Britain, the state considered it necessary to apply the law selectively.

For decades the most appalling crimes from predominantly British-Pakistani men were legalised and actively covered up to prevent disorder.

The rule of law was abandoned to sustain the myth that diversity is our strength, destroying the lives of thousands of vulnerable white working class girls in the process.

This appalling affair is the final nail in the coffin for liberals who still cling to the argument that Britain is an integration success story.

The scandal started with the onset of mass migration. Importing hundreds of thousands of people from alien cultures, who possess medieval attitudes towards women, brought us here. And after 30 years of this disastrous experiment, we now have entrenched sectarian voting blocs that make it electoral suicide for some MPs to confront this. This scandal shows why we must end it.

The foreign nationals responsible must be deported - no ifs, no buts. And the officials that covered up must be sent to jail for their appalling cowardice.

Even that won’t be enough for the victims.

Los Angeles Now: A Fitting End to Biden's Feckless Administration


Meantime, Biden pisses away another half billion in Ukraine to hurt Russia.

Bill Gates Calls for ‘Death Panels’ to Euthanize Citizens Not ‘Worthy of Healthcare’

Source: Slay News

Bill hardly looks to be a citizen "Worthy" of a whole bunch of Healthcare.

So come on Bill: lead the way. Off yerself now.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

In Politics There Are No Friends

Nigel Farage, founder of Britain's booming Reform Party, has called both Donald Trump and Elon Musk his friends. Moreover both Donald Trump and his leg man, Elon Musk, have spoken highly of Farage -- that is, until suddenly, they no longer do. Why the change in attitude? Evidently because Trump has decided to back Britain's Conservative Government, aka the Tories, not Farage's upstart Reformers, this despite the Reform Party having achieved parity in public support with the Tories.

Why has Trump abandoned his "friend" Farage? Probably because he sees Britain's Conservative Party making a comeback under the leadership of the feisty, pure Nigerian blooded, Kemi Badenock, daughter of a Nigerian political elite mother who flew to Britain a day before giving birth so that her child would have British birthright citizenship.

Kemi Badenock, born as Olukemi (later shortened to Kemi) Olufunto Adegoke, is certainly an impressive personality and a formidable opponent of Saint Keir Sanctimonious, leader of the British Government. More formidable, so Donald Trump has evidently concluded, than Nigel Farage, who now has reason to reflect on the truth of a remark by David Lloyd George, Britain's First-World-War Prime Minister: "In politics there are no friends."

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Dutch MP: ‘Population Replacement In the Netherlands is a Fact’ Also in Canada Britain and Across the West

"Without decisive action," to stem the flood of immigrants, claims Netherlands Parliamentarian, Gideon van Meijeren, "we will witness the erasure of our heritage and the dissolution of our communities."

During the Asylum and Migration Budget Debate for 2025, van Meijeren delivered a searing critique of the Netherlands’ immigration policy, exposing its devastating societal and cultural impacts. Central to his speech was his use of the term “population replacement,” a phrase that has sparked intense debate and controversy in the parliament, with prior motions even attempting to ban its use*.

[*The attempted censorship confirms that the genocide of the Dutch people by mass immigration and suppression of the fertility of the indigenous population is deliberate, treasonous policy.]

Meijeren, while acknowledging the humanitarian responsibility to aid those fleeing violence, pointed to the obvious fact that uncontrolled immigration over decades had led to disastrous consequences. Citing data assembled by the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), he highlighted a stark demographic shift: “Since 2000, the population of the Netherlands has grown by more than 2 million people, of whom about 95 percent are either migrants or the children of migrants. During the same period, the population of Dutch ethnic origins has decreased, with deaths exceeding births.”

Same in all the globalist-led nations, including Trudeau's Canada, Starmer's UK, Oaf Sholz's Germany, etc.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Farage Spurns Musk's Suggestion of Gold for Subservience

Elon Musk, a techie of vast wealth and apparent genius, has embarked on a course of political action demonstrating crass ineptitude to an astonishing degree. His idea, it seems, is to dictate the course of nations by purchasing the allegiance of its politicians, with talk of, here a hundred million dollars, there a hundred million dollars. But in the case of Britain's Nigel Farage, Musk has stubbed his toe. 

Farage is intent, evidently, on accomplishing what his millions of British supporters want; namely, to see an end to the flood of migrants to Britain's crowded shore; a flood currently flowing at the rate of more than a million a year, which is about 50% higher than the birth rate. Hence Farage's refusal of Musk's demand that he campaign for the release from prison of Tommy Robinson, otherwise known by his classier birth name, Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon. Robinson, who has protested mass migration to Britain, has also earned a string of criminal convictions and is currently serving an 18-month jail term after admitting to contempt of court in a long-running libel case involving a Syrian refugee.

So what Musk demanded of Farage, a demand that Farage declined, was to abandon his own campaign against mass immigration, a campaign that has brought the Reform Party, of which Farage is the leader, to a near dead heat opinion poll ranking with the opposition Conservative Party, in order to support a campaign for the release of a convict of dubious character who can only bring Farage and his Reform Party into disrepute. 

Adding to the foolishness, if not malice, Musk then swanned over to Germany to give a thumbs up to the Alternative für Deutschland, a polical party widely held to be tainted by Hitlerism. Farage's response to Musk's stupid comments has been remarkably mild, demonstrating thereby that whereas Musk can be an idiot and an intellectual thug, Farage is a seasoned, astute, and rather forgiving politician. 

Taki's Mag: Reap On, Elon

The Spectator: Elon Musk is not a friend worth having

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Dark Energy May Not Exist: Something Stranger Might Explain The Universe

There might not be a mysterious 'dark' force accelerating the expansion of the Universe after all. The truth could be much stranger – bubbles of space where time passes at drastically different rates.

The passage of time isn't as constant as our experience with it suggests. Areas of higher gravity experience a slower pace of time compared with areas where gravity is weaker, a fact that could have some pretty major implications on how we compare rates of cosmic expansion according to a recently developed model called timescape cosmology.

Discrepancies in how fast time passes in different regions of the Universe could add up to billions of years, giving some places more time to expand than others. When we look at distant objects through these time-warping bubbles, it could create the illusion that the expansion of the Universe is accelerating.

Two new studies have analyzed more than 1,500 supernovae to investigate how likely the concept could be.

Read More 

Friday, January 3, 2025

"Should be in Prison": Britain's "Safeguarding" Minister Refuses to Investigate Rape Gangs

 The UK's Labour party is under fire for its refusal to back a public inquiry into historic sexual abuse by grooming gangs in Oldham, with critics accusing the party of prioritizing political optics over justice for victims.

The decision has sparked outrage, with Elon Musk branding it "disgraceful" and Conservative leader Kemi Badenoch calling for a long-overdue national inquiry into rape gangs. "2025 must be the year the victims start to get justice," Badenoch declared.

At the center of the controversy is Labour’s safeguarding minister Jess Phillips, who insisted that the decision to launch an investigation was "for Oldham Council alone."

Jess Phillips

This comes despite a 2022 report revealing that children in Oldham were failed by agencies meant to protect them amid allegations of grooming by “predominantly Pakistani offenders” in council homes, shisha bars, and taxis.

Oldham Council’s Labour group previously agreed to support an independent inquiry, even writing to Phillips twice to urge the Home Office to back the move.

Read more

Tommy Robinson Speaks Out from Prison

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Time To X X?

Elon Musk Continues to Demonetize Critics on X, Remove Their Blue Checkmarks

They Lost Their Blue Checkmarks!

Quelle horreur

A penalty hardly to be borne

But they're welcome to comment here, and we'll give them a red and white checkmark
canadian flag from


About Musk's bud, Vivek

And Unrelated (for news junkies with long memories):

Musk Slams British PM Starmer for Failing to Go After Child Grooming Gangs in the UK

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Crime and Nourishment

By Valerie Anne Smith

In Prisons, Replacing Junk Food With Whole Foods Reduced Violence By 80%

In Juvenile Detention Centers, Replacing Junk Food With Whole Foods Reduced Violence By 91%

Food is the most powerful intervention for mental health & behavior. "If You Give Prisoners Healthy Food, Swapping Out All The Crap They Eat In Prisons, There’s A 56% Reduction In Violent Crime. If You Add A Multivitamin, It’s An 80% Reduction. Because They Are All Nutritionally Depleted." 

The same has been done with adolescents in juvenile detention centers with clinical trials. The kids are disruptive, violent, aggressive, oppositional & suicidal. Stopping the SAD diet filled with Ultra Processed Foods & seed oils, instead giving them whole foods, there was a 91% reduction in all violent behavior, oppositional behavior, the need for restraints went down & suicide went down 100%. 

Suicide is the third leading cause of death in that age group, it went down 100% — no suicides. "The SAD (Standard American Diet), full of Ultra Processed Foods, excess carbohydrates, sugar & seed oils, disconnects the Amygdala from the frontal lobe of the brain. The frontal lobe is the grown up in the room, the adult — your higher self. The Amygdala is part of your reptile brain, your lizard brain. It’s going to fight or flee. Physiologically these parts of the brain are connected. But what happens if you eat crap, they get disconnected. And so you’re constantly reacting from your Amygdala with no grownup in the room. Which is why we see this level of divisiveness and hatred & all the upheaval we’re seeing in society now.

So if the prime cause of violence in our society is the unregulated sale of junk food and widespread vitamin deficiency, we must accept that our governing authorities are hopelessly unaware of the scientific realities relating to the issues on which they legislate. For apparently, the only action required to achieve virtual elimination of violent crime, suicide and juvenile delinquency is to prohibit the sale of junk food and toxic seed oils. But no level of government does a thing to this end.

Althernatively, the same objective might be largely achieved by massively high (several hundred percent) taxes on these toxic products, plus mandatory inclusion of vitamins in multiple basic food sources. But don't hold your breath for any action from Justdim Trudeau or any of the other dummies in Ottawa seeking to take Justdim's place. Meantime, watch out for folks at large and under the influence of French fries and candy. 


Sunday, December 29, 2024

Are You What Elon Musk Calls a "Hateful Unrepentant Racist"?

In a statement concerning the opposition of some Republicans to immigration of tech workers to the US, Elon Musk stated:

"Hateful, Unrepentant Racists" Should Be Removed from the Republican Party "Root and Stem"

But the meaning of this statement is not at all clear.

For one thing, why does Musk qualify "Racist" with the term "Unrepentant"?

My guess is that he does so for the same reason he would never refer to a liberal with views similar to his own as "unrepentant," repentance being only for those who are in the wrong. So to talk of an "unrepentant racist" is simply a fancy way of saying that a racist is someone who is willfully wrong, or as one might say, "depraved."

For another thing, why exactly does Musk call racists "Hateful"? The term is ambiguous. It can mean filled with hate or, quite differently, deserving of hatred. Is Musk even sure what he means? Perhaps he is merely seeking to establish his PC moral cred, in which case the actual meaning, if any, is irrelevant. But if he means to convey a significant message, then he needs to speak more clearly. But since we are unlikely to receive clarification of his statement from Musk himself, we'll do our best here to unravel its meaning here.

To a liberal, the implication that a racist person is corrupt or depraved may be an article of faith. But is it correct? To answer that, we need to be clear as to what a "Racist" is. That's difficult to state succinctly because the term has more than one definition. Merriam-Webster's dictionary, for example, says a racist is:

someone who holds the belief that race is a fundamental determinant of human traits and capacities.

Rather differently, however, the Cambridge Dictionary says that a racist is someone who:

believes that their race makes them better, more intelligent, more moral, etc. than people of other races.

Thus, according to Webster, a racist is simply an unrepentant scientific realist. But Musk is surely not presuming to repudiate the science of evolutionary biology. Therefore, we must conclude that his disdain is directed at racists of the Cambridge Dictionary variety, aka racial supremacists.

Inconveniently for Musk, however, it is the case that the human races do differ objectively in many respects including moral precepts, intellect, and physique. To take one of a vast number of possible examples, Australian aborigines are good at finding their way in the bush, a capacity related to the fact that they have a larger visual cortex than either mine or yours dear reader. They are, in other words, in some particular way at least, more intelligent, intellectually superior one might say, to other races.

Furthermore, vast cultural differences may divide racial groups, as for example between adherents of, say, Western, aka Christian, civilization, and practitioners of Voodoo.

As the result of natural selection operating in different environments and in response to random genetic change, human populations that have long existed in relative isolation differ from one another not only culturally but genetically. As a result, these long separated human populations, aka races, can be differentiated on numerous scales from IQ, to cultural sophistication, and from cranial capacity to skin color and resistance to cancer due to solar radiation. These differences have huge implications for the consequences of human population migration. Humans, like all living creatures, exist only as the result of perpetual reproduction. Loss of the capacity to reproduce, whether by a species, a race, a variety, or a family means extinction. Thus, when populations migrate to places already populated they threaten the survival of the resident population by competing for the resources necessary to existence.

If migrants to an inhabited area look and behave like the locals, friction will be at a minimum. But when migrants look or behave differently than the natives, then expect trouble. Each of the Earth's multitude of life forms pesists only by maintaining their gene pool from one generation to the next. Through competition for living space and other resources mass human immigration reduces the reproductive opportunity of a native population. Immigration is thus always a threat. Moreover, immigration not only reduces the size of the native gene pool by reducing the resources available to support the native population, it also transforms the native gene pool through interracial breeding.

It is because ordinary folk understand its consequences for their own race that anywhere and everywhere they push back against mass immigration -- for example, against the ten million illegals to the US during Biden's last year, or several million mostly unemployed migrants to Starmer's Britain. So what Musk calls "Hateful Unrepentant Racism" is what any Darwinian will recognize as adaptive behavior conducive to the perpetuation of a native population, its genes, its culture, language, and religion undiluted by genetic and cultural introjection.


LOL, Steve Bannon calls Musk a globalist: "You'd take a cheque from Adolph Hitler."

Meantime, Musk has doubled down, stating: "The reason I’m in America along with so many critical people who built SpaceX, Tesla and hundreds of other companies that made America strong is because of H1B. Take a big step back and FUCK YOURSELF in the face. I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot…"

Such comment makes clear why, despite the cash they might bring to the table, appointing a tech tycoon with Aspergers to any significant political role would be a mistake.

And Musk is mistaken if he thinks that it's the trickle of genius migrants to which ordinary folk in any country object. It's not. It's the mass immigration of cheap labor, such as the the nine-dollar-an-hour Indian programmers (and here) who wrote the so-called MCAS software that crashed two Boeing 737s in 2019. These people, like the migrants to Britain who account for 42% of the National Health Service's staff, compete directly with native labor, driving down wages and driving up unemployment, while they compete with the native working class for housing, thus driving the cost of housing sky high.


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