Sunday, October 13, 2024

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Why IQ Matters in Politics


Soviet-Style Psychology Brought Back to Life in Trudeau's Canada

Here is a link to Jordan Peterson's  entertaining National Post article -- entertaining, that is, for those who enjoy black humor -- relating the efforts of the Ontario College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts to enforce its plan to re-educate the said Peterson, Canada's best known, indeed only publicly known, pyschologist. Ostensibly, the College's efforts to re-educate Dr. Peterson are aimed at preventing him in future from expressing publicly his opinion on such matters as Bill C-16, which, so Peterson suggests,"should have been entitled Legislation to Convince Vulnerable and Alienated Girls to have their Breasts Sliced Off.”

Naturally, it is annoying to those who advocate the mutilation of thirteen-year-olds to have a well known personality in their own field of specialization opposing their view and even suggesting that there is something, well, basically perverted about the whole idea. And indeed it must be doubly annoying to practitioners of a profession that sees itself as possessing the means to cure every kind of wrong think from seeing pink elephants to questioning the wit and wisdom of Justin Trudeau. 

But what must really underlie the annoyance of the Ontario College of Psychologists and Behaviour Analysts is that almost no one has heard of them or gives a fig for what they think, whereas many millions throughout the World have heard of Jordan Peterson and actually know, and find of interest, what he has to say. 

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Pleb Gives N.Y. Times Opinionator, Paul Krugman, a Dose of Realism

WATCH: Activist Obliterates “No-Ball” Quack ‘Economist’ Paul Krugman in Explosive Speech on the Economy and Hurricane Helene During Event at a Local College in New York City

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Want to See UK/US NATO Operatives on the Ground in Ukraine Launch Long-Range Missiles Deep Into Russia? Goodbye London.


The continued Western provocation of Moscow via Ukraine will eventually force Vladimir Putin to use tactical nuclear weapons against Western targets, according to former Putin advisor and political analyst Sergei Markov.

In a recent interview with Times Radio (United Kingdom), Markov worried out loud about the endgame of all this tension and escalation as the West keeps on poking the bear despite repeated warnings that these provocations will not go unpunished.

"You want to target your rocket missiles to Russian cities, to kill our people, and you, Great Britain, are going to do it. And you think we will keep silent?" Markov said.

In the event that Ukraine uses Shadow Storm missiles inside Russia, Moscow will have no choice but to launch tactical nuclear weapons on NATO airfields in Ukraine, as well as on British territory.

"You want to have war? Go ahead," he added.


Monday, September 23, 2024

The handshake that killed over 600,000 Ukrainians.

Putin Threatens Armageddon: Biden Backs Off

Losing his war with Russia badly, Zelensky's sought to hand it off to NATO by making Ukraine the launch pad for NATO missile strikes deep inside Russia.

Low-IQ NATO enthusiasts such as Kwier Stormer and Justintelligent (Barely) Trudeau applauded.

But then Putin drew Biden's attention to Russia's nuclear war doctrine:

Threaten the survival of the Russian state and the nukes fly: all of them.

Biden, though in evident cognitive decline, got the message. So no mushroom clouds in your neighborhood -- for now.

Meantime, Zelensky, in America. snears at those who oppose the launch of World War Three on behalf of his shitty, self-destructing, lunatic-asylum country.

Pray for Peace, as the Madmen of the West are About to Plunge the World into a Mass-Death Scenario

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Justin Trudeau For World War III

So when NATO follows our Justin's advice and lobs a missile deep inside Russian territory, you folks on Parliament Hill should remember that Putin can take out the Peace Tower with a world-circling, nuclear-powered cruise missile.

Germany insists it won't give Ukraine long-range missiles

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The 9/11 Hoax

When I was in school in the early 1950's, the head of my school took a sabbatical in Moscow, Russia. On his return he was asked what life was like for ordinary Russians, to which he replied that  the Russian people, were "living with lies."  Today, the American people suffer likewise. 
Is The Migrant Invasion Part Of The Cloward-Piven Strategy To Collapse The Nation? That's certainly consistent with Justin Trudeau's manifest desire to rule as a dictator -- Just like Xi of China, whose regime he so much admires. 

Justin Trudeau's 'foolish' China remarks spark anger
Actually not "foolish" but evil. Trudeau was quite explicit: he really wants to be the Canadian Dictator. 

Enabling A "Brutus" To Slay The Elon Musk "Caesar"

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Billionaires For More Babies: How to Feed Them (the babies that is)

 Both Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos say that the human population needs to be greatly increased. Their argument summarized is that "If we had a trillion people we would have a thousand Mozarts at any one time." 

Apart from the implied assumption that a decent quality of life could be maintained in a world with one hundred times as many people as exist on Earth today, the claim is startling in its assumption that such a massive increase in population density is even feasible. But remarkably, as I show here, it probably is. 

The Earth's surface area is five hundred million square kilometers. Of that, dry land accounts for only one third, or one hundred and sixty-six million square kilometers. Of that total land area, only about two-thirds, or about 11 billion hectares, might ever be considered habitable.

An increase in global population from the current seven billion persons to one trillion would mean a reduction in habitable land per person from 17,000 square meters to just 110 square meters, or less than half the size of a tennis court. A bit crowded that at about twice the density of present-day Greater London, although still three times as spacious as Manhattan Island. 

Which raises the question, where would food be grown. Well, consider Manhattan, all residents could be accomodated in a total of 444 100-storey tower apartments with an average of 36 residents per floor. Occupying just 5% of Manhattan's total area, these buildings would leave nearly all of the Island free for agriculture and recreation. 

Alternatively,  the entire population of Manhattan might be accomodated in a total of just 16 one-mile-high buildings such as proposed by Frank Lloyd Wright.  

So one trillion people could be accommodated on around one-third of the world's habitable land leaving the remaining two-thirds unoccupied. 

But this may not be the optimal arrangement. Why live on the land at all? The oceans cover twice as much of the Earth's surface as the land. So why not create floating structures, fully engineered human habitats, where transportation, resource-use efficiency, and food production can be optimized? That would leave the World's continents free for recreation. 

The oceans could be colonized by the creation of a network of "floats" arranged around "lagoons" in the shelter of which all kinds of much less massive floating structures could be safely harbored. Thus, for example, a network of hexagonal lagoons surrounded by floats 10 km long and one km wide. If each float were occupied at the density of present-day Manhattan Island, each floating cell would accomodate 1.1 million people, or about 3,666 people per square kilometer of ocean surface. At that density, one trillion people would occupy about 273 million square kilometers or about 80% of the entire ocean surface area. 

Much of the ocean is not well suited to human occupation, because of low temperatures, stormy weather, etc. It would be necessary, therefore, to raise the population density to around 7,500 per square km, which is comparable to the density of today's Greater London. This could be achieved by covering around 5% of the area of each lagoon with houseboats. The rest of the lagoon would be available for floating factories, farms, and solar panels.


 Current global energy consumption is around 2.5 kW per person. At that rate the Trillion Person World (TPW) would require 2,300 TW of power, or about 154 times as much as currently produced worldwide. Oil reserves are about to run out. Gas and coal reserves, though much greater than those of oil, would not last until the transition to a TPW. Nuclear fusion might provide energy for a TPW, but solar power will be adequate. 

The Earth's receives a year-round-average of around 0.25 KW of solar radiation per square meter. The total solar energy imput to earth is, therefore, 1.25 ✕ 108 TW, or just over eight thousand times current energy consumption and 50 times the anticipated requirement of the TPW. Thus, assuming advanced solar cells with an energy conversion efficiency of 50%, the entire energy requirement of the TPW could be met with solar cells covering about 2% of the Earth's surface. 


Human food requirements vary with body weight, age, and activity. For an entire population, I will assume an average consumption of 2400 Calories oer day, which is equal to 2.79KWh per day, or as a rate, 0.116KW.

All human food is, directly or indirectly,  of plant origin and therefore its energy content derives from the conversion of solar radiation. Plants vary in the efficiency with which they convert solar radiation into the chemical energy of biomass. The highest conversion efficiency under ideal conditions is around 7%, although for field-grown plants year-round efficiencies are lower: probably around 2%. However, only about half of crop biomass comprises edible matter. Therefore, humans derive energy fromn sunlight falling on cultivated crops with an overall efficiency of about 1%. 

To derive 0.116 KW of energy from sunlight by way of a vegetarian diet, each human thus requires a year-round mean solar energy flux of about 11 KW, which equals the sunlight falling on approximately 40 square meters of the Earth's surface in the temperate and tropical zones. 

Today, arable crop lands comprise around 11% of earth's land area, or just under 16 million square kilometers. That is only 39% of the area needed to feed one trillion people with a vegetarian diet. However, the land area devoted to arable crops is a function of demand. If food demand increases, so also will the area of land developed for crop production. Urban expansion at the expense of crop land may be reversed. Lower grades of land will be converted to arable production. Mountain sides may be terraced, deserts irrigated, swamps drained, forests cleared. A 150% increase in the proportion of the Earth's land area devoted to crop production, from 10% to 25% of total area, is thus quite feasible given sufficient time and capital. 

Theoretically, therefore, a population of one trillion could be fed, barely, by extension of conventional field crop production. However, food production need not be limited to the land, and if most of the population is located on the ocean, food production will likely also take place there. 

Populations living on floats surrounding a network of oceanic lagoons, would grow food crops within the shelter of the lagoons on low-cost floating structures. Most crops would likely be protected by greenhouses, which by optimizing climatic conditions, achieve the most efficient use of solar radiation. With only modest advances in crop plant genetics, and crop management techniques, one could expect light utiliztion efficiency of three to four percent, meaning that a minimal diet for one trillion people could be produced with a growing space of about 11 million square kilometers. That is about 8% of the ocean surface covered by the proposed network of lagoons, or an average of about 2,000 hectares (4,500 acres) per lagoon. 

An implication of the foregoing calculations is that global food production could be increased to support a population of two, four, or even eight trillion. Beyond that point food production would be limited by the solar radiation interecepted by the Earth: a limit that could be exceeded only by the adoption of a radical new energy source for food production. 


For a population living near the ocean, water supply is not a significant problem as sea water desalination by reverse osmosis is cheap, around $0.60 per cubic meter, or six one hundredths of a cent per liter. This is much less than the cost of desalinated water on land because it avoids the energy cost of pumping desalinated water up hill, which over a significant elevation greatly exceeds the cost of desalination.  

In a totally engineered floating habitat, the cost of fresh water should be well below that of desalinated sea water, as sanitary, industrial and agricultural sources of waste water, plus rainwater would would flow into separate sewer systems each to be purified in the most efficient way, with the recoverty of useful constituents, including metal ions, and plant nutrients. 

Other Resources

The main resources required in the construction of a floating habitat are abundant: these include limestone from which to manufacture cement, and sand from which the concrete floats would be built. Use of aerated concrete would reduce the quantity of concrete used and make all floating structures unsinkable, even if flooded. 

The demand for other resources, in particular metals and feedstocks for plastics and organic chemicals would be enormous compared with the present day. However, structures and processes would be designed to minimize the requirement for limiting resources. Plastics made from plant matter such as cellulose and starch would likely be used widely, as would abundant metals such as aluminum and iron, the third and fourth most abundant elements in the Earth's crust. 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Canada's Reproductive Failure

 Canadians are a dying nation with a death rate twice the birth rate.

Canada's rapid population growth despite a dying population is driven by mass immigration.

The immigrants, no doubt good people for the most part, have no hereditary relationship with the historic Canadian nation. They are a replacement for the historic Canadian nation, which, under the psychopatic leadership of the Trudeauvian Liberal Party, is being quietly driven to extinction. 

For the survival of the Canadian nation, Canada needs not more immigrants but more babies. But this would cost. More maternity hospital beds, more schools and universities. Thus say the Trudeauvians, better to import people fully grown with expertise, diplomas and university degrees acquired at some other nation's expense. 

Thus Canada lives by the infusion of talent from other nations, the newcomers themselves becoming part of a dying nation. 

What to do?

The election of a Conservative government headed by Pierre Poilievre, the bastard child of an unmarried teenager, might be a good start. But what is the Conservative Party's population policy? Will a Tory government get the condom dispensers out of high school washrooms? Will they outlaw abortion as birth control?

Contrary to Trudeau's genocidal policy of mass immigration, Canada should slash immigration rates to improve employment opportunity and lower housing costs for the native-born, with positive effects on the fertility of native-born Canadians. Such measures should be maintained until such time as the fertility rate catches up with the death rate. The rest of the West, dying nations including Germany, Britain, France, Italy, and the United States, need to adopt similar measures. 

Here, for Germany, is how the West's drive for national suicide looks in a chart: 


Friday, September 6, 2024

Kamala's Multi-Talented Veep

Here's the man only a heart-beat away from the American Presidency and the "Leadership of the Free World."

It’s truly unsettling to think that he might have the opportunity to help lead America. #VOTETRUMPVANCE2024
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But the good news: 

Phew. Thank heaven for that.



After Motorcade Involved In Fender Bender, Tim Walz Adds Purple Heart To Resume

Reporter who asked Kamala a question charged with hate crime