Saturday, June 16, 2012

Oregon State U fires Author of Slide Show: "Global Warming Cracked Open"

Oregon State University chemist, Dr. Nickolas Drapela, who created the slide show Global Warming Cracked Open has been summarily fired from his position as a “Senior Instructor” in the Department of Chemistry.

According to Gordon Fulkes, writing at WUWT "The department chairman Richard Carter told [Drapela] that he was fired but would not provide any reason. Subsequent attempts to extract a reason from the OSU administration have been stonewalled. Drapela appears to have been highly competent and well-liked by his students. Some have even taken up the fight to have him reinstated."

Dr. Drapela's slide show is concerned not with the science of global warming, or lack thereof, but with the politics. It asserts that under the leadership of Piss Prize winners such as Barack Obama and Al Gore, the World is being driven to accept a fascist New World Order that will mean the destruction of the nations of the World, Israel apparently to be excepted, with the elimination of most of the World's population through cultural, psychological and economic means.

I agree. Naturally, Dr. Drapela had to go.

 Via WRH

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