Civilization in all its magnificent complexity requires collaboration not only among family, friends and neighbors, but among strangers. That is possible only with a civilized people, which is to say a people that adheres to a universal moral code.
That code, in basic form, is this:
The Universal Moral Code:
1. Don't lie 2. Don't steal 3. Don't shag your neighbor's wife 4. Don't kill people
And, reinforcing the second and third commandments:
5. Don't even think about stealing your neighbor's ox or his ass or grabbing his wife's ass
And, reinforcing those ideas:
6. Respect your parents (i.e., the conservatives who are the upholders of the moral tradition)
7. Honor the source of moral authority
8. Have no allegiance to any but the one true moral authority
9. Don't engage in idolatry, i.e., the worship of money, or celebrities, or any material thing including nature (Gaia) herself
10. Take one day each week to rest and to reflect on how well your conduct conforms to the code
The code of civilized people allows harmonious and productive collaboration among total strangers, people who may live far from one another, speak different languages and worship different gods.
In addition to this code, the Christianized peoples of Europe — the people who created the greatest civilization the world has yet seen — added another rule, a rule that was never formulated as a rule but which was widely adopted by a process of emulation.
11. Be prepared to sacrifice your own interest for the good of others.
This last was the essential novelty that Christianity introduced into the relations among men, a rule exemplified by the master of it all, Jesus of Nazareth, who so the Church has always taught, "died for our sins." What that means, simply, is that Jesus underwent crucifixion as a necessary prelude to the miracle of resurrection, thereby showing sinful mankind that there really was a God in heaven into whose kingdom they might enter.
But today the Western nations have trashed Christ and thereby destroyed faith in the Christian moral code, including the notion of self-sacrifice for the good of the others. The media exist to lie as a means of plutocratic government control, not as a means to broadcast the truth. Words uttered in public, are seen by the elite as instruments to control the conduct of the proles, not as a means to communicate truth.
And indeed the views that deception is the primary use of language has now become almost universal. Mark Twain held that the essence of a joke is a lie badly told, a principle well exemplified by any episode of the Seinfeld sitcom. And the popularity of Seinfeld proves both how normal lying has become, and how little folks seem to care.
Theft may still, in principle, be deplored, yet there is a widespread belief that wealth is unfairly distributed and should be redistributed by the force of law, which is to say, a sort of collective theft justified on the basis of some political process.
As for adultery,
its depiction is mainstream entertainment and hence a most powerful incitement to sexual covetousness.
As for coveting one's neighbor's ox or his ass, the average person may see as many as 5000 ads per day, a more potent stimulus to envy and unsatisfied material desire than seeing your neighbors ox over the fence.
Honor of parents is, of course, to be derided and indeed legally obstructed, since it results in adherence to out-dated, sexist, racist, misogynistic, homophobic, Islamophobic, you name it, deplorable ideas.
As for honoring God, forget it. The Christian God has been unmasked. He is that old, ignorant, vain, sadistic racist bastard, the Jewish god, Yahweh. No, the source of moral authority today is the academy. The professors of Women's studies, Gender studies, and of many other faculties beside, where upholders of the Christian tradition are as rare as the Great Auk. In today's Western university it is vastly more respectable to be an anti-white racist than an upholder of traditional Christian belief.
Hence my question. Which do you prefer: self control based on acceptance of Christian ideology, the traditional religion of the West; or external control, based on snitchery, brainwashing as education, and legally enforced political correctness? It is a choice between, on the one hand, self-control based in Christian faith, and, on the other hand, external control leading inevitably to a high-tech slave state, where freedom of thought must die and speech be controlled.
China, a great nation with a tradition of adherence to the words of the wise, and subservience to age and authority, has opted for
a system of high-tech surveillance combined with reliance on
millions of informers, a return to among the most horrendous features of Communist dictatorship. The West is clearly moving in the same direction: our emails are scanned for incriminating words and permanently recorded by intelligence agencies for later review, our conversations are overheard by Amazon's Alexa, or our Android cell phone, constantly urging us to initiate a conversation by saying "OK Google." Even lampposts in England
now have ears, so morally degraded has become the home of Western freedom.
So will we abandon Western civilization, a civilization that
it was the intention of Western globalists to spread throughout the world? Or will we succumb to a tech-based system of tyranny? In the Western World, the choice is still ours to make, or so it would be if people understood there was a decision to make.